Random Contemplations About Our Training.

Yesterday’s run= 5 miles with 4 x 20 second strides at around marathon pace to remind ourselves what that pace feels like!

We are taking today off, running 2 miles tomorrow and 1 mile on Saturday.  THE WORK IS DONE and now we just get to rest and celebrate during the race.

Skye will be staying with Megan this weekend while we are gone so we took her over there to get used to her house.

She was upset when we had to leave to go back home.  She is going to be just fine this weekend.

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12 days apart!  It was so great to see Knox again.  Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, we missed our weekend with Knox and it ended up being 12 days since we had last seen him.

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PS Brooke lost her tooth biting into a soft piece of bread at Great Harvest so that was a big deal.

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As of today, Andrew has a week off from work… I love his nursing shifts!


I have a few things I’ve been thinking about lately with our training that I wanted to share:

*We did our last mini workout ahhh!  On Tuesday we did 2 miles in the morning @ 8:45 pace and then in the afternoon we did 5 miles with one of those miles fast!  We did it side by side in 5:12 and carb depleted (some downhill in that mile but not as much as the other area where we do downhill mile repeats).  For St. George we did our depletion mile in 5:27 on the course with more downhill.  When we finished we actually couldn’t even believe our watches because we were feeling terrible from no carbs but somehow managed to do it way faster than we imagined.  That depletion mile really does feel like the last mile of a marathon and you question why you are choosing to do the marathon in a few days.  BUT you do it and it reminds you during the marathon that you won’t die when you feel that terrible and you can do it again.

After this workout we started the carb load and then starting today we are just eating like normal again.

I wonder how many miles we have run together this year?

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*Our coach told us that with this week of tapering he wants us to feel like a caged animal come Sunday morning before the race starts.  Now that we are carb loaded again and with the huge drop in mileage, I am really starting to feel that way.  I have so much energy that is just ready to be released and it’s hard not running as much as normal (I’m definitely crazy… I know).

I’m probably going to feel like this for the rest of December after this race ha:

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*The other day Emilee said that our coach’s training is kind of like the Rocky Training of marathon training and it made me laugh so hard because it’s true.  It really has been so different from ANYTHING that I’ve done in the past and I think his training of having us do things like sprint up mountains followed by fast miles on the road and things like that have really developed different gears for us to use on race day… which has led to PRs in every race distance.  He has coached 40something girls to an OTQ time and he said he has a lot of faith in Emilee and I doing the same which makes me very excited!  If you are ever in Utah, you must go in to Runner’s Corner and meet him (PS I’ve had a lot of people ask for his information for coaching but he only coaches people in person and not online)

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*I really think the carb depletion might be the hardest part of training for me.  The workouts were never over a few hours so you knew the hard stuff would be over soon but 4 days without my normal foods= very hard for me.  I didn’t sleep super well, I dreamed about Lucky Charms and my runs felt miserable.  Those 4 days go by SO slowly ha.  It makes me so grateful for the variety of foods that I normally eat and get to enjoy.  I’ll let you know my thoughts next week on how much I think it helps me this weekend but I’m sure it will.

*It really has been so fun to see the improvements that have happened this year with our training.  This picture was from my first speed workout in May after my ultra and it was SO hard.  That is the most addicting part about running for me—> we get to see all of our improvements!

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*I saw this on IG and it gave me instant goosebumps and it is exactly what I need to think about this weekend when things get tough.  We just have to remember who we are, how incredibly strong we are, the hard things we’ve overcome a million times before (in life and in running) and that WE BELONG.  We can’t forget who we are!

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*I’m really excited to not have to worry about ice everywhere during CIM like we do right now!

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*We are going to be carrying little flasks with us on race day.  We won’t be getting bottles from the tables at CIM but staying hydrated with bottles during St. George helped us out big time so we are just going to carry a few along with us.  One of my bottles will be full of caffeine… I’m going to wait until 15ish to take caffeine again like I did for St. George.  I feel like my stomach was so much happier because I didn’t start out with any caffeine and then I got the boost from it when I needed it later on in the race.

*I’m going to be eating a donut or two a day every day next week in case anyone wants to join me.

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*I’m really grateful that Emilee helped me to dream bigger.  Before I met her I thought for sure that my marathon PR was all I would ever be able to do with the marathon.  She really inspired me to dream big and go after what I want!

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I would love to hear any random thoughts about your running/training right now!!

What’s the best part of your Thursday going to be?

I’d love to hear your favorite mantra/thought that you’ve used in a race please!

