Tuesday Tangents & a Bachelorette Party.

I have NEVER been so thankful for podcasts as I am right now.  I miss my running friends a lot but luckily The Armchair Expert’s interview with Alicia Keys made me feel like I was involved in a conversation yesterday for my run.

It was a very cold morning but the views were stunning.

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I came home and the girls and I did some yoga in my room.  I’ve done more yoga over the past few weeks than I have done in the rest of my life combined.

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We made the Disneyland Churros and listened to It’s a Small World while we ate them ha;).

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They were amazing and next up we are making the Dole Whip!

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The highlight of the day was Megan’s Bachelorette party.  We did it via zoom and had our gifts all mailed to her so it was definitely different than expected but it felt so good to socialize with everyone.  I’m so excited for her to get married this week and then can’t wait to celebrate with her at a reception in a few months.

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I have a bunch of tangents to discuss today!!

*So do I just let these fake nails completely grow off… they are pretty much cemented on.  I REALLY need a pedicure right about now too:)

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*Brooke has gotten back into knitting again and you can find her needles within a few inches of her at all times lately.

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*Because we are home 24/7 it feels like our house is always messy and this reminded me that is a-okay and NORMAL!!  I just have to change my expectations.

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*The girls are obsessed with getting carried to bed each night by Andrew.  It’s just part of the routine now.

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*I wonder if my running friends miss taking running pictures for me every day.  I should have just brought 6 different outfits with me on Saturday when I went running with Andrew so that he could have gotten all of my running blogging pictures for the week rather than the selfies I take daily now;)

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*If there is a berry in our house, Skye will find it and eat it.

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*I’ve shared this before but thought I would just one more time… Two things I am extremely excited about when I wake up Monday mornings are Megan’s memes on IG (she posts around 20 HILARIOUS ones late Sunday night so they are so fun to see Monday morning) and the Fast Women Newsletter.  Even during this time, Alison Wade puts together the best newsletter that just pumps me up about everything going on in women’s running.

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What type of ‘appointment’ do you miss the most right now?  Getting your hair done?  Nails?  Anything at all?

What have you changed your expectations on during this time?

Have any tangents to share?

Prettiest thing you’ve seen recently out on a run?

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I think right now I’m missing getting my hair done the most … I’m desperately in need of a cut and color. My biggest expectation change is about how much work I have to get done for a successful day, setting manageable goals and checking those off is where I’ve moved to instead of the never ending to do list. Random tangent is that I’ve been thinking about joining a CSA and have decided if this goes into May I’m going to pull the trigger since that will be my last month of paying rent and a mortgage. Virginia right now is beautiful in bloom with cherry trees and dogwoods so I’ve been enjoying that and all the farm animals on my weekend long runs!


I am SO glad that you have readjusted your goals for work during this time. I sure assumed I would be able to do more than I am but that’s not the case either! I would love to join a CSA too! Let me know how it goes for you! Sounds like you are seeing some amazing things on your run, we are so lucky we get to. Have a beautiful day Katie and I hope you are able to get that cut and color soon!


I saw an influencer on Instagram use this method to remove her nails!


It seemed to work well for her!


THANK YOU!!! Now to just get myself to do it haha:) Have a beautiful day Emily!


I miss my eyebrow wax (the place closed two days before my appointment ugh) and I’m in desperate need of a haircut. I’ll likely need to wait another 217543 years since everyone will be trying to get a haircut appointment once this is all over.

One tangent: I took a “pay what you can/want” virtual pilates class yesterday and it felt SO good to be back in a “class” setting. Highly recommend checking out gochlo_ on Instagram because it was nice to get moving in a different way than just running now.

The prettiest thing I’ve seen recently on a run was the sunrise this morning! It was coming through the buildings (I live in a city) and it just made everything look so nice and fresh.


Oh I miss my eyebrow wax too… I just plucked mine and it’s just not the same. Oh I didn’t even think about that, once we are out we will still probably have to wait a while. Good point! Okay, that pilates class sounds awesome. So cool that you did that and I need to check that out. Those types of sunrises are healing, so glad you got to experience that Maureen. I hope you have a beautiful day friend!


I tried to make the Dole Whip, but it just came out like a milkshake. It tasted amazing, but not the right consistency. Let me know how it goes for you!


Oh bummer… I love the consistency of dole whips! I’ll let you know! Glad the flavor was the same at least:). Have a great day and loved the clip you sent me yesterday!


