Goals are meant to make you uncomfortable.

Random Monday thoughts….

About 125 seconds after this picture above was taken was when I first made my goal to run a sub 3 marathon (and then it took 8 years of trying to make it happen).

The below picture was from the first time I broke 20 minutes in the 5k and now that average pace for the 5k is what my goal pace is for the marathon!  Who knows… It might take me 8 more years to make that happen but I’m excited to keep trying.

(PS remember the Forerunner 305?  I loved this watch so so much and miss it)

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I have had plenty (I MEAN PLENTY;) of people over the years tell me my running goals are crazy or not possible but my response to that is why not make big goals in life?  What’s the worse thing that could happen… We don’t hit our goals and then we keep trying until we do?  Another option is also that we could never ever actually hit the goal BUT I am positive that that is a positive thing too.  If we make big goals and do what we can to reach those big goals it will take us much farther in our running then if we never made the goal in the first place.  IE My goal to go to the Olympic Trials for the Marathon.  What if I never make it there?  Oh well, I’m sure I’ll hit more PRs in the marathon and other distances along the way as I’m reaching for my big goal compared to if I never made the big goal in the first place!  I really think that goals are meant to make us feel a little uncomfortable because that just means we are dreaming big enough!

Long story short, I really hope you are allowing yourself to dream up things that might sound ridiculous to other people.  I hope you take off that barrier that we all naturally place on ourselves and see yourself doing really great things in your life.  We all have so much potential and we can’t let fear hold us back from what we are capable of!


We came home yesterday from St. George but first we went to church with my brother and his family.  My brother and sis-in-law were the speakers in the church meeting which made it really fun.

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Knox and this niece of mine are the best of friends and spent the entire time together.

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Skye was sprinting to get back to my brother’s house after church.

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And then it was time to drive home.  We decided to go without any screens for the drive home and that was just as much of a test for us as it was for the kids;)

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Stopped at Chipotle for some fuel.

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We made it back in time for my niece’s bday party.

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And I’m back to running on snow today… It was sure nice to run on ice-free surfaces this last weekend.  Also, I am OBSESSED with the Ravenna 10 right now.  I’m wearing them for every run lately.

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We had such a great trip but it’s going to take about a week (or two) to recover from the lack of sleep ha.  They sleep great at home but the second we go somewhere new…

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PS my sister-in-law ate this at Viva La Chicken on Saturday and I tried a bite and it was heaven.  It’s a quinoa stuffed avocado and I’m wondering if anyone has tried any similar recipes to this because I would love to try to make it at home!

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Did anyone else use the Forerunner 305?  What was your first running watch?

What’s your biggest running goal right now (I want to cheer you on)?

Favorite way to eat avocado?

What type of surface are you running on today if you are running?

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My running goal is to start running again. I was having lower back pain which resolved when I stopped running. Thinking I need to work on more core strength to be able to get back out there!

Avocado over toast and an over-easy egg with parmesan cheese ♥️

Have a great day!


Keep me updated on your comeback Melissa! I’m excited for you and I need that avocado toast now. Thanks and you too!


Melissa, I have some experience with back injuries and running (not necessarily related). You definitely should work on your core (as we all should, lol)- I would suggest a trainer or even PT if your insurance pays for it. With most other things – the exercises only help if you do them the correct way. There are also tons of YouTube videos that show proper technique.

If you think your back pain was due to running – also take a close look at your running gait. See if perhaps you are reaching too far out in front and heel striking like i was. Again – YouTube is your friend where you can finds tons of videos on proper running form. Since you are just getting back into running now is the time to start from scratch on your form!

Have fun and good luck!


Love the comments about working towards goals. Lately I have adopted the mantra- the time will pass anyways. This reminds myself that time keeps moving, why not set big goals while it does? Failure is not the worst thing that can happen. Never starting is.
New goal- run the entire Colorado Trail 18 months from now in 30 days. I am 8 months post baby and struggling to get back into running but the time will pass whether I try or not. Why not go for it!


Sabrina, I LOVE that mantra so much and it is so true. I’m going to be thinking about that too now. AHHH I am cheering big time with you on this goal! I just googled this adventure you are going to do and now you have me wanting to do it too. SO cool!


Yep, the 305 was my first Garmin! It’s so big that I had to wear a sweatband under it to fit my wrist! It is a die-hard piece of equipment … my husband still uses it. ;-)

My goal is to just get back into running. I had some injuries and then new medications that have made it a hard road back…but I’ll get there!

I can eat avocado plain. <3 them!!!!


A sweatband under hahaha… I totally can see having to do that with that watch. I would be using it too if mine still worked haha! I am excited for your comeback and sorry about these obstacles you’ve had to overcome. You are going to come back stronger than ever Deb. I can eat them plain too… they are addicting.


