Weird Request from Me + Weekend Happenings!

Four miles on my own and then four miles with my sister at a 9:14 average pace for my Saturday.

I put ice cubes in my handheld water bottle with my water… It was so refreshing to have freezing cold water to sip on for the entire run.

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Not a lot happened on Saturday but we did spend a lot of time outside!

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And I ate the best grilled cheese sandwich of my life.  Swiss + cheddar + my homemade freezer jam.  I’ll be eating this same meal at least 10 times this week.

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On Sunday we did church at home!

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And then for dinner my sister’s family and my parents (they stay socially distanced from us the entire time and we eat outside) came over for burgers.

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We ate outside in the shade…

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And the second I saw this Frozen Strawberry Dessert, I knew I had to make it for my family.

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Next time we will put fresh strawberries on top right before eating it rather than freezing them with the whole dessert but other than that, we wouldn’t change a thing!

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Our cherries are just about ready and I can’t wait.

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Andrew’s Week of training (he decided to run an extra day instead of cross-training… maybe this means he is loving training;)

*3.28 miles @ 8:36 average

*Trails with 5.27 miles and 787 elevation gain @ 10:26 average. (<— the trails help SO MUCH when training for the St. George Marathon)

*1.58 mile w/u, 4 x 800m @ 6:25 average pace (2 minute walking recoveries after each interval) and 1 mile c/d

*8 miles @ 8:52 average

21.13 miles total!

And this is what his week looks like up ahead (please remember, I am a certified coach through RRCA but I’ve only coached my brother so far and I am getting ideas from my own personal experience too…. I am NOT an experienced coach in the slightest:).

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I hit 47.54 miles this last week with my fastest run being on Wednesday (8 miles @ 8:12 pace with 10 x 400m at the track in the middle).  My runs for the rest of the week ranged between a 9:14-9:29 average pace.

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This request is just going to feel like it came out of NOWHERE…  I think part of the problem to why I am not great at enjoying/sticking to weight training is because I know nothing about it.  It’s like when I watch a sports game that I don’t know the rules to… I’m bored to death.  But when I know the rules and the strategies of a sports game then I really enjoy watching it (does that make any sense?).   I am trying to incorporate some strength training into my life right now BUT I really want to learn about strength training so that I can get more into it after I have this baby.

Not only do I think weight lifting will really help my running but when I read stuff like this (source), I am very motivated to do what I need to do to strengthen my muscles as I get older:

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So, I was wondering if you have any books or websites that you would recommend to me that could help me learn more about it.  I would love a great resource for workouts but I want to know the why’s, the how’s and a bit of the science behind it all.   I think knowing nothing about it leads me to quit easily, feel bored with it or get frustrated because I don’t know what to do.  I’m eager to learn about it so I can stick with it because we have the perfect set-up in our shed that will make it easy to do with little ones (and a new baby soon ahhh) at home.

Any strength training books/websites that you recommend?  I’m excited to dig in!

Those of you that do strength training at home What are some things that you really use a lot that I could add to ours?!

Have any tips/tricks/items that help you to stay cool during these summer runs?

What was the best part of your weekend?

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That grilled cheese looks AMAZING. Multi-cheese grilled cheese is the way to go.

For super ice cold water during my whole run, I sometimes freeze my water bottle overnight so it slowly thaws while I’m out running. Game changer.

I have always enjoyed strength training so I don’t have too much trouble with motivation for it, but I do like watching some youtube channels with strength workout/day in the life vlogs. I like Miss Fit and Nerdy and Stephanie Buttermore (usually, both of them have videos occasionally that I don’t love but that’s how everything is).


Seriously… so much better than just using one time of cheese. Oh I love doing that too but then I get so frustrated when it doesn’t melt fast enough but it is a lot hotter where you are ha! Can’t wait to check out their channels, thank you so much Victoria! Hope you are doing okay today and any word on July?


Strength training is so amazing – as you know – and it absolutely helped me become a stronger (and faster) runner. I started with Sculpting Her Body Perfect by Brad Schoenfeld and it transformed me. He explains exactly what to do and how, gives a few example workouts, and also gives detailed explanation with pictures of specific moves. Love this book! It looks sort of old-timey but the principles remain the same as in flashier books I’ve picked up. This is one that remains in my home library. Good luck!