I rescheduled a hair appointment about two weeks before this all started because of a work thing and of course that didn’t happen…..SO MY HAIR IS A DISASTER! It’s really starting to annoy me. haha. First world problems.
We had a huge storm yesterday that blew all of the cherry blossom petals into puddles. It looked like patches of snow–it was so pretty!
I’ve let go of a perfect house, eating perfectly, too much screen time, a perfect workout…pretty much anything right now haha. Which is very out of character, but I’m just rolling with it. I actually feel like I’m getting a break from my Type A self and it’s refreshing. :)


NOOOOOO I wish you had been able to keep your original appointment. Good thing we can all just wear ponytails every day now if we want ha. Oh I bet that cherry blossom petals scene is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing about you breaking away from your normal Type A self. I’m really trying to figure that out too and it’s hard but you are so right, so refreshing. I hope your day is a wonderful one Mollie!


I miss my facial appointments- they help my skin so much and are super relaxing! But I’ll just appreciate it even more when I can finally go back.

Prettiest thing I’ve seen on my runs lately are all the spring flowers. Always want to stop and take pictures haha.


I miss getting my hair done. I need a cut and color badly. Oh and my eyebrows need to be done too. I can pluck them, but it’s not the same.
I’ve let go of having a sink empty of dishes. No matter how many times I run the dishwasher, there are always cups in the sink… Ha ha… At least everyone is hydrating!
Right now, the wild mustard plants are in full bloom! I just love the little yellow flowers, and they line the trails I run, which makes me very happy. Parts of the trail have become very narrow because of how big the mustard is.
We are looking at a few days of sunshine and warm weather, wahoo!! I can already feel my mood lifted ?
Hope your Tuesday is great!


I just plucked mine and you are SO right… it’s just not the same. Hahah way to go looking at the dishes that way, I’ll copy you! Oh I bet those flowers are gorgeous. ENJOY the sunshine and warm weather, send some here too. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Oh I hear ya… I would pay A LOT of money to get a facial today! A lot! I want to see all of your spring pictures pictures! Have a wonderful day Mariah.


Brené Brown interviewed Alicia Keyes on her podcast and it was so good!

People are putting positive messages out on the running trails and trivia signs. It is really fun and uplifting to see while running.


I can’t wait to listen and I need to buy her book! I love that people are doing that and to see how we are all pulling each other up. Hope you have a beautiful day Leslie.


I’m pretty low maintenance so I won’t be rushing out for a hair/nail appt. I would really like to see my chiropractor though!

Ha, I guess I had pretty low expectations for staying home. I haven’t been too surprised by much. My word of the year is definitely flexibility and I remind myself, my kids, my husband, and my students of that daily.

We had a ton of rain last week and 1. I ran on the rain which was fabulous, and 2. The day after the rain when I could see the mountains surrounding our valley was pretty great.


I bet you miss your chiropractor, I miss mine too! My body feels so out of whack, it’s been so long. What a great word of the year and something we are all learning so much more about. Running in the rain is healing and the views afterwards are the best, so glad you had that experience. Enjoy your Tuesday Marissa!


I am not sure which state you live in … but here in Minnesota we’re allowed to go to the Chiropractor. All of the chiropractor’s offices are open they just have to practice social distancing between patients and limit the number of people in the office. It has been my saving grace the last few weeks!


What a fun Disney celebration with churros and Snow White! :)
Prettiest thing on my recent run: a street near me that is lined with cherry trees on both sides, full blooming, and the breeze blowing petals that are just starting to fall; it’s like pink snow.


I bet that street is STUNNING! I hope you get in a few more runs there while everything is so gorgeous. Enjoy your Tuesday Corey!


I miss my hair appointment! I hadn’t seen my “real” hair color in YEARS and let me just say…whoa.

I tried soaking my acrylic off with water/acetone and it didn’t do a thing to remove them. Some people had suggested using dental floss? I used the kind that are on a stick type thing, and just worked it under one side of my nail. Then I sort of wiggled it back and forth in a saw-type motion and gently slid it completely underneath to the other side and they popped right off! It took a while though lol.


Thanks for the tip because I’m sure I’ll be using it… thank you and good thing I’ve got all of the time in the world to get them off ha. Hope you get a hair appointment again soon and thanks Jocelyn!


I got my haircut right before the stay at home order on a Thursday, then worked from the next day. I received an email from my office saying to stay home through the end of April (now pushed to the end of May). The only person who got to see my new hair is the last person who would notice (my fiancé)!! What a waste, haha.

