STOP + Double + Q & A!

12.04 miles @ 8:47 average to start off the day with Emilee and Maddie.  It pretty much felt like summer again because it was 31 degrees yesterday and not 3 degrees like last week haha.  AND IT WAS SO LIGHT OUT.

Skye was thrilled to be in the picture.

I was so lucky to be able to go in and see Dr. Bennett yesterday because my calf started bugging me again on Sunday (in a different spot but the same calf as a few weeks ago)!  He found all sorts of knots in there and crazy tightness so I’m going in for a sports massage today and he said it will probably take 2-3 of those to get everything feeling normal again.  I’m good to go on running through this but I just wanted to make sure to get everything taken care of.  I think I’m a little hypersensitive to hot spots that show up now because I want to get to CIM healthy so badly.

PS I really think it is a bit harder to stay injury free during the cold months of training because of cold muscles.  I need to be doing a better job at really warming my muscles up before I start speed and stretching better.

Pretty sure my left sock is inside out.

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Skye was not happy when it was Andrew’s turn to get adjusted!

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Next up—> A few errands.

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It is almost guaranteed that one member of my family will be at Costco at all times ha.

Also, for those of you that are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints… while we were there we ran into President Uchtdorf and his wife and he shook our hands and patted Skye’s back.  He is an apostle and someone that I have listened to his talks on repeat for years… his words have gotten me through some tough times!  Some of my favorite talks from him are here, here here and here.

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Went on a second run with Andrew and Skye! 4 miles @ 9:09 average.

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Pasta (from Costco) with roasted brussel sprouts for dinner.

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Skye is just so thrilled with herself because she can easily reach up onto the counter now.

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Ready for bed by 5:52 pm (all of us were ha) in my favorite jacket ever;)

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On Sunday a few readers had some awesome questions that I wanted to cover more in depth in a post so here are my answers!

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*Our coach does give us a weekly mileage goals to hit each week but also reminds us to really pay attention to how we are feeling, communicate how we feel with him and adjust the mileage accordingly.  I think there have only been two weeks where I had to adjust my mileage because of a niggle and then also travel but other than that I’ve been able to hit each week’s goal from him!   The workout and long run mileage is given to us and then we decide when and how to fit in all of the other easy miles.  I would prefer to get in more doubles than I do but with Andrew’s work schedule they don’t happen often (besides yesterday wahoo) so I get them in in the mornings.

*My appetite after taking gels= I need SO much salt.  I also feel like I need to brush my teeth for 10 minutes straight after I finish a run with a lot of gels.  I feel like after a really hard effort or long run my stomach is always a bit off and that might be because of gels but I make sure to eat even if food doesn’t sound great after a hard run so that I can recover.

*Recovery routine for those days where my body is feeling wrecked:  Shake them out (I always feel better after a slow and easy run on those days when I’m sore), BCAAs galore, lots of protein and carbs, recovery boots and Andrew is too good to me but he always gives me really great massages.  I think I’ve learned that this feeling is just part of marathon training so to roll with it but if I’m feeling too run down then rest days are the only answers.

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*Christine, you are not alone in this!  I’m actually there as we speak.  My biggest recommendation is to recover more during this period.  The more sleep I get, the better I feel and I just have to remind myself I’m only going to feel this way for a short season.  I have another week or two of feeling like this and then the drop in mileage will help me to feel better.  I throw out the idea of balance and I’m currently thinking… laundry, extra outings/events, cooking a lot etc can all wait for a few weeks.  My priorities are with my family, faith and running right now and those other things will fit in again once running calms down.  Remember, it’s just for a short season so let go of the extras as you get through the intense training portions!

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Let me know if you have any other questions about our training that I can write a post about!!  

What are some of your favorite mental tricks when things get tough during a run/race?

What store do you go to more than any other store?

What part on your body seems to have the most problems/hot spots with running?

-This year it has been my right calf!

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Could you tell us more about your heart rate during your runs? Just curious :)
Thanks, as always, for sharing such great info! Love your posts!