THANK YOU CARLY for the help and I just added that book to my cart… the how and explanations sound perfect. Thank you so much and have a great day.


For strength training I like the TRX suspension system. You can do so much with it!
When I used to run in the heat of the day, I would wet my hair with the hose and then put a light colored hat on. It definitely helped to keep me cool during the run.
Have a great day Janae!


Okay, those are so much fun to use! I will have to talk to Andrew about us adding those, THANKS Melissa. And such a great idea to help keep cool during summer running. Hope you have a beautiful day, Melissa.


I can’t sing praises of Beachbody enough. There are so many programs (weight training and cardio) and even pre/postnatal programs. Tons of training videos to choose from in your own home with minimal equipment and less than $100/year. I know there are other similar video based programs out there (Daily Burn comes to mind) but I can’t tell you anything about them.

We just got back from vacation so just sleeping in my own bed was my favorite part of my weekend. ?


Oh strength training… It’s hard for me to keep consistent too. However, these last 3 weeks I have been doing strength more regularly and really enjoying it. I have a couple of old school DVD’s, but also find great videos on YouTube. I also have a couple of friends that swear by Beachbody! I haven’t jumped on that yet, but it appears to work really well!!
Best part of my weekend was that I did a little run/walk to test out my achilles… It feels good! I’m so happy. So today I will run a short route and see how that goes, but yay!
The rest of the weekend was spent doing house stuff an a little time at the pool.
This is for Andrew: Great job on your training so far!
Have a good Monday ?


Please share what other people share with you! I like to learn that stuff too! I’ve been using the Peloton app since the shutdowns and I’m obsessed with the strength training, specifically the workouts for runners. I almost want to cancel my real gym membership haha. I’ve loved some of the explanations the teachers give as to why we’re doing these weird bear crawls and how it helps running economy. I’ve done everything with a 15 lb and 35 lb kettle bell and I feel SO strong! Kettle bells are the best! It’s so much fun!!! So, since our water fountains are all shut off because of the virus, I’ve been looking for ways to stay hydrated without a handheld bottle (they annoy me so much) and I bought a Fitly hydration pack…I seriously can’t say enough good things about it. I do wish it had more than a 17 oz bag but the storage is amazing and the entire pack sits above your chest bone so it doesn’t move AT ALL. I did a long run/workout with it this weekend and didn’t notice it once, except for how much better it felt to be hydrated and not carrying a bottle! HIGHLY recommend!!!


That strawberry dessert looks AMAZING! I will have to make that!
Have you ever heard of the website (and app) Fitness Blender? is a GREAT resource for strength training workouts. They have filters you can apply and they do an excellent job of visual guides for doing specific movements. If I remember correctly, they also have some resources around the “whys” for strength training. It’s my favorite for online workouts!
Best part of my weekend – my friends and I had a socially distant cook-out and bonfire. The boost to my mood just from seeing my people was much needed! I will never take simple nights with my friends for granted again!


I also need help with strength training- I just cannot stay motivated with it like I can with running!

Ice cubes in the water bottle have been helping me! Also, depending on how long I’m out one water bottle isn’t enough, so I keep one in my car with ice cold water too so I can refill. Power buns help too! I don’t like having sweaty hair touching my neck/back, so buns save me during the summer haha.


When my husband was big into lifting, he read a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger that also had exercises in it. I think it was called The Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. He loved it!


Yay for having family over for burgers! I feel like I haven’t had a really good burger in too long now. Hmmm…..I think I need to address that.
I was a runner and now I’m obsessed with strength training. I can’t say enough about Girls Gone Strong. The women on the advisory council are all about true women’s health, no fad diets or pseudoscience allowed! I think you’ll love them.


You should get in touch or follow Paige Kumpf. She’s amazing. She just had her second baby so she is out on maternity leave right now and not taking clients. She has a very methodical approach to strength training, with a TON of science backing it. She’s great at teaching form corrections and tempos on moves. She’s TrainerPaige on Instagram. She’s been my virtual training coach for the last 4 years. But check out her Instagram and she talks to what sources she uses and her N2 certifications.


