1st Race Back + Very Important Question!

Another day, another run!  The girls were awake with Andrew before I got home so when they saw me they sprinted outside to tell me all about what cereal they ate for breakfast, that Beretta was snoring on the rug and how we should go to the dollar store that afternoon.

Oh how I wish I didn’t scratch the face of my watch!  I was able to run with Emilee and Maddie and our runs together never feel long enough because there is so much more we need to talk about.

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Beck keeps growing out of his clothes and he needs to slow down on that so I can keep soaking up this stage.

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Skye and I found our new favorite snack (if you can call it that;).  We put our leftover peanut butter frosting on top of apple slices.  It was a winning combination.

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Just the normal mid-morning activities occurred…

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Along with a walk in 45 degree weather.

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It feels like it has been AGES since I last set up my clothes and gear the night before a race…

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I’ve really missed racing a lot (I’m sure most runners have too).  I decided on my first postpartum race and I’m really excited about it—> Utah Valley 10k.  Assuming that things are safe and the race is able to be held, I can’t wait to get a chance to do this race again!  It still is a ways away (June) but I love having a race goal to work towards.  My friends will all be doing this marathon so I’ll be able to run the 10k and then cheer them on for their race.  I definitely want to work on my 5k and 10k speed before I bump up in the half or the full marathon again but I’m excited to work towards this goal.

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I think I will get Beck this to wear to the race:

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A very important question for you today… Which banana would you choose?  I would choose 9 and Andrew would choose 4!

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Are smaller races being held in your area this year?  When do you think the big marathons will start up again?

#1 favorite cereal currently?

-Cinnamon Life.

Do you set out your running clothes the night before or get them out when you are getting ready to go?

-I always set them out the night before because it feels like too big of a task to do when I wake up ha.

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Omg Beck looks so much like Brooke in that first photo!!


He totally does! I didn’t realize that until i saw your comment and I totally agree. Have the best day Caitlin!


8 or 9 to eat, but 15 for banana bread!

Some smaller races are happening here, but I hope bigger ones are on by fall!


And now I need some banana bread! I hope so too… wouldn’t that be great to have them going again?! Have the best day Mariah!


One thing I like about living in Florida is getting dressed in the morning is easy- almost always the same thing (shorts and tank top- MAYBE a long sleeve top sometimes in the winter) so i don’t bother to set the clothes out the night before. My husband does though- it helps him get out the door quicker.
For some reason I’m just noticing it but Skye’s hair got really long! Definitely not a baby or even a toddler any more- she looks more like the big kids!


I would choose #7 for sure. My #1 cereal currently is Honey Bunches of Oats with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. So good! I hope you guys have a fantastic Wednesday!


I forgot about honey bunches of oats… I need to pick some up asap. Thank Kimberly and I hope your day is a great one!


Hey Jenny! I love that you get short and tank top weather all year and I agree, that makes it so much easier to grab stuff and go.
Teach me how to run through your humidity though haha. I know… the last week or so it feels like she is going to be leaving me for kindergarten any minute. It zooms by! I hope you are having a beautiful day and get in some sunshine for me:)


I’m with Andrew and anything after 6 is banana bread!

I decide what to wear the morning of, but I live in a small city so races are small and don’t start super early (lots of time to get ready in the morning).

How is Beck doing on his early milestones (laughing, social smiling) compared to the older kids? My second baby is 14 weeks and so different from my first!!!


HEY PAM! Congrats on your 14 week old! That is a great question… He is definitely so much more chill than the others! He is doing a lot of social smiling but not laughing yet. He isn’t into pushing up often on tummy time which seems much different than Brooke and Skye but I need to go back on my posts to remember what the girls did. I hope you are getting sleeping and having a beautiful morning. Thanks Pam!


I would choose banana #5… But just wanted to tell you about the PB “frosting” I make to dip apple slices into… It’s just 2 parts greek yogurt to 1 part PB (or powdered PB if you have it). Stir and enjoy! It’s healthy fats and proteins and it honestly is like frosting! Have a great day!


This sounds amazing! I have PB Fit and need to try this ASAP!


