I’m preparing myself for the hard.  

Andrew fixed the treadmill!  He tested the treadmill out before having me run on it and the belt worked like a dream again.  We are not sure how long this belt will last for but we will buy a replacement belt now to have on hand for when it does completely say goodbye to us.

Fun fact from my run—>  My belly knocked the emergency stop button off mid-run ha.

Brooke joined me for the last mile and she made quite the comfortable bed for herself.

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I love seeing how close my treadmill and my watch are to each other as far as distance/pace goes.  Yesterday my watch was about 10 seconds faster per mile than my treadmill which is close enough for me.

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It is definitely going to take us some time to get used to the weather change and until then we will bundle up big time.

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And we definitely had to snuggle up under the blanket once we came inside.

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Brooke has been so excited to show us how her teacher decorated a section of the school with ALL of the Harry Potter things.  They went all out and it has made these kids so happy.

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After school the kids played in the leaves…

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Bagels and cream cheese are the current food of the week.

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And a long bath to finish off the day was exactly what my body needed…  (I figured a picture of Skye with Andrew was probably a better picture for this caption;)

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My watch let me know that I did a good job being lazy yesterday haha.

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Random tangent—> both girls are stomach sleepers (Knox is more of an all over the place sleeper like Andrew:).  Every time I see them peacefully sleeping on their stomachs I get so excited because it’s a matter of DAYS now until I am back to stomach sleeping.

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When I think about what my future running goals are (I still want that OTQ along with some big goals for the St. George Marathon) it makes me really excited because I’ve gotten faster after having each kid!  <— That naturally means that I will with this one too, right;).  At the same time I need to remember that it took me A LOT longer to get back into speed after having Skye compared to after I had Brooke so I’m expecting that it is going to take even longer to get some speed back after this third one.

I can either look at that and let it take me down and get me to the point that I avoid even trying because it is going to be hard (especially with adding another child and Andrew starting school again to the mix) OR I can look at it as a unique challenge set up that will make the journey even more exciting and more worth it in the end?!

Long story short, I’m excited for the hard.  I’m excited to see how it goes to attempt building back the speed and endurance (after a proper recovery and once I am sleeping again:).  I’m preparing for the hard and I love that running is something we get that can really test us and challenge us in so many new ways.

I hope you are excited for the hard of training for your next big goal and I can’t wait to see how close we can all get to that wall over the next few years…

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(From How Bad Do You Want It?)


Do you sleep on your stomach, sides, back or a mix of them all?

Do you wear a watch while running on the treadmill?  Is it pretty close to estimating your pace vs what the treadmill tells you? 

What is your next big goal with running, I would love to hear about it!

Do you like taking baths or not so much?

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Stomach sleeper but I wake up often with a sore neck! What pillow do you have!? I have bought 4 pillows and none of them seem right!

Can’t wait to hear the baby arrival news! Good luck whenever the time may be!


Sore neck… oh that is a bummer! Our pillows are from https://thepillowclub.com/ and we love them! Let me know if you try them! Thank you so much Jenn, I am so excited. Have a great Wednesday.


I am coming up on my 100th day of running streak (today is 93). I don’t know what I have learned, besides consistency — which is something I have wanted to improve at. Don’t know what’s next


Had to comment again, because I thought of another thing (and loved that the belly made the treadmill stop – logical)
Re: Baby names — Brooke and Skye are both natural things (babbling brook and blue sky), so I hope you stick with that for a girl (River? maybe a plant name?). Knox (knocks) is a verb, so I hope that’s a trend that starts too (Trip? Chase? Rex?)
Excited to see who this new kid is.


HEY SAGE! 100th day ahhhh I am so thrilled for you. You have to do something big to celebrate your 100th day! I’m cheering for you. Oh I love all of those ideas. If we change our mind about the names we have I am totally going to talk to Andrew about these! Thanks Sage!


Hi! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Do you know model Nordic Track you have? Do you recommend it?


Hey Jill! I have the NordicTrack x22i and I LOVE it! https://www.nordictrack.com/treadmills/x22i-incline-trainer?gclid=Cj0KCQjwreT8BRDTARIsAJLI0KJ-slWAro6G5HJ90rrQksplJcJOBWFUrvc3h_seYREe1AIAmNXacigaAr0LEALw_wcB

I am very happy with it and we have put a ton of miles on that thing between me and Andrew over the last 4 years. They were having software problems for a little while with their machines but that has been fixed and so it works perfectly. Let me know what you end up getting if you get a treadmill. Have a great day friend!