I personally love lifting weights, but I love LittleLyssFitness she is getting her PHD and has lots of science and why behind it all. You can follow here on Instagram, Facebook and she has eBook resources.


Check out Girls Gone Strong! They have tons of info on their website in addition 2 free programs, paid programs and coaching. They even have lots of pregnancy and strength training information :-)


I hated strength training until I started using apps. I LOVE Alexia Clark and also sometimes use Madeline Moves. Madeline Moves is awesome for complementing running. Check out their instagrams!


This book! ROAR: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life


Two book recommendations for weight training: Anatomy for Runners and Running Rewired, both by Jay Dicharry (if you ever hear him speaking on a podcast, listen, he’s amazing). I found Running Rewired more practically helpful because in addition to explaining why you should do certain things, he groups them so you can just flip to the back of the book and follow along on strength training days. Back when I could still go to the gym, I would carry his book around the weight room on strength days. There’s also a ton of stuff in there that doesn’t require a lot of gym equipment.


I’ve been following Alyssa Olenick on IG and after awhile I joined her lifting program. Game. Changer. And she has a ton of free content on her IG @littlelyssfitness that explains the science behind lifting. Bonus she is also a runner so her programs are set up to compliment running!

Or Alessandra Scutnik who has a completely reasonable monthly program (subscription is like @14.99 a month) and is amazing and not overwhelming at all. She’s @alessandrascutnik on IG.

Lifting has been a game changer for me, especially after having my son!


Best part of the weekend was my run. I got out for 11 miles on my own …on a misty Saturday morning and it felt so good. Now I just need ear buds that don’t fall out lol.

We also cooked together which is one of my fsvourite things to do. We made shepherds pie with butter nut squash and a big pot of chili…we added Italian sausage to the ground beef yellow peppers and lots of spices and a white wine.

I always carry water when its hot. But a buff is great too becase you get water from a fountain and wet the buff. Also a cap. And if we can we run near water or lake on our trail runs we always cool off. I like to start early in the summer so at least some miles are not run in the heat. During hot summer races I would stuff ice in my sports bra and under my cap.

I hope you have a great day! and your family suppers look delicious especially your frozen strawberry dessert!


That grilled cheese looks amazing!

I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the guys at MindPump – they are leaders in the lifting world, very knowledgeable with no BS on fads or gimmicky programs. Their podcast comes out several times a week – and they have had many conversations about lifting for runners and how critical it is for performance. Please check out their episodes!


Honestly, I do the bare minimum when it comes to strength training;-). I do the least amount possible to get the most results. I listen to the mind pump guys and I bought their program when it was on sale. I follow the program and lift 3x/week during the winter and I am not running as much. When I am running higher mileage, I only lift 1-2x/week and “cherry pick” the exercises I want to do. On days I don’t lift, I do what they call “trigger sessions”. Usually push-ups, core and an arm exercise. I don’t have that much time/don’t want to spend all my day working out (I have done this in the past). I would rather run, but know there are so many benefits to lifting so 1-3 days depending on the season in my life is very feasible.

Best part of my weekend–running with my sister and coming to the cabin!

Happy, happy Monday!


I am new to it, but am loving Run Smart Online. You can do a two-week trial for $1, and after that, it’s $15/month, or they have annual plans that work out to be cheaper than that. The guy who leads it is a PT and all of the strength training is runner specific. He has tons of resources – strength training guides, videos, seminars, etc. on the site. I’ve always struggled with strength training because I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing, so I just kind of haphazardly throw things together and I’m not very consistent with it. I love Run Smart Online because it is very prescriptive. I know I need to commit to regular, consistent strength training. Every year, I’m sidelined for a few weeks with some minor injury. I’m also 42 and have had two babies – my body has changed, and I know as I get older, I really need to work on building strength, not only for running, but to improve my quality of life for years to come!


Hi! Long time reader but I rarely comment.

