Good morning!  Just wanted to start off today by letting you know that I have a new pregnancy update HERE!


I got to run with my sister + I’m back at the elevation I like running at + I slept amazing in my own bed without any kids in my bedroom = 7 happy miles @ 9:30 pace.

Deodorant marks are just part of the game right now for me on my running tops because I use it as my anti-chafing goodness before I get dressed for a run.

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Andrew took Brooke and Knox to Sundance to get in some mountain biking.

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And Skye and I went to pick up something for Brooke’s birthday cake and we picked up a cupcake for us while we were there too.

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It felt so good to be home and able to relax on the couch for a bit while Skye napped.

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My niece came over too because she was not happy that she had to go a week without seeing Skye.

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During the day I can get in all sorts of vegetables and deliciousness but then once night hits… I stick to complete simplicity lately.   Three quarters of a loaf of garlic bread and cantaloup made for a fabulous dinner;)

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Any guesses of how many loads of laundry we did yesterday post-trip?

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I definitely didn’t get the yellow memo.

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And we spent our night outside which felt right.

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Rewind to Monday….  Just as Andrew was planning his 20 miler with his running buddy he got an email that said the St. George Marathon is cancelled this year.  We had high hopes that it would still happen because we called a dozen times to ask and a few other races have been happening in Utah recently.  Andrew was extremely bummed because he has already trained harder for this race than he ever has and I’m so sad I don’t get to be there to be his cheer squad.  2021 is ALL his and now he can focus in on mountain biking again (which his mountain biking friends are very excited about).

We got his favorite ice cream to help cheer him up!

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Another reminder of a new baby post here!


Those of you that have had races cancelled, what did you do to feel better about it all?  Has anyone had any races that haven’t been cancelled?

Would you rather never have to do laundry again or never have to do dishes again?

Super random question>  I’m looking for a kit or a package of preschool related items for me to use with Skye?  Anyone have any good websites/links/recommendations for preschool materials?  Her excitement over ‘preschool’ at home is at an all time high.  

Okay, another random question—> I have a nephew that peels his chicken nuggets!! I’d love to hear any fun food things that kids in your life do when they eat?

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I love doing laundry. It’s almost instant gratification to go from empty drawers and a smelly laundry basket to having neatly folded, clean smelling clothes to wear again. We are actually drawing up plans to build a clothesline outside that folds up and down from the fence posts. I’m so excited! Spending more time at home this year has really made me appreciate simple things and finishing projects I’ve put off for far too long.


I am going to start looking at laundry the way you do! Thanks for sharing Tracy and I’m excited for your clothesline to be done. Have a beautiful day!


My half ironman was cancelled yesterday too. Maybe I need some ice cream to cheer me up. I still got up and did my “training” this morning. BUT my training buddy and I came up with a plan and decided instead of out “race rehearsal” this weekend, we are biking to get pancakes.

I hate the dishes.

Welcome home! Looks like it was a great trip


Biking to get pancakes is a brilliant idea! Enjoy!


Mary, I am so sorry that your half ironman was cancelled but I LOVE what you are doing this weekend and wish I could join you guys for the pancakes. Way to still get out and train, you are amazing. Thank you!


My half marathon was postponed from March to October but then cancelled. I honestly feel bad for anyone in positions of power who are making decisions for races or schools or sports. People are going to be mad/upset regardless of what you decide. Honestly I’m not even upset about the half not happening to be honest. The fall will be kind of crazy for me so it’s okay! What I’m actually really mad about and disappointed in is the lack of communication the race had with participants. Multiple people, including myself, posted comments on the Instagram posts saying we never got any communication about what to do. The race never responded to anything and just kept posting. I actually emailed the race with my frustrations and the person didn’t even acknowledge that they never told us what to do. It left a horrible taste in my mouth so I won’t be signing up for the race again, but I will run in 2021 or 2022 since I don’t want to lose my money.

Also I’d way rather never have to do laundry again! I despise folding it lol. There’s a basket of clean clothes sitting in my room that’s been there for almost a week as this point


OH I totally agree, I would not want to be the person in charge of making these types of decisions. I can’t imagine! But you are so right, if you are in that position then communication needs to be happening! I hope you are having a great morning so far!


