How We Celebrated 4 Years… Sentence per Picture Version!

I have a new baby update!  22 Weeks + What are My Running Plans After I Have the Baby!


8 miles @ 9:41 average with my sister.

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Then straight to tennis and Andrew picked up Knox and then met us there.

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Tennis is still her favorite sport!

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My sister invited our kids over for a cousin sleepover and Skye was very serious about making sure we had everything she needed packed for the event.

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Andrew and I went up to Park City for a while to walk around and eat!

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We went there to eat at a restaurant we had been wanting to try but it was still closed so we walked around until we found something that was open!

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This pasta hit the spot.

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So did the brownie shake on the way home.

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Then we went and got a couples massage and then hit up the mall to get each other our anniversary gift.

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A driveway pickleball set!

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Take-out for dinner!

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Hopefully the kids will want to come home to us after the amazing time they had with my sister and cousins.

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This morning Andrew and I will go for a run just the two of us for the first time since last year…. Hopefully I can get him to match with me today too.

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LORA posted this and it spoke so much truth to me.

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Just one more reminder I have a new baby update here!


Give me your sentence of the day!

What activity is the SLOWEST minute in your life?

-The above plank.

What is your workout today?

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4 mile run this morning before work! I agree, plank minutes are longer than normal minutes. Same with HIIT classes when you are doing burpees! A minute of burpees feels like 5 normal minutes haha.


You are so so right. A burpee minute is even longer than a plank minute. Hence why I haven’t done any burpees in about a year;). HIIT classes are so hard, way to go on those and way to go on that run this morning. Hope work is going well!


Planks and burpees bend the space time continuum…it feels like an eternity when doing them for just a minute.

I am so happy you could celebrate your anniversary together in such a special way. Your pickle ball set is such a fun game to enjoy as a family. My Parents said when we married that every happy couple should have an outside game and an inside game they play together. Patrick and I love to run together/hike or lo by walks/ play family basketball in driveway and we love playing card games inside (Ziggity by Brainquest is a recent family favorite and helps Leila practice math and spelling too). Do you and Andrew have an inside game?


Sorry the game Zigity is by Cranium not Brainquest ??


YOU are so right about burpees too… I think those actually feel longer to me than the planks. Thank you so much Nadya. Okay, that is such great advice from your parents. I LOVE hearing about what you and Patrick love to do together. We definitely need to check out Zigity! We have been LOVING Bananagrams but we want more fun games so thanks for the help! Have the best day.


Activity that is the slowest min of my life – running!
Workout today – abs video by Sydney Cummings on YouTube
Sentence of the day – it’s been at least 100 degrees all week in Ontario and doesn’t look like any end to the heat is in sight (the high today feels like 107 or in canadian 42 degrees Celsius!) needless to say my grass and plants are not looking good …


I will have to check out Sydney Cummings, thanks Andrea and great job on your workout today. ONE HUNDRED degrees (feels like 107!!). I hope that you are able to be near great air conditioning and maybe a pool soon too. Thanks Andrea and have a great day!


Sentence of the day: Can the Magic 8 Ball decide? LOL, I’m having decision fatigue around here.
Longest minute: pretty much any static hold (plank, L-sit, overhead) OR any part of a work conference call (ha ha).
Today’s workout is 400m run and as many shoulder-to-overhead push presses as possible in 5 minutes, repeated for 4 rounds. Glad I’m not due for hair washing yet, ROFL!


HAHAHA it’s about time that it should. I am with you on wanting to be done making decisions. Good luck Corey. OH L-SIT yes… longest minute ever. That workout sounds CRAZY hard haha and thank goodness you won’t have to move your arms to wash your hair for a few days. Thanks Corey!


Happy anniversary! I’d never heard of a brownie shake but it sounds so good!
Slowest minute: planking for sure!
Your belly is gorgeous by the way. Can’t believe your already 22 weeks!


Thank you sweet friend! How is your new little one doing?! I hope you get a brownie shake and I’ll treat you with one when you come visit Utah! Have a great day Sanne!


