Sentence Per Picture!

I lucked out by having my niece come on a hike with my sister and me!

My sister and I showed up in the same coat with pink tops underneath.

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1013 ft of climbing and 5 miles of hiking… my glutes were on fire by the end.

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I asked Brooke to take a selfie with me and this is what we got:)

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Spent the morning with these two.

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Skye has gotten really good at bringing me snacks to eat while I’m feeding Beck.

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I tried to get a bit ahead for when Andrew is working again by making a bunch of easy freezer breakfast burritos to have on hand for when the hunger kicks in.

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We followed the recipe except for adding cooked sweet potato cubes (instead of tater tots bc we didn’t have any) and by adding in an extra pepper.

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We took it outside for a bit.

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For the girls to play some tennis.

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Skye was all about chasing after each ball.

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They finished off their night by getting in the hot tub (my doctor said I can start using our hot tub at 6 weeks postpartum and I am very excited for that.

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And my heart melted when I saw these two…

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Jennifer sent me this and said it reminded her of Andrew and me and she is very right.



Do you have trails close to where you live?  Hike close to you?

Do you do any meal prep each week?

What percentage of the time do you use a recipe when you are cooking?

*110% of the time because I NEED all of the help I can get:)

Tell me what your run or workout is today!

*A walk in the sunshine for me:)

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Those breakfast burritos look amazing! Definitely putting them on my “to make” list!


Let me know what you think of them and if you do any variations! Enjoy and have a great day Samantha!


Oh my goodness seeing Brooke and Beck is just the sweetest. You’re making me want another one! haha. I have my last big-ish workout today before my race next week! I’m still not feeling like I’m in PR shape but it looks like the race will have a nice tailwind and the weather will be good. So hopefully it’s a fun day!
Once my husband is out of the Navy I want to live somewhere like where you live specifically for the trails! We don’t have much here, but I’m grateful for the little we do have. I just wish we had some hills haha.


Hahaha oh no… don’t tell your husband that I’m the one influencing you wanting another one:) I hope that your last big workout (I miss calling those monster workouts ha) goes amazing today and that tailwind will be amazing. When is your husband out of the Navy? Come move to Utah and run the trails with me. Have the best day, Mollie.


I almost always use a recipe. Sometimes I’ll add things in once I’ve made it a few times, but I tend to stick to the script! I usually end up adding sweet potatoes, too. :-)

There is some great hiking near me, and I am so excited to get back to that! Today’s workout was some aquajogging followed by a butterfly drill set in the pool. Your hiking looks incredible!


Hahah seriously, sweet potatoes are what I usually end up adding if I add anything to a recipe. They just take things to the next level. SO glad you were able to get to the pool and I cannot wait for you to get back to hiking again. Have a great day Kristin!


Tell Jennifer thanks for sharing that Simon Holland Instagram post because I’m now following him – he’s hilarious! And very relatable…we’re just about the same age and his girls are very close in age to mine. :)
I have a laminated chart I write all of our meals on for the week. I’m organized to super-nerd degree when it comes to cooking.


I totally will! I’m loving his posts now too! I am going to need you to come teach me your cooking organizations skills… see you at noon for a lesson:) That is awesome Amanda! Have a fabulous Wednesday!


Good morning! Love all the cute kid pics :o)
We have lots of trails in our area which have been a real blessing during this pandemic. I am part of a small number of women who have been doing weekly hikes (all safety measures being adhered to) since April and I believe it has saved all of our sanity!! Today = hiking day!! :o)
Regular meal prep is a GOAL I have been chasing for a long time…maybe 2021?? I stick to the recipe the first time I make something and then I tweak it to adjust for personal preferences when I make it again. Generally, more heat/spice is needed!
Have a beautiful Wednesday.


I’m with you… I’ve never had a greater appreciation for the outdoors than I do now through everything that has happened in 2020. I am SO happy that you have that group of women to hike (safely) with and I hope your hike today is great (can I come:). 2021 is your year for meal prep, I can feel it. Andrew wishes I would aadd more heat/spice to our food ha. Thank you so much Janine and I hope you do too!


Janine, I am with you on the heat/ spice. So, I’ve been doing cayenne pepper to taste for a while. But there is a bean recipe I make and it was rather bland, so… some jalapeno pepper – to taste! It’s a hit. On the spice side smoked paprika is quite good IMO.


Good morning! So where did you get the girls’ “Running the World” sweatshirts??

Cold but sunny here in St. Louis, so I’ll get out for a lunch time run!


Good morning Sara! Here is the link to the sweatshirts, we love them:) Enjoy your lunch run and all of that sunshine!


Oh my goodness, such a sweet photo of Brooke and Beck ❤️
We have good trails close for running and walking, but for actual hiking, we have to drive a bit. I do love how the trails make me feel calm and at peace. Especially the ones on the coast.
I mostly follow recipes too, but if it’s something simple or something I’ve made several times, I can swing it. I do like to do menu planning and meal prep at the start of the week, but I have been lazy about that lately, ha! That always leads to feeling rushed when dinner comes around.
I’m wanting to increase my weekly “base” mileage but wanting to be smart about it. So originally I was thinking of 6 miles today, but my right hip and glute are feeling quite right and sore, so I’m probably going out for a super easy 3-ish miles to see how everything feels.
It’s fun to see you out hiking with your sister.
Have a good Wednesday Janae ?


