It works EVERY time + tangents + you just have to go THROUGH it.

Thank you thank you thank you for your sweetest comments yesterday!  I read each and every one and cried multiple times (blaming it on hormones;)  You can still enter the giveaway here for some new running shoes!

When I woke up for my run yesterday I told myself that I was just going to do one mile.  I was going to get up, get moving and stop at exactly 1.0000000 mile and then walk home because that was as far as I felt like I had the energy for.  This trick works for me every single time that I use it because once I finally got to that 1 mile beep on my watch, I was feeling energized and wanting more.

5 miles @ 9:34 average.

Whenever I see candy on the road during a run my first thought is that it is from a runner that was using it as their source of glucose during a long run and they accidentally dropped it.  Gummy worms would work nicely during a long run, I need to try them.

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I’ve arrived to a very rewarding time in parenting… I come home from a run and Brooke wants to make ME pancakes.

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I had a doctor’s appointment and the girls hung out with my parents while we were gone.  They are too good at pretending to be dogs!

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Skye really wanted to hear the baby for herself.

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My mom sent us home with this bag of taffy and they were heavenly.

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Andrew made this soup (I can’t get enough soup lately) and it was beyond delicious.  I’m thinking of making it again today already.



I have a few tangents to talk about today!

*Now that Skye doesn’t fall asleep with a binky in her mouth she sings herself to sleep.  We find ourselves outside her door listening to the songs she comes up with and it’s my new favorite thing ever.

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*This is a text from my mom from a few months ago.  I was dreading something that I was about to have to do and wanted a fast forward button and she reminded me that you just have to go through it.  There is no other way around these hard things in life and I need to stop trying to jump over them because I’ve never been able to jump high anyways ha.

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*We made our annual Halloween sugar cookies.  We have used this copycat Kneaders recipe for Brooke’s entire life and it is just the best…


*My favorite mountain (Mt Timpanogos) in the world was on fire over the weekend but luckily the part close to my parents house has been put out…  2020 is just nonstop!

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*Use this chart today to decide whether or not you should run today;)

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Have there been any fires in your area over the last few months?  How close?

 Last type of candy that you had (I feel like we haven’t talked about candy in a very long time)!

What’s your run today?  On dirt, on grass, on the road?  With anybody or solo?

Tell me something you are looking forward to today!

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Last candy was Brach’s autumn mix-love those little pumpkins:) I am looking forward to teaching today and running with the XC team. So glad that one of my daughters is in one of my classes AND on the XC team.


I need to get some of the little pumpkins… so far I’ve only had candy corn this year. ENJOY your day teaching and with the XC team and that is the coolest thing ever that you have a daughter in both (that is my dream someday to go back to teaching high school once Brooke and Knox are there:). I hope you have a beautiful day, Angie!


Hey, I forgot to reply yesterday. Happy 10th on your blog Janae!

I also need to point something out that is very important. I may need to see if I still have the old post; but I am fairly sure you told me you would send me all the candy pumpkins from your Brach’s Harvest Mix because you only ate the candy corn! I did notice in the one bag my wife bought this year there were a LOT fewer pumpkins mixed in with the candy corn. I also told her not to buy any more because I can’t stop eating it once I start, lol…


That’s so fun! My 15-year-old son is in my class and on my xc team :) It’s the best!


I had a Reeses Pumpkin. I was skeptical but it was delicious!
Happy belated blogiversary!


Now I need to go get one of those today… I love the pumpkin ones. Thanks Nadya and I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start.


Now I am majorly craving those heavenly sugar cookies. So, so good! The last candy I had was Reeses peanut butter cups. I have zero willpower when those are in the house lol.


The last candy I had was a chunk of the Hershey’s white chocolate bar with whole almonds. White chocolate is underrated in my opinion haha. I should have it more I think.

So my run was supposed to be 5 x 5 minutes at threshold pace but I didn’t do it. I’m trying to add in strength training so I did a run and that yesterday and I was tired! Also I didn’t sleep well so I said screw it haha.

I’m not very happy with you for posting that soup recipe since my family had potatoes last night and now we have none. So I had to see that recipe and I can’t even make it lol. I joke but it does look amazing!


I LOVE WHITE CHOCOLATE TOO and I completely agree with you… it is so delicious and needed. You made the right call, it’s so important to listen to what our body needs and you did just that. Way to go getting in strength training… you are rocking it. I need to ship you some of the soup… sorry for the picture teasing you. Have a great day Maureen.


Skye singing herself to sleep brings back good memories – my oldest daughter used to sing the Star Spangled Banner (lol!) to put herself to sleep, and my youngest used to belt out the Spirit Riding Free theme song. I hid outside her door one night and recorded her – it’s fun to go back and listen to it now.

