Silentish Saturday!!!

HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO ANDREW TODAY! I am so incredibly grateful to him and the life we have together.  32 is going to be an amazing year for him!

8 solo miles to start off my Friday @ 8:30 pace.

She likes to hide under her sheets when she hears me coming.

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Dropped off the big kids for school, dropped off my car to get an oil change and walked home from there with Skyester.

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I love these Costco muffins so much.

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Easy lunch—> roasted sweet potatoes, cheese, beans, salsa and sour cream burrito.

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Exciting day of organizing my running clothes… my house is going to be very organized with all of the time at home now.

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Excited to wear all of these again someday when races happen again!

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It started snowing yesterday and a lot actually stuck.

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Spent some time with a family that I grew up with and love so much.

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The girls’ first experience with Girl Scout Cookies.

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Crazy times.

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Tell me three things that you are up to today!!!

Feel free to tell Andrew happy birthday:) He reads your comments daily!

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HaPpY BiRtHdAy to Andrew!! I’m so glad that you and Janae found each other!! You both radiate joy so much in all your pictures together!! =) Three things that I am up to today: do a high intensity strength/cardio workout in a bit, take my kiddos outside to play, & finish getting things ready for my family’s spring yard sale!

Oh! Real quick, Usborne Books is doing a FREE SHIPPING off $80 or more orders today, girl! You need to get these activity books for the kiddos, haha!! =) Seriously though, Skye & Brooke would go crazy over the unicorn/princess books! Knox would love the Never Get Bored cards & Bear Grylls stuff!! Here’s my link below to shop and stock up!!


Happy pi day birthday Andrew!


Happy Birthday Andrew! Have a great day! Like the other commenter, I am so glad you have found each other. I enjoy watching how happy you both are and supportive you are to each other. Debating the gym vs outside and home weights with the current situation, some laundry and movie night with the family. Tough finding something all of us like with teens but it’s worth the effort!!


Good luck finding a movie for you all! Thank you so much Nancy… I’m so glad too:). I hope your workout was a great one and you have an awesome podcast to enjoy while doing laundry! Stay healthy!


Happy bday Andrew, go on a long bike ride and/or buy yourself a new bike!


You know us well… off for a bike ride now (and we are counting the truck as his new bike hahaha). Have a great day friend!


Happy birthday to Andrew!

Our schools are closed for three weeks! But a couple colleges are done for the whole semester!

All spring races cancelled including my marathon, hoping they’ll at least defer entries! Now I am focusing on educating my kids at home, I’m going from HS teaching to elementary home schooling, I can already guess which will be harder haha


SARA! I was seriously saying that to Andrew yesterday, teaching high school is going to feel easier than teaching elementary school to me! Good luck and I really hope they defer the entries for you Sara, keep me updated!


While I think I’m doing a good job of remaining grounded with all that is happening, it’s getting harder to not feel on edge (I work in a school so it’s hitting me really close to home with the closures ). Anyway, reading your blog and having it remain the same, super positive space that it always is, helps my mindset. I know it seems odd that reading a blog of someone I don’t even know is so helpful, but your blog has always been a light, positive, and happy little boost to my day. That has really hit home in the last several days. ? Thanks!


Kelly. I can’t thank you enough for your comment. I’ve been wondering how to go about this but I think you are right, some things we can just keep normal while everything else feels out of control and that is okay. Thank you, it means a lot. I wish I could give you a big hug right now and I am so sorry about what you are going through right now. I bet that really has hit hard to you. Thinking about you and please keep in touch with how you are doing! Much Love, Janae


Happy birthday Andrew! Celebrate, play, laugh, enjoy your day!
We are having Pi day with friends tonight, an annual tradition, I’m working out this morning at Burn Bootcamp and cleaning the house! We may get snow here in the Portland, OR metro area today! Enjoy your day!


Happy birthday, Andrew! It is evident that you are just such an kid, devoted, and amazing husband and father. It is a pleasure and joy to watch your story with Janae unfold. I hope this year brings you so much happiness!


KIND*** not kid hahahaha my bad


Hahaha Andrew laughed at the kid part because he still feels like a kid:) He agrees with the mistake! Thank you so much Clare. Thanks for being our internet friend and I hope you are doing well and staying healthy!


Happy birthday Andrew, you are an amazing father and husband! Three things: trying not to panic about you know what, help my parents (My dad just had a heart ablation and then my mom fell and broke her arm the next day), and enjoy the weather by going for a walk with my family).


