11 things I saw yesterday…

11 things I saw yesterday…

Clear skies, sunshine and a running route that I’ve missed over the last few months

A little girl that is already missing her big brother and sister (she doesn’t understand yet why they have to leave).

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These gorgeous french toast that my in-laws took us out for.

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Beck wanting to sleep non-stop yesterday.

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So many areas in my house that need organization (<— I tend to do a lot of organizing when Brooke and Knox are gone).

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The Christmas Star from our window.

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‘All I Want for Christmas’ on Amazon Prime with Skye.

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The Christmas running shoes I am going to wear today.

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Two of my favorite pictures.

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A hot tub calling my name once the little ones went to sleep.

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Tell me a few things you will be seeing today!

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Happy to see you got some late night hot tub time in! I’m sure Skye misses the siblings, but I bet she loves connecting with just you and no distractions (minus the itty bitty). You might have to come up with a special Skye thing that she only gets to do with you when the siblings are gone.
Today I will be seeing some friends (our social bubble) and letting kids play together. I expect lots of hard laughs and deep talks. We’re loving the slow down of the holidays this year.


Hey Sage! Yes, it felt so good to get in at night and you are so right about Skye… she is loving the extra atention:). I am SO glad you are able to get with some friends and that your kids will get time with their friends too. I want to come join! Keep enjoying!


Hi! Where did you get that running headband?! Love it and need to stock up on some more! Thanks :)


We are heading up to our local mountains to do some snowshoeing. So nice to be on vacation! And more baking!

I hope you and Skye start some special holiday traditions. It’s hard when she is little and doesn’t understand.

I hope you have a wonderful day


Have the best time in the mountains Kristine, I’m so glad you are on vacation from work! Enjoy the baked goods too. Thank you so much Kristine and I wish I could join you for some snowshoeing!


Hey Jane! I got this particular one at Lululemon a few years ago but I am loving this headband lately: https://amzn.to/34E0TGJ

I hope your day is off to a great start!


So glad you are doing lots of fun things this week, even with some of your little people away! Those are still going to be great memories one day. Also, I love that round mirror over your fireplace.

I had a dream I was running last night—I find out next week if I’m healed from my injury and I am SO nervous. There are so many things I miss seeing on the run! For now I am watching lots of birds at the feeder—we already had four bluebirds checking out a birdhouse this morning. Pretty fun!


Yes yes yes… thank you so much Kristin. I am really really really hoping that you will be cleared to run next week. I bet you are so nervous, that is really hard. PLEASE let me know after your appointment next week. Enjoy those beautiful bluebirds, Brooke loves bluebirds! Have a great day, Kristin.


Things I’m seeing today: My computer for my day of work until the new year! The gym for the first day of my new strength workout with my new running coach (and a week until I can test out my ankle!). An Asian Market that I’m going to go to to try and find some crackers similar to the Asian Cracker mix they used to sell at Trader Joes and DISCONTINUED?! So rude. And a bunch of Christmas presents in Amazon boxes that I need to wrap! :)
Aw, I’m sorry Skye is missing your big kids. I’m sure the one on one time is really special though. Happy Christmas Eve-Eve!


I hope your day of work is going well and I am so happy you are going to have a great after today. You are going to have to let me know how things go with your new running coach and the countdown is on until you get to run again wahoo. I hope you find the crackers and good luck with the wrapping. Yes, she really is enjoying that time too. Thank you sweet friend, Merry Christmas Eve-Eve to you too!


Where is Skye’s pajamas or outfit from? I love it!


HEY!! We got them at Cotton On Kids but I’m not finding them online but they are at the store:). Have a great day and thanks friend!


Hi Janae!

I’m jealous of your Christmas runners. I love them!!
When my kids are gone to their dads I find I clean and organize and sleep more lol.
Three things – scrambling to find a gift for my brother (last minute I know!), playing in snow with my 2 year old (we had a huge storm low in yesterday and got about 40 cms of snow) and counting down until Christmas :)!!!


Hey Gillian! Good to hear I’m not the only one that dives into cleaning/organizing when their kids are away:). Will you have your kids for Christmas this year? I am so happy you guys got a lot of snow, you two are going to have a blast. Good luck with the shopping. Have a beautiful day Gillian.


That French toast looks so good. It’s been awhile since I’ve made it but we just might have to have breakfast for supper tonight!

The Christmas star was amazing to see! So special!

We are in a winter weather advisory for this afternoon and tomorrow so I’m kinda hoping we get a white Christmas since all the snow we did have has melted.


You must make some french toast asap, they really are the best! Crossing all of my fingers that you get a White Christmas. Let me know if you do! Have a great day, Erika.


Aww poor Skye, that pic breaks my heart. But also so sweet how much she loves spending time with Brooke and Knox!

Watched the sunrise over the mountains this morning on my run with my dad. The run hurt a lot (I have a hard time adjusting to to the dry air when I travel from Maryland to Arizona), but the views and someone to run with made it fun!

Also will be seeing my cute nieces today and Christmas cookies we’ll make together!


Yes, she really is so attached to them but hopefully she really loves all of the extra attention she is getting from me and Andrew. Oh I bet that sunrise was gorgeous and I’m glad it could help to distract you! Adjusting to different climates with running is SO hard to do, you are amazing for getting out and I just love that you run with your dad. Have a great time with your nieces today Mariah!


Hi Janae! Traditionally my family makes this dish to celebrate the winter solstice which was a few days ago. I can’t be with them this year so my friend is coming over and we will make it together! I’m also taking a rest day from running even though I got new shoes for Christmas and I can’t wait to run in them. Happy Wednesday!


I am so sorry you aren’t able to be with your family this year but that is so sweet that you have a friend coming over to make the dish together. Wish I could join. YAY for new running shoes, enjoy that first run with them tomorrow! Happy Wednesday to you too, Amy!


Will you do a Hot Tub post!! Maintenance and things like that, interested but wanting more info!!


Absolutely! I’ll have Andrew write it because he does all of the maintenance! Great idea:). Expect it in the next two weeks. Have a fabulous day Liela!


3 batches of cookies
Huge salad that hit the spot.
Sunshine on my face.

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