With all that is going on in the world….

Good morning and I hope you are able to get out for a run this morning to celebrate Global Running Day.  A good run is what we all need right now!

I’ll have a baby post that I already wrote going up later this afternoon and I’ll be back tomorrow but with all that is going on in the world… I just felt best to leave today at that.

We love you all and I hope you are doing okay and I’m always here to talk.  I’m committing myself to lifetime change, education and action and I hope we can all talk openly about it all over the years of blogging up ahead!

Tell me how you are really doing?  I would love to chat in the comments today!

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I’m a middle school teacher and I’ve been committing myself to researching books by POC authors to share, read, and discuss with my students. I saw you are reading The Hate U Give, and I’m reading that right now too! It is so good. Loving it.

Some other fiction authors that I’ve ordered books by are Nic Stone, Jason Reynolds, Jewell Parker Rhodes, and the newest book by Elizabeth Acevedo (if you hadn’t read her book, With the Fire on High—I highly recommend it!)


Hey Emily! Your students are lucky to have such an amazing teacher and you are going to have to keep me updated with how it all goes and thank you SO much for the recommendations, they are just what I need. Have a beautiful day.


I’m feeling very sad about a lot of negativity/bullying I’ve seen, very sad for my friends who are hurting and very inspired to make some changes. I spent yesterday looking for a way to help in my community and landed on one that helps children whose parents are incarcerated. I read the individual stories of how they have helped create a positive community for these children and have given them life changing opportunity–it was heartbreaking but so beautiful. Truly community coming together. They had a big amazon wishlist and I was so happy to use some of my stimulus check to make a small dent in it. I feel very strongly that we can make differences in this world and I’m just heartbroken that it takes something so awful as murder to remind us of this. I hope 2020 is a pivotal year reminding us of our humanity, our connection and that we can’t just ignore injustice because it doesn’t affect us directly. If it affects one of us, it should affect us all. <3


Mollie, I wish we could all just give each other big hugs right now. You are amazing and I love what you are doing to help. I really believe that this year will be a year that will be talked about forever for how much change and good comes from this all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I really appreciate them.


It’s a sad time and honestly having our restrictions not lifted has helped. We are still safe in our little home with our kids! We have always had conversations about treating others equally with our kids but now it is changing to what do we do about the injustice. My 12 yr old and I are going to pick some summer books to educate ourselves. I am trying to find a book for my 9 yr old.
Today our focus is on dear friends. We are good friends with a couple older than us at our church. Monday night the wife’s sister and husband were murdered by their 30 yr old twin son. We are just trying to wrap our hands around it as it is so horrifying and we feel for them.
It feels like everything is just crumbling but I know it will get better. It will take time.


Oh my dear friend. I cannot even imagine what you and that family are feeling right now. That is so heavy and unbelievable. Thinking about you all and praying for the families and friends involved.

I haven’t even thought about that… I am so glad the restrictions are actually helping everyone’s emotional health there. I am so glad that you are having these conversations and you’ll have to let me know what books you end up reading.


Hi Janae! We are doing good over here, but what’s going on in the US is in the news here as well. There’s been demonstration all over our country as well , I hope everyone’s actions will lead to a better world and more equality. 2020 is a big year, isn’t it? Otten I think to myself: what a time to expand our family. But on the other hand, I hope we can give our kids the best examples and I hope I will raise my kids as good people.


Sanne, I feel like I know you (which sounds creepy) from the emails/letters we have had over the year and you just shine and I know you are doing an amazing job at helping your children to grow up to be amazing people too. I totally agree, I hope that this all brings out so much goodness and commitment for continuing change forever. I hope you are getting some sleep friend and I wish I could give that newborn of yours some big cuddles!


Random question that has nothing to do with anything. When Skye sleeps in late, how do you adjust her nap and bedtime accordingly? I’m always afraid to let my 20 month sleep in past 7:30/8 for fear she won’t ever go to bed at night. She already has a hard time falling asleep by 8pm. Don’t want her up until 9 or 10!