Happy Birthday Andrew!!! Hope your day is filled with all your favorite things ?
Three things today… Getting outside for a run and clean fresh air after 2 solid days of rain, going to our niece’s baby shower, and spending lots of time with family!
Our schools are closed for 2 weeks too. Such a weird time! But that’s ok. I may also get the entire house and garage organized again. And if it stops raining, I want to get all the windows and shutters cleaned.
Have a great day celebrating Andrew!!


Happy Birthday Andrew!
Since Janae understands the importance of birthdays, I know you will be spoiled to the max today. Enjoy!!


Happy birthday Andrew!! Hope it’s great!


Happy Birthday to Andrew!

Strange week for sure our triplets are unexpectedly home for at least the next three weeks as their colleges have all went online. I work for our local school district and have to report Monday to learn how we will be adjusting to online for the next few weeks. So for now we are home as a family of 6 again a bit earlier than expected. My husband won’t be traveling so we are just going to soak up some family time! Check in on us in a week and we will see how it is going as we will all be trying to do everything online :-) But seriously I feel great full and blessed that we are all here happy and healthy! Have a great Saturday!


Oh wow! Louisa, this is a big change for your entire family! I hope you have a wonderful time together… all 6 of you. Thinking about you and have a beautiful weekend Louisa and good luck with the work adjustment!


Happy Birthday Andrew! You and Janae compliment each other so perfectly! Enjoy all the extra family time and I hope the hospitals aren’t too crazy and everyone stays healthy!


Happy Birthday Andrew!! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

Things are crazy here in Portland too.. schools are shutting down and it snowed (we rarely get snow here).

Stay warm and safe all!


Thanks so much Amy and stay warm and healthy to you too! Thanks Amy!


Happy birthday Andrew!!!
Our schools are closed for 6 weeks so I’m teaching my kids how to do chores and laundry today!!!
My new running shoes are coming today and as soon as they do, I’m taking them for a test run! Solo of course because of social isolation:(
I’m hoping to get some fresh air with the kiddos today but the weather has been too crazy to predict so I’m not sure that’ll happen; it snowed yesterday! The day before it was 50’s and sunny! Crazy!
Have a great weekend!


SIX WEEKS! WOW. That is a long time, I’m sure ours will continue for a long time too. Let me know if you come up with a fun schedule that you use with them. I’m trying to figure that out with Brooke. ENJOY THOSE NEW SHOES and some fresh air (so crazy about the snow!!). Thanks Jenny, you too!


Happy birthday Andrew! This morning I went grocery shopping, it was unreal so many empty shelves. The supermarkets assure us they have enough stock, so I hope it will be back to normal soon. I realized how fortunate we are to live in a country in peace and wealth. We’ll be eating random leftovers from our freezer for a couple of days! I cleaned, did laundry and a bit of yard work. I planted loads of spring bulbs in the fall, and every day I discover new buds. The color makes me really happy. I sewed too, which is my way of relaxing and destressing aside from running.
Have a great day with your family!


Eva, thank you for reminding me of how grateful I am for our country and the amazing things we are able to experience. We are all going to have very clean homes and beautiful yards by the end of this! Oh I bet those new buds are just gorgeous. Thanks Eva, and keep me posted with how you are doing and enjoy not cooking for a few days:)


Happy Birthday Andrew!!


Thanks Jenni and I hope you have a great weekend!


Happy birthday Andrew!!!

Slept in today, will go for a solo run outside and hanging out at home (cleaning, catch up on tv, bake!). Makes me a little sad to be missing time with friends, but I know it’s so important to practice social distancing- I may be fine because I’m young and healthy, but don’t want to pass along anything to older or immunocompromised people! Baltimore has a few cases so far and don’t want to make it worse.


Hey Mariah. That is so great that you are doing that… it really is so important that we respect the elderly and those that have risk factors. Stay safe friend and keep me updated on how you are and what you bake!


Happy Birthday Andrew!

It’s snowing here in IL plus everything is cancelled due to the corona virus. So looks like a day for baking, movie watching, and game playing.


Oh stay warm and that sure sounds like a cozy day! Thanks Corrinne!


Happy birthday Andrew! You seem like such a wonderful father and husband and I wish you all the best this year! I love seeing your support for your family, and you also seem like a very positive person.

Janae, I just want to take a quick second and say thanks for all of your positivity! I’ve been a daily reader for almost four years, and your unwavering brightness is exactly what I need in this uncertain/interesting time. I wish you and your family all the best, and thank you for making things a little shinier.


Tiffany, I cannot thank you enough for your kind words and sharing this with me. It made me tear up. Thank you and I hope you are doing well and staying healthy!