Should have read this before my speed workout this morning! But I guess the massive time difference made it pretty much impossible lol. It was soooo painful and i tried so hard to stay in the rep but ugh. I think i did better than a similar workout from past training cycles so that’s a start. Hope it gets better the next cycle ;)
My right IT band has given me the most problems this cycle. Thankfully I only had to take about 3 days off and could still spin.
High-five on priorities. My race is 30 Nov and my house is perpetually in a mess now (except for the couple of hours after my cleaning lady comes – and well let’s be honest it’s always messy but I have an excuse at this point ha) and I have zero inspiration for dinner so it’s just chicken 100 ways and I’ve already got plans to take the kids for sushi when my husband’s away for work.
Have a great day Janae! As I’m typing this it’s past 10pm so I’m going to bed. Fully agree about prioritising sleep too.


HEY CHLOE! Keep focusing on the fact that you are making improvements compared to previous cycles! It’s just going to get better and better and you proved to yourself this morning you can do hard things and not quit and that is HUGE for our mental fitness. YES YES YES… I just shook my head yes to what you were saying about how your life feels this month. We’ve got this and I can’t wait to hear about how awesome your races goes at the end of the month. Cheering for you Chloe and you got the bad workout out of the way so that you can now crush the race!


HEY MEGAN!! I really wish I paid more attention and now that it is cold I have been wearing my watch over long sleeves BUT tomorrow for my speed work it should be warmer so I’ll try to get all of my HR info during the speed wahoo. Hope you are having the best day!


I think I would keel over if I ran into President Uchtdorf at Costco! We were in SLC the week after I was baptized and he came out of the admin building to greet a couple taking photos out front. I didn’t approach him but just thought it was such a sweet gesture.


I legit was stuttering as I talked to him I was so nervous. Oh, I love that he did that… so cool that you saw him the week of your baptism. Such an amazing person! I hope you are having the best day.


I bought the book Strong by Kara Goucher that you had suggested and I absolutely LOVE IT!! It is full of great tips to keep your brain in the game!
I’m probably too often at Winners and my shin and the front of my ankles are my problem areas.


That book is the best… I am so glad you are loving it! It’s really nice that it has spaces for us to be able to write in our thoughts and goals too. I hope that your shin and ankles stay happy!


Hi Janae,
Thank you so much for this detailed answer. I’ll think about it the next time It will be difficult to keep running.
The part of my body that suffer the most are my lungs (I need to run more often to work my endurance), and my knees (even if it’s now better with my Asics DynaFlyte 3).
I really hope your calf will be ok.


Thank you so much for the question and I hope it helps! I hope your knees and lungs just continue to get stronger and stay happier! Thank you SO much. I already had my massage and it feels 100% again ahhh. So happy. Have the best day Ingrid!


During a race or a hard run, I will often think about a runner I really admire and how strong they are and remind myself to be like them. Often, I think about you! :)

The store I go to more than any other is definitely Walmart!

I have the most flare ups/hot spots with my back. Stretching/warming up properly helps.


Well, now my cheeks are red:) . Thank you so much Leah! Oh shoot… backs are tricky! I’m so glad that stretching/warm-up helps it a lot and I hope it stays happy forever. Have the best day!


Also, have you gotten the latest runners world yet? They have an article about the best marathons and CIM was labeled the best for PR seekers!


I loved hearing your mental tricks, I use some of the same ones. Specifically trying to stay in the moment that I am in, and focusing on something that’s working. Also, if I’m getting tired I just try to pick up my cadence by telling myself “quicker steps” and it helps me get out of the rut and also use different muscle groups as you said. One that I remembered during my race Saturday that you mentioned a while ago was reminding yourself that your goal is to get through the bad spots and get to the good ones->bad spots in the race don’t last forever so reminding myself of this helps me get through the bad one!

My left side from hip to foot seem to always have the problems lol. After my race Saturday my left calf as been locked up and it really worried me and yesterday I got in this thinking like omg I’ll never feel normal again (haha dramatic), but I woke up today and it’s back to normal! Taking those 2 days complete rest after the race really helped. Going to get my adjustment and massage today and then rest one more day tomorrow to recover from that and the race! And then I should good to go Thursday! Taking the time off and listening to your body really helps!