Since I am just feeling extra grateful for carbohydrates, I’d love to hear your current favorite.

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Good luck! Can you share what type of flasks you will be running with? Thanks!


Yes!! They are awesome, small and easy to use! Have the best day Kristin.



Thanks so much!!!! So will you hold 2 of these for the race? Sorry for all of the questions! Carrying fluids is one of my biggest challenges so just wondering!! Thanks!!!


No worries! I’m going to have two in my pockets and hold two (I think at least)! I’ll let you know afterwards how that goes! I love questions so thank you!


Thanks! Hope your race goes well! I love your blog!


You’re gonna do awesome!!

I have my running group tonight…I started it about 2 months ago so it’s still new, but it’s fun!
I have a half marathon on New Year’s. I have been taking it really easy since my half on November 2, but I am not stressed about it at all. I realized with the last marathon and half marathon, that being calm really helps me perform so much better. I have 3 long runs between now and then, probably an 8, 10, and 12, and I know I can do it. Isn’t that the best feeling when you trust you can do something?! I am not going in it to win, just do my best, and I KNOW I can complete it, so why stress?

Mmmmm…carbs. Right now I am loving graham crackers. And donuts.


Loribeth!! I absolutely love how you are going about your next half! Calm= the best and most enjoyable experience. So happy you are running with that group. Have the best day!


Wow what an amazing training cycle you had. So glad you are done with the carb depletion, dig into those donuts!


Right?!? That was rough ha. Thanks Victoria, the donuts are calling my name! Have the best day!


My only random thoughts about training right now are . . . I’m sick and can’t train! I haven’t really even wanted to run this week, which is very unlike me. Hoping that by resting a ton I’ll feel better soon and can get back out there! Thinking I might hit up trader joe’s and get one of these hot chocolate snowmen I’ve been seeing online. :-)

Great Harvest has this seasonal holiday bread that has nuts and fruit mixed in, and a sprinkle of sugar on top–I can’t remember what it’s called, but it is SO good. That’s my favorite carb right now!

SO excited for you at CIM. I cannot wait to hear about what you do–you’ve worked so hard and whatever happens, you have so much to celebrate!


Ahhhh I hope you feel much better soon Kristin and good job letting your body rest it out of you! Oh I’m going to try to get the snowman today too??? hopefully we get some! How have I not seen that bread yet? I’ll go there today too! Thank you SO much… I can’t wait! Get feeling better!


Same here! I got sick on Saturday and my first ever full marathon is THIS Saturday! Doing all things rest and hydration and hoping for the best. Hope you get to feeling better as soon as possible!!


I hope you feel better soon, too–if you’ve been resting, I’m sure you can rock this marathon! Good luck!


Can’t wait to track you for the race!! You are going to rock it!

I’m not training for anything right now (I’ll be 28 weeks pregnant Saturday). But I’m still running 35 miles a eek or so. I think I might drop mileage a bit starting next week- I’m getting tired more easily!


Thank you SO much Sara and ahhhh 28 weeks on Saturday. I am so excited for you and you are being so smart with your running! Hope you are feeling great today and maybe even sneak in a nap!


Great recap of your training cycle! It’s so inspiring how hard you work toward your goals- and keep a positive attitude during the process!

I want to join in the donut a day next week haha, that sounds amazing! Lately my favorite carbs have been cereal and fresh baked bread with butter.


Thanks Mariah, it sure has been a fun year! Please join me next week hahaha and I love your choices in favorite carbs! Have a beautiful day!


I’m curious what you even ate on the carb depleted diet? I can’t even think of enough foods to fill that many days. Every meal or snack I have has carbs in it!


Hahahah me too! It was so hard! I had a lot of veggies, eggs, avocado, steak, chicken, zoodles with Alfredo, cheese and it was the worst ha. Have the best day Mary!


I think I’ve told you this before, but my go-to mantra is “Be tenacious.” I also daydream constantly when I race (or do a difficult run). I think about what it will feel like to get my ultimate goal, or I imagine I’m an elite runner, who is just about to win Boston or something.
That picture of Skye laying on the floor is so darn cute. And congratulations to Brooke for the tooth loss! Also, it’s nice to see Knox again :)
I woke up at 3am jonesing for a blueberry muffin. So before work today, I ran out and got one. I just finished it, and now I feel so nauseous. Ugh. Pregnancy really messes up the tastebuds!


I love BE TENACIOUS! Thank you for sharing that with me Stacey! I hope you start feeling better ASAP and I’m glad you got the muffin and hopefully you sleep through the night tonight!