Only tangent I have is that I feel like this quarantine has been one long day with naps thrown in and the weather getting progressively better :)


THE END OF MAY! Oh that is a long time Lauren and I think you should post your new hair so we all get a chance to see it:). PS is this changing anything about your wedding plans? Hahah I feel the SAME WAY about the quarantine! Thanks for sharing and enjoy that nap tonight;)


We were looking at having our wedding the first weekend of May, but decided to wait and put the money towards a house. Unfortunately my best friend was supposed to be getting married the second weekend of May. Her bachelorette, shower, and wedding have been postponed with no make up date, everything is already booked. I feel terrible for her, but she is hanging in there :)


I see my esthetician for waxing every 6 to 8 weeks. I went on March 5, two days after the tornado ripped through Nashville, and the same day as the first COVID-19 positive in Tennessee. So my need for hair removal is eminent. It won’t drive me crazy until early May…

I have changed my expectations on mileage. I am using my desk treadmill (yay foresight! I bought it in Sept/Oct and used it once last year. Now I use it for all my conference calls) daily, both for walking when actively involved in a meeting and for running when in listen only mode. I try to get Baxton in his bike 3 times a week so I can do a 3 miler with him, and besides that I LIVE for when my hubby gets a day off (once a week lately) and I get up and go for a solo run for 60-90 minutes. The freedom!

I am making my own sourdough starter. Each day you have to “discard” most of the dough and “feed” it more flour and water. But I am infinitely opposed to discarding perfectly good dough, so I have a list of discard recipes and am making homemade waffles, pancakes, crackers, pretzels, you name it!

Prettiest thing I’ve seen recently out on a run is the sunrise over a dozen or so deer.


Since everyone else in my house is busy with work and online school (my job is on furlough) I have immersed myself in a painting project that we have been wanting to do for awhile. I trimmed my nails down because I can’t seem to get the Nex-gen off, and they were crazy long. Normally I get them done monthly, and they are looking pretty rough at the moment..oh well it’s quarantine life. I also missed a scheduled hair cut and color so I’m definitely feeling pretty unglamorous at the moment…LOL I keep teasing my family that my new painting job is just less glamorous.
We’ve had a couple of cold days, but overall the weather in Texas s been amazing. It’s been lifesaving to get outside for runs and walks. So much prettiness outside with all the trees and plants blooming.
Overall I’ve enjoyed having the whole family home. It’s been awesome to sit down to dinner together each night and just slow down a bit. The college kids are unexpectedly home, my husband isn’t traveling for work…so while it can sometimes be a bit confining, overall their are definitely some high points too!


My friend bought acetone from Sally’s or Amazon and soaked her nails off. I guess it didn’t take too long and she felt super relieved once she was done!
I need those churros in my life. Like ASAP! Lol!
Is is strange that I miss dentist appointments?! Only because my boys haven’t gotten their teeth cleaned in probably around 8 months and I need new trays for my invisalign. I also wish I could see chiro right now since I’ve had a kink in my neck for over a week.
I’ve stopped expecting the world to be healed overnight. But I really really need to work on that whole house cleaning expectation.
My tangent is that wearing headlamps make me a timid runner because when it catches the eyes of any animal, i feel like it also enlarges them 100% and I’m then convinced I’m staring at a large animal who wants to eat me. 99% of the time they’re small house cats!
Prettiest thing I saw on yesterdays run was Mount Rainier at dawn. The sky was a gorgeous deep blue and the mountain was lit up from the recent snow fall.
Have a great day!


Oh nails and hair for sure. BUT the other half let me cut his hair! He had lots of instructions as the first time didn’t go super well. This time went well!

It’s so cool that you had a bachelorette via zoom ?

Besides the cherry blossoms and sunrises all the chalk art. It feels like the community is coming together!

I am with you on the mess.
Have a wonderful day Janae!


I deeply regret cancelling the hair appointment I booked right before everything shut down. My hair is SAD right now. Luckily I have completely abandoned any expectations around my appearance haha which has actually been SO refreshing. I haven’t put on makeup for weeks and my skin has never been better! Also my eyelashes have never been this long in my entire life! They are really loving the break from mascara.
I saw the most gorgeous sunrise this morning on my run :) I love the early morning so so much. I’ve always been an obnoxious morning person but now it is definitely the best part of my day. I NEED that quiet time to breathe and calm myself for the rest of the day (also have never done this much yoga in my entire life ha). And thank you for posting the Disney recipes! Dole whip is going to make my day. Hope it makes yours too!


I’m afraid my hair is going to be insane before we can go to appointments again. I did a pretty good job on my pedicure a few days ago. I’m still waiting on my dip nails to fall off. I think they will be gone by the end of the week.

I miss the gym and the bagel/coffee place I go to after my workouts. My SIL and nephew go to the same gym. I’ve only seen family on Zoom for the last month :(

I’m so thankful I can still run outside! I’ve been noticing all the pretty flowers and landscaping. I’m just getting started on mine.


