Off to St. George and Friday Favorites!!!


Even my watch knows I didn’t do much yesterday….

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But here are some pictures from some things that we did do:

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The necessary pep talk from my mom before a big race:

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Why I don’t eat out often with Skye ha…

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Bottles are all ready!

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Very very early to bed….


I have a few favorite things to share today (affiliate links included):

*I already purchased my post-race rewards (Andrew thought we were supposed to do that after the race but I feel like before is a good idea hahah;).  Madewell has my heart—> This top, this top and this top (plus they are all on sale right now:)!

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*A Million Little Things is back on and I’m just going to continue to cry through every episode that I watch.  Andrew had the day off so we watched it during Skye’s nap and it just made us so happy.  Our favorite tv couple:

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*The ALLTrails app is just the BEST.   If you want to get on the trails more often, this is your KEY!  I’m sure a lot of you already have this but just in case you don’t, you need it!

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*I live in activewear as much as I possibly can and I share what I find just in case your goal is to always be in comfortable clothes too.  These pants are just like the ones I bought at Lulu a few months ago (but 1/3rd of the price ha).  They are the Lounge Jogger Pants, they fit a little bit big (but I kind of like the loose feel) and only $28!!!  They have so many cute colors.. you can’t go wrong.  THEY ARE HERE.

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GIVE ME ANY LAST MINUTE PIECES OF ADVICE/MANTRAS/ANYTHING at all to read on our way down to St. George today!  PRETTY PLEASE!  

It’s race day tomorrow!

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SO excited for you Janae!!!! Celebrate all your hard work tomorrow!
And yes, A Million Little Things premiere was so good!!! I was watching it on the treadmill which was hard because I started crying at the end/shower scene!


You got this!!!


I will be cheering you on from KC! Nothing is standing in your way for this race. Your hard work has been inspiring and I look forward to hearing all the details. Go get it!


Your legs know the way, just run
You know you can do it
Enjoy the moment
Relish all your training
Sub 3 hour break from doing things for everyone else (diapers, snacks, cleaning)
Today is hard, next week is relax time
When in doubt, count it out (steps, people, street signs)
Childbirth took longer

I’m sure you’ll get a zillion more shout outs!


I just know you are going to crush it tomorrow!!! If you can believe it then you are halfway there. You have proved that you have what it takes to achieve your goals. Keep your mind clear and positive and you will succeed!!


Cheering you on from Michigan!


YOU CAN DO THIS!! Hope the drive is going well :)

My favorite poster board that I saw while running a marathon was “Pain is temporary”. And it wasn’t followed by the cliche “pride is forever”. Just remember that the discomfort will be over the SECOND you cross that finish line. It is just a small portion of time that is only a blip for the LOOONNNG amount of time that you will be able to savor the awesome feeling of success and accomplishment!


You got this, Janae!!! You put in the hard work, now it’s time for the celebration!! I’ll be cheering you on from NH!! I can’t wait to read all about it!! Most importantly, have so much FUN and keep smiling! :)


You will do great tomorrow!!!! You are such an inspiration to so many! Brooke writing on your bottles is the sweetest little thing!! That’s the stuff that will push you on for sure!! You have had a great training cycle and I will be cheering you on all the way from the Gulf Coast!! ?


You are going to crush it, Janae!! So excited for you – just remember you get to run, you choose this!! We’ll be following along and cheering for you from all over!!!


I am so excited for you and so invested in this race! I hope you have the absolute best time and trust yourself. You’ve put in the work — you GOT THIS!!


Janae, I am so excited for you and your race! Just remember each time you pick up that ELITE water bottle all your hard work and the people rooting for you! I know you’ll rock it!!!


You can do hard things! We are all so proud of you no matter what your time is. You have rocked this training cycle and it has been so much fun to watch. Good luck tomorrow and have a great time!


Good luck tomorrow!! Tomorrow is the celebration. Pull from all that hard training and you will just fly! And when the pain cave comes, you already know how to handle it! Cannot wait to hear all about it, no matter what the end result is you have been so inspiring and encouraging over the last few months for so many of us.


You are so ready!!! I am so excited for you!
Trust your training. This marathon is a celebration for all the hard work you have done!
Go ROCK St. George!!


Tomorrow is the celebration of all the hard work you’ve put in. Enjoy it and embrace the pain. Use it as fuel for your journey :)

Love to you and your family this weekend, safe travels, and go get them! So so so proud of you.


SO EXCITING! You’re going to be AWESOME.

If I am having a hard time during a race and need a distraction, sometimes I look around at the scenery for a minute and thank God for putting something that beautiful on earth for us to all enjoy.

That didn’t work when I was running through an industrial complex in Omaha when it was like 90F and sunny at nationals a few years ago haha. But at St George it sure will!


You got this! Stay strong, keep smiling and appreciate the journey! You put in a lot of hard work to get here!