I am so glad you have those trails close to you for running… I want to come join you on the ones by the coast one day. Oh that rushed feeling at dinnertime… I think we can all relate to that. I hope that your hip and glute behave and that your three miles felt great. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I go in and out of this phase, but right now Sunday is cooking day and I make all sorts of things for the week. It is great!
That picture of Brooke and Beck. :)


That is awesome Erica that you are getting your cooking in on Sunday for the week… I’ll come join you on Sunday to do the same:) Thank you friend, have a great Wednesday!


That pic of your daughter holding Beck is definitely heart-melting.

My go-to lunches for work is quinoa salad. I make a big batch on Sunday and then put in five containers and grab one each morning on my way to work. You can mix in whatever you are in the mood for. I usually just mix in cucumbers, tomatoes, black olives, and roasted peppers. I have also used corn, black beans, green beans, pineapples, olive oil, etc. I actually just eat it cold, but a quick zap in the microwave would work as well. So healthy, so easy, and so good.


Okay, this is BRILLIANT and I’m going to copy you on this Michele. I LOVE quinoa salad too so thanks for your idea, I’m drooling just reading about your mix-ins. Have a great day!


What’s the maintenance and upkeep like on your hot tub? I REALLY want one but my husband says it’ll be a lot of work…is this true??


Hi Georgia! I’ll respond for Janae. It’s not bad really. It took me a couple months to get used to it and what chemicals go in to it, but now it’s pretty low maintenance. If I do anything it’s probably 1-2 times a month and it is really fast and easy. We got a bullfrog spa and that is what I was worried about as well too, but I’m happy about it.


We have lots of trails near us. Some are good for running or mountain biking, others are extreme even for hiking.

I use a recipe about 50% of the time. I like to experiment a lot! I also get a little bored with the same food, so I’ll change an ingredient or two, or if the grocery store doesn’t have a particular spice I’ll try something else. Those often end up being my favorite.

No workout today – I’m doing good just making it downstairs. I had a really bad fall on my run on Monday and my left side is a mess! From my left ankle (not sprained, just very swollen and bruised) to my left shoulder and…. I have my first ever black eye! I somehow smashed my face into my sunglasses. It’s crazy how much it has changed in the past 48 hours. I’m okay, just feeling beat up and a little embarrassed that I can’t seem to stay upright. Just glad it happened after our vacation and not before or during! One good thing came out of this – since I didn’t feel like going to the grocery store I tried Target’s Drive Up shopping. I placed an order and in a couple hours it was ready. Les picked it up and they put it right in our trunk. I may never go back!


The cuteness with Beck and the other kids is off the charts. He’s looking more and more like Knox and it’s crazy how much he’s already matured in just a few weeks. You are seriously rocking it that you are getting out on hikes and walks for a little sunshine and time to yourself or to connect with your Sis and niece! AND making those amazing breakfast burritos, your future self is stoked.

We try to cook one big meal on Sundays that will last multiple days (my hubby is a rock star and LOVES leftovers) and then fill in with easy week night stuff. Recently I made a list of 20 easy-ish meals that we both like so instead of that blank stare I get when I ask what we should do for dinner, I can just go to the list. It’s only been a few weeks, but so far it’s working.

And walk in the sunshine for me today too!


Hi Janae! Meal prep is so smart and I’m super impressed you’re doing it. I live pretty close to a forest with trails, but I’m kind of scared to run there since last year my friend tripped on a a tree root there and then got a concussion and lost some teeth and it was really horrible. So I just stick to the streets even though I know trail running is good for you. Happy Wednesday!


So sweet how much love your kids have for each other xoxo
oh my-how are you NOT worried about bob cats after that viral video of the hiker in UT!??! EEEK!
you are brave ladies!!


We live in Vancouver BC so basically outdoor trail heaven is a 35 minute drive away on the North shore. pre covid a group of friends and I would run hike the trails every weekend.

We try to meal prep but it doesn’t always work out lol. The burritos look amazing!

Have a super day!


Having meals ready to heat up stocked away in the freezer is so helpful to me too. I live about an hour away from the mountains so I’m very grateful I can enjoy them as often as I do.


Trails are right down the street from me-i have three sets of woods in the town I live in and they connect to more. I’d love to run and mountain bike the trails in Utah, though!!!

I am going to make those breakfast burritos. Mornings are not a strong point for us.

Meal prep always sounds like a great idea then I never seem to officially do any. Sure, I will premake a batch of something but meal prep in the main sense is rare to happen. I need to though!!

I tend to look at a recipe then figure it out from there. Except baking-I always follow that.

Ran 7 miles, half in leftover snow so had to dodge some slippy spots.

Those pics are extra cute. Beck seems totally entertained and loved.


I want to know how you planned for not knowing Beck’s gender!! My sister is expecting her first and isn’t finding out the gender. I have two girls so I don’t have much to pass down as far as gender neutral.


OMG that last picture of Skye holding Beck–how is she 8 years old already?!?!?!?!?

As for recipes–SOMETIMES I use them (especially when there is a spice blend involved bc I want to get that part right), and sometimes I just cook what seems like a good idea. It almost always works out reasonably well enough. Here is one that is a favorite of ours, especially when it’s really cold and we want something hearty, rich, and comforting (stick to your ribs kind of food) that isn’t chili and we don’t want…pasta…or something with rice (or to call out for pizza):

…and if we serve it over riced cauliflower and with roasted asparagus or a salad, it’s heathy and balanced, right?!?


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