I was so disappointed about St. George too. I was planning my 20 miler in a couple weeks. Nebo marathon is in 2 weeks but I’m not quite ready so I may just run the half. 2021 will be a better year I hope. I have lost all motivation now.

Dishes are better than laundry.


I am so so sorry Shanalee. We really thought that it was going to happen… I am so bummed for you. Please let me know if you do the Nebo half. I am trying to convince Andrew to do it too and I’d love to see you there.


Your belly, so beautiful! How are you feeling? I can imagine Andrew is very disappointed, but I hope the ice cream did its job. I’m just getting back to running (went for the first time this week!) and I’m not even thinking about races yet so nope, nothing got cancelled for me ;)


Thank you Sanne! I am feeling so much better, thank you for asking. SO HAPPY that you went for your first run postpartum this week. I’m cheering for you and keep me updated on all of it!!


Do you follow @busytoddler? She has a great account for young kid ideas and has a playing preschool book of lessons she has created for that age.
I’m so sorry to hear about Andrew! Ugh! I can’t imagine the disappointment! This year has been filled with disappointments and emotional ups and downs.


I concur! Her curriculum is super low maintenance (don’t need fancy supplies or to really plan ahead) but very hands on. It has been perfect for my busy 3 year old little boy!


Hey Mary!! Thanks so much for the help, I’m going to go through all of her stuff today! I agree, it’s hard to even plan on anything this year because you just don’t know what’s going to happen! I hope you have a beautiful day with some emotional ups:)


Bummer for Andrew! But I give him all the kudos that he had actually started and kept up his training plan. I was/am signed up for the Richmond Marathon in November, but inside I was almost certain it would eventually be cancelled, so while I have still been running, I never started my more structured plan. And then yesterday the notice I knew would be coming showed up in my inbox. Honestly, I was not in the head space for marathon training, so I am not too bummed.

I actually do still have one race left on the calendar – end of this month in Sioux Falls, SD. They downsized their event to just the half marathon and limited the registrants even more, but as of now, it is still on. Should be very interesting!

I vote for never doing dishes again! Have a great Thursday and hope the family really enjoyed Yellowstone.


Hey Janelle! I can totally see why you didn’t start the structured marathon training for that marathon and I hope you are enjoying running without a strict plan right now. Keep me updated on your half and I hope it gets to happen! Thank you so much friend:)


My husband and I were going to do st George together this year- so I’m a little bummed, but I’m excited I’ll have more time for hiking and mountain biking with him :). I’ve been so tired this summer and was kind of hoping it would get cancelled…so it all worked out! I love doing laundry- it’s so satisfying to me.


So bummed for you guys too! BUT I am so glad that you guys have other amazing hobbies to do together and I hope you really enjoy them along with some more rest! You can always come over here and I’ll let you do our laundry too if you need more of that satisfying feeling;). Have a great day Alicia!


Have you looked into Joy School?

You could do with just Skye this year and then do co-op style with friends next year?


Hey Mary! I hadn’t heard about Joy School until now. This looks AWESOME and it would be so cool to do it with friends/neighbors next year. Thanks for sharing this with me!


I had my PR goal race cancelled this year…twice. Plus St. George. The first cancellation in March was devastating; by now, I’m just “meh.” However, not one to waste training or be defeated, five minutes after StG cancelled, I signed up for the Escalante Marathon that’s a week after StG would’ve been. EM is a harder marathon, but maybe that’s what I need right now. Good luck to Andrew with whatever he does next!


Shoot. I am SO so sorry about this and I really really hope that the Escalante Marathon happens. I am cheering for you and please keep me updated!


Me: Ross, did you bear the St George Marathon Got cancelled? I bet Andrew is bummed. He was doing so awesome at training!

Ross: Duh, Megan. I already knew.

Me: How would YOU know?!

Ross: because Andrew texted me and said “It’s Mountain biking time from here on out!”

Hahahah. I laughed so hard. Way to look at the bright side of things. That’s why they are friends.

