Run-On Sentence Per Picture and PLEASE Wish Us Luck….

I was pretty excited to hit 6 miles yesterday on my run because 5 has been my max for a little while.

Wednesday’s are art day at school so that was a big deal.

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I can’t stop thinking about muffins (just a box mix because I wanted them fast)…

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Followed by hot chocolate… That mug is from my ultra which feels like a completely different lifetime.

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We told Skye a few weeks ago that we were going to say goodbye to her binky soon and yesterday she told us that she wanted to do it (she knew a reward was involved) so we jumped on it.

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Somebody gave me the idea to take her to Build-A-Bear and put her binky inside of a bear so that way she will still have the binky with her in the bear when she sleeps.

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My sister told me to make sure we hide any and all scissors ha.

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Here’s to hoping we sleep again;)

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She called her cousins to tell them about her new big change of life…

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Knox will be gone for a week so we made sure to get in some quality time.

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Worked on the gym space and this is my treadmill’s new home.

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I cannot wait to start working on pull-ups again… those helped my running out last year big time.

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These two went on a biking date (on a bike trail without any cars because it was dark).

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And a random tangent—>  Andrew brings me home pebbled ice from work and it makes me so happy… Someday I will purchase a pebble ice machine.

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Give me your sentence of the day!

Do you tend to under-bake, perfectly-bake or over-bake your baked goods?


How is your sleep going these days?  In a stage of life where you can get a lot of sleep or not so much?  Do you fall asleep at night easily right now?

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Yes to pebble ice. My kids are always begging my husband to buy the machine from Sharper Image.


If you ever get it you have to give me your review on it:). Hope you have a fantastic day René!


What a great idea with the build a bear!!!!


It really was and I think it did the trick wahoo! Hope your Thursday is off to a really great start.


Skye’s cute little face at build a Bear! Sweet little thing! I hope she had a good night and transitions well without her bink!
I’m so impressed that you are still able to run so far along into your pregnancies! My muscles at the top of my legs left like they were going to rip right off if I tried to run much later than halfway through my pregnancies. I’m short so maybe that has something to do with it? But seriously, this may be more impressive than your marathon pr or your ultra to me! You’re so strong! I bet your deliveries are a piece of cake because of your fitness. Wishing you the best with this new little piece of heaven heading your way soon!


Thank you so much and so far so good! Thank you so much friend and I really do think my height helps me out a lot to be able to run so late into pregnancy. I hope you have a beautiful day and please keep in touch Natalie!


That’s a big deal for Skye! I’m sure the bear will help a lot. Hopefully night one wasn’t too bad :)

Hands down slightly underbaked! I’d rather have it a little moist than dry.

Sentence of the day: Run done now a lot of meetings on the schedule. Have a great Thursday, Janae!


Luckily the night went really well, hallelujah! Great job on your run and good luck on all of the meetings. Thanks Maureen, you too!


I am an overbaker! I am always worried about ruining things by leaving the insides raw–so I REALLY make sure they’re done. It’s probably not a great alternative. :-)

NOT sleeping as well–I keep dreaming about work for some reason! I wake up very confused because I’m not sure where I am. I think I need some distractions so my brain has something else to focus on!

Your build-a-bear trip looks so fun; she’ll have such a cool story to tell about her bear!


I’m sure your baked goods are amazing! I really hope that you start sleeping better asap. Let’s hope those dreams stop asap. Thank you Kristin and I hope she loves this bear forever. Have a great day, Kristin!


I can get lots of sleep because my children are older and don’t wake me up, but I find that as they get older, I have more to worry about because you can’t control everything any more. The baby/toddler years are hard because you are physically exhausted, but the teenage years are hard in very different ways.


I am SO nervous about those teenage years… my sister tells me the same thing! You’ll have to coach me through those worrying years. Have a great day Allison!


I absolutely love the pacifier in the bear idea!!! I’m going to keep that in my back pocket in case I ever need it! We have a 15 week old little boy at home, so sleep can be hit or miss for us. :) In all honesty though, I think we have lucked out with him already because he usuallyyyy is only getting up once a night and will sleep a total of 10 to 11 hours. So I don’t think I can complain! Hahaha. He’s our first, so I think we are getting spoiled. He doesn’t love pacifiers, but is all about his thumb!

Have a great day Janae!!! Can’t wait to “meet” your newest little one!!!!


Aww way to go sweet Skye!! And Love your sweatshirt! ?


Thank you friend! I hope you have a really great day Kristen.


I share your love of pebbled ice!!! Especially in lemonade. ? Yay skye for taking that big step!! I love that build a bear idea, that’s really sweet.
Love your skull sweatshirt!!!


Off to go get some lemonade… that sounds so good right now! Thanks Mollie and I hope your day is off to a really great start.


Good luck to Skye and you, hopefully it goes well!! My son was a thumb sucker and one day he just decided he was done, no drama. Hopefully it will go smoothly ?

Love the skull shirt, and you look great, so relaxed and happy ❤️

100% team under bake!!!


WOW, that is awesome that he just decided he was done. I need his help to be just done with some of my habits haha. Thank you so much, feeling better than I have in a long time and I hope you get some under baked goods soon. Thanks Beth.


