Lessons from Each of My 11 Marathons

My amazing friend Tawny (she has a blog and IG and is crazy fast with the best tips, so follow her!) did a post about all of her marathons and the lessons that she learned at each one and I loved reading it.  I asked her if I could copy her idea and she said to go for it!

Here are the 11 marathons I have run and lessons that I have learned from each one.

1.  Salt Lake City Marathon 2010.  3:20

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-This was my very first marathon and the first race that I had ever trained for (I had done one half marathon before this but didn’t train for it and paid for that by being sore for 3 weeks straight).  I learned that day how much I love the marathon.  I went into the marathon thinking that it was going to be a one and done experience and left the race course craving more and more.  My goal was to complete the race and I ended up finishing 5th woman overall.  I had never really felt like I excelled in a lot of things at this point in my life (more I just got by whether it was schooling/sports/hobbies and I was never very consistent) and I realized I had uncovered a big passion of mine and that was extremely exciting.   It changed my life because ever since that day I have dreamed about what marathon is next!

-My first three marathons were before I started blogging and I really didn’t know much about the sport at all so I WORE RACING FLATS for the first time EVER for my first 26.2 miles.  My feet hurt so bad and I learned a lot that day about not trying anything new on race day.

-To eat.  I saw people around me eating while running the marathon which confused me at first and I learned the hard way when the wall hit me like a train.  I learned that you  NEED to be eating throughout the race because a few sips of Gatorade isn’t going to cut it.  It took about 7 more marathons to learn how much and how often to eat but this was the first time I had any idea that people ate while running.

2.  Utah Valley Marathon 2010.  3:08.  The only picture I could find from this race… it’s a little one.

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-I don’t remember this race that well but I do remember being at the starting line in a tank top and shorts and it was SNOWING.  I remember thinking… I probably should have done a little research about what to wear.

-Don’t run a race that passes right in front of your house at mile 23… the mental test of not just running straight inside to my couch instead of finishing the race is not a test I want to take again.

-Don’t be disappointed in the steps along the way to get to your big goals (even though this took me a few marathons to learn).  After my first marathon I told myself that my next marathon would be sub 3… so while I had a 12 minute PR, I was mad I didn’t get 2:59.  Little did I know it was going to take me 8 years and that these big goals of ours take so much time and work.  Life is a lot more fun if we celebrate all of the small victories along the way.

3.  Top of Utah Marathon 2010.  3:04.

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-I found out that I was going to run this race 3 days before the race.  I remember it being a fabulous day because I had zero pressure on myself (because it was such a last second thing) and that made all of the difference.  I cheered for myself and talked positively so while the taper/training wasn’t great for this race… my mental game gave me another PR and I learned how nice it is to not put so much pressure on ourselves.  We perform a lot better if we are positive and enjoy the experience a lot more too.

-I completely remember during this marathon learning about how much things change.  I remember hurting half-way through the race big time and wondering how I was going to hold on but then reminding myself that the pain comes in waves.  I just told myself to get through the mile I was in and that I was going to feel better afterwards.  It’s crazy to me how much things change over the course of a marathon and that day I kept reminding myself to just hold on until the next wave of feelings.

-This lesson was more of a result of this marathon so afterwards:  My big injuries started right after this race… from knee problems to stress fractures to you name it, my body was not happy.   I learned through these first marathons that you cannot under fuel your body and expect it to run.  It might work for a season but after that you are toast.  I was dealing with amenorrhea and not giving my body what it needed for the amount of activity that I was doing.  My body broke down after this marathon and I’m running MUCH faster now… 25ish lbs heavier.  I didn’t run another marathon after this one until I was having a regular menstrual cycle again.

4.   New York City Marathon 2011. 3:35.

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-How much better bagels are in New York compared to Utah.  I remember taking full advantage of all of the bagels and other free food in the village before the race and having some cramping issues because of that.   While I love free food, it’s so important to eat the things you have trained with on race day.

-Running with people is fun.  Skinny Runner and I ran into each other in the corrals at the beginning and then ran the entire race together.  I think the only other person I had ever run with before this was my sister and I realized during this race how much I LOVE the social aspect that we can gain from running.

-That there is always another race.  Always.  Earlier that year I had to drop out of Boston right before the race because of femoral stress fractures.  I was DEVASTATED.  I thought my running life was over and just so sad about the situation.  I was able to instead do New