I would pick laundry over dishes any day. But I would pick laundry and dishes over dusting. Why do I hate dusting so much?


Was Ross praying for the marathon to get cancelled so he could have Andrew back?
I’ll come dust and you come do my laundry and dishes please.


Hey how about Andrew comes to CO to do a trail race and put his training to good use!? I think this one will be amazing.

Also the Arches Half Marathon is still a go for Oct. 11


Forwarding these to him as we speak… thanks Beth! PS will you be doing either of them because that would be more motivation for us to go:). Hope you are having a great morning friend!


Hi! Def not doing Arches but considering the 27k in the Sangre de Cristos. Westcliffe is so pretty.


Hello! Busy toddler has an at home pre-school curriculum!


AWESOME!! I cannot wait to check it out, I love Busy Toddler. Thanks so much Lauren!


Oh no! I’m so sorry about Andrew’s marathon. I found yesterday as well that mine was cancelled…mixed feelings because my friend that I was supposed to do it with had to drop out already, and I didn’t want to do my first one alone! I signed up for a virtual 5k. I couldn’t handle a virtual marathon, but I can do a 5k! Looking forward to next year when we can race for real!


Hey Kristin! I am so sorry about your race too but it sounds like it worked out for the best. Love that you are doing the virtual 5k and I’m cheering for you:). 2021 is going to be an amazing year of racing!


I purchased this curriculum for my almost 3 year old to start in September. I haven’t gone through it all yet, but you get a lot for the money – like almost 1000 pages of stuff I think. And after reading her blog it seemed like she was a good resource.


WOWZERS!! That looks amazing, thank you so much for sharing! WIsh we could combine forces and do it together with our almost 3 year olds!


Oh man – I wish! She really needs to be able to spend time with her little friends again or anyone other than her parents – we’ve only had a handful of brief outdoor masked play times with one friend since March. I’m hoping I can keep her excited with preschool and make the days feel a little different than the usual stuff. We will see. I wish you lots of luck and patience with 3 different grades come September!


All my races are cancelled but I am still training for my half marathon. I was able to do a 10 mile long run last week – which is my longest run since the 1980’s! I am still kind of playing it by ear but loosely following a plan on the “Run With Hal” Android App. Having no race scheduled kind of takes the pressure off – I can have a target date but still am able to move it around if need be.

Maybe Andrew could sign up for a virtual race for a little motivation and so the training does not go to waste? Mountain biking does sound funner though!


JOHN! AHHHH your longest run since the 1980’s… this put the biggest smile on my face! So excited for you!


CIM is the only big race I know of that’s acting like it’s still happening this year. I think it will be canceled by the end of the month though. Hopefully Andrew’s entry was deferred to 2021.


Yes, luckily you can get a refund or you can defer your race! He is very glad they are giving those options. I really hope CIM can still happen but I just don’t see how:(. I hope you have a beautiful day Ida!


Here a full/half option for Andrew in your backyard — Mt. Nebo in Payson UT on August 29. This company has already put on at least three events with their COVID protocol.


Currently trying to convince him to do this one… it’s so close to us. AWESOME that you are coming here. Let me know what you think of the area and the race. I love the runtastic races!


‘No time for flashcards’ was always my favorite blog/website for ideas when my kids were little. They have a lot of homeschool preschool ideas there too.


I had never heard of that website and I just checked it out and WOW, so many amazing ideas. Thank you so much Kelly, just what I needed. I hope you have a wonderful day!


My 50 Miler got cancelled but I’m just going to do the virtual option and map out a course at home. Home can be my aid station and my husband and dog can be my crew/cheer squad. Plus I get to pick the perfect day to run weather-wise so I’m not too upset. :)


YOU ARE AMAZING ERIN. I am so sorry that it was cancelled but I am just amazed at your strength to do the virtual option. Please let me know how it goes and what day you end up doing it on. Cheering for you big time!


I don’t mind when my races are cancelled–except I don’t the chance to hang out with my friends before/after;-). I love not having to worry about being injured, over-training/under-training, logistics of who is going to watch the kids, am I faster/slower than last year (do I even care?)
I do have 2 triathlons that have/are happening and that is something new to focus on aside from running. It has been fun to get a little competitive and see what I can do in a different sport.