People think your goals are crazy? Well you’ve met most of your goals, so I guess you’re doing something right! Honestly people have a lot of opinions about things that have nothing to do with them.

My goal right now is to get stronger, so I’m focusing on weights and just keeping my running normal. Once spring rolls around, I hope to build up to half marathon distance. I usually focus on 5-10K so this will be a new step for me!


Oh totally! It used to bother me but luckily now it even gives me a little bit more motivation;) . AWESOME goal and it’s amazing how that strength translates over to even better running. I can’t wait to hear about your half marathon in the future! Way to go Christine:)


I ran my first trail race on Saturday, and although I thought I was going to die, I loved it! We live on 60 acres, and I told my husband yesterday that I want him to make me a running trail through it. I always run on the road in front of our house, and I’m ready to give my body some relief from all the pounding!

I’m in the lottery for the NYC marathon, and if I make it, it will be my first marathon. 26.2 sounds absolutely impossible to me right now!

Also, since I’ve been reading your blog I’ve told my husband at least a dozen times that I want (need) to visit Utah! I live in a mountainous area, but it’s totally different from what you have. Definitely a bucket list destination!

Have a great week! PS If I don’t get into NYC, I’m running the Indy Mini. We used to live in Indy, and I miss it so much!


AHHH CLAIRE! Congratulations on your first trail race! I am so excited for you! 60 acres… you definitely need to make a running trail on that. That sounds amazing and the dirt really is so good to our bodies. PLEASE let me know if you make it in and if you don’t, I’d love to meet you in Indy! Don’t you worry about that distance… I know you can do it! Hope you come visit Utah soon:) Recover well from your trail race.


I ran a 1:32 half marathon last summer during a training run (warmed up 2 miles, ran the race a little conservatively, and then finished up with 5 more miles after). It was a downhill course and felt so easy so I decided to try and break 1:30 for my next half. I ran it last Saturday and it was a tougher course than I expected (the elevation profile wasn’t on the website so I was blind going into it and it had lot more uphill than I hoped) plus it was 19 degrees and windy. And I ran a 1:30:00. ???????? I’m looking forward to another downhill half this summer to hopefully BREAK 1:30. ???


CHELSEA! Girl… you were so so close and on a really tough course and in crazy weather! The next one, that goal is YOURS and I want to hear all about it. Cheering for you and great job Chelsea!


If we stay inside our comfort zone, we aren’t really growing or changing. Go for those big goals!!
Avocado…I can’t think of a wrong way to eat those :)
Happy Monday!


Exactly… so so true Corey about the comfort zones and the avocado:) . Happy Monday to you too!


305 was my first watch too! It was so comfortable. Currently using a 945 music with aftershox Bluetooth headphones haha!

Biggest current goal is to PR in a half marathon feb 29. I have a running coach for the first time and I’m loving it. Next goal is to complete a marathon in October. Which is why I hired a running coach.

Avocados are so good any way you eat them.

I’m running on a snow/freezing rain/ice pellet layered track tonight beside the building where my son has basketball practice. We had a mess of hail and freezing rain yesterday for about 10 hours. Still got out though. There was no traffic!! And there’s enough snow underneath that there was good footing.


The 305 was just the best, love that we all have so many fond memories of that watch. Hahaha crazy how much they have changed over the last decade, the 945 is amazing. CANNOT wait to hear about your PR next month and your marathon in October. Coaches are the best way to get those prs in my opinion.
Way to get out in those conditions, that stuff builds SO much strength! Thanks Julia!


Good morning! I’ve just signed up to run my first half marathon, the Indy Mini. I’ve never ran anything over a 5k, and always have just causally ran here and there. I am excited and already nervous! I live in Indiana, and all of my runner friends have said this is a good half to start with because it’s so flat. So here we go!
I have to mainly train on the treadmill because of my husband’s and my work schedule and two little kids, so your post the other day about training in a treadmill was very helpful!
Happy Monday!


AHHH Alli, I am so excited about this. You are going to love this race so much and I hope I get to meet you there! The treadmill will be awesome for your training. Keep me updated on how it is all going. Thanks and you too!


I’m running a marathon Feb 2nd, and am really hoping to BQ; I’m coming off some injuries so training has been up and down, but it’s been really exciting seeing myself get stronger and faster than previous years!
Just got my first Garmin Forerunner, the 35..it’s taking a while to get used to it, cause it’s off a bit on distance than the app I used, but it makes me feel official????‍♀️


It’s almost taper time for you Abby! I am so excited about this and I can’t wait to hear about that BQ! Way to get stronger and faster and overcome those injuries. So happy you got the Garmin and it really does take a minute to get used to them.


omg I miss 305 so much! It crashed once I tripped and fell but it protected my wrist! It was a nokia of gps’es!