I absolutely need to try that. Thanks so much Carly and I hope you have a great day!


Hi Janae,

Thank you for your daily blog. I look forward to it each day. I totally understand about watch face scratches! Why can’t a brand make a scratch free face?

I hope you you don’t mind being a travel agent, but if I was to come into town for the Utah Valley Marathon from San Jose I assume I fly into SLC right? Where should we stay? Thank you for any advice you can provide.

Have a great day!


Hey Veronica! Thank you for your sweet comment, that means a lot and I agree… we need a scratch free face for a watch. YAY, I hope you do come for the race. Would love to meet you. I would fly into SLC but if there are any flights to the provo airport I would do that (it’s a small airport so not sure if San Jose flies in to them anymore). I would stay in downtown provo! That is where the busses pick up for the half and full marathon which would make it so easy. There is a Marriot there and I think that is where the expo is too. Have a beautiful day and let me know what you decide!


Ooh, #7 on the bananas!

I love cinnamon toast crunch, or golden grahams mixed with plain cheerios (I can’t explain why this combination is so good, but IT IS. Especially with a sliced banana).

I get my running clothes out at night, too . . . if I’m already getting up early to run, I don’t need the extra step in the morning! Sooo much easier when I just want to turn the alarm off. For races, I am really paranoid about forgetting something and will start getting organized a few days before!


YES, that extra step just makes it feel like too much work ha. I am going to try your combo, thank you so much… I’m always looking for new cereal mixtures. Have the best day Kristin!


Banana 6 or 7 are perfect. The ones after 9 are definitely for banana bread.
Beck is growing so fast!! But he’s starting to get into that fun interactive stage. The girls are going to love that ?
No races at all happening here yet. The LA marathon is supposed to happen in May, so everyone is keeping their fingers crossed. I’m not running it this year, but will be excited to see it take place! The half marathon I was supposed to run on Feb 7 got moved to Sept. 11, so hoping that will happen. I wonder if the little 4th of July runs in several surrounding areas will still go? I guess we will see.
Have a good Wednesday.


He really is… it’s so fun seeing him get happy when the kids come in the room etc. I would love to see the LA marathon happen too and I really really hope that you get to do your half in September. Thanks so much Wendy and I hope your day is going great so far!


I am with you on number 9 – with no green. I recall hearing somewhere that riper bananas are more nutritious?

Smaller races have been happening here for several months, my son ran in a few 10K’s recently. I would think bigger races might start up in the fall or winter – but I still think they will be somewhat down-sized.

I am more into breakfast smoothies now, but my go to cereal is Heritage Flakes – boring choice but low sugar. (I like to save my sugar grams for something better like cookies!)

In the past I did set my running clothes out the night before. I have 3 races I am signed up for this year since I deferred them from last year (a 10K, a 5K, and a half). I am debating walking them or bowing out. I can still run/walk a bit with my unloader brace (although my knee doc does not recommend running in it, lol). I walked 4 miles last night with it and my knee is a bit sore this morning, but not too bad. (I can walk fine without it all day long with no knee pain – the brace is just for more physical activities like longer hikes or walks to offload the medial side of my knee joint. Some people even use this type of brace to play basketball or football.)

Have a great day!


Good to know about the riper bananas:). That is so great that your area is having some smaller races and that your son has been able to do them. Good call on saving the sugar for cookies. I was wondering if you could still run/walk… keep me updated if you do them this year. I’m glad your knee isn’t too bad after last night! PS I AM LOVING the sleep book that you recommended to me and had to laugh when he said he might be the only author that is happy if you fall asleep while reading it ha.


Haha, yup, I found the sleep book fascinating. The worst thing about reading it is – I bet you will find yourself bugging Andrew to make sure he gets his 7 hours minimum of sleep in if he doesn’t! Although, with his medical background, I am sure he will agree with you if he reads the book also.

I’ve already started being more concerned about my sleep – as well as my wife and kids!