Sometimes for preschool, simple things are the best. A bin full of blank notecards/stationary, index cards, envelopes with stickers stamps(including letter stamps)/ink pads are great along with different washable markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc. Ask family members if they have old Christmas cards or leftover envelopes. My daughter got a bin of leftover cards and envelopes and she LOVED it. They were shiny and sparkly since some were from Christmas. She loved “writing” everyone cards. There are preschool workbooks on Amazon that kids love because it is “worksheets” like the older kids do. Teachers pay Teachers have wonderful worksheets–some you have to pay for, but just narrow your search to “free” and “preK” Also, look for sensory bin/table ideas. It can be things you have around your house like rice or beans (I suggest doing that outside or put down a tablecloth), water w/bubbles and she can “wash” plastic animals, leaves in the fall, feathers, etc. Throw in some cups, spoons, scoops and let her explore.

Enjoy your Thursday Janae!


It really has been nice to just do whatever sounds nice each day… I agree with you! Your triathlons have inspired me to try new things too. I cannot thank you enough for sharing these ideas with me. I appreciate you so much, this is all new to me since Brooke was in preschool starting when she was just a few months older than Skye is now. THANKS for the help!! I hope your day is a great one too Becky!


That is a great website for teaching toddlers. Skye would not be considered preschool age so I would stick with a lot of hands on activities ( same advice though for preschool age kiddos). I am a preschool special ed teacher. Finger painting with different colors, making busy boxes, a cutting practice bin, coloring, painting with water, etc. Shelby’s snack shack and sneaky snacks squirrel is perfect for her along with bingo. Hallabaloo is another great game. Play, play, play is priority. In a 2s room they typically have a 5 to 10 min circle time, play, snack, short craft and song time.


Carrie, I cannot thank you enough for helping me out with this with ideas and a resource. I can’t wait to do these things with her… I’m good at the play side of teaching so we are set for this year!


Busy Toddler Playing Preschool is what I am going to be using… Or at least will start the year attempting to follow!!


AWESOME!! Will you keep me updated with how you are doing with this and we can motivate each other:). Wish we could all come together for this in person:). Have a great day Bethany!


Sad about the race!! I have been assuming most races around here would be cancelled, but I almost signed up for one I was thinking would be ON in September – sadly that one was cancelled too. It’s really hard to even figure out WHEN one will be on next, so I’m hypothetically working toward next Spring & exploring some Ultras and other trail races, thinking those may be more likely to be held.
*Laundry vs Dishes – I despise dishes more, but my mom helps me with my laundry too. It’s wonderful.
*My kids peel/pick apart grilled cheeses and quesadillas and leave the bread – apparently it is only a vehicle for the cheese. I am hopeful it’s just a phase.


You have to keep me updated with what you train for and ULTRAS… ahhh I am so excited for you! Bahaha Skye does that with her quesadillas too, good to know other kids do too. Hope you have a beautiful day Katie!


How is that Curly??????? ??‍♀️ Where has the time gone?

My guess fifteen loads of laundry ?

Oh that cupcake looks yummy! Can’t wait to see Brooke’s cake ? I don’t know how you find the energy to do all the things you do!

Oh no Andrew .. that’s a total bummer about the marathon but IT IS okay! All that hard work you put In has made you stronger! ?‍♀️ Better days are coming… I don’t know when but they definitely are! ☀️

Oh my goodness no I’ve never seen anyone peel the breading off chicken nuggets ? That reminded me of Joey saying “I’m only eating the skin so the chicken is up for grabs “ ?

I’m using a new email now .. how do I sign up to get you posts emailed to me? 8 can’t figure this out! ?

Take care and have a wonderful day.. ?