NOKIA OF GPS’ES… hahah it really is! I can see how that thing protected your wrist too! Hope you having a fabulous day Hanna!


Happy Monday!
My first watch was a Garmin, but I don’t remember what model it was – I do remember loving the bright green color :o)
Current running goal is just to get back to it after regular running program was rudely interrupted by life. Building a base, increasing mileage, with an 8k on the calendar this spring.
Fave is avocado toast topped with sliced cucumber or tomato and lemon/pepper seasoning :o)
Did a treadmill run this morning – it’s a bit more forgiving surface as I get back to this thing called running.


My husband had the 305. I tried it a few times but I hated how big it was. I recently made quinoa in my instant pot and it was a great consistency and so easy. I pretty much love an avocado anyway its prepared. We have a taco place in town that deep fries them and puts them in a taco. They are delicious! My running goal right now is to build my mileage back up and be consistent with hopes of doing a trail race this spring. Yesterday I ran on some super crunchy snow and hit a few icy patches but stayed upright! Today is strength training.


Happy Monday, Janae! I have two big running goals in 2020. The first is to run a half marathon PR at a race in June, and the second is to complete my first marathon :-) I’m running the Chicago Marathon this year as a charity runner. I’ll be raising money for an incredible dog rescue in Chicago called One Tail at a Time. I’m so excited to reach for new running goals and help some rescue pups along the way!


That was my first gps watch and ran my first marathon with it and it was dear To my heart. I kept it until it died just a couple years ago. It was so gigantic compared to what we have now!
Also, tell me your car activities you used without screen time.
My big goal would be to qualify for Boston! But it keeps getting harder as they change the times. And I’m still a ways off anyways. I Dont tell many people this goal. But I keep thinking in two years when I’m 40 is my chance Because I get 5 more minutes (if they don’t change the time again) and hopefully I won’t have hit the slow down phase of life yet.


Hi Janae!

My first running watch was the Garmin Forerunner 235 – it’s still my watch and I love it! It’s not fancy but it meets my needs :) I would like to find a watch that does a better job of calculating my elevation gain/loss though…
I have been battling the same injury since 2015 and FINALLY went to see a physical therapist about it. I had seen other doctors who helped, but it just kept nagging me and not letting me run the way I wanted to. I’ve been seeing my PT for 8 weeks now and wow can I feel a difference! It is amazing! So I am hoping to stay injury free for 2020 so I can achieve my long-standing goal of running a 50k trail race. It would be nice to PR my marathon time along the way too ;)
I’ll eat an avocado any way, but I had one stuffed with beans/rice/veggies/cheese and it was amazing.
Its been weirdly warm in upstate NY this winter so I’ve been running on gravel and bare pavement mostly – a few icy spots here and there but nothing major. It’s been a nice change to be able to run outside this late in the season and not have to use the treadmill as often.
Have a great Monday!


OMG…thay stuffed avocado looks amazing!


My goal is to qualify for Boston!
I agree that setting big goals helps you do things you never would have if you hadn’t been going for a big goal! My first marathon in April 2018, I ran 4:07. For that race my goal was to (1) finish and (2) break 4 hours. Last fall (October 2019) I ran my second marathon with the goal to run a BQ, which for my age group was 3:30. I knew it was a stretch to take that much time off, but I wanted to go for it and see what happened. I ended up running 3:40, which meant a 27 minute PR! And now, I know I am much more likely to have a shot at hitting a BQ (potentially with some cushion to actually get in) when I run a marathon again this October. Regardless – I know I would not have had such a big PR if I hadn’t been aiming for such a big goal!


I decided to run my first (and so far, only) 100 miler a week before the race. My husband, who is super supportive and an all around great guy, told me genuinely when I asked him what he thought: “I think you’re *explitive*’ing crazy.” He was right, I was. But, I did it anyway and finished the race.
My thoughts:
I think those who are close to us try to hinder our goals because they don’t want us to fail and get hurt. I think those not close to us who try to hinder our goals are jealous because they don’t dream big.
For now, my goal is just to keep run/walking as long as I can through this pregnancy. I’m “only” 29 weeks and this morning felt so uncomfortable that I switched to a walk, instead. I ran until 34 weeks with my son, but if I have to stop before that this time around, I really don’t mind. I always say that my love of running does not exceed my love of an uncompromised urethral sphincter :)


Thanks for sharing, this is the motivation I need right now! My current running goal is to run a sub-4 hour marathon, not completely impossible but I’m finding it tough especially as I seem to keep getting injured. You’re right about setting big goals though, it great to have something tough to work towards achieving!


