My Winter Weather Clothing Recommendations!

My blog has been having some problems and not allowing me to do certain things… it should all be working now but let me know if not (and sorry I didn’t reply to all of those amazing comments yesterday… it wouldn’t let me)!  If you missed out on yesterday’s post about BELONGING… you can find it here.

Started out my day with a run around town with Emilee.  We were both feeling crazy tired.

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Skye wanted to go out and play in the snow…

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Flashback to when Brooke wore this same vest:)

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We went to buy the things that allow me to survive the winter in Utah and picked up some snacks while we were there too.

And later on we went to go pick up some cookies for my mom.

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And a few for us too.

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Most of my life is spent in running clothes… Even when I do actually get ready for the day!  Let’s talk about what I like to wear for different temperatures and I’d love to hear what you wear too!  PS In Utah it is VERY dry here so the temperatures we experience here might feel very different compared to other areas with the same temperatures!  PPS I am a big believer in investing in quality pieces for the winter running months because it makes the biggest difference in how much I enjoy running around all winter (they keep me so warm) and they LAST FOREVER.  Some of my pieces of winter running gear have probably already survived hundreds of washings!

Cascadia Thermal Vest and Notch Thermal Hoodie!

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45F and up (especially if the sun is out):  Shorts and a tank top or short-sleeves!

30-45 degrees:  If I am running easy then I’ll most likely be wearing tights (like these) and a long sleeve (this is my goto long sleeve) and if it is in the low 30s then probably a vest too (like the one above or I have this one too).  If I am doing a speed workout, I’ll be in shorts and a long sleeve top.  I have a really hard time doing speed in anything but shorts because I heat up QUICKLY with speedwork and less is more.

20-30 degrees:  Tank top + a thicker long sleeve top like this one, this one this one or this one along with a vest.  Once again, if I’m doing speedwork and it’s in the upper 20s… I’ll still probably be in shorts.  The other day I was running in shorts and it was freezing out and a biker joked as he went by that we don’t live in San Diego ha.  If my upper body (especially my core), hands and ears are warm… I’m good to go and cold legs don’t bother me that badly until we get under 20 degrees….

20 degrees and below:  A long sleeve, a hoodie (like this one) and a jacket (like this one… I’ve only really used Brooks jackets for as long as I can remember because they are just so high quality and keep me quite warm).  Fleece tights—>I have a few pairs of them now but they are no longer online but they are similar to these ones and these ones.  I’ll even add in a vest under my coat if I really want to feel toasty.

PS the tights I wore yesterday are seriously the best and I’ve worn them from 20 degrees-45 degrees and they are perfect for running and so cheap from Amazon HERE (plus a million great colors).

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55 degrees and below—> GLOVES.  Cold fingers= I am angry at the world.  Anytime it is below 30 degrees I have some hand warmers stuffed in them too.  These mittens (mittens > gloves IMO) are the ones that I use the most.

Anytime it is below 30 degrees I usually have something covering my ears like this, this or this.

My favorite running socks for really cold mornings are these ones!  I also love the Cascadia for trail shoes that are waterproof for the winter:)

If it is snowing or raining and under 30 degrees then I like to wear a hat and then a headband on over the hat so my ears are warm and I’m also keeping water off of my feet!  There were also many mornings this last winter where I wore one of these buffs.

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Training for an ultra in the dead of winter… not sure I’m going to miss that this year hahah;)

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I’d love to hear what types of clothing pieces you choose for different temperatures!  Anyone else still in shorts in the high 20s sometimes haha?  

Any tips or tricks that you use to keep your fingers warm… I’m always looking for more ideas on this!

How do you motivate yourself during the cold months to get out the door and run?

What’s your run today?

-We’ve got some speed… hopefully my lungs don’t freeze!

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I suffer from Raynaud’s, so keeping fingers and toes warm can be tough in SD. I warm up my gloves and socks with hair dryer or clothes dryer. Did you know if you put the chemical warmers in a baggie with no air you can get one more use from them. (I learned this from my frugal mother).
I also drink coffee or hot water before going outside. It warms my insides plus the warm mug warms my hands.


Oh Heidi, I bet that is incredibly hard to keep them warm. That is such a good idea to warm up your socks and gloves before you go out for your run and I am totally going to use your mom’s trick. THANK YOU. Oh and off to drink some hot water before I head out… you are the best Heidi! Have the best day!


Running in the cold – feels like it takes longer to put on all the layers than it does to run! I am struggling with what to wear for my marathon on 11/9. The saying “nothing new on race day” presents a problem when you’ve spent most of your training in hot and humid. So I likely will wear shorts in the uppers 30’s lower 40’s for my race but definitely have my hands and ears covered. As for the upper body – still debating – but fortunately you can easily remove jackets/hoodies if you get warm. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions. I definitely will be investing in hard warmers!