I am the opposite, I enjoy strength training a lot more than running. One of my favorite people that really helped me to enjoy strength training more and to be more confident in the gym working out by myself is Lauren Gleisberg. Her website has several different training plans, including pre and post natal mom plans, as well as pelvic floor and core strengthening plans which are essential after kids! And, she always goes in to the science behind her plans.

Her Instagram account and blog are both great resources!


I will be honest I don’t do much strength training, but I did read Tim McGraw’s book Grit and Grace. It does talk a lot about the why and the reasons behind a lot of things he did. He’s in his 50’s and is the fittest he has ever been. Like 2% body fat ha! When I met him I was in awe! He even opened his own gym.

staying cool while summer running = minimal clothes, lots of ice cubes, and a bandana to wipe sweat out of your eyes!


I am the same way about understanding stuff to enjoy it more! Since I started running regularly postpartum I’ve also started stretching and doing strength more. I told myself if I want to keep running I have to do these things at least a few days a week to help my body build back up. So far I like to keep it simple – one thing about strength that turns me off is it seems complicated and confusing… so I stick to exercises I know how to do, write down what day I will do them, and only do 5-10 mins right now just to start building the habit. My sister does way more lifting than me so I aspire to that someday but right now manageable is key for me to keep going. I recommend the book Go Ahead Stop and Pee for postpartum Strength exercises! The authors are PTs and do a great job explaining the exercises (and pictures!) and why you should do them postpartum. It really helped me understand what my body needed to recover well!


Not much help with strength training because I really don’t love it or gravitate to it. My daughter is a trainer, so she just does zoom workouts with me everyday to force me to do strength work.

I CAN help you with a super easy frozen strawberry dessert though! Combine one 8oz package softened cream cheese, one large container of cool whip (keeping it classy), one large can crushed pineapple-well drained, and 2 1/2 cups chopped fresh strawberries-let drain, OR 2 small boxes frozen strawberries-thawed. We always put this in muffin tins with paper liners to freeze and my dad ate this as a ‘to go’ snack. He also preferred it with a couple chopped up bananas in there. My mom liked to freeze it in a cake pan and cut in squares to serve as an actual dessert.


You. Are. The. Best. And I cannot wait to make this, thank you SO MUCH!! Have a beautiful day:)


I once was at a museum with a human body exhibit, and they had scans of two peoples thighs— Both in their 70s, one not an exerciser and one a triathlete. I could not believe the difference in the amount of muscle! Lately I have been in PT trying to get back to running, and I have realized how important taking care of the basics is for long-term health, so I’ll be interested to hear what everyone’s advice is for strength training resources!


Julie! I bet that was really interesting to see and a great motivation to keep up with it! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful week.


I found The New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schuler to be super helpful in lifting. The entire first half of the book goes into why it is important for women to lift (and lift heavy!) and the second half gives you a multiple stage training program to follow. The training program includes photos and descriptions of each move. The workouts are hard but it is very easy to notice an increase in strength if you follow along.


Just put it in my amazon cart… thank you so much! This sounds perfect for me! Have a wonderful day Kristin!


My fallback for strength training are the Les Mills and Mossa programs that can be found on YouTube. Those really are great programs because they target every muscle group and they strengthen your muscles as well as increase endurance. Plus, the hard work of programming is done for you :)
From Instagram,, blondeponytail and crystalseaver all have great routines that use very little equipment, can be done anywhere and the workouts can be as long or as short as you want them to be.
Some things I’ve added to my little home gym are: TRX, resistance bands w/ handles and as soon as I can get my hands on them, kettle bells and as assortment of dumbbells.
Mu suggestion for summer running …. run before the sun comes up!
Best part of my weekend was running trails I haven’t run on since last year with a good friend and getting a nap in with my 6 year old! The later NEVER happens and it happened so organically that it was pure magic! Lol!
Have a great day!