Yes… I am going to copy you with the ‘quicker steps’ thanks for sharing! Oh that is such a good reminder too, the bad ones fade! I am SO happy that your calf is doing better again and you are being so smart about it! Have the best day Eleanor!


Uchtdorf is my absolute FAVORITE!! He is so full of love and understanding. That is a good trip to Costco!! ?


It really was! I couldn’t believe how nervous I was to meet him but he was so friendly and warm. Have a wonderful day Ashley!


I enjoyed this post. I’m currently supposed to run a 10.4 mi trail race this Sat but a few weeks ago my IT band flared up. I had to cut running to rest it. I got a cortisone injection last week to allow me to get through the race but seem to be having a reaction to it that has caused my IT band more inflammation. I’m so upset. I’m giving it a few more days to make the call but if it’s still so angry on Friday than I can’t do the race. So bummed. I thought I had this injury under wraps but trails are so much harder.


BOOO to your IT band! I am REALLY hoping that it gets better in time that you can still do the race. PLEASE keep me updated and I agree, the trails can really aggravate these hot spots. Keep me updated Sara and I’m thinking about you!


I love Skye’s facial expressions! It might be the toddler in her but she definitely appears to have very strong feelings about things and is not afraid to show it! My 5 year is like that and whew does he keep me on my toes!
I want to know, in regards to speed, which do you think is best; hill repeats or flat speed sessions? Or maybe a combo? Based on your training I feel like the focus was fast turnover on flats but is that because of the marathon courses you ran/run on?
I’ve found that I don’t need as many mental tricks when I run trail races vs road races. BUT, when I do need a distraction, I really like to have my music/podcast and that’s a little harder on trails. Plus, I usually run with friends when I’m on the trails so I make them distract me! Ha!
My repeat stores are Target, 1 or 2 local grocery stores and Trader Joe’s. I’ve got isles dialed in in all of those!
My hot spot has been my ankle/pereoneal tendon. The past 1.5-2 years have been a combo of run, roll the ankle, rehab, run, roll the ankle, rehab. Right now I’m getting back in to the run stage and couldn’t be happier! Even with these cold temps, breathing that piercing cold air is so rejuvenating!
Have a great day!


Hahaha you are so right.. she wants EVERYONE around her to know how she is feeling ha. Hahaha I bet you have the best stories from your 5 year old. I think both are best personally and I feel strongest when I have both in my training. I do think that our last training cycle was very specific to the course we were running but with this round we are doing both and I love it so much. YOU ARE SO RIGHT… I need more tricks on the roads vs the trails too. I hope this run stage lasts forever! Sorry you’ve been through all of that the last few years. Thanks so much Jenny and you too!


I really enjoyed this post and your hints for getting through tough patches. I do the step counting and trying to guess the distance to a landmark ahead too. If I have anything act up on a run it will be my calves – so I feel your pain. As a mom I want to commend you on all the important things your running is teaching your children: That they can do hard things too. That exercise is important. That mom has a life outside of just taking care of their needs. To dream big. The list just goes on and on!


It really is fun to guess the distance up ahead ha. BOO to angry calves and I really hope that they stay happy for a while. Thank you so much Jo and you are doing the exact same thing for your kiddos. It’s so good to have them see us working hard for our goals. Hope you have the best day!


My right calf has been my hot spot this training cycle too! Twinsies! (Like the worst kind ever haha)

My little mantra or mental trick I’ve been doing lately during races is “embrace the pace.” Where I try to relax my entire body into the pace. I pull my shoulders down from my ears, I relax my face so I can feel my cheeks jiggle, and I shake my arms out just for a second. It just helps me reset, relax a bit, and refocus.

This is just a random question, but did you know anyone in your running group before you started running with them? I’m trying to muster up the courage to join a group, but I feel so nervous! Did you have that problem at all?

Still crossing my fingers and toes that we’ll get to meet each other at CIM this year!


What is going on with our calves?! So lame! I hope yours stays happy. I am totally going to copy your trick. I need to do this so bad because I find that I really tense up big time! Great question and I really hope you join the group! I had only met Emilee (since she was my neighbor) and talked to her a time or two before starting to run with everyone so I was definitely the new girl and it all worked out. I am so grateful that I did. WE BETTER MEET!