I wish you luck on the binky front! Once our daughter turned 2 we started talking about the binky fairy but then I was on bedrest so I couldn’t do that to my husband! But as my due day approached (and I was off bedrest) we talked about it more. She was down to her last one and I told her when it broke she was done and she seemed okay with it. The day her brother came home from the hospital it broke (she was 2y7m) and I stuck to my guns. She was totally fine with not having it but never napped again. For years I thought the lack of napping was due to her brother being around and she didn’t want to miss out on any fun. But she slept fine at night. In hindsight I should have just let her have another one but I was too sleep deprived to deal with it.

He was way more addicted. But we had told him on his third birthday that he would be done and he gave us all 10 of the ones he had and not a peep about it. By that time he had already stopped napping and was a crappy sleeper (because while he didn’t nap at home daycare forced him to nap (by rubbing his back) even though we told them not too, so he had a hard time falling asleep until he stopped daycare at age 5 and then slept wonderfully!

I have a horrible time getting to sleep. Caffeine/sugar really affect my sleep from 2 pm on. I can’t eat within 3 hours of sleeping (has been this way since pregnancy which was a long time ago!). Now we have an elderly cat that cries at 5 am to be fed. And my body is trained to wake between 5-6. I would do anything to sleep non-stop from 10 pm – 8 am!


Oh that is so interesting Jessey! I’m worried we are going to lose the naps now too:( I bet that was life changing once your son started sleeping better at 5… so crazy that they forced him to nap. I hope that you start sleeping better asap… you deserve that 10pm-8am sleep!


Oh, good luck with the build-a-bear! I hope it works as well for you all as it did for us!!! ???




I am so glad it worked, Janae!!! I always get a little nervous suggesting something like that. Ha! :) Take good care of yourself in these final weeks! Can’t wait for baby updates soon.


Hi Janae! I’m actually getting more sleeping during this quarantine because I don’t have a commute anymore! It’s pretty great. That bear and binky idea sounds so smart! I still have my stuffed animal that my mom gave me as a baby.
Have a wonderful day and good luck at night!


Hey Amy! I loved hearing that you still have your stuffed animal from your mom when you were a baby. And more sleep than normal… definitely a big bonus from all of the craziness of 2020! Have the best day!


What a great idea with the build a bear!!!

Sentence of the day: daughter is negative for COVID, but positive for strep.

I sleep so, so good these days! The kids are 10, 6 and 5 so they sleep through the night. I go to bed about the same time the do or earlier;-). I have to get up earlier than I would like, but in order to get in run, work and doing all the after school stuff (homework, supper, showers/baths, etc) and bedtime stuff (husband works the late shift) waking up early is the only time to fit in my run and have a few minutes to myself!

Happy Thursday Janae!


I am so glad your daughter doesn’t have COVID but strep is not fun! I hope she gets better asap and that nobody else gets it in your house. Our schedules sound very similar… I’m in bed at the same time they are and then up before ha. I’m so glad you get that time to yourself in the morning because you sure have busy days! Thanks Becky, you too.


What a great idea to help Skye with giving up her binky! As far as sleep, up until this week, I had a horrible sleep issue, deprivation to the point of feeling really unwell physically because, well, you just have to “keep swimming” right? Apparently not… I could fall asleep okay but was waking up at around 3:00am with my mind racing a 100mph and I then would be up for the day. I have a job that I love but keeps me running as fast as I can with all of the changes and I also care for my one year old grandson full time (he does go to daycare) on my own. It really has me thinking about what direction my life should be going. Family trumps everything but I also realize how lucky I am to have a good job these days, stressful or not. Not to mention, I need to prepare for retirement in the next 5-10 years as best I can. At this point, I am just leaving it up to God to help me out on this one.


Run on sentence for the day: It is Chris’s birthday, we have already made him chocolate chip pancakes, I am taking him out to lunch and Hope will not survive if there is not dessert tonight.


Oh wow, what a big girl thing for Skye to do! I think she’s going to be a great big sister (she has such good role models in Brooke and Knox). I love that mug from your ultra, what a cool reminder of your huge effort that you can use everyday. And Andrew brings you pebble ice… that is true love!


Pebbles ice is the best!! My mom is a nurse and would always bring some home at the end of her shifts. Then me and my brothers would fight over it haha.


Can’t wait to hear how the Build a Bear trick works for giving up Skye’s pacie. My daughter is about nine months younger and soon I’d like to employ this tactic!


We said giving up the pacifier for nap/night was harder than anything else (potty training, nursing, labor) for the kid. Got thru it, but just such sad lonely tears.
We did it at age 2 for daytime and 2 years, 3 months for nap and night – but he has perfect teeth. Was it worth it? Unsure.


Pebbled I’ve with Diet Coke is the BEST. I know there are So many spa places out there now but I gotta day I think fizz has the best ice!


That ice is the best and honestly how romantic! So cute he brings you your favourite ice :)

I’m in a no sleep stage right now. I just started daycare for my 2 year old this week and it’s so hard leaving him crying. I also started a new job so it’s kinda nerve wracking learning the ropes etc…!The only no sleep stage of life I enjoy is when I have a newborn :)!!! I’m so excited for you! That sweet baby smell and those quiet bottle feeding hours in the middle of the night are precious.


I love people ? sometimes I go to Sonic and buy a few large cups of ice just because.

Sleep has been terrible oh my end ? I need to cut back on watching the news. Watching an episode of Friends before bed can help ?

Undertake muffins and cookies too mmmm!


Where did you get your skull sweatshirt??? I LOVE IT!!! Also, way to go Skye (and mom, lol). Have a beautiful day!

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