I am looking forward to my lunch hour and hopefully finishing up the book I’ve been reading. It’s chilly and rainy here today = the perfect book reading weather. I sit right beside a huge window for lunch so I can watch it rain.


The Star Spangled Banner… okay, that is SO sweet and I won’t be surpassed if Skye starts singing the Spirit song too:). Great idea to record, I need to do that soon so I can always remember. Enjoy your book time during lunch in the perfect spot to watch the rain. Thanks Amanda.


Hi Janae!
Thank you for your encouraging posts that always seem to speak to me! You are such an inspiration and each morning I look forward to reading what you have have to say and share! I’m thankful to have found your blog!
Potato bacon soup is a favorite of mine! Yummo!!


Kathryn, thank YOU so much for taking the time to write this to me, it means the world to me. I hope you have some potato bacon soup asap and keep in touch!


No, no fires but snow. Earliest significant snowfall ever. Two days in a row. The date of the earliest significant snowfall before this happened was November 10. The National Weather Service even pushed out a warning for a snow squall. Iowa wins in weather bingo – first a derecho and now a snow squall. What is next?


What is NEXT! Earliest snowfall ever?! That is crazy Jackie… keep me updated and I hope that things calm down soon. Thanks for letting us know and drink some hot chocolate today.


I didn’t comment yesterday, but Happy Blogaversary!! So, so , so many mornings you have said something that encouraged me, inspired me, helped to put things into perspective, and just made me happy. Thank you!! Here’s to many more years!
Seriously… 2020 is never ending!! Luckily the fires out here are under control, many are out. But I did see that there is another huge one in Colorado! My family is not too close, but the air quality is really bad for them again. It’s just so sad.
I swear I am going to turn into a candy corn… Ha ha. I have eaten too much candy corn, but it’s yummy!
Such great advice from your mom. Thank you for sharing.
Have a wonderful day ?


THANK YOU THANK YOU Wendy for your sweet comment, it made my morning! I’m so thankful that things are better in California and I really hope the one in Colorado is able to get under control soon. I’m thankful your family is safe!
Keep eating the candy corn, it only comes around one time a year. Thanks and you too!


We don’t have fires where I live. I can’t imagine how scary that must be! I’m trying to cut back on my candy intake, but this is just not the time of year to do that :o) I’m a teacher, so I tell myself I’m buying it for rewards for my students. It usually ends up in my belly instead.


Hahaha YOU deserve all of the rewards on the planet after all that you have done this year as a teacher! Keep enjoying and have a beautiful day, Claire.


Skye singing herself to sleep sounds precious!
I live in the PNW and we had SO many fires the month of September! A lot of people lost their homes and/or loved ones. So scary. We had a fire 20 miles from our house but luckily it didn’t come any closer. My in-laws were in the be ready to leave zone but thankfully never had to evacuate. That picture you posted of the smoky skies made me cringe! I know that look (and smell) all too well! I hope they have it 100% contained soon!
The last candy I ate was Ghirardelli 72% cacao intense dark chocolate, so good!
My run will be on the dreadmill! Not my favorite, but it will have to do!
I hope you have a great day!


Brandy, that is so terrible. I cannot even imagine. I am so thankful that the fires haven’t come any closer to your house and that your in-laws are okay too. Thank you so much. I hope your dreadmill run is a great one and that it flies back. Thanks friend, you too!


Yikes–fires are super scary. I’m glad they’ve been able to control them somewhat in your area.
Last candy I had was a Tootsie pop. I’m going to make them into ghosts and hang them outside for trick-or-treaters to take. I guess I need to save some :)
Today’s run is just a couple of miles toward my virtual run (I’m up to 36.12 out of 87, but I still have a few weeks to go). Yesterday, I did “death by 10 meters,” which is always rough. Set up the clock in 1-minute intervals and two cones that are 10 meters apart. In the first minute, sprint from one cone to the other (10 meters) and wait; in the second minute, sprint to the opposite cone and back (20 meters total); in the third minute, sprint out-back-out (30 meters); keep going, adding 10 meters each round until you can’t make it in the minute. Tough, but good for increasing recovery times.
My Concept 2 rower is being delivered today! I *think* I’m looking forward to that, LOL!
Hope you get some good candy, if you’re in a candy mood :)


IT COMES TODAY… yay!! I think ours comes in the next day or two also, I can’t wait. Cute idea with the ghost tootsie pops! Ummm that workout sounds way too hard! I would be sore for a month after that! Way to go Corey. Enjoy your day and thank you so much!