Happy birthday, Andrew! Hope you have a great day!

It’s raining here, so I spend 90 minutes on the bike trainer – reminding myself that I don’t have a bike in Hawaii, so this would be the last of this type of pain for a few weeks. Now it’s time to start my pre-travel check list which has a lot more than 3 things on it!


Happy Birthday Andrew!! You both are such good examples of positive attitudes and giving to others, thank you for sharing that with all of us.
I just did a workout on the rowing machine since my rowing club is now closed. I’m doing laundry (who isn’t?). Finally I will take my teenager out to practice driving this afternoon, wish us luck!! lol


Wow, thank you so much Jackie. That really means to us. So glad you have access to a rower during this time (ps that is so hard for me)! GOOD LUCK… oh I know the fear of that a little too well:) Thank you friend!


So my marathon, Revel Mount Charleston, was canceled yesterday. I’m so sad because my training has gone really well. I figure that I can take all the training to the next race. Funny how your mind just turns off, I did a 12 mile hill run today, and it felt way harder than the 18 miles I ran last weekend. I think I just wasn’t focused on doing it anymore. I am thinking I will come run St. George again. It is my favorite marathon that I have done, and I haven’t run it since 2014. It still stinks to take a break and then have to do it all gain, but I’m going to focus on the positives!! Have a good weekend.


You are not alone… a lot of my friends experiencing race cancellations felt the same way today. I am SO sorry that your marathon was cancelled and I’ll see you at St. George!!!


Alles gut zum Geburtstag, Andrew! Herzlich Geburtstag!

Today was goofy. I decided to incorporate some errands at the tail end of my run. Note to self, if you get a prescription filled and then run with it, everyone knows you’re coming. Then I grocery shopped for myself and two friends. And the clincher was learning two mind boggling games with my antsy teenager: Risk and Chess. We threw the towel in with Risk but chess was fun-ish. I hadn’t played in forever and had to get plenty of reminders on how each piece can move.

Also, I got this fun idea to set out all the board/card games that the kids have either outgrown or lost interest in. I set them on our front bench with a sign. I did advertise free games on the community FB page. It is a fun way to get these games out of my house! Right now people can still leave their homes or walk, otherwise I’d wait.

Happy Pi day!


What an AWESOME idea. I love this so much, thanks for sharing! Hahah I loved hearing about your day and you definitely didn’t surprise anyone that you were coming! Thank you friend!


Happy Birthday, Andrew! So glad you found each other. You guys make my heart happy. And I agree with other comments, it’s nice to be able to check in and read your blog. It’s a ray of sunshine during these anxious times. I ran today, did some organizing, and am making some bread. My husband teaches at a college and he’s now online teaching for the rest of the semester. I don’t have a job where I can really work from home, but it’s a small business and we are all doing what we can to stay safe and healthy. I hope you guys are doing well!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!!!!! I hope your day feels good and that the year ahead IS good!!!

Three things from today: I went to the gym this morning to take my favorite HIIT class on a spin bike, Les Mills Sprint. Mid-afternoon, Tom and I cleaned up and went to a friend’s baby shower, and then we went for an early dinner at one of our favorite local burger restaurants!

Tomorrow’s three things: I will actually SLEEP IN and I am so excited. And then I teach RPM. And in the afternoon I go back to the gym and I have my first of two filmings of me teaching Les Mills Sprint for instructor certification…and my friends who are coming to filming and I are going for texmex ‘sunday funday’ chips & guac after!!


Happy Birthday, Andrew! I wonder if you guys usually have enough snow on the ground to justify a fat bike, thinking that might have to be your next toy ;) My husband loves mountain biking too and he’s gotten a bunch of use out of his fat bike over the last 5 or 6 winters. He has totally brainwashed me so now I accept the N+1 mentality when it comes to bikes. I’ve brainwashed him to thinking it’s normal to have a closet full of backup running shoes ;)


Ha my home has never been so clean and organized either with all this time at home. Our schools are closed for almost a month!! It is so crazy. I hope you are staying safe!


Happy Birthday, Andrew! Your giving nature shines through, as does your love for your family. How wonderful that you and Janae found each other! I hope your 32nd year is a great one!


Happy birthday Andrew!
On a more serious note, I am thankful for people like Andrew, I know they are facing difficult challenges working on the “front lines” in hospitals. My prayer is for you all to stay safe in healthy.
Best wishes,


Happy Belated Birthday Andrew! I hope your day was a good one. :-)


Happy belated Birthday, Andrew! I will look forward to many more guest posts. I hope you had a great day and I hope you have a peaceful, successful year ahead.

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