Happy Wednesday!! When I saw the first picture of Beck, I immediately thought he looks just like Brooke!
Banana # 2 or maybe 3 for me – I like them when they are still a little green.
No in person races around here yet; hopefully sometime in the summer or maybe the fall. Fingers crossed!
Fave cereal at the moment is Cinnamon Cheerios – dry or with milk, they’re good :o)
I only lay my running clothes out the night before a race. Otherwise, I pick them out “day of” – I can’t guarantee any sort of coordinated choices with early runs though.


That will make Brooke so happy when I tell her that you said this:). I forgot about cinnamon cheerios, those things are amazing. Haha I can’t guarantee any sort of coordinated choices when I get them out the night before either:). Have a beautiful day!


Banana # 9! (My hubs would pick 4 too).

Always lay out running gear the night before a race!

I don’t eat a lot of cereal, but I just saw that larabar is making cereal now, and I would like to try it. Probably as a yogurt topping.

Happy Wednesday ?


6 for the banana. I almost always lay them out the night before…mostly because I know I’m going to stay in bed till the last second & my husband and kids will still be sleeping.
We just signed up for a slightly bigger half marathon in April but they capped the field at 2500 and 1500 for the full. There are some smaller races being held but they are capping participation at around 150.


7 for me, and Chris would gag a little just looking at the picture.

Cinnamon Life is a favorite in our house too. It is no exaggeration to say there are probably 6 boxes of it in our pantry as we speak.


I would choose banana 6! I like a little green on them, but they need to be yellow, too! I wanted to share about garmin screen protectors for your next watch…depending on the model and the way the glass is shaped, you can buy tempered glass screen protectors, or liquid skin ones (they go on similar to window tinting). My forerunner 235 had a flat screen and used SuperShieldz tempered glass protectors. They were wonderful. My new vivoactive 4s has curved glass and uses a liquid skin type called IQ Shield. Both are at Amazon!


Oh I would most certainly chose 8 or 9 to nibble on and anything from 10-15 goes in pancakes or bread!
We’ve had some small trail and road races here and there and they seem to be working out ok! Every race has a smaller cap on it, staggered start times, no finish line hangs, only medical aid at aid stations and you have to wear a mask at the start, through aid stations and at the end. I think marathons are going to start up again this summer depending on COVID #’s.
I’m not sure when I’ll be ready to race though. I deferred a race last August to this August so at the very least, I’ll do that one!
I’m so tired when I get up to run that I HAVE to set them out the night before! In the winter though I’m usually still having to scramble to find all the layers though! Ha!
Have a great day!
ps, what do you or Andrew know about side stitches and running? I get them intermittently and my last one lasted several hours after I ran! TIA!!


Hey Janae!!! Excited for you & your first race back!!!! It’s nice just to run free sometimes, no pressure, but sometimes it’s so nice to have that goal, too!!!

Okay—banana. I say 5, mayyyyybe 6. Cannot be mushy at all. Same with apples!!!!

My go to cereal is Raisin Bran. No, I’m not 75 years old. Ha ha

And, I always put out my running gear the night before. It’s part of my routine/ritual, & I love it!!!

I was just in Key West for 5 days of blessed warm & sunny “Jen Time”!!!! I chose not to run the half this year bc it was a virtual experience, but I still ran every day. It was an awesome vacation in my fav place!!!


I would eat banana 8 or 9!

Great goal! I sure hope races are back by June!


Hi Janae! I’m so happy you have a race!! I agree that makes doing speed workouts much easier. By the way I have a garmin screen protector. I did scratch that but I’m too lazy to switch it out even though it comes in a pack of three. Have a great day!!


Andrew is so in touch with Roar!! #4 #4 #4 I was reading about barely-ripe bananas this weekend in Stacy Sims book, and now you’re posting about it?? What is going on?

Now I have to go back and remember what she said about them.

I guess Andrew is not a small man either, hehehe. Well, he is left handed and has more access to both sides of his brain than others.


You know, Roar has an excellent section about knees and the ACL with exercises. She notes dancers have low incidence of knee issues. Highly recommend.


I agree with the 9 banana!

I live in central CA and we had a small 1/2 marathon back in November (shocking!) but nothing since. I’m signed up for a race in Nashville in April so I’m crossing my fingers. I really think small races will start this fall and larger races in 2022.