Hi Janae! These are all great mental tricks! I have a few more.. when I’m having a bad run I remind myself of all the times I was injured and felt like I would’ve given anything to be able to run again. Or, I pretend like all the trees I run by are spectators and they are handing me oxygen as I walk by (this is 100% scientific and not part of my overactive imagination at all). Lastly, when all else fails, I tell myself I am running to set a good example for my parents golden retriever who is a lazy bum while at home. Thinking of her always makes me smile and forget about the pain for a bit.


THANK YOU for sharing these Amy! I am totally using these (LOVE the idea that the trees are giving you more oxygen.. I love thinking about stuff like that). Hahah you are a good example to their pup. Thanks for sharing and I hope your Tuesday is wonderful!


I don’t always love stroller running, but my kids (also my coaches) really do! I feel like it is such a good example to our kids about being physically active ?I was just going to mention that we have a weather cover for our BOB and double BOB and they are amazing when it gets colder! Sometimes it’s too warm and we have to take coats off!!


Oh I totally need to get one of those for Skye! Great idea and you are so right… it’s so good for them to be out there in the fresh air seeing us MOVE! Hope your day is a beautiful one Robyn.


Hi Janae,
Thanks for this post! I took this fall off from a full marathon for the first time in five years. I ran a major PR back in March, so I’m finally running Boston in April. In the meantime I’ve been focused on running shorter races (!0-milers and a halfs) and I have my last half of this season next Saturday. Like you, I definitely feel my calves are mad at me for everything and are so tight. I’m hoping my PT tomorrow can give them some extra TLC to help loosen them up for next week.
All this to say, can you speak more about BCAAs? Like how often and when do you take them? Do you think they help? Do they even taste good?! Sorry if you have written about this before, but would love to hear your thoughts!


Congrats on your huge pr in March and I am THRILLED for you to run Boston ahhh. Let me know if your PT is able to help! I really do think BCAAs are magical (or maybe it’s all in my head.. placebo effect haha) but I do think they help me to recover faster. I always take them after a speed workout or long run and on days I’m feeling really run down. They don’t taste like ice cream but they aren’t bad at all and I just chug it fast. I hope this helps and have a great day!


Can you please ask your sister to share what products she uses for her hair (as pictured in this post)? It looks like maybe it is air-dried (and so beautiful!), so I am wondering what gel/cream/spray she might be using to style it. Thank you! :)


What is the difference with a regular massage and a sports massage?


Thanks for the post! I end up in the drug store (London drug’s for us) for candy a lot haha.

My mileage is pretty low lately- because I recently started a busy new job – the commute is long and I don’t have a goal race yet (and the sun set before 5 pm last night! boo). But we have made up for it by bike, running the weekends. But as registration dates open up for next year’s races that will change. I have race registration dates diarized on my phone calendar. Hee.

I remind myself (or my bf reminds me) that I signed up for the pain! ha. I usually just look forward to the next aid station if it’s a race, or I say, to the next lamp post, etc. And I usually forget about the pain..

I do have question though – about goal setting for races. For trail races I don’t usually set targets except a finish but how did you set your goals for marathon training? I haven’t run a marathon in about 5 years, but I think with a solid training block, I have a faster time in me then my last marathon – at least everyone tells me. But I don’t know how much faster.

Thanks and have a great day Janae!


Ahh I can’t believe you met President Uchtdorf!!! His talks have seriously gotten me through the toughest times too. How cool!!

I was wondering, have you changed the way you eat (more calories, etc) with this more intense training?


Thanks for being such an inspiration to all of us Janae! I am definitely not a strong runner but I am trying and your tips for getting for getting through the tough times have become part of my coping bag too! My favorites from you are pumping my arms faster to make my legs go faster and thinking about the parts of my body that don’t hurt to take my mind off those that do (my earlobes get a lot of attention here! ha!) If I’m running for time , I always say to myself…I can do anything for 20 minutes, 10 minutes…2 minutes…whatever it takes to get me through it!

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