I had a race on the books that was not cancelled but did have to adhere to such strict guidelines that my friend and I chose to defer. We had wanted to run this trail race together but they did a staggered start. Aid stations were medical only and the finish line area was closed for grazing/celebrating so we knew it would not have that race day feel that we all love. We ended up doing that same route the weekend before the race and it was great!
I would much rather NOT do dishes again. Can’t stand them! Lol! Plus, the smell of clean clothes/linens is the best :)
When my kids were younger we had a great time with the Magic School Bus science experiments. Inside each packet was an instructional book and the materials needed for the experiments. They learned about electricity, gravity, friction, light, sound etc.
Have a great day!


Hello! So many cancelled races :( The one race I was looking forward to the most was cancelled, a 220 mile relay in upstate New York. My spring half was rescheduled to the last weekend in August and so far, is still going forward! They had to change EVERYTHING about it, new location, new course, etc. and have been super creative about packet pickup, pre-race staging, and post-race stuff. It’s all touchless and they are starting the race in staggered, socially distanced groups based on your zip code so you are limiting exposure to people in your close geographic location.
I am still training for a fall marathon and my A race was cancelled so I found another one, and if that is cancelled I will just run the distance in my neighborhood. I had really hoped to run my first ultra this year too, and that was cancelled so I am planning to do a 50k in my neighborhood depending on how my marathon distance goes.
It’s a crazy year for sure but running is still there for us!


We did this for my preschooler last year!

My kids also run a homeschool site- where they post a tip every weekday!

I’m convinced we’ll be heading to Yellowstone soon! Thanks for sharing your trip!


What A Bummer! It’s been quite a year So happy you were able to get away and enjoy a beautiful and memorable Vaca! I loved your photos!


I have a bunch of workbooks from Usborne to use with my preschooler – shapes, numbers, letters, etc. They are wipe-off so super easy to use and clean. I also got a BrainQuest workbook for her. Lots of options out there – almost overwhelming when you start looking!

I think I’d rather never have to do laundry again. I find doing dishes kinda soothing and it’s rewarding to see the counter cleaned off after I’m done (we do not have a dishwasher). But I’m also not against making my son do them a couple nights a week :)


well rats that St.G was cancelled-Seems like all the races get cancelled just when everyone is in the middle of the training block! I was registered for Chicago but as soon as Boston and London cancelled I knew Chicago would. It took them a long time to decide (I’d hate to be on that committee!!). I was not comfortable travelling there so was actually relieved it was cancelled. I spent the summer mountain biking, strength training, running less often but having fun mixing things up.

Knox and Brooke look so much older in the photo with the legos! my goodness!!!

I love that Andrew takes Brooke and Knox mountain biking-when we see kids at the trail park it’s so cool to see them zizzing around. I mean, I feel extra lame and all trying to keep up with those fearless kids!

Dishes are faster than laundry, but you can procrastinate laundry without it being gross (relatively speaking). Dishes are inconvenient times of the day whereas laundry can be done sitting on a couch watching a show. This is a toss up.


In the past when my marathons have been cancelled, or too much snow to get there, or life prevents me from traveling to one, my running friends and I often either make up our own race (to date: Dirty Girls Marathon, Charity Marathon, and Lucky Me Marathon) or we run the original race as an unofficial virtual race (we are doing that for St George this year…finishing our training and running 26.2 on October 3rd anyway…it will be small but the support will be fantastic, we can sleep in our own beds, and the aid stations will be guaranteed to have all our favorites fully stocked).


Sorry to hear Andrews marathon got cancelled! It’s such a bummer when you’ve been training and looking forward to it! My half ironman got cancelled and I was sad for a while but then decided to just embrace this weird time we’re in and just do whatever I feel like. So I’ve been doing lots of fun gym classes, runs with my dog, intervals on the way home from work, nothing structured just exercising for the joy of it!
ps. Definitely no more laundry over no more dishes.


C’mon Andrew, do your own St. George! Keep going!!


I did some preschool at home with my daughter last year. We really loved the books from Abeka . They have different simple books for 2 yr olds and 3 yr olds. I loved that they were so simple and didn’t require planning or extra materials on my part. I’m 13 weeks pregnant and I can’t believe the mileage you’re keeping up! Started my pregnancy in peak marathon shape… Now I can run 2-3 miles . :/ Oh well!!

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