Silentish Saturday!


I took a new route for the 8 miles and saw some new snow on our mountains and it made me miss Sundance so so much.

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Next—> Homeschooling.

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Brooke’s teacher organized a classroom chat for the kids because they have been missing each other a lot.

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Skye is really into Ariel at this moment.

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We’ve been missing our Jamba Juice dates together so we made the chocolate/pb one at home together.

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We got a new seat (with pedals) that connects to our bikes for Skye.  It’s called Shotgun and we’ll try it out a few more times before we do a review but so far, Skye loves it!

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I’ve ridden a bike around more in the last week than I have in the last two years;)

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Of course.

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Ordered pizza from our favorite local pizza shop + some Caesar salad.

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Always trying to convince us they should all just sleep in the same room together.

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I really loved this.

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Time for a weekend run which brings me the feeling of normalcy but excited to someday be doing this again with my team…

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Tell me three things that you have going on today!!!

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That is awesome! I love that you already have Skye rising. I’ll bet she is dying to do it herself because of Brooke and Knox. How does the parent sharing thing work during this trying time?

I am going to suggest teacher video chats next; your blog will single handedly overhaul the Metro Nashville School system!

Three things:
1. Made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies late last night so it was almost today.
2. Run! 6 miles today! This weekend I am going to make a training schedule so that I didn’t just slack off.
3. Bike ride with a picnic lunch (that’s my plan, now I just have to talk Rob and Baxton into it).


I totally agree, I think Skye will be riding her bike in no-time! With Brooke she will just wait to see her dad until this clears up and we are keeping the same set-up with Knox as usual. Just such a crazy time. Oh I hope that your schools start the video chats too, it really perked Brooke up. Your day sounds perfect… wish we could meet you for the ride and picnic. Thanks Tonya!


We are in IL where we have been ordered to shelter in place but running is allowed so I’m going running. I also asked our neighborhood to draw suns and put them in their windows so the kids can go around and find them. My 5 year is super excited to see them all. Yesterday she did a face time show and tell with her bestie. They sure are missing each other.


I am SO thankful you are still able to go running and that is the best idea. I LOVE it… I’m going to copy you:). So glad your little one got to facetime with her best friend. Such a weird and hard time of life! Sending hugs Corrinne!


I’m a CPA. With the actual deadline being changed yesterday, they cut our required hours from 60 to 52.5 for this week and the next two. I’m off today!!!!
I’ll be doing lots of yard work. I planted about 450 tulips and they have all started to come up. I need to get the gardens and planters cleaned out so my pretty tulips aren’t surrounded by dead leaves and sticks. I think I’m also transplanting a hydrangea. A huge one is behind the house but it gets no sun so it never blooms. If I move it about six feet, it will get sun and hopefully bloom. I walked four miles today. I still have about a week until the cortisone shot takes full effect and I can run…..but only on fairly flat roads. I love my hills but I’ll take what I can get.
Enjoy your run! Have a great weekend!


I’ve been wondering how the change in deadlines is affecting everyone! SO happy you get the day off during what is normally your craziest part of the year. 450 tulips… GORGEOUS! I am excited for you to get to run on flat roads again… the first miles after time away are the absolute best and full of such much gratitude. Thanks Lee, you too!


Hi Janae !
Those photos of running or biking are a torture for me ! haha !
Today began with banana pancakes.
After that, pulling weeds in the garden.
And maybe a movie in the couch this afternoon.
What are those French Toast (in yesterday’s post) . I’m french and I don’t know that ! Ha :)
Have a beautiful day !


Ingrid, I wish so badly that you could get out for a run or bike ride. Hopefully those days aren’t too far away. Banana pancakes… yum! Hahaha that is funny that we call them that if you don’t have them there. It’s a mixture of eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon that we dip the bread into and cook in a pan! Here is the recipe that we used:

Thank you friend, you too!