We’re twinning with the food this week haha. I just had a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast! And it hit the spot. Side sleeper! The only time I would ever wake up on my back is when I was pregnant! I can’t believe how close you are to having your new baby!! That’s sooo exciting. And I bet you are wayyyy READY ;).
I need to reread how bad do you want it. I love that book so much. I think the hardest part of my next goal is going to be believing I can really do it. I definitely held back during my 50k, especially in the middle when I felt good. I was so afraid of hitting the wall….and it really never came like it has before. Getting that sub 3 is going to be equal parts fitness + confidence, and I can’t really just rely on the first factor to make up for the second. No matter what, it’s just nice to have personal goals like this that give you a reason to keep pushing. :)


Wish we could meet up and eat some bagels with cream cheese together! I just keep hoping that he/she will come each day (I swear I’m having a mini contraction as I type this comment ha)!
What you said about really believing you can do it is SO important and I know YOU can do it! That confidence in yourself will take you to that sub 3 because you’ve definitely done the work and the fitness is there. Be so stubborn during the race (what day is it again?!). I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see your 2:XX happen!


Janae, I feel you all on getting used to the cold. It sucks every year! It’s funny though, a friend of mine moved from Miami to West Texas this year and she’s struggling with the cold. She told me that she doesn’t know how we all do it and I keep telling her it’s an adjustment even for people used to cold.

I’m a total side sleeper! Fetal position basically lol.


Right?!? You’d think I would learn how to better do this since it happens every year? Oh that is a tough move weather wise for your friend, I hope she ends up loving it there. Fetal position haha… yes! Have a great day Maureen.


I start out sleeping on my side, then move to my back, and I save my stomach for last as a treat before I get up. If I stay on my stomach as long as I’d like, my neck is very cranky later.
My watch (Garmin) is always off from my treadmill – it says I’m slower and not running as far. I’ve started editing my runs after I’m done to match the distance I ran on the treadmill.


Last treat haha I love that! Good call on going off of what the treadmill says, I trust the treadmills stats more than watches on treadmills. Have the best day, Amanda.


Heh I have bumped the emergency stop on the treadmill with my stomach and I’ve never even been pregnant hahaha.


Hahaha me too but I bet your belly button wasn’t the cause;). Hope you are having an awesome work day so far, Victoria!


So glad your treadmill is fixed, it’s no a good time of year to have it not working!

I am excited to cheer you on to that OTQ, but also to cheer you on while you rest, recover and get to know this new little babe.

I have never been a stomach sleeper so that part of pregnancy was never an issue, I sleep on my slide. But I don’t miss trying to roll over while Pregnant, I felt like that took an act of god and 45 minutes.

I was never into baths but while pregnant I loved getting into pools because it took the weight off the bump =)

Have an awesome day!


Thank you so much Beth, I’m excited for it too but you’ve got that right… first, time to get to know this baby! Bahaha yes, the rolling over part takes so much work. Off to go find a pool, that sounds amazing! I hope you do too Beth.


Sleep on my back, absolutely can not sleep on my stomach. I have a virtual 10 k next weekend and I have a time in mind. It’s for the Go Lucy Go foundation if anyone is interested! Coming back from my heal fracture I am taking it slow. I want to find a virtual half as my next goal and aim for a full marathon somewhere in the fall. I am praying I don’t have to hit restart again due to an injury, realizing that all injuries don’t mean a complete restart.
So part of the reason I think I may have had a heal stress fracture is that prior to COVID part of my runs were on treadmills at the gym. Do you feel it’s easier on your body? I am toying with getting a used one for the house. I just hate the space it would take up.


Good luck Carrie on your 10k next weekend. PLEASE let me know how it goes and it’s your first race back after your injury… that is a huge accomplishment! That is a great question and I definitely think that any big changes in our training can cause problems. I do see what you are saying with the belt feeling softer than the roads. Do you have any areas where you can run on dirt? I swear my body does best injury wise when I am running on the dirt each week. The treadmill definitely is such a nice thing to have at home but I get the space problem. Are your gyms still not open? Hope you have a great day!