Finish Line PT (NYC PT for runners) has been doing strength workouts 3 times a week on Instagram since March. They are MWF at 4pm ET, and they are all saved to IGTV as well. They also do mobility sessions on Tuesdays. I have never been consistent with strength training but made it a priority for quarantine and have been doing the workouts since the end of April. I am seeing a HUGE difference in my running and I can now do push-ups on my toes! They are all really running focused exercises and they explain the movements and all the cues to really activate your muscles. I’ve learned a lot! Highly recommend! I also love having a time to be somewhere without actually having to go anywhere…


For weight training, I REALLY enjoy Les Mills Body Pump classes and now that I’m stuck at home, I discovered that they have great online on demand classes and you can sign up for a free 2 weeks. (After that, it’s like $15/mo). The music is great and the workouts go to the beat. I also like that the online classes range in time 15-55min, which makes it easy to squeeze in at anytime. They have other classes included like spin, yoga, barre, etc but I think Body Pump has the biggest following.


I just got into strength training after baby number 5, always preferred to spend my time running, and now I love it! I do it 3 days a week for an hour each time. I’m not super into videos, but if I need a little motivation I use fitness’s free. I just started following a woman on Instagram who lives in my hometown and I love her! It is She has 4 kids and fostering her fifth. She is also a big runner (4 time Boston qualifier, and ran Boston 5 months postpartum in the snow!) All her workouts are geared to making you a stronger runner. She has pre-post natal workouts, as well as kick your behind strength workouts for any other time, and plans on her blog you can purchase for soooo cheap. I just purchased the boot camp and upper body/core as a training guide to mix things up for me. It was so hard to get into strength training, but I love it now and cannot imagine my workouts without 3 days of solid strength training. I feel so much stronger in my runs, and no injuries since picking up strength training. Love following your blog, and so excited to follow your pregnancy!


I added Beachbody On Demand to my running a few years ago, and I love the variety of options. I pick a program that I want to do & then make a plan where I am doing it in combo with my running – rather than the program’s traditional calendar. The only equipment I have are light weights, a yoga mat, and a few of the stretchy bands. I love Barre Blend and 80 day obsession. I’ve always thought that Autumn (trainer for 21 day fix, 80 day obsession, etc) shares a lot of her strength training knowledge during the workouts & I like knowing those details.
That strawberry dessert looks amazing. I feel like that could be great motivation to finish a HOT run.
We just played at home all weekend, made some yummy food, and had my parents stop by for a bit outside. It was perfect weather here! Looks like you guys had nice weather too!


Wasn’t Mary your coach for breaking 2hrs? She’s a strength coach as well!


Hi there! I am a runner and an avid weight lifter. I have workout plans that I have shared with my friends. One thing that would benefit you is Jamie Eason’s workout plans. All of my plans started from her basic From Flat to All That 12 week program. She has plans you can buy but you can find each weeks workout on Pinterest. From Flat to All That Week 1, week 2, etc. I am very goal oriented so each week I would layout each workout like hers in the plan, print it on a tiny paper and do each move at the fym. Over the years I just increase weight, add different moves, etc. Have fun with it!


Check out blonde ponytail. She has a blog, website, etc. I love her and her workouts. Simple and effective. And she has kids running around and fits it in however she can.


I use Fitnessblender for weight training and I love it! I find it much easier to follow along with a weight training
video, than to do it on my own. It keeps me on task, rather than wandering off looking for something else to do. It’s free for most of the videos and you can search for what type of training you want to do that day (core, arms, legs, etc.) Good luck!


I am an exercise science major (just need my internship to graduate!). I agree, the knowing why is so helpful and weight bearing exercise is so important as we age.

My recent class (Advanced Strength and Conditioning) had an ebook option, which I got.
I’d be more than happy to share with you if you want. Just let me know where I can send it electronically.


You are the best! Thank you SO much and I would love it so much. Could you send it to [email protected] ? THANKS!


Janae! I SO recommend that you check out the Tone It Up App. It has so many strength workouts and even tailored programs. Right now I am doing their prenatal program, they have each week of pregnancy schheduled with workouts that are about 20-30 min long. It has helped me so much because I don’t have to think too hard about what to do on which day. Good luck!