We only can go out around the house for a really short time and maximum 500 metres (0.3 mile i think. Haha)
That’s too short for a run :) And as I see people who are not respecting the rules, I prefer to stay at home, and I hope people will realise that everyone has to contribute, and make an effort.
Thanks a lot for the recipe ! I need to try this !


I’m so glad you’re doing well and hanging in there in this crazy time! Blogs like yours with the needy little life bits and updates are just what we need right now.
Derrick is working the next week in a row at the hospital, so today I’m doing a little baking for his coworkers, working in the yard while the sun shines and picking up my wedding dress!!! : D
Have a great weekend with your kiddos!!!


HAHAH I’m glad I saw your spell check comment first;) I kid!! THANK YOU CHRISTINA, that sure means a lot to me. We are all in this together. That is so sweet that you are doing that for Derrick’s co-workers. I have to see a picture of your wedding dress! So excited for you. Thank you friend and I hope your weekend is a great one too!


*newsy* not needy. Spell check!


Make banana bread, do a yoga video, do a movie and pizza night (with pizza from a small local place!)

Love how Brooke’s teacher arranged a virtual hangout! I did that with some of my friends Thursday night and it was so much fun!


Enjoy that movie and pizza night… it is the best thing to do right now. Thank goodness for technology, this would be so much harder if we couldn’t virtually connect with others. Thanks Mariah, enjoy!


So we have kept a fairly busy schedule and are letting today be flexible. My girls have had online school for 3 days and my poor 12 yr old has had more work then if she had been in school. I think that her teachers just are not used to this yet and thought more might be better. My 9 yr old has had hour long zoom instruction sessions with her teacher each day. At age 9, she started in full fidget mode about 20 min in!!!
Today my own ambitions are arm strength day, yoga with my 12 yr old and a long fitness walk ( this is a cross train day and not a run day).

I am a preschool special ed teacher who does Telepractice ( not now since we are shutdown) and I did story time for neighbors and friends via zoom. I might do that a few times a week. Anyone who has zoom can do it, it was so fun!!


I LOVE that you are doing! Maybe my kids can join in on that! I am glad you all are having a more relaxing day today. I have a friend with a child in middle school and she feels the same way… more work than if they were still in school! Good luck with those long zoom sessions too. Keep me updated on how you are all doing Carrie!


Looks like you all have had a pretty good 1st week of being home, yay. 1 day at a time…
We are under a “shelter at home” order from the governor, which is a weird feeling. But we are allowed to go out for exercise, runs, walks…. So I am going to keep running in the mornings for sure! And I think we’ll be instituting a family walk requirement in the evenings, just to keep us all sane.
I will definitely be doing lots of yard work I we the coming weeks as well. And maybe even get all the windows cleaned finally…ha!
Take care and have a good Saturday. ?


I am SO thankful you are all able to still run and exercise outside. Those night walks are necessary for our sanity too. My whole perspective changes when I go outside. Yay for clean windows ha… thanks for motivating me. Thanks and you too Wendy!


We slept in today. Then some groceries and laundry. There is a large basket to be folded and then I’m going to finish the t-shirt I’m sewing. I tried it on and it looks great already. The children drove to the hockey field to play and run around in the sun for a bit. I hope there aren’t any other people so they aren’t breaking any rules. I’m looking forward to my run tomorrow. I’m trying to find new routes in my neighborhood, to not get bored with the usual. Have a great weekend, it’s so good to see we are all in this together and we’re making te best of this situation.


So cool that you are able to sew t-shirts! WOW! Good luck with the laundry… we have so much too! I hope you find some amazing new routes, that definitely helps me with running boredom. We’ve got this! Thanks Eva!


I love that Skye has gloves, pants and a coat on and Andrew is in shorts and a t shirt. Haha. Typical.

Typical house chores today, exercise, and I have to record Felicity doing her dances to send to her teacher for critiques. This whole thing will never not be weird.


Hahaha his brain is just messed up with temperatures. I agree…. I keep thinking I’ll wake up at some point! Can you send me the videos too? Felicity is just the best.