Side sleeper all the way!! I actually can NOT sleep any other way … there is almost 0% chance of me falling asleep on my back or stomach. I do wear my apple watch on the treadmill, but I have never thought to compare the paces… how weird! I like baths every once in awhile – it feels good at first, but I get hot/tired of it pretty quickly, then I feel like I wasted a whole bunch of water!! So excited to see the baby announcement, every time I log on I hope its the day!! lol


Teach me to love side sleeping… it’s probably better for my neck/back than stomach sleeping. Thank you SO much Andrea, we can’t wait and hopefully it’s the day REALLY SOON (I’m getting cranky haha). Have a great Wednesday, Andrea.


Love to see your updates and glad to see treadmill is back running!

I tried to use my Garmin Forerunner watch on the gym treadmill earlier this year but it didn’t really track it well. Is there a special setting you use? Maybe I did it wrong?


Hey Damarys! Which Garmin do you have? Mine has the option to choose a treadmill option… if you can send me which Garmin you have I can help you find that option! It’s fun to see the stats on the treadmill screen and on your Garmin. I hope you have a beautiful day and thanks so much!


Thank you so much! I have the Forerunner 45S and I thought it had option so I selected it like I would do for a run or walk…but like I said, maybe I did it wrong?


Okay, I just looked up your watch and LOVE the look of it! Did it give you the option to calibrate it the first time you used it on the treadmill? You might have to do a factory reset on your watch and then when you choose the treadmill option again, follow these instructions to calibrate it! https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/forerunner45/EN-US/GUID-86541696-B60E-44BC-9A46-4349C86A1CD8.html

I really hope that helps because it’s so nice to have!


Thanks so much! I will definitely try that next time I’m in the gym!


I am definitely a side sleeper. Never have been able to sleep on my stomach. My husband is a stomach sleeper though.
My next goal is to get another BQ. My last one was in 2018, and then in 2019 I had some little injuries, and of course this year no races are really happening at all. If I did once, I can do it again, right!?!
I was thinking yesterday, how much I miss my favorite treadmill at my gym. We have 2 bad fires in our area right now, so running outside is not a great idea. I didn’t even walk the dog yesterday because the air quality was so bad. Hoping the firefighters get some containment.
I love the picture of Brooke in the leaves! So fun and so iconically fall ?
Have a great Wednesday Janae.


ANOTHER BQ… I am so so excited for this to happen. I am cheering big time for you Wendy and want to be updated on the whole journey. Are these new fires in your area? I am SO sorry. I really hope that they are able to get it contained soon. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Thank you Janae!
Yes, these are new fires. It’s so sad to see so much destruction. 2020 just keeps throwing hurdles out at us! Air quality is still in the unhealthy zone today, but a little better than yesterday, so I at least was able to take the dog out for a quick walk. Fingers crossed that I will get to run tomorrow!


I love sleeping on my stomach and was so excited after having each kid to go back to it but for the last several years, any time i sleep on my stomach my back starts hurting big time so i’m a side sleeper now.
my treadmill and watch are pretty close when i’m running; they are the closes when i run at the speed when i calibrated my garmin. if i walk, it’s waaaay off. it i run faster, it’s a little off but not bad. i bought it so that i could get accurate distance and pace while outside so i’m not too worried about it because the treadmill measures how far and fast i go.
i’m doing a half marathon on saturday to celebrate six months of running since all of the nonsense with my knee started over two years ago. it won’t be for speed but to show myself i can still do it. i signed up for a virtual turkey trot on thanksgiving. i’ll run that one for time. i’m hoping to get under 23:48 which is my current PR. garmin says i can do it in 22:11. 1:37 doesn’t seem like a lot of time but at the same time it feels like forever.

have a great day! i’m so glad your treadmill is fixed.


BOOO to your back hurting with stomach sleeping now. I bet you miss it still! Great point about your watch being closest when you are running the speed you calibrated it to in the first place. I have never tried it with walking, I’ll have to test that out. HAPPY SIX MONTHS of running again after all of your knee problems. And a half marathon is the best way to celebrate. Have so much fun doing the turkey trot too.. you have an exciting few weeks of running up ahead and I can’t wait to hear about your PR and I believe your garmin on this one! Thanks so much Lee and I hope your day is off to a great start.