I love Honey Nut Cheerios with banana.

Ha, I usually wear at least some of my workout clothes to bed (they’re clean!). That way I don’t have to think about anything when I get up in the morning. I definitely set out my shoes, keys, and anything else I might need for my run.


Your girls are definitely Utahans, 45 degrees in So Cal means a full on coat ;)

Banana #7 for me!

I get the clothes from my drawers the night before and put them in my closet. In the morning I can turn the closet light on without waking Les up. It’s funny how many times he has said, “I didn’t even know you left.” The opposite cannot be said about him!


Just want to let you know, your blogs aren’t coming up on blog lovin’ at the moment. I was worried something happened to you, so I checked in over here.

Love your blog!


Thank you so much friend! We can’t figure out why they aren’t showing up… will you let me know as soon as they do again? Have a great afternoon!


Podcast heads up…. Mary Cain posted she was on episode 170 with WHOOP. I don’t see episode numbers on this link, so, not sure. WHOOP is “on a mission to improve human performance.” Looks good and thought of HRG:



I’m running the Utah valley marathon! I’ll have to try to hit hut the Runner’s Corner Wednesday workouts this spring to get tips from all your friends because it’s my first. It’s exciting to have a race on the schedule!!


PLEASE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I had a rollover entry from last year for a 50 miler at Mt. Hood in Oregon. Doesn’t feel real yet but hoping it will be safe to race by July!

How sad about your watch! I have a scratch on my phone and it drives me bonkers.

We are in the 50s today in Colorado so you bet we are going to be outside enjoying it!
I would pick banana 5 or 6, I like them a little green, I can’t eat them if they are brown at all.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!


Banana number 9.
and Janae….. I’ve started running! Aged 41, I’ve finally got some running shoes and started to run. Having read your blog for years…. Im now paying attention to the running parts. Earlier I had a quick search to see how you organise your morning run with the kids. I’m copying you and just getting out of bed and going! xx


VICKI! I can’t tell you how happy your comment makes me. This is SO exciting. Will you please keep me updated with how it is all going? Have a beautiful day and a great run!


Of course I will! I’m building up to my first 5k at the moment. Not a huge distance but you’ve got to start somehere. I was out at 6.30am today channeling YOU! Ha Ha x


Hey Janae! :) What is Andrew thinking about #4??? Is he okay? haha! I’m totally with you on a 9. I might go for an 8 … maybe a 7… but definitely nothing below a 6!


Bananas – #4, give or take one. My family calls them “pencil” bananas at that point and laughs at me for loving them (they love the 8 to 11 range). My mom loves 14-15+…so weird to me.


Cereal updates are the real deal. LOL
I am boring but love Cheerios with Banana and a sprinkle of sugar.
Talking Bananas. I am 100% with Andrew #4 looks perfect, no mush for me unless it is going into banana bread.
I set out at least two outfits the night before. You never know if the forcast will change from the minute I climb in bed to the time I climb out of bed. Ha ha.


All Canadian races I’ve looked at so far have TBD for dates but I am praying that the Okanagan Marathon I have my eye on in October is a go. I broke my ankle in December and have been off my feet for 8 weeks after surgery. I miss running so much. I’m so anxious to get back into running shape and want a goal to work towards because I know it’s going to be a long painful road. The Okanagan Marathon is in BC so I get to mix in a visit to my sister who I miss SO much since I haven’t been able to see her since the pandemic started. :-(


Oh I really really hope that you get to do that marathon in October. EIGHT WEEKS… Mary, I am so sorry. When will you be able to run again? I am cheering for you and your recovery. You are going to come back stronger than ever and what a beautiful reunion that will be when you get to see your sister again. Please keep me updated on how you are doing, I’m going to be wondering a lot. Have a wonderful Monday, Mary.


Janae! I am signed up for this marathon! You have run it before, right? I was digging through old race recaps of yours trying to find your blog post about it but couldn’t find it. I just love Utah and am so excited to run another 26.2 in your beautiful state.

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