Hi Janae! I decided that to stay sane I will treat myself to a long bath and maybe some candy (I have to ration it now) after my long run. I’ll also be making bread and taking inventory of what items I have at home (so I know what I would run out first of and need to order). Hope you have a great weekend!


Rationing candy… NOO! Oh that scares me! Way to go on the long run and enjoy every second of that bath, the candy and the bread! Thanks Amy, you too!


1. Run
2. finish the book I am reading
3. bake
Setting the goals high today, haha.

This past week we have let the kids sleep where they want. My son has been dragging in his sleeping bag and sleep on the floor in my daughters room. My oldest prefers her room to herself;-)I thought it would be a disaster, but the younger 2 are going to bed on time and sleeping in longer than my oldest. Dh and I were discussing how we better not let all of our “rules” go out the window! Eventually we will go back to “reality”

I can’t wait until it is warm enough to bike here! I haven’t even though about getting the bike out, but what a good time to put in some miles!


Becky, THANK YOU for sharing that idea with me about the sleepovers! I love it and will have to try it here. I keep thinking it would be fun to put a tent in our backyard and sleep there one night:). I hope that it warms up really soon for you all. Thanks Becky and send me some of whatever you bake today haha!


A seat with pedals?? Genius!! We had pizza last night too and it really hit the spot!
Today is yoga, outside time, homework, outside time, cleaning, outside time, strength training, outside time :) Oh! And making cookies! And maybe a quick run.
Have a great day!!


Oh I felt the same way… that pizza was just what we needed! You’ve got a very busy and fun filled day:). Enjoy and let me know how the cookies were:). Thanks Jenny!


Hey there! I just wanted to say “thank you” for being a bright spot in my day, Janae. It’s nice to live vicariously sometimes, especially when things are tough.
My son and I are trying to stay busy as best we can.
Is your brother (the Smashing Pumpkins loving pilot) doing ok? My husband is taking it day by day, but we’re basically just waiting for him to get laid off at this point. He won’t be allowed to come with me to the hospital when the baby is born because NY is on full lockdown, and he’s been out of the state. Heartbreaking, but lots have it much worse than us. I’m due “any day now!”
I hope your family stays safe and healthy. I’m glad to see Andrew is getting some time at home. ED nurses are being overworked, for sure.


Stacey. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. It breaks my heart what you guys are going through right now. I can’t even imagine. Will you please keep me updated with how you guys are doing! Thank you so much for your kind words:)
Things haven’t really hit Utah yet but his hospital has warned him that once it does, he will be gone a lot! I hope you are having a beautiful day with your son and I’m praying for you!


Solo 10k this morning. Walk with my daughter this afternoon and movie tonight. Life sure is different but we are learning to adjust to it.


I feel the same, I’m glad we are all able to adjust to our new normal! Great run, enjoy the walk and let me know if whatever you watch is a good one:). Thanks Jennifer!


3 things today:
1. 10 mile run on my favorite Oahu mountain – Tantalus
2. Time to pack because
3. We are flying home! We could have stayed longer in Hawaii but Les’ boss said we might as well go home so we changed our flights yesterday – tons of empty seats one day before departure which is crazy! So far none of our family members are sick but it would be horrible if something happened to one of them and we were not able to fly home. We can drive anywhere from California if we have to!

I love the video chat for Brooke’s class. What a great idea!


Okay curious what place you ordered pizza from?? We are in Utah County too and love to try new places!


Hey you! It’s from two jacks! The cheese bread is unreal!!! Let me know if you try it!


I really appreciate your blog posts during this time. Thank you for the positive vibes you share! :)


I went on a quick easy run.

I’m making the no-knead bread that was so cool a decade ago but I never had time to make.

My daughter is showing us her cool new dance (that seems disturbingly like Flash Dance for toddlers).

Best of luck home schooling! It sure adds another level to your normal day!

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