Stomach sleeper! But I feel like it’s not great for my back, so I’m trying these pillows that force me to sleep on my side or back. They help! But I sometimes wake up without the pillows and on my stomach haha.

I love baths for the relaxation and recovery! But I don’t take them often because showers feel more refreshing (and are quicker!).


That’s awesome that they have pillows to help and hahaha sometimes in the middle of the night we just do what we need to do. Have the best day Mariah!


I’m a side sleeper and I know it’s totally not ergonomic, but I do it anyway. I know it’s not right because I keep changing sides once my shoulder starts hurting, lol.
I have run a few times with a watch on a treadmill and the times were all over the place. I did read that if you wear a Garmin Footpod it makes it more accurate, but I have not tried it. I might try it later in the winter and let you know how it goes.
My ultimate running goal is still a marathon but right now I am planning on just a 10K for the beginning of 2021 and maybe another half next October IF IF IF I can stay uninjured. I am still studying my gait and think I see something else i can fix; it is definitely a work in progress.
I am not a big bath taker.

I assume Andrew watched the game last night? Congrats to the Dodgers!

P.S. I love the fact your belly turned your treadmill off! Way too funny.


I’ve been wanting to try out a Garmin Footpod too! Have you tried to calibrate your Garmin with the treadmill? I think that is why mine is so close to being accurate. I am SO excited about the 10k, half and marathon goals and I have a good feeling that this time around will be injury free. You have sure done the research and studying to understand it all. YES, he was so happy and my brother Facetimed him after with tears in his eyes. Hahaha it definitely made me laugh too. Have a great day John.


I’m always hitting the stop button with my hand. Accidentally. I don’t even want to know what that looks like. YES on baths! My condo didn’t have a bathtub when I moved in in 2017. I knew I would remodel the bathrooms but I hated not having one. I’ve been staying in a hotel while they remodel my condo this month and tomorrow I move in and tomorrow night I will be having my first bath in my condo. I’m so excited! I have a bath bomb and champagne. ? Tell Andrew congrats! It’s a tough few years but it will be worth it. At least that’s what my friends say. I never got my NP. He will do fantastic!


I definitely hit the stop button with my hands on accident too (and it drives me crazy). I am SO so excited for you and the remodel. I hope you love it so much and enjoy every second of that first bath. ENJOY! I totally will… thank you for cheering him on. Have the best day Kathee!


I was a hardcore stomach sleeper for years until a ski accident a bunch of years ago. Now, I avoid it because it creates so much neck pain. I have pretty much joined camp Knox – an all over the place sleeper! I will add that nearing menopause does nothing to aid with sleep comfort, no matter what position :o(
I use my watch for outside runs and whatever the treadmill gives me for indoor runs and really don’t compare the two. Weird maybe, but that’s how it goes.
No specific running goals yet, other than working to rebuild a regular running routine!! The goals will come.
Baths are nice from time to time, but like another commenter, I start out enjoying it and then get bored and tired of it after a while.


A ski accident… oh that sounds awful! I hope that your sleeping starts to get better during this time Janine. I think you are normal about not comparing your treadmill/watch and that I am the weird one for comparing them haha. Excited for you to continue to rebuild a regular running routine. Have a great day, Janine!


Hi Janae! I love belly sleeping! I did have to train myself to sleep on my back and on my sides though because I thought that pressing my foot down when I belly sleep would give me plantaar fascitis. But sometimes if I really miss it I will just belly sleep but dangle my feet off the edge of the bed.
I love that book! I read it when you recommended it before and it’s defs one of the great endurance books out there. Happy Wednesday!


YES YES YES… that happens to my feet too when I sleep on my stomach so I do the ‘dangle my feet off the edge’ thing too. I’m so glad you love that book. Thanks Amy, you too!


I’m a stomach sleeper, too. I have to sleep on the couch sometimes because my husband snores, and it makes me sad I can’t sleep on my stomach there.

I recently decided to run my first marathon next December, a month before I turn 40. It’ll be an interesting year of getting up to that many miles!