I’m so excited for you! You’ve worked so hard and it is so fun to see you excel! My running friends and I were lucky to meet Hawk before the hobble creek half (and even more lucky to meet YOU after the race!;)). He was so proud of you then and I know he’s so proud of you now. He was so friendly and kind to us. And running friends are some of the best friends! I’m glad you and Emilee have each other! Good luck this weekend! I’ll be cheering you on and can’t wait to see y’all crush it again! ?
And cookies are my favorite carb. Always cookies.


It made me so happy to meet you in August and thank you so much for being so kind to me! That makes me so happy that you met Hawk, he is seriously the best! I hope you get some amazing cookies soon!


My sister and brother in law are running CIM and saw they have an app to track so I added them and you to watch on Sunday! I just hired a new running coach and I am SO EXCITED to start next week. I have a half on Saturday and looking forward to it.


Oh tell your sis and bro in law good luck for me! Let me know how you like your new coach. I’m so so excited for you!!!!!


You trained so hard, it’s very inspiring. Good luck and enjoy the race. My coach always said trust in your training and unleash the beast on race day!

I really don’t know if I could do the carb depletion but I do like the idea of knowing what that wall would feel like ahead of time. I think it’s wise to wait on the caffeine since you don’t regularly have caffeinated beverages and such.

I have been eating Love Crunch Chocolate Peanut Butter cereal (it’s the cereal version of my favorite granola). I portion it out because that and the granola are addictive for me, haha.


Thank you SO much Nina! Oh I love what your coach says… that is perfect! Yep, we definitely know what the wall feels like again ha. That is such a good point… maybe that is why my body doesn’t love so much of it in the beginning! That cereal sounds like heaven. I need. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


Cheering for you from Texas!! Long time follower and I comment from time to time and it is really so cool to see the changes over the years and that you are about to attempt to qualify for trials…. i mean how cool is that?!?! You go girl! Please let us know how you like the day off then two miles then one mile before the race! I’m interested as i usually just cut back that week and have 3 day before race.


ANGIE, thank you so much for your sweet comment and for being my friend over the years. I totally will… I hope it works out great! Thanks Angie!


We are just getting back to clear sidewalks after getting pounded with 2 feet of snow Thanksgiving week. So just excited to run without navigating huge snow banks. Trails were fun but hard to run on with so much snow, and now it’s melting fast and it’s too icy in the mornings and too muddy by the evening!

A while back, I went to a talk by Hawk’s son Golden at a local running store. Soo interesting! And their entire family is blessed with great running genes! Good luck this weekend!


2 FEET OF SNOW…. that is crazy! I can’t even imagine. So cool that you went to Golden’s talk. They really are the coolest (speediest) family. Have the best day Jennifer and enjoy those clear sidewalks.


My current favorite carbohydrate is that darn pumpkin chocolate chip bread from Great Harvest.
I have considered looking up an alternate location because I really think the workers might think I have a problem……..


Bahaha that stuff is so good but Andrew requests the non chocolate chip version and I make the sacrifice for him;) . Be proud of your problem ha! I’m sure you are not the only one they know by name now (that’s just how good their products is). Hope your day is a beautiful one Erica!


Good luck good luck good luck!! I’ll be cheering from Canada – I’m a long-time reader/occasional commenter, and have found motivation time and time again from your writing! Thank you for letting us join you through your training journey!
I often go back to my mantra “Greater Things.” It reminds me that pain/discomfort is only temporary and that I am capable of greater, amazing things. We have so much potential for growth and change! We have all been created for a purpose and have amazing, BIG lives to live. We create those lives by pushing through challenges (even if they are self-inflicted like a marathon ha). Wishing you ALL the best with your race!! You’re going to do great :)
Carbs = banana bread with butter and Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch (Have you tried it?! It is amazing.)


Rachel, this means a lot to me. THANK YOU so much and I love that mantra. It is exactly what I need to remember in three days. Thank you, what you said is beautiful.
I have not tried that but now I need it right this second… drooling. Have the best day!


So excited for you! I’ll be cheering so hard on Sunday for you!



Thanks Paige, that means a lot to me! Have the best day!


Good luck Janae!! Can’t wait to see all your training come together and get that OTQ!!!


THANK YOU…. your comment gave me goosebumps:) . Happy Thursday Amy!


I’m so excited for you!! For being done with carb depletion and for being so close to the race :-) Are Brooke and Knox coming with you to California?? I still want a guest post from Emilee to hear all about her running history and her thoughts on the races! I will be cheering you on and can’t wait to hear how it goes!!