Hey Hailey! That is a great question. I definitely adjust her sleeping schedule when she sleeps in… the other day she slept until 11 so we just skipped her nap so she could keep her normal bedtime. But then sometimes she will sleep in and still go down at her normal nap time. I kind of follow her lead a bit because as far as our schedule goes, I can and so I figure her little body must be growing and needing more! I hope this makes sense but I totally see what you mean… keeping that 8 pm bedtime is everything! Good luck and let me know how it goes.


I cried a lot last night. I struggle to understand hate in general. I spent some time yesterday learning, trying to understand, trying to process. I’m worried for our world . I’m grateful for the chance to talk to others. I hope you have a good day today!


I’m worried for our world… I feel a lot of that right now too Kristin. I wish I could give you a big hug and you are amazing for working hard at learning and growing. We’ve got this. Thanks friend, you too!


Minneapolis has been calming down somewhat, thankfully. There are wonderful peaceful protests and memorial gatherings during the day, all over the cities – curfews and still a little bit of mayhem at night. A coworker who lives in the neighborhood where Mr. Floyd was murdered could view a car fire out his window last night. Other than that, he does say the chaos is settling. My neighbors and many many others are focusing on donating supplies and/or getting over to help with clean-up efforts. And figuring out the “how” of what needs to happen next [change…]. Hopefully other cities are working towards that too.
I am trying to do more listening. And extra praying. I certainly don’t have the answers! Thanks for the podcast suggestion yesterday – that was another good listen.
I’m also going to tune-in, online, to the memorial service that is happening tomorrow.
Take care!


I am so glad things are calming down there. I’ve been wondering. You and your community are amazing and I really hope that nothing but change, learning and loving comes out of this. Keep me updated with how you are all doing and I’m thinking about you!


My running friend and I (both long time readers) have spent a lot of time talking about “privilege” and the guilt we feel over the privileged lives we have lived. We have to be cognizant and acknowledge it before anything changes. It’s so hard. I watched my city be destroyed by violent protests Monday night but last night they were peaceful and even the media commented that it felt different. I hope we start to see change, and I want to be a part of it. Question, what do you do when you can’t run/workout to relieve stress? I had surgery in March and took 8 weeks to recover, though I still can’t do core exercises until July. I was just getting back into running when I fell last week and twisted my ankle. 2020 has been rough to say the least. Thanks for being a virtual friend. It’s comforting to come to your blog.


Rachel, that must have been incredibly hard to see. YES, I want to be part of it too. I’m so glad you have had your running friend to talk about these very important things with.
I wish that you were able to continue on your comeback to running after this surgery. Please keep me updated on your ankle and I have a feeling 2021 is going to be much better. That is a great question because running is my favorite way to relieve stress. Is there any other form of exercise that you can do while your ankle is healing? I write in my journal to relieve stress a lot, I go sit in the sun when I need a boost of feel-good hormones, I listen to music that makes me feel better or turn on a comedy. I’m here if you ever need to talk and THANK YOU for being my online friend!


Hi Janae! I really think we are living through a historic time that our grandchildren will learn about in textbooks. One of my friends mentioned keeping a diary during this time for that reason and I think it’s a great idea! I think it’s super cool that your blog is kind of like a public diary and will capture a snapshot of how we are feeling at any time.
Personally, I feel stressed and anxious more than before. Luckily so is everyone else and so it’s more ok to talk about it. I find myself waiting for the next thing- I was waiting for my fiance to come back from abroad and now I’m waiting for him to finish quarantine. Maybe I should just focus on the present, just thinking out loud here.
Happy running day to all! Glad we can keep doing that!


Hey Amy! I can absolutely see why you are now so excited for him to finish up quarantine and why you are counting down the minutes until you are back together like normal. I love the idea of keeping a diary during this time, what a great idea! I hope you are able to find the best ways to cope with everything going on. Thank you friend and the same to you!