Smile and FLY!


Said a prayer for you, that all your hard work comes together on race day and you crush your goal. I know you can do it. You got this!!


Good luck!! You can do hard things! :)


Good luck tomorrow! You’ve got this!!!! Remember we’re all rooting for you :-)


Don’t forget to enjoy the view. St George marathon is my favorite – in part because of the views. I’m on the injury list this year, so enjoy that amazing scenery for both of us. My motto; run hard & finish strong!


You’ll have a great race tomorrow, you’ve trained so hard for this! You can do hard things!


No good advice I’m afraid, just know that we’ll be cheering you on from over here! You can do this! You’ve trained so hard, you are strong, you have your family there and little notes on bottles…I’d say you are ready! Go go go!


This isn’t a mantra but it kinda bugs me how beautiful and well dressed you are ALL THE TIME! YOU GOT THIS!!! You’ve done EVERYTHING TO A T. Just one foot in front of the other, briskly haha.


My favorite mantra when things get ugly: “Breathe out doubt” on repeat.

Your marathon tomorrow has been just the pick me up I’ve needed. I’m two months out from my marathon, the mileage is in that ramping up grind, and fall has yet to arrive here so every run is a sweaty slog. I would pay good money for a run that’s not in 80-90 degree temps. Your marathon celebration will be proof that the work will pay off!

Wishing you all the best tomorrow! Embrace it!


You’re going to do great tomorrow!! Your training seems to be really on point this year. Just remember to stay in the mile you’re in ?. Looking forward to reading about how it goes.


Go Janae Go!!! So excited for you! Sending you all the good race vibes! Enjoy every single mile :)
So proud of all your hard work. Tomorrow is YOUR day to celebrate!!!


So excited for you! I have loved following your training and I can’t wait to see all of your hard work pay off tomorrow. You got this girl!


Tomorrow is going to be AMAZING!! You got this! Get out there and have fun ?


You got this!


Fly Janae, FLY!! You’ve GOT this!!


A former aerobics teacher used to yell out to the class “energy creates energy”. I have used this mantra many times during a tough workout.

GOOD LUCK! You can do it!


Lean in and embrace the pain.


I always think the best advice is trust your training. You put in all the hard work (mentally and physically) and you are READY!
Good luck and enjoy yourself out there!


Good luck tomorrow! There’s a Nelson Mandela quote that I think is great advice and can apply to so many different things.. “I never lose. I either win or learn.”

And, totally random, but, your hair looks AMAZING!


Fly! Remember this is your reward for all of your work! Smile!

I’ll be cheering you on from So Cal!!


You’ve got this, Janae!! You’re in such a great place in life that your running accomplishments are icing on the cake! Enjoy every mile.


I’m so excited for you!

Embrace and own that pain because you are stronger than it! And remember to think of all the people sending you love and well wishes!

You got this!


Good luck -alles Gute for tomorrow, Janae!
You will be great and I’m cheering for you from Austria!!!


Have a great race tomorrow, Janae!!! Cheeeing you on from Connecticut!


1) Veyo Hill is not that bad – don’t let it get in your head.
2) It’s lots easier to make up a little time in the 2nd half on the net downhill – don’t kill yourself on the first (hill-ier) half and then die before the end.
3) Have fun (really – remind yourself this is *your* fun when moments are tough)! You have rocked this training cylce and will do soooo well – I’m excited to see your time!


Good luck!!! I don’t have any advice but I’m excited to see how you do ?


I will share with you my race mantra: “Be tenacious” ❤️❤️❤️ Have fun tomorrow!


Wishing you SO much luck tomorrow! Although, you won’t need it because you will rock it! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!


GOOD LUCK!!!!! When you are super tired and really, really want to slow down or stop, just remember: The faster you run, the faster you are done!


Good luck Janae!! You’ve totally got this. You have trained so hard. So excited to hear about your race!!!


Janae!! I’m always so in awe of you! Remember above everything else listen to your body and HAVE FUN!! Hope it’s a wonderful race day for you. I’ll be cheering you on from up North. ❤


Good luck Janae! Your training has been very impressive – an accomplishment in itself! Have fun and run fierce!


You’ve proven again and again that you CAN do hard things, in fact you relish them. You’ve worked so hard for this. Tomorrow is your day! When it gets harder, just smile even bigger. Cheering you on from NY, eager to read your post race report. :)


Good luck Janae! We are all rooting for you. I enjoy carb-loading with pancakes too. I eat at so many diners and then not again for like a month.


You got this, Janae!!! You put in the hard work, now it’s time for the celebration!! I’ll be cheering you on from NH!! I can’t wait to read all about it!! Most importantly, have so much FUN and keep smiling! :)


So excited for you, Janae! You will do great, just believe in yourself and all the things you have accomplished so far. Run with a smile and when a negative thought pops into your head, kindly kick it to the curb…quite literally. Good luck!