CLAIRE! I LOVE this plan and I am cheering for you big time. What an awesome goal and December is the perfect time to run a marathon because doing the bulk of your mileage in the fall temperatures is the best. Keep me updated and I hope you get all of the stomach sleeping!


I’m so excited to follow along with your road back to running & chasing after your next big running goals, but I’m also so excited to watch you get to experience life with a new baby and the rest of your family — running will always be there when you are ready again :)

My next big running goal is to BQ! I ran my first-ever marathon on October 4th (it was supposed to be in-person, but went virtual after a few weeks of training). My goal was to go sub-4:15 (with a dream goal of breaking 4), but with the help of some awesome friends/my partner (who ran 12 MILES to support me even though he hadn’t run in a while), I ended up running a 3:49:51! For the last month of training, I was working 35 hours/week on top of senior year/classes/extracurriculars, so I *definitely* was not consistent with my training plan. I never thought of myself as someone who could be fast enough to BQ, but after looking at this marathon, I think a lot of hard work and dedication might make that dream a possibility :)


Thank you so much Liz, that means a lot. YOU CRUSHED (I mean REALLY crushed) your marathon goal. That is huge that you ran that time virtual and during such a crazy time of life! I know you can BQ and I can’t wait to hear all about it. PLEASE keep me in the loop with which marathon you choose next and your training, this is very exciting. Have a great day.


Hi! What running watch are you currently using and why do you prefer it over an Apple Watch?



Hey Lisa! I have the Garmin Fenix 6 Pro and you can read my full review here: https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2019/11/garmin-fenix-6-review.html
For me personally, my apple watch was always off on distance/pace and my Garmin is always right on. The Garmin also is just a bit more specific to running and allows me to do splits easier with a lot more programs etc. BUT I have a lot of friends that love to use the Apple Watch for their running! I also had the old version of the Apple Watch so I’m sure they have made a lot of improvements! Have a great day.


It depends on the night but I’m typically a stomach/side sleeper. Occasionally I will flip to my back at some point but that is rare.
My next big racing goal is a BQ. I tried to go for it last October but missed it by 10 minutes (but had a 27 minute PR so not sad about that). The plan was to go for it again this month, but my marathon race got cancelled due to COVID. Hopefully by next October they have more in person marathons again and I can try then!


BQ BQ BQ BQ BQ BQ BQ BQ! I am THRILLED for this goal and cannot wait to see it happen next year. PS a 27 minute PR… that is incredible! Keep me updated on it all. Thanks Ali.


I sleep on back, sides, and stomach, whichever feels most comfortable. I missed being able to sleep on my stomach and back during pregnancy. I thought I would be able to sleep on my stomach again after having the baby…but I feel like my breastfeeding boobs don’t allow it.


Side sleeper all the way!

We’re spending Thanksgiving week in Flagstaff this year (just the two of us because California has SO many restrictions on family gatherings.) We plan to go to the Grand Canyon for a day so my “running” goal is currently all about getting in hiking shape. Les and I went trail running this morning, it was so fun to have him with me. We definitely push each other and I wasn’t so nervous about tripping since he was there ;)


My goal with running is to start again :) I was an avid runner in college and then unfortunately dealt with some anxiety/depression combined with a broken ankle and I have not run in almost three years. In college I used to read your blog everyday and I never stopped. Your blog is always motivating to me and I hope I will find the motivation to run soon :)


My treadmill is *way* different from my watch (Garmin Fenix 5s)! I know there’s ways you can test the accuracy of your treadmill speed, and I have calibrated my watch on occasion, but since most of the time my treadmill runs are easy/time-based, I just focus on making sure my effort is appropriate. (My watch will show what’s usually my outdoor pace, but my treadmill speed is a full min/mile slower or more…)

I love taking baths, but I’m very particular about the tub being sparkling clean before I get in, so the thought of cleaning the tub is off-putting enough where I don’t take nearly as many as I want. (I just got a new bath bomb though, so I plan to clean soon so I can take one in the very near future :))


I just want to thank you for being so open and honest. I’m pregnant with my second and wondering how in the world will I be able to handle a second kid when just one takes up so much time/energy.
But you are right- it’s a fun challenge that we will figure out. Your positivity but also real ness really helps. Thank you Janae.

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