Thank you so much! Nope, they will be here too! Knox is with his mom this weekend! That would be the best guest post ever:) . Her four boys keep her pretty busy so if she has downtime I am sure she will! Have the best day and thanks so much!


I’m running Tuscon Saturday and you inspire me to chase my dreams by you chasing yours. No matter what happens Sunday, you’ll never have to wonder “what if?” It’s going to be your day Janae! Go take what’s yours!


AHHHH KATE!! Good luck on Saturday, I am cheering big time for you! You are so right, I gave everything I had so I will never question it:) . Thank you Kate and remember you can do hard things this weekend!


You are going to do awesome!!

I am currently training for the Dopey Challenge at Disneyworld. I’m not so much focused on speed as I am on time on my feet right now, so that has been different than what I’m used to.

The best part of today is a canceled work meeting and Costco by myself after work :)

My fav mantra recently is “I am doing this.”

Since I am just feeling extra grateful for carbohydrates, I’d love to hear your current favorite.


Ahhhh Marissa! The Dopey Challenge sounds amazing. Enjoy your time at Costco and I’m so happy that your meeting was canceled. Love the mantra. It’s in the present, it’s encouraging and it’s the truth! Have a beautiful day!


Super jealous that you’re running your race this weekend, Janae! I’m starting to question my decision to run a winter marathon (my first) in New England. We just had our first significant snowfall and I found out that the city doesn’t clear the sidewalks. Some homeowners do, but not enough to make running on busy streets anywhere close to safe. Hello dreadmill! Quick question, how do you manage to run such high mileage and stay healthy? I’ve read that marathon training can make your immune system vulnerable. I’m sick (cold symptoms) for the second time in two weeks and, back to point A, questioning my decision to take on such a big training commitment during cold/flu season.


Thanks so much Jennifer! I agree, training through the winter is hard! Remember though, if you aren’t having fun with it… don’t do it! You can always train for a spring/summer/fall marathon too! For me, I really think the key is sleeping more than enough. I usually sleep 9 hours a night and I think that really helps. I also eat a lot of vegetables so maybe that helps me haha? I had a pretty bad cold when I was training for St. George though so that was tricky to train with! Good luck Jennifer and keep me updated with everything!


This might be a silly question, but **when** (see what I did there ;) you guys get your OQT, does that mean you’ll continue training and run the Olympic trials in Feb?? How does that work? Does everyone who has a qualifying time get to race? You guys are going to dominate CIM!!!


For me right now I am just starting to miss being in a routine. Right now for December, my goal is just to get out there every day. I took about 8 weeks off so it feels a bit like I am starting from scratch even though I know I am not. This morning I got up early and ran (ok shuffled in the dark). I remind myself that this is my time for myself and for the moment, the need for pbs etc isn’t there (though I know I will get there again).

So excited for your upcoming race at CIM. You have worked so hard for this!

The best part of Thursday…well tomorrow is Friday haha.

Hope you are having a great day Janae!


Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us! It’s so inspiring and I’ll be cheering you on from afar while you run CIM.
I’m wondering what advice you have for getting back on track with running / fitness / nutrition / life. I’ve let myself go a bit since my HM in October and have gained weight and lost fitness and I’m finding it so hard to get myself back into good habits and a good headspace.


We are all cheering you on, Janae–best of luck! So stoked to see what you can do.

Would you ever think about putting together a post on carb-depleted workouts? I have played around with this in the past but im curious to know how you are structuring this–how many days ahead of time, what you are aiming for in terms of grams per day (ish), which types of runus you are pairing this with, etc.? i think it would be really interesting (provided the proper caveats that you are not a doctor or dietitian and all that jazz). =) Thank you and best of luck again!


I am headed into my taper week this weekend! So this morning I heard someone on a podcast talk about how they chose running because it is so cheap. I started to laugh. I was wearing my aftershokz, my rotating pair of 3 Brooks sneakers, a headlamp, my Garmin ( ok that was cheaper as it is ancient and I got it used), and of course my clothes… I mean sure you could do it cheap, but what’s the fun in that??
My Mantra is just that I can do hard things and have fun!!
My diet is so limited with what I can eat right now, but Carbs? Sweet potatoes and carb balance tortillas. They have carbs in them and the way I eat them, they count for carbs! They don’t upset my stomach and I just love them. But I would love a donut, or just a nice soft roll if my stomach would allow it, sigh.


Good luck and have fun! You are going to be EPIC! No matter the outcome, what an impressive year of running!

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