I live a few miles from the Cameron Peak fire in Colorado, so we have had smoke and poor air quality here since the beginning of August, and it is now the largest fire in Colorado history. I usually run 90% trails, but all the trails are closed here, in town and in the nearby State park and National Forest lands, so my dog and I went for a road run this morning before work. Looking forward to a symposium (via zoom) I am attending for work later today.


Jennifer, that is terrible. I had no idea that it is the largest fire in Colorado history. I bet you guys are missing those trails big time and I really hope that things are contained soon. Thinking about you guys. Enjoy the symposium zoom today!


All of these fires have been to heart breaking. I’m in WA and we had a TON of fires pop up towards the end of summer. One of them was miles from a friends house and I had several friends on evacuate watch. Some of the bigger fires happened just hours after a friend and I had just run through a forest that had been destroyed by fires years ago.
I’m pretty sure the last candy I had was peanut butter cups. Or Snickers. I can’t remember; it was almost 2 months ago which in my brain is the equivalent of 20 years lol!
My run today was solo on road. With the recent wind storms it felt like I was trails though! Ha! 5+ miles of halloween deco viewing and I spotted 2 Christmas trees today too!
I was looking forward to dropping off my ballot this morning!! I’m pretty proud to say there was a line of cars at 6:15 this morning doing the same thing!
Did you see that Courtney D was the last WOman standing at Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra?!! 283+ miles!!! Amazing!
Have a great day!


I am so glad that you guys were okay and safe after running through that area that started on fire. SO so scary. I am so sorry.
Hahah well hopefully you have some more pb cups or snickers o n Halloween because 2 months ago seriously does feel like a lifetime ago. I LOVE seeing all of the decorations during a run too but I definitely haven’t seen any Christmas trees yet. YAY for people dropping off their ballets today and I didn’t see that… off to check it out. THANKS for sharing and have a beautiful day Jenny.


I had some candy corn last night. I know not everyone likes it, but I do (except for the chocolate kind, those are the worst), and so do my kids!

Skye and Brooke being dogs are so so cute, love the pig tails.

We live in Colorado and it’s the worst fire year on record. There is a fire very close to where we live in Boulder and it’s burning some of my favorite trails. I could cry thinking of all the beautiful places that have burned, the people who have lost homes and the animals that have been put in danger. This year unlike most I can’t wait for the snow to come and put these fires out. Please say a prayer of us.


I love people that love candy corn… I think it is the best and I totally agree with you about the chocolate variety, no thanks.

I am SO so sorry about the fires in Colorado. I will send so many prayers and I really hope that snowfall comes soon. Thanks for sharing Beth and I hope you have a beautiful day.


I live in Southern Utah so yes, we have had a few fires. My husband and I just hiked Timp last month, I am sad to hear that it is on fire!! I haven’t watched the news lately.

The last candy I had were the peppermint white chocolate pretzel crips from costo, I guess that is candy. I don’t know if you’ve tried them but they are addicting!! A couple of years ago we didn’t get any when we first saw them and then Costco didn’t get any more in that year, it was sad!! I already have two bags reserved for Christmas, if I can keep myself out of them, haha! Sorry for the long rant but my love for them is strong!!

I only run/speedwalk every other day. Today was weights and yoga.

I am looking forward to getting some more things done for our move. It is happening soon!!

I truly enjoy your blog!!


I so want to try to make those sugar cookies! I am always looking for a good sugar cookie recipe, and that one looks and sounds delicious! I am so impressed by your running! I ran until exactly 38 weeks and switched to incline walking after that! All on the treadmill because I was too paranoid about the dark/falling/needing a bathroom to run outside haha.

My run today was 5 miles on the good old basement treadmill while my son napped. I’m looking forward to making a fun sensory bag with leaves, water, and acorns with him once he wakes up! He’s only 16 weeks but he’s already super busy, and I find myself wanting to find more different and fun activities for him to do each day. I’m a teacher, but took this year off for maternity leave, so we are always looking for fun things to try out, especially because I don’t really want to take him anywhere.

I hope you have a great day, Janae!


Hi Janae! The fires got pretty close to us this year, we were 10 miles away from the evacuation zone! Definitely scary stuff. Today’s run will be on my normal half mile “hamster loop”. Gummy worms sound super good right now, hope you get some soon! Happy Tuesday!


The Bobcat Fire is the closest to us right now. It’s been burning for about 6 weeks, over 100,000 acres, now about 90% contained. It’s 50 miles from us but we had smoke in the air for days.

I think the last candy I had was a miniature Heath bar. I love chocolate so I try not to keep it in the house!