I’m really looking forward to your baby post this afternoon. I saw it this morning and then actually just double checked your site after finishing my lunch to see if it had been posted already. I’m curious, how do you find yourself getting ready for the baby? Did you keep most of the items from Skye? My husband and I have been having the pre-baby talks and it’s so overwhelming to think of all the stuff to get ready for a baby. I’m not even sure where to begin! :)

Take care!


Hey Katherine! I am so excited about the pre-baby talks! You’ll have to keep me updated. So as of right now, we aren’t doing anything to get ready for the baby (oops) but that is probably because we have a lot of Skye’s stuff still. I do think that less is more with babies to be honest…. They really dobn’t need that many things. BUT I do have a list of things that I loved from when Skye was a baby. Here it is: https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2018/02/some-of-our-favorite-baby-things-10-week-update.html

Thanks friend, you too!


This is a difficult time. My heart is heavy.

Sending ? to you and everyone.


Thank you friend and sending that love right back to you!!!


Oh Janae, I have been a reader and fan of HRG for years, and I have to say, your honesty and openness about this process of learning about injustice and developing that into action (not for just a day or a month but like you said, for a LIFETIME) just makes me love and appreciate you so much more! Thank you for sharing your good heart with this world. You have built such a strong community and platform and I am so grateful for people like you who use those things to serve others!
I am feeling so many things this week. Sadness, exhaustion, heartbreak that I know can’t possibly compare to that of the black community or the families that are grieving the loss of their loved ones. Have you seen the picture of George Floyd when he was a toddler sleeping in his mama’s arms? Any mother could look at that photo and see herself and her baby, and it hurts your heart to think of how their family has had to suffer. And we can’t forget, that baby is also Ahmaud, and Breonna, and Trayvon and Tamir and Eric and Mike and Philando all the others. I am crying as I write this, and I know that doesn’t even come close to ever being enough. I feel shame that I never really took notice of these issues before it’s hitting us over the head like it is now. I mean, I was aware of it, but I never DID anything about it, and that’s a pretty uneasy feeling to sit with. In an effort to start doing something now, I have donated to several organizations, and I’m working on getting educated. I watched 13th on Netflix (SO powerful), I bought the audiobook of How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi since the book itself is sold out everywhere, and I’ll be listening to that on my runs. Again, though, I know all of that is just a start and there is no end point, until we truly have equality. To end on a more positive note, I do feel a lot of hope and inspiration right now as well. I am hopeful that enough people are finally starting to take notice, to really listen and to commit to action. Whether it’s educating our children, volunteering, voting, having conversations with friends and family, donating, etc. It feels like there’s a lot of pressure to believe that things are spiraling out of control and that hatred and division are winning, but I don’t believe that. I also see a lot of good, a lot of love, a lot of open hearts and minds, and while this feels like a turning point, I am hopeful that it’s towards better days for all. I feel my own heart is changing, and I am inspired to commit to manifesting that change outwardly in this world, in whatever ways I can.


Thank you sweet friend for being my friend over the years and for your sweet words! I agree with you, it’s hard to realize that the sadness we are feeling really isn’t even close to what the black community has always felt. I have seen that photo and it absolutely breaks my heart too. I am also experiencing that shame and feel like I’ve just walked around clueless for 34 years. THANK YOU for sharing what you are doing, you are making a difference. Thank you for sharing that last point because that hope is what I needed to remember and it is what I am seeing too. Thanks Kelly, have a beautiful rest of your day!


Feeling really exhausted. But also feeling really grateful & encouraged to see so many people involve themselves in an issue they could easily ignore. Thank you for wanting to lift others up at this time! I enjoyed that podcast episode you recommended & listened to it while drawing some Black Lives Matter signs to post in my neighborhood. ❤️


I love that idea to make signs for your neighborhood and I’ll join you in doing that here! Thank you friend and I hope you have a beautiful afternoon!

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