Silentish Saturday!

Happy weekend!  Your comments yesterday made my year.  I am so grateful for you all, I feel very lucky to get to hang out together each day so thank you!

Andrew was able to arrange his work schedule so that he had Fall Break off with the kids too!

Started things off by sleeping in and running with Emilee.

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Hit up a pumpkin patch… Simba style.

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Fast forward to the evening—>  We drove up to the Olympic Oval for their trick-or-treating night.

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Pushups for candy.

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They gave out books, toys, posters, candy, face painting, ballon animals and they even had a kid’s haunted house there.

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Time for some floating miles—> AKA faster than an easy run but slower than a tempo run.

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Tell me 3 things that you are doing today!!!

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Once it warm ups I hope to go for an 8 mile run with my kid in the stroller! This afternoon it’s flu shot fun and then later today the last BBQ of the year sadly.


Oh I hope your run was in the sunshine today:) . Good luck with the flu shot and enjoy that last BBQ!


I am running a half marathon!


AHHHH GOOD LUCK TARA!! Please let me know how it goes:)


My 3 year old is looking at the pics with me on the blog and says “I want to be Minnie!”. :)

For us today – I’ve got a 10 miler as soon as my husband gets back from his cycling class. And then we are hitting up a haunted house at the children’s museum and then Zoo Boo for trick or treating. All the fall fun! Looking forward to the day! Hope yours is lovely.


I hope your ten miler was awesome and I want our family to join you at that haunted house, sounds like the perfect day! Hahaha well now you have to get your little one a minnie costume. Thanks so much Sarah!


Today I just finished work.
Getting ready to take my oldest to his first practice for his new basketball team. He made the Div. 2 squad! Which in our rural area is the “First Team” and he is beyond excited.
When we get home it’s movies and relaxing and maybe walking the dog.
Long run on the trails with Autumn leaves and a couple good friends first thing tomorrow!


AHHHH CONGRATS TO YOUR SON!! That is so so exciting! Sounds like a beautiful day and enjoy that run tomorrow!


Getting a new grill so my husband can resume grilling for me.
Eating all the Halloween treats while watching scary movies.
Opening presents and otherwise celebrating the fun that is turning 45!!


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTEN!! I hope your day is absolutely perfect. Brilliant purchase… grilled foods are the best. Enjoy those Halloween goodies:) .


We are cleaning , pumpkin picking and then We are getting ready for our Florida trip! Ever been? Any tips?


HEY YOU!!! So good to hear from you! I hope this fall has been perfect for you guys! I have been to Florida but I was in high school so I don’t really remember anything. SO excited for you guys to go. Have the best time!


I may send you a more detailed race recap later… but I finished my marathon (Kansas City) in 3:07. That’s a 7 minute PR. Sub 3 is the next goal :)


GRANT AHHHHH THIS IS HUGE!! Congrats congrats congrats and I cannot wait to hear about that sub 3 marathon HAPPENING! Recover well!


All before noon : a 5 mile run , chat at starbucks after with friends , 3 mile walk with the dog, pedicure with my sister and another mile walk with the dog. Now sitting in the sun. I love the pictures of the kids in their costumes! And you look super cute in the red hat :). happy Saturday!


You have been very busy this morning… I love it and a pedicure with your sister sounds perfect:) . Enjoy that sunshine and thank you so much Amanda!


Hi Janae! I was on vacation yesterday, and missed reading your 9 year anniversary post. Sorry! I am super grateful I found your blog and you are one of the nicest people I have ever met (even though I’ve never met you).

I was going to do a long run today, but I checked the weather and it is supposed to rain all day long. So, today will be my rest day, which means nothing super eventful will happen over here (my brain needs a rest on rest days, too). And tomorrow is supposed to beautiful, so I’ll get my run in then!


Hey Leah, so glad you were able to take a little vacation! Thank you so much for your sweet words:) Enjoy your run tomorrow… it will be even better after your rest day now!


Spin class with a friend, watching my son play baseball and having a pizza/cake/movie night for my birthday with the family!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!! Can we come for that movie night… sounds perfect:)


Long run
Coffee out because the eis cafe will close for winter soon!
Teen Kiddo is having a sleepover here so I’m sure I’ll be hearing all sorts of sounds of music/videos/voices……

Pumpkin patches are so much fun!!!


Hahaha you might be up late tonight… good luck! And I hope your coffee out was perfect (how did winter get here so quickly?!). Thanks Kelly!


Love fall festivities!

For today – farmers market, long run, ice cream. Long run should have been tomorrow, but Tropical Storm Nestor is supposed to roll through in the morning and I really just did not feel like running in that for 17 miles. Being a weenie?…maybe… :)


Great Halloween photos!

My three things:
1. PR in the 10K! 51:46 at the Chicago Country Sole Half/10K/5K. I feel great about the race and was pleasantly surprised to get 2nd in my age group :)

2. Big napppppp

3. Anniversary dinner with my husband later tonight – 18 years tomorrow!

Have a great weekend, all.


Ahhhhhhh huge huge huge congrats! I am SO happy for you! And 18 years, incredible! Enjoy!


1. Got a much-needed haircut. 2. Went to the gym to do some weights and treadmill walking. 3. Forced the hubby to help me get the crib put together. (I’m 35 weeks so it’s about time!) Now it’s college football, relaxing for the rest of the afternoon, and probably dinner out somewhere.


Brunch with friends
Grocery shop


Well my morning went to plan until a scary turn of events which I will detail below. Today I feel like I was on a roll because I woke up BEFORE my alarm for my spin class (which rocked), got in a treadmill walk (to chat with a friend and catch up on unread emails … so much), got a tan & grabbed my Starbucks, and then I got home and was not being careful and tripped up the concrete steps trying to grab our paper and I proceeded to fall on the upper steps and landed right on my hip and shoulder. I have a huge bruise now and we’re worried I may have done some damage to my pelvis. Went to the doctors and we are waiting to hear back from the specialists because they know I have a tendency for fractures! :( Fingers crossed I just bruised my hip and I am perfectly fine and just need rest! :)
The rest of my day has included rest and working!

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