Bahaha it totally does… and the laundry is out of control now! You are so close to your marathon, I want to hear all about it! It is a tricky time of year because most of your training was in completely different temperatures. Good call on the shorts with a warm core/ears/hands. That sounds like the perfect combo to me. Have the best day and happy tapering!


SO SO COOL Katie… I hadn’t seen it yet. I need one of those therapy balls right now. I love that all of the sharks wanted in on their product. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


Thank you for this! If my knees cooperate I will be running a lot outside and I live in the Philly suburbs and we do get cold!!! I agree with investing in quality warm weather clothes. Years ago I got a pricy pair of underarmour running tights geared towards low temps and they are really going strong. On the same point, I do find some of my old navy tops last awhile too. For me, the pants and jackets are more worth the investment.
No workout for me, trying to be good and rest my knee. It does not hurt today and I am so relieved. Running might be a different story but at least I know I likely don’t need to see a doctor! Was going to test it out on Wednesday but since it is the first day not hurting I am going to aim for Friday or Sat and hit the elliptical tomorrow. Strength trained yesterday so at least I got something in!!


Oh it gets very cold where you are! I am really hoping that your knees stay happy so you can get in all of the miles again soon. So happy it doesn’t hurt today. Keep me updated and that strength training is something I NEED to do. Have the best day Carrie!


Just discovered these on amazon, they’re great and fit a touch bigger in the arms than the lulu…


You just SAVED ME. They are like 1/3rd the price too. I’m going to grab a few colors today… thanks Margaret!


HI! Do you get the relaxed fit or the slim fit from Amazon? Maybe I should just try both for the amazing price!


I get the slim fit small, I have a couple mediums too. The medium is bigger in the arms. I typically get a 6 in lulu long sleeve swiftlys


What size are your tights from amazon?



Hey Liliana! I have them in a small (4-6 which I wear at Lulu) and they fit perfectly! I hope you love them and have a fabulous day!


That vest on your girls is adorable! I love dressing my youngest in his brothers clothes; it brings back a flood of memories every time!
I really need more warm clothes; I hate hate hate being cold! My go to’s in the winter are my gloves, wool socks, wool sweatshirt and vest from Old Navy, my new Belega long sleeve from Amazon for only $15!!
I haven’t found pants that fit over my calves and quads and stay up so I stick to shorts if I can.
If it’s icy outside I stick to the treadmill. I tried running slowly on ice one time and after the 3rd fall I bailed. I have a hard enough time staying upright when it’s not icy!
Today was gym day; 10 min bike to warm up + strength training.
Tomorrow I run and I can’t wait!
Have a great day!


I need that right that top right now… thank you for sharing and I love all of the colors! I’m with you… I do not want to run on the ice. Way to go on your workout today and have the best run tomorrow. Thanks Jenny!


Great looking pieces, though as I live in South Texas, my cold weather running wardrobe is limited to a few thrift store grabs that I rarely wear!

My half is this Saturday and the forecast is 50 degrees. I’m planning to wear long sleeves and shorts, 50 is quite cold to me!


GOOD LUCK ON SATURDAY!! Please let me know how it goes and I’m cheering for you! Grab some gas station hot chocolate after (if gas stations in South Texas have hot chocolate haha). You’ve got this… time to go celebrate your training!


I cant run in shorts under 40 degrees. But I have two pairs of knickers tights so they aren’t as long. Hit just below the kneecap so it’s a good cross between shorts and long tights. They are Under armor but I’ve had for years. And my hands are cold in winter too. I start wearing them in the 50s


Oh those bottoms are PERFECT for under 40 degrees. I should find some like that! Why do our hands love to freeze so easily? Hey, I hope your Tuesday has been great so far!


Like someone else said. Gloves in the dryer ahead of time.
Also, in winter I do a warm up mile on the treadmill before heading out.

And now I need to do my Christmas shopping after all your great links.


I need to do BOTH of those tips from here on out until May:) . Have fun shopping and I hope you are all having a wonderful day Erica!


I need advice on rain gear for feet. I had a 10K on Sunday and it rained steadily leading up to the race. By the time I got to the start my feet were soaked. It stopped raining for a most of the race, but picked up again at mile 5 where I could feel the blister forming on the bottom of my foot. Any one have advice for keeping feet dry or preventing blisters on the bottom of my feet (right below my toes)?

Love all the pieces. I find as long as I keep my ears warm I’m good. Once I get going I warm up pretty fast so my hands and feet get warm, but my ears are critical.