One more reason to visit Utah! One day!
The baby is doing great! She’s actually the best sleeper in the house. She wakes up less than the other two so I’m pretty well rested :)


YES… I’ll take you everywhere!! Oh I am so glad she is sleeping so well and I bet her cuddles are just the greatest. Now to get the other two to sleep as well;)


Hahahahaha! The plank is FOR SURE the best way to slow down time!!


Planks and burpees and the clock basically STOPS! I hope your Thursday has been a great one so far! Thanks Toni!


A coworker of mine once referred to time moving slowly as “contraction minutes” and OH MY GOODNESS I’ve never related to something so much in my life ? never has a minute gone by so slowly than during labor!


You are not supposed to remind me about this haha… we are supposed to talk about this after November;). SO SO true though! I hope you are having a great day Christine!


Watching the clock at the end of the workday the minutes seem to get slower and slower. Also when we play in the pool to see who can tread longer – that minute is super slow too!

My workout this morning was a HIIT one – forget how hard those can be!


OH YES… I totally remember the end of the workday and feeling like each minute was actually 20 minutes! Oh I haven’t done the pool treading contest in a long time, I need to compete with Brooke and Knox. HIIT workouts are no joke. My heart feels like it is going to explode with those. Way to go and I hope you are having a great afternoon Erika!


Hi Janae! I would have to say that the slowest minute is when I do deadhangs. That or if I am silly enough to try to do a speed workout on the treadmill. I’m not sure what pickleball is but I’m looking forward to hearing about it! Have a great day and hope you had an awesome run with Andrew!


HAHAHA both of those are SO so true. I haven’t done a deadhang in years though! I’ll show you all about it soon and you will have to get one for you and your fiance! Thanks Amy and enjoy your day.


My workout of the day…3 hours of Pickleball all before work…I love that sport!!!


You’ll have to give me lessons! I am so excited to get good at it. Hope you are having a great day Michelle and way to go on 3 hours of Pickleball!


Looks like a great celebration!! My workout was 4×800 on the track and it was very challenging for me but I felt so accomplished when it was over! I’m training for my first marathon and I’m not used to doing speed workouts but I’m finding them very helpful! Hope you have a great day!


GO CLAIRE GO! Way to go on a hard workout at the track and I am THRILLED that you are training for your first marathon. So excited for you and please keep me updated with the whole thing. I’m cheering for you!


Workout today = 42 mile bike ride, my longest ride ever! Slowest minute is when I’m running or riding uphill and can see the top, but I’m not there yet. And now I want all the food!


42 MILES! Kathy, you are INCREDIBLE. I am so impressed by you. I fully agree with your hill minute that you are talking about… soooo long. I hope you have some really delicious food today!


Kathy! We had nearly the exact same workout today! Way to go!!!


Kelly, that’s great! I agree about not enjoying the long rides solo – fortunately my husband is my “coach” and rides with me.


That plank photo is so hilarious. And true. Almost anything done one-legged feels like an eternity. Or an out of the saddle climb when you are *almost* at the top.

Today was a big deal for me-I get anxious sometimes doing long rides or runs solo but I really wanted to get out today to get some riding miles in. So I did. 71km with a lot on trails. It was super fun. I did change my route a bit to not be too off the beaten path. When I got home I didn’t feel ready to be done so I did a cooldown spin to town to get some bakery treats. Then I remembered how hilly my area is so it wasn’t much of a cooldown!

Your anniversary looked like a lot of fun! Just this evening my son and I were watching a MTB video from a guy in Utah and we both agreed one summer we have to go to Utah to run, hike, and mountain bike! I think Andrew would like these youtube videos: Seth’s Bike Hacks and Porter MTB (he’s the guy from Utah)

Take care and enjoy the rest of your day!


HEY KELLY! First, CONGRATS. You are absolutely amazing and 71k is very far especially with all of those trails! I am SO glad you stopped for bakery treats … Brilliant. I cannot wait to check out his videos with Andrew. You better let me know when you are here and we will meet you in the mountains. Thank Kelly, you too and recover well!


Oh cool! I can’t wait to hear all about the driveway pickleball set. Sounds like a perfect day- Happy Anniversary!


Thank you SO much Jenny! I hope you are having a great day so far.


We have public pickleball courts and teams right near us! We want to learn the sport just so hot right now here in Florida! At least with my running I can find shade… !

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