Hi Janae! What a great way to start Monday off by thinking about goals! Makes me happy! My short term goals are (in no particular order): run a mile under 7 minutes (I’m at 7:12), get my sub 2 half (2:01:47), indoctrinate more friends and family into running so I can have more running buddies… long term goals are to run a marathon, run a marathon fast, and be a pacer for a half!! Most important goal is to have fun and grow and stay healthy.


I am so excited for you to reach ALL of those goals in your running and I LOVE the goal to get others running with you:) . Keep me updated on it all and have a beautiful day Amy!


My kids are the same in terms of travel and sleep — they’re champion sleepers at home, but when we travel all bets are off. They will go to sleep late and wake up early and refuse to nap… without fail! My husband and I come home exhausted, also without fail ;)


Hahaha we need a vacation now from our vacation:) Glad to know we aren’t alone but I sure hope they all get better at it soon! Have a great day Betsy!


My first running watch was the Garmin 220. I loved that watch for the simplicity of it all. Right now I’m using a Garmin 735XT – I’ve done one triathlon (and one duathlon) and still don’t know how to use all the features on this watch. LOL!

My running goal right now is the Eau Claire Marathon on May 3. MY FIRST FULL. AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! 111 days today. (16 weeks yesterday). I’ve been prepping my running since the beginning of November but the mileage is about to go WAY up now. I’m excited for this new challenge (I’ve run 11 or 12 half marathons in the last five years) but now it’s time to “push myself out of my comfort zone,” right??

I like my avocados straight up with salt.

And my running surface right now – considering it’s -18 out today, I’m running on the treadmill. I did an outdoor run on New Year’s Day (I think it was a balmy -5 that day) but it was fresh snow and it just about killed my calf muscles. I’ll have to put in most of my training miles on the old treadmill, but I’m pretty okay with that (as much as I do love to run outside).


I always get the stuffed avocado when I get there. Lindsey just posted that Jeremy made a knock off the other day. I asked her to send me the recipe so I will send it to you!

Lunch needs to happen ASAP. I can Tuesday or Friday. I start school on Thursday. Speaking of scary goals….


Yes the 305 was my first running watch and I refuse to give that thing up unless it dies. My husband got me the 645 and I made him take it back since my 305 still works. (LOL he thinks I am crazy) This watch has seen me through thick and thin, my first half, my first early morning runs, I just can’t let it go.

I have been dealing with back issues for a couple of months now and have used this as an excuse to stop working out. My biggest priority is working on my core and hopefully running a half in the fall if I do not make into the NYC marathon lottery. As for now, I signed up for a 10K in April.


I still use the Forerunner 305! Might be time for an upgrade one of these days :)


Do you wear any inserts in your shoes or just wear them as they come? I’ve worn inserts for a long time but now I think they’re starting to bother me!


Thank you for this post! I love having crazy running goals!


Your post showed up in an email list message which reminded me how much I had enjoyed your blog a while back. This particular post was timely.

I have said for eons want to really get back into running again to see what I could do years removed from college. Many false starts along the way but none as attention grabbing as an injury in Feb of 2018 which prevented me from running for 10 months. It’s one thing to be able to run but procrastinate; quite another to try some strides only to feel that discouraging reminder that you can’t do it. Long story short, I finally healed – early 2019 was able to hit the roads again. Was happy too but found consistency lacking for the same reasons in the past: excuses and procrastination. Needed to do something – get out of my comfort zone as you put it. I started a run streak of running at least 1 mile a day. It’s been amazing the difference that has made. Now instead of “I’ll get the run in tomorrow.” when busy, it’s “Okay, when can I fit a run in?” Can definitely see progress. Long range goal is also somewhat set although I am struggling a bit to lay out the plan to get there.

Loved the pic of the FR305. Just retired mine last year but still have it. Using a FR235 now. Carpe Viam!


So my goal is the Tarheel Ten Miler this April. In a fit of hopefulness and positivity a bit ago I registered for it and started training. The furthest I’ve ever gone is 8 miles, but that was a training cycle or so ago ?. My goal definitely makes me nervous and less than comfortable, but I keep telling myself I can do it.

I have a question for you, Janae…how the heck do you manage all the things you do? You’ve got such a full plate, and you do so much with the kids, the home, training for races, AND you have a social life, AND you write every day. I want to write more myself, and I have a lot of trouble with consistency. How do you do it? Hints, suggestions, tips, tricks?

You rock, however you do it. ?


i LOVED my forerunner 305!! pretty sure i still have it bc i can’t dare to part. i have yet to find another watch as good, i swear. something about that huge face and pink band :)

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