Haha, we started feeling like we were going feral, definitely in need of haircuts, leg wax, chiropractor and a massage! So this weekend my husband buzzed his hair, I gave myself a pedi (not recommended after a long run, my hips were so tight I had a hard time reaching my toes, hah), I plucked my eyebrows and I did a coconut oil in my hair to try to manage the ends. Boy do I take the little pampering things for granted #firstworldproblems

Most beautiful thing is the amaryllis that my mother in law gave me for Christmas; it’s just finished blooming and has been a huge boost, especially while it’s still snowy/rainy. Amazing job on those churros by the way!


–There are lots of online tutorials for removing acrylic/gel/dip nails at home. Google is one of your best friends during quarantine! If you can find a tutorial from a nail tech or nail specific blog/instagram/etc, it will probably be better than a general fashion/makeup influencer.
— I avoid all appointments like the plague if possible so nothing different under quarantine. Same old, same old…do my own nails, cut my own hair, still don’t know what make up is.
— The prettiest things I saw on runs last week were daffodils, grape hyacinths, and hawks. So far this week…snow.
–I try to give myself a littel more grace when it comes to patience and swear words.


Churros are SO delicious!! Yours turned out so good!! I’ve never tried to make them but I definitely want to try sometime.

I have an at-home dip kit and actually just use acetone-based nail polish remover, cotton balls, and foil and wrap each finger and let them sit for about 15 minutes. I buff them first to make sure they absorb the remover and it works every time!

I’ve changed my expectations on my productivity through all of this. Some days I wake up with ALL the motivation and then others, not so much. But, I’m definitely giving myself grace because I know productivity doesn’t determine my value! :)

I’ve been LOVING all the tulips (and other flowers too) blooming here in Arkansas! It seriously makes me so happy to see everyone spending more time outside gardening right now because it makes my runs so much brighter! :)

Have a great Tuesday, Janae!!


I miss my massage appointments!! I’m a very low-maintenance gal when it comes to hair, makeup, getting my nails done, etc. But, I live for my monthly massages!

The prettiest thing I’ve probably seen on a run lately is the sunrise. One of the best ways to start the day!


Expectation adjustment: I have used the actual statement “Hope, do whatever you want I will be putzing on my phone for the next 10 minutes.”


I miss being able to go in for a shoe fitting. My ankle is cranky and I know the new model of my fav shoes just aren’t working for me. Easy fix in pre-Coronavirus times. For now I am tempted to set up a zoom conference with all my favorite running nerds to just ask advice. Le sigh.

Prettiest thing- the daffodils are amazing right now. How can shouting yellow flowers not make you happy?


I saw the PRETTIEST sunrise when I was on my morning walk/run on Easter. It’s only fitting, right? :)
I miss my facials the most FOR SURE.
When I was letting my fake nails fall off, I kept filing them down so that they didn’t painfully break off. They ended up just falling off/chipping enough that I could get them off without much effort. Probably not the most professional way to do it :D


I cancelled my hair appt a week before everything happened and I deeply regret it now! My son had his orthodontist appt booked to get his braces off (After a year!) and two days before the appointment was when they closed all the dentist/orthodontist offices! He was majorly bummed.
I am trying that dole whip recipe out for sure. The kids and I have been making fruit kabobs as a fun snack and they love picking out the fruit to put on the sticks lol. Anything to entertain right?


I really miss getting my legs waxed! Shaving doesn’t feel the same and waxing myself is too hard! I’ve changed expectations on all of my “fitness” goals. I struggled for a bit when my main race got cancelled but now I’m just embracing the fact that I can do what I want/when I want and am trying different online gym classes and running/riding/swimming the distances and pace I feel like! It’s been really enjoyable actually!

Tangent: I’m really struggling with finding a balance between “supporting small local businesses” and not being able to use keep cups or eating in. I want to help local restaurants and cafe’s but feel really bad about the extra burden on the environment by using single-use plastic.

Prettiest thing I’ve seen on my run: I love running here and the beach, sunset and river are always highlights!


I’m missing my monthly massages right now. Was so sad my scheduled massage had to be canceled this week and who knows when I can get one again. I do need a hair cut, but I only go about twice a year so not terrible. My husband on the other hand could really use a hair cut. He has to shower in the morning so he doesn’t have bed head now lol.


Ahh I love armchair expert! Podcasts are saving me right now also


ok that picture of Skye on the counter in the tutu with food on her face… that is SO me in my head! that is my true bliss- kitchen/food, tutu, smile! perfection.
i cannot wait to get a WAX. ugh! but also start seeing my own patients again. i miss work and feeling like i have a purpose…


Oh I miss my eyebrow wax too… I just plucked mine and it’s just not the same. Oh I didn’t even think about that, once we are out we will still probably have to wait a while. Good point! Okay, that pilates class sounds awesome. So cool that you did that and I need to check that out. Those types of sunrises are healing, so glad you got to experience that Maureen. I hope you have a beautiful day friend!

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