I personally don’t have any experience with this but I know I have read (here maybe?) that some people will keep their race shoes and dry socks in a bag and then change into them right before the race starts. And then maybe even bring an extra pair of socks stuffed into pockets or shorts to change into during the race. If you had a support crew you could even change shoes mid-race.


The same thing happens to me, right below my toes. Dove deodorant seems to help a little bit, but I still get them!


Hey Tara! Bummer about what happened at your 10k… blisters are so miserable. I agree with John, for wet races I wear around a different pair of shoes/socks until right before the race starts! Many trail shoes are a lot more waterproof too so it might be worth it to wear them on the roads if it’s a really wet race too. Have a great day Tara, John and Tess!


Hey Tara, I run in Portland where it’s rainy most of the year and I’m a fan of wool socks to help prevent blisters! I use Injinjis, but if toe socks are too weird for you, there’s a ton of other brands that make wool/wool blend socks. Hope it helps you!


Thanks for all the ideas, I will definitely be trying these out.

Even with the blister it was still an enjoyable race (which is huge for me to say that, thanks for helping with my mental race!!). If you ever get the chance to do the Marine Corps Marathon (or 10K or 50K) in DC do it!!


Thank you SO much for this post! Love the timely info, as deciding what to wear outside each day is getting tough with winter coming! Love your suggestions :) It’s cold here in MN already. I’m not ready for the ice and snow yet!


Good luck this winter Megan! I bet it gets so so crazy cold there.. you are TOUGH! Have the best day.


what is your running watch you use? im getting a new one for christmas and looking at my options! i like the rosegold/white look :)


HEY!! I have the Garmin Pro Fenix 6 and I absolutely love it. I will have my full detailed thoughts on it up on Monday if you want to check it out. But so far… It’s my absolute favorite! Have the best day Krista!


On my run yesterday it was 43 degrees and I was wearing tights, a long sleeve, a down vest, gloves and a hat (I like to be toasty warm lol, also I do NOT run as fast as you!) and I crossed paths with a girl wearing shorts, a tank top and gloves! It makes me cold just thinking about her! Thank you for sharing your cold weather gear! I usually switch to the treadmill when the weather turns but this year I am loving my outdoor runs and I need to stock up on some good pieces :-)


Bahaha usually I’m the girl you came across that people think IS CRAZY. Yay for running outside this winter and I hope you love it, the right pieces make all of the difference! Have a wonderful day Torrie!


OK, it must be cold in UT if Andrew is in long pants! I do really similar layers as you except for the shorts ;) I like to cover my knees once it’s below 50 degrees. And I totally agree that it’s worth investing in warm pieces for winter – that helps get me outside! I feel like each summer I completely block out the cold winter from my memory and when Fall comes around I forget my layering routine. And then about a month in to cold weather running I have it dialed in again for 22 vs. 26 vs 30 degrees etc.


Hahah right… that’s how you know the temperatures really have dropped. Oh Michelle, we are SO alike. It’s crazy how hard it is to remember in the beginning and then once you get going you perfect it. I hope you have the best day ever Michelle!


I hate running in anything but shorts. But, I don’t bother running outside in anything much less than 38 degrees or so since it just messes with my sinuses. It does not get that cold here that often in the NW anyway. And if it does, it usually does not get that windy – which can make a HUGE difference. Below 50 degrees I usually break out the beanie (I hate cold ears) and much below that a very thin pair of gloves.

Do you (or anybody here) listen to the Finding Mastery podcast? I thought the one with Seattle Seahawks receiver Tyler Lockett was very, very interesting – especially the stuff about panic attacks and anxiety. One of the best podcasts I have listened to recently:

P.S. I have started running again, more kind of a jog-walk. So far the hamstring is cooperating.


SO happy that your hamstring is happy again! Seriously, running in shorts is just the best and I’m glad that it doesn’t get too crazy cold where you are. I love that podcast so much and I cannot wait to listen to the one with Tyler, I need that big time. THANK YOU JOHN!


I love running outside all winter (north of Chicago), but interestingly it is only my legs I have a hard time keeping warm! Am I the only one with this problem? The wind just cuts through any tights/pants I have tried. I have some fleece tights that are nice, but I have been on the lookout for pants to layer over them that will cut the wind. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!


Can anyone help Kathy with this? That sounds miserable Kathy! I’ve never had that problem so I’ve never doubled up! My grandma grew up north of Chicago and she still talks about that wind… it’s HARSH!