AHHHHHH!!!!!!! Your next chance of many to PR is tomorrow! Your next chance to remember what it is for your heart to nearly beat out of your chest and for you to DEFY YOUR LIMITS is tomorrow!!! I am so excited for you. SO excited!

AND excited to see you wearing your cute Madewell gifts-to-congratulate-the-effort post-race! YAY!!!

As for words of wisdom–I got none. You’ve done this whole business before (trained hard and found yourself with new limits to smash…) *countless times* so even though it’s hard, you know FROM EXPERIENCE that *you can do hard things.*

Those joggers are cute. They’re WAY too long for my short legs, but they are cute!!!!


Janae, you’ve got this! I love following your training. I *might* have actually cried when you ran your sub-3. So inspiring!

Enjoy tomorrow. You’ve put in all of the hard work, now you just get to fly. Have fun!


Can’t say it enough….TRUST IN YOUR TRAINING! You have had a PHENOMENAL build up and are soooo ready for greatness!!!!!

Cannot wait to read the recap!


Hi Janae,
During my half marathon last weekend, I kept repeating “This is great!” and even when it felt hard and painful and saying it was sarcastic, I felt like it helped a lot. Gratitude is everything. I can and I will. You are so enthusiastic about running that it makes others want in on it. And what a gift you have for running, one you’ve earned with training and persistence for sure. You’ve got this! You are able.
Can’t wait to read all about it soon!


Very excited for you – have fun with it! Cheering from Ohio!


Have a great day!! Will be rooting for you from Colorado. :)


Go get em!!!! Hard part is done! Will be rooting for you over here in Canada!!!


I love Alltrails as well! However, I use it in conjunction with Hiking Project because I love the altitude maps HP gives.

I’m so excited to live vicariously through you on your race! I hope you get the time you want. Just remember to think of all that awesome advice I’m sure your mama gave you. Good luck!


Janae, I am so excited for you! I know you will do great! Cheering for you from Oregon!!! Can’t wait to read the re-cap!!
Good Luck!!!!


Hey Janae,
Hope you arrived safely in St. George.. And it’s 9:30am here (cheering for you from the UK!!) so I hope you’re currently sleeping really well and deep and you’re warm and dreaming of awesome things! Especially awesome things to come… like a great race in a couple of hours! God willing!!
I don’t even know where to start, but I’m kinda new-ish to blogs and have read a couple over the past few years and usually check in quite regularly to the few I do read – but when I found yours and started reading, I just loved reading! And checking everyday! (At exactly around 1pm here, which I believe is 6am for you.. I guess that’s when it gets posted daily) Anyway, I think I went back to the first one (I don’t remember exactly, but I think once you linked back to the first one not so long ago in a post — it was called Awkward, right? So, I clicked back to that and then kinda tried to read everything from there that I hadn’t already randomly read, like your race recaps, etc… I know, kinda nuts! But so much fun…) and I did end up reading most of everything, I think!! Anyway (sorry, long comment!) I just want to say that it has been such a pleasure for me every day to read about your training, your family, your struggles, all of it… and I’ve learned a lot. So, thank you! I’m wishing you super happy (and fast and smart) thoughts, and remembering you in my prayers… May God keep you, protect you, forgive you, guide you, and give you every good!! And all of your family, and loved ones.
Oh, and not really advice for the actual running (I’m actually not much of a runner and not competitive at all – I just love to go outside in a park or somewhere and under the sun and just throw my arms up and put one foot in front of the other!) , but one thing I have learned from my teachers is to always know and make your intention… Think about why you are doing this marathon, and make clear that intention.
‘Actions are but by intention.’
Okay, take care, Janae.. and hope all of your family, friends, and loved ones have a blast with you today! And everyone reading and cheering for you from all over… This world is so full of love. Great job being a means and helping to spread it.
Happy running today, Janae!! Can’t wait to hear how awesome you did.. <3


Sorry, this was my very first comment.. so I had to come back and see what it looked like, and re-read it! (Proof-read it..) Found a mistake — I meant, not *competitively* as in running competitively. I am actually QUITE competitive.. haha. [Read: REALLY competitive! Or I used to be.. Like to think I’ve toned down nicely a bit. My family still remembers some incident with like Pictionary.. seriously!) Loved playing sports growing up, and playing in high school and Uni. And being active, in general.
Anyway, aaah, it’s almost noon here… and I just checked, 4:47 in Utah. So you must be there, or on your way… or or or
I really am just so excited for you, Janae!
Run Girl Run!!!!


YOU are AMAZING!! Just looked at the results and you SMASHED it! I am always so inspired by your posts about everything. You truly balance life so well. I am so happy that you crushed your goal. Now go crush the treats. Keep writing awesome and informative stuff.

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