5 miles solo on the road today. It was 51! 25 degrees cooler than last week. I was so happy!!


So very ready for 2020 to be over. Our whole state (Colorado) seems to be on fire right now. And even though we’re safe in Denver, my parents are very close to Colorado’s largest wildfire ever and I’ve had quite a bit of anxiety over it. Plus our air quality is generally not fantastic these days with all the smoke. Please pray for lots and lots of rain (and NO wind) in Colorado this week.

Last candy I had was dark chocolate Justin’s peanut butter cups, they’re the best, hands down.

Run today was mostly on pavement with some gravel thrown in. And I ran 7 miles with my dog! She’s the best little runner and we even get some fartleks in with all the bunnies in our neighborhood :)


So yesterday I commented, which I rarely do, and for some reason it didn’t go through because I don’t see my comment. I never get a chance to get on first thing but yesterday I did and saw at the bottom of your post it said NO COMMENTS so I rushed to type a comment. I mean, what a day to read first thing in the morning and be the first to comment! By the time I finished typing and submitted it I went back and saw that it said 9 comments. Haha. That’s amazing and 10 years is incredible! Congratulations! I’ve been reading forever and my life has changed soooo much in 10 years! But reading your blog is been one thing to stay the same day after day. I wish you and your family well and run happy!


BECKY!! I love hearing from you so thank you so much for reaching out! Thank you so much friend and I feel so lucky to get to be a part of your life, thanks for being part of mine. Hope you are having a great afternoon.


Thank you so much for sharing the text between you and your mom. I am on the brink of jumping into something that will be challenging and definitely outside of my comfort zone. I have no choice but to do it, so I am keeping both your wish for a fast forward button and your mom’s wise words in mind!
My brother is in CA and the fires got within 5-6 miles of his home. A canyon is the thing that kept them from coming closer. I am on the east coast, so no fires here, but heavy frost and hints of snow already.
Last candy was peanut butter M&Ms – incredibly addictive for me!! Also candy corn mixed with peanuts – tastes just like a Payday candy bar :o) Have a wonderful day!!


Hey Janine, thank you so much for your sharing this with me. I’m wishing you all of the luck with this new challenge up ahead and my mom and I are cheering for you! Thinking about your brother, I can’t even imagine. Please keep me updated with how they are doing. Thanks and you too!


My run in lots of SNOW:-( SO SO So not ready! I went to the gym to warm up and hopped on the bosu ball for some balance work. I was shocked I didn’t fall off….it had been awhile! I call that a win!


Geez that fire is scary! Glad to hear it stayed away from your parents house.

Your mom gives the best advice! Would she consider letting us ask her questions and offer her advice/opinions? ?

Wow those cookies look so thick and delicious. Are they soft too? My mouth is watering looking at them. Yum!

Enjoy your Monday ?


SYDNEY!! YES YES YES I love that idea. I will totally ask her. Also, the cookies are crazy soft, you are going to love them. Thank you so much and I hope your day has been a beautiful one!


I will be running on the road today, and I am looking forward to the first World Series game tonight!! :)


I’m in central Cali and there have been tons of fires around us. The air quality has been awful. Thankfully the fires are close enough to damage our city.

Last type of candy I had was cinnamon Mentos. They were pretty good!

I ran 6 with my running friends, around our neighborhood. I’m really lucky in that it is extremely rare that I run by myself. I’m super grateful for awesome running friends!

My mama is coming over for dinner tonight so I am looking forward to hanging with her for a bit.


I ordered a few of the running shirts from amazon you mentioned in a post a few days ago. They are AMAZING and 1/3 the price of similar alternatives! Thanks for the tip, Janae!


HALLELUJAH! I am so glad you love them… I’m hooked on them too and they wash so well (I’ve washed them a million times). Thanks for letting me know and have a great night Makena.


I’m going to make those cookies with my 4 year old daughter! Do you have a great icing recipe or suggest theirs? Thank you!


Hey Michele! I hope you guys love them! I have used theirs and it was great but usually I’m too lazy to make frosting too so I just use the stuff from the can… oops:). Have a blast.


I am in Northern CA and the wildfires here have been devastating :/ Both of my kids are in college in CO and there are huge fires raging there – so sad


That is terrible. I am truly so so sorry. Praying for you all.


I’m on the other side of Provo canyon and the smoke here is awful. Fires in canyon and in summit county. I shouldn’t of run outside Sunday And I paid for it yesterday. This morning I ran outside on dirt roads by horses and a beautiful view of Mt. Timp!


Do you have South African neighbors? (I see the flag in the background)

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