Another week of training done and done.  We were mostly in the mountains yesterday but also did a few miles on the roads.

I wore the Brooks Launch 6 for the mix of the trails and speed on the roads and they worked perfectly for both.

The first 3 miles or so we climbed and climbed and climbed.  I made it to the rock pile that I’ve heard about for so many years but have never been to until yesterday.

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The views were unreal and my legs were trashed by the time we got to the roads from all of the up and down.  We sure don’t do a ton of marathon pace work but I think the trails make up for that and then some.

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The weather was perfect yesterday so we spent a lot of time outdoors.  I found a skittle in Skye’s overalls and I think she was hiding it there for when she needed a little energy.

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Time for ALL of the rest and recovery today.



Monday:  12 miles @ 8:47 pace in the morning and 4 miles @ 9:09 average in the afternoon.

Tuesday:  10 miles @ 8:35

Wednesday:  Speed at the track and a total of 14 miles with the workout, w/d and c/d.  20 x 400m @ 84ish second average.  14 miles total with the workout, warm-up and cool-down.

Thursday:  15 miles @ 8:38 average pace.

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Friday:   COMPLETELY OFF.  We were planning on hitting 80 miles this week but our coach told us he wanted us to focus more on quality than quantity now because we are showing signs of being way too tired.

Saturday:  15 miles @ 9:20 average with 1,707 ft of UP (and most of that in the first few miles).  Mostly trails with some fast tempo miles towards the end.

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Sunday:  Off!

70 miles and this week my focus will be on quality of my workouts so who knows where my mileage will be!


What are your Sunday plans?

Best run last week?  Hardest run?

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Hi Janae, I don’t know if you remember me, but I commented a couple weeks go asking about amenorrhea. I just wanted to let you know I got my period back yesterday after 2 and 1/2 months without it. I didn’t actively do anything to change my diet, but I stopped counting calories like I used to and when I weighed myself I was 102 lbs instead of 99 like I used to be. I’m 5’3 and I’ve never been over 100 lbs, so it’s kind of strange, but I can run as fast as I did before and when I checked my body fat percentage I was actually exactly the same as before. Anyway, thanks for the advice. Some things are a lot easier to talk to a stranger about than your mom :)


I am so so glad you got your period back! Have you read about Mary Cain’s story?
She is an amazing example of coming out of this and reaching out for help! Don’t forget that menstrual abnormalities aren’t just caused from low body fat but also from just not getting enough fuel in! you are absolutely amazing and I am so happy that your body is happy and keep it up! I’m a million times faster than I was when I was 25 lbs lighter! Our bodies perform best (and have way less injuries) when we give them the energy that they need! Have a beautiful day!


Thinking about going to yoga today, and then maybe baking and doing laundry! I love doing things at home on Sundays.

I’m so glad you’re training looks like it’s going well! Excited for you at CIM. I was also looking at this and thinking you’re setting such a positive example by working hard for your goals and doing something you love. That’s such a good thing to show your kids!

I went on a run with a friend yesterday–I run quite a bit faster than she does, but it was really fun to run with her and slow down. I did a bit of extra running at the end, but I was amazed at how much easier the distance felt when I was with a friend and going slower . . . a good reminder that not every run needs to be strenuous to be good!


That is a wonderful reminder and it’s just the best to run with people… I’ll go whatever pace they want to go as long as I get some conversation over the miles ha! Thank you so much, I sure hope I’m setting a good example for them! Yoga and baking = perfection! Enjoy!


Janae, that first picture is amazing! Glad you listened to your body, enjoy your family and rest today!


Thank you so much Michelle! Come visit our mountains! I hope your Sunday is perfect!


Those pictures are really nice ! I love mountains so much !
It makes me smile when you say that you ONLY ran 70 miles this week.
My sunday began with a run. It was 2°C (35°F), and I was really happy not forgotten my gloves :)
Have a wonferdul day !


Ahhh I definitely said it wrong! I meant because we were supposed to do more. 70 is an insane amount and my body is reminding me do that today hahah! Glad you got in your run this morning and that you had your gloves! Have a beautiful rest of your day Ingrid!


(I meant Wonderful day ! Haha)


Hi Janae! I just realized that I am running my half the same day you’re running CIM! I’m going to get my sub-2 and you’re going to OTQ on the same day, I can’t wait!! Another week of training in the bank and waiting to be cashed out!


Ahhhhh Amy! This makes my day! I am so excited for you and can’t wait to hear about your sub 2. Keep me updated with your final few weeks of training. We’ve got this!


I ran a 10 k today that started 500 meters from my house. I waved a friend off who ran the Half, then I jogged back home to bring my jacket back and used my own bathroom. I had some mental struggles but I’m happy with my 58.46. I pr-ed two months ago so I was hoping to break that 58.01. But after a few hours I’m fine with it, I’ll get another chance sometime. The weather was beautiful! Before I left for the race I made the italian chicken soup, it was delicious. Now just watching tv and relaxing. The mountain you ran up looks amazing! I think your coach is very wise to let you listen to your bodies. Have a great Sunday!


Sunday plans are to relax and read and hang out! My hardest and best run last week was the NYC Marathon!! It was so awesome…the sights and the bridges, the INCREDIBLE crowd support, and seeing my fiance and his cousin 3x along the course! I ran the whole way except for a few water stations and stopping for hugs from loved ones. It was tough, especially those last few miles in central park…but I finished in 4:52 which is 30 min faster than my previous time! It was my first time visiting NYC and I just loved every second of it. :D


Your schedule is so so so impressive! You’re doing great! Wow. My longest run this week was a whopping four miles. This year, I ran a trail marathon (first one!!!!) and then hiked the Appalachian Trail. On the AT, I averaged 130 a week and it was really tough on the body with lots of elevation and the fact that you can only carry food you can fit in your backpack, so I’m taking the rest of the year off from anything over a few miles here and there. I’m just really not in the mood to run longer than that so I’m doing tons of strength and just running vicariously through you. Is that how fitness works?? I went hiking on Sunday, because I love it. I hope you and yours have a great week!


Hi Janae!

I just hopped on to say I think you should submit that photo to Runner’s World. The first pic in this post. It’s breathtaking. Glad to see you are well!

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