Check out Expecting and Empowered! They have pregnancy and postpartum strength training guides and SO much info on their Instagram & blog


I can’t agree enough about Expecting and Empowered! I found them through their Instagram account, and eventually bought their pregnancy workout guide. I even registered for their postpartum workout guide on my baby registry. E&E is run by two sisters, a physical therapist and a RN. They provide so much good, evidence-based information about how to prepare and strengthen your body for pregnancy, labor/birth, and postpartum. I love their IG stories, YouTube channel, and plus they have a blog on their website I swear I am not sponsored by them or connected to them in any way – I just happened to stumble on their account on IG. I am about a week ahead of you in pregnancy with my first baby, and previously was doing Orange Theory 3x weekly. I really wanted to keep up my strength and fitness levels, but was pretty worried about correctly modifying for my pregnancy. Their fitness guide has been a lifesaver for me!


I’ve seen some great strength training tips on run4prs IG. The owner is also pregnant right now too!


I think your best bet with the strength training is to actually do a 1:1 session with a good trainer who can reach & educate you & GST you started on a base plan. It is motivating to make sure you’re doing it right, books are okay but self-limiting in that regard.

Love 10×1 min repeats

That desserts looks deadly.


That is very true! I hadn’t thought of that, thanks so much Jenni! I hope you have a great evening and try the dessert!


I highly recommend trying out the trial with CrossFit Linchpin. I know CrossFit can sound intimidating, but my husband subscribes to their program (I think it’s $10/mo) and with it you download an app. Every day that I want to do some strength training, I just do whatever is in the app for that day. There is a in-depth YouTube video from the owner of the gym describing the movement, the purpose of the workouts, and any adjustments you might want to make. There are options for scaled, low equipment, and no equipment workouts too. I agree that knowing more about something can help me be into it, but with strength training – especially when I’d rather be running – having a workout prescribed for me can really make a huge difference!


Gah! That desert looks so delicious! I have to make it. I saw the recipe and it looks super easy too. Thanks for sharing :)


I think you would love a year of Beachbody On Demand. The lifting programs use hand weights but it is available on any device, you could do it inside or outside. You just follow along. Day 1,2,3 so no thinking. It was trying to figure out what to do that always put a damper in my weight training. My family is doing Liift4 and really loving it. Even my mom bumped up her weights. It is also only $99 for a while year!


Go follow @madelinemoves on IG!! I was SO nervous about weight/strength training because I never knew what to do! I found her and she has helped SO SO SO much! I’m much more confident and I do it a few times a week now!
I love how creative you have become with seeing your family but keeping everyone safe…it’s all about thinking outside the box during this time!
And tips for staying cool…lots of frozen fruit, watermelon and staying in the AC or hanging by the pool/lake!
Best part about the weekend: FINALLY entering the hair and nail salon!! I feel like a human again!!!


I didn’t read through all the comments so I hope you share If you get some good strength workout books!

Also, thanks for sharing Andrews training. His Current marathon time and goal marathon are mine too actually! I’m not training for a race now but I’ll have to come back and remember to check these out for myself and training. Although his Average times are faster than mine for regular runs.


I used “Making the Cut” by jillian Michaels when I first started weight lifting! I also love her app, there are pre built programs or you can make your own. It helps me stay interested in a routine.


Power Speed Endurance by Brian Mackenzie is great. It gives lots of info, has photos to see different movements, and has WODs in the back to get started.
I noticed another commented on MindPump and I love them! They also have YouTube videos.


I started with Nerd Fitness. It’s amazing and explains all of the science too. You don’t have to pay for any of their plans or join or anything either. I also enjoy their humor. :)


I would check outbody by science by Doug McGuff. It goes into the science and gives you a place to start from


Hi there, I have been a long time follower but have never commented…I just had to about this tho :)
I’ve been a runner for over 20 years and have neglected strength training….needless to say now that I am older, my body has let me know it is NOT happy with this. I saw another reader recommend “The New Rules of Lifting for Women” by Lou Schuler and I have to say it is awesome,especially for a home gym. Lots of home modifications, but it sounds like you are well set up. It is easy to follow and a great place to start out…it’s set in Stages and should take about 4-6 months to complete at your own pace. I don’t use the nutrition guide, but there is one as well. Good luck and thank you for all your sharing and insights on running!

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