I’m in Seattle and it’s been in the 30’s in the mornings – my face and ears are so cold! I usually wear a Buff and a headband, But I just found an Athleta top that has a built in balaclava – I’m a little unsure if I want to run around the neighborhood looking like a bandit, but I run early enough that it’s still dark so I might give it a whirl :)


YOU ARE THE BEST. I’m legit buying that today… thank you Heather! This will save me this winter… so cool! And I love the bandit look haha!


I don’t care how fast I’m running…I can’t imagine wearing shorts even in the 40s! I teach at a school in Alabama, and two teachers wouldn’t take their kids to recess yesterday because it was too cold, and it was in the 60s. We are cold weather wimps in the south.


Bahaha 60s= swimming weather for us ha. Well, WE are humidity WIMPS to the extreme. The second there is any moisture in the air I want to quit so you guys are TOUGH. Have the best day Claire!


Thank you for all the recommendations! I am always looking for good winter running clothes.

I have worn two gloves to keep my hands warm, but that is only occasionally. My hands warm up pretty quickly no matter how cold.

I love running in cold weather, especially when it is snowing. I feel like I can do anything when I completed a run in the snow. Sadly, I live in a place where there is hardly any snow during the year.

Today I finally went for a run after a 2 and a half week break (spent a little over two weeks going the whole way around the world and had a few treadmill runs in there but never the same on a treadmill.) It was much colder back at home and much darker (gets dark just before 5 at the moment) but it felt so good to be out and running and I love fall weather running as well!


You are so welcome. I should try doubling up on gloves… thanks Sarah! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE experience that you just had. WOW. So glad you were able to get out and get in some miles! Have a fabulous day Sarah!


Definitely mittens! Once the temperature is below 30, I always have a second pair of mittens in my pockets on EVERY run in case I need another layer. I have a bigger/looser pair that is just for this reason. And I have about 6-7 different pairs of run mitts of varying thickness/warmths depending on the temp ranges.

Totally unrelated question – but would you drive from southern Utah to Vegas in the dark? I’m on the opposite side of the country and planning a trip. I think I could get almost to St.George before dark, but just wondering if I should be worried about that. For what it’s worth I’ll be alone and in a rental car. Thanks!


Hey Wendy!!! Oh I need to have a better variety of mittens! I’m going to copy you. That is a great question… personally, if I was by myself I wouldn’t. There is a canyon that you go through that doesn’t have cell phone reception and I don’t like being in there when it is dark! If possible I would do it in the light BUT I’m sure you would be totally fine doing it at night too! Hope you have a great day and that you LOVE ST.GEORGE!! GO to viva chicken… it is so yummy!


Hey Janae!
I lived in Fairbanks, AK for three years so I can definitely weigh in on winter running gear. I really LOVE winter running! There really is something so magical and peaceful about a snowy winter run, if you have the right gear!
My winter gear recommendations are as follows:
1. GOODR Sunglasses- There is NO metal contact with skin and snow blindness is real! These were a staple. Plus, at $25, how can you go wrong? :)
2. Smartwool ear warmers/cap: At -30F, the ears (and forehead) need protection!
3. Salomon Snowspikes: These have incredible grip on snow and ice. Some of my friends also loved IceBugs, but I prefer Salomons!
4. Patagonia R1s: These pullovers are great for layering over a moister wicking long sleeve running shirt, and under a vest. If you need to shed layers for longer runs, they tie easily around your waist.
5. Gloves of your choice: I found every Alaskan runner had his or her own glove preference and combination for different temperatures. My advice is to experiment and develop your own.

Happy winter running, HRG readers!


Where did you get your headband in the first picture please?


Hey!!!! I got it from Lululemon a few years ago!


Thanks for all the great recommendations!! Ohio weather you never know what you will end up running in, it’s always good to be prepared.

Did you run much in the cold/cooler weather while pregnant? If so, do you have any tight recommendations?? Baby #2 is due in March so my current cold weather gear for sure wont fit but I am struggling to find ones for pregos. Thanks again!!


I looked at the $26 Amazon tights, and I am in! But I’m not sure about what size to order – did you order your regular size in them? I’m going with Army green :)


I have Raynaud’s, like one of the other commenters, and I pull out the gloves in any temps below 50. If it’s windy, rainy, or just cold, I’ve yet to find a pair of mittens as good as Oiselle’s Super Puff Mittens:
They aren’t bulky, so they fold up nicely into your pockets if you don’t need them the entire run. I also am in love with Oiselle’s Wazzie Wool baselayers. If I’m not sure what to wear, this is an easy grab and magically keeps me at the right temp. Plus it’s a snug fit, which I like for my warmer layers.


How about your white twist headband on the first picture of this post? Where is that from?


I run in shorts and T-shirt above 35 F degrees. Between 30-35 degrees I wear long sleeve running shirt. When it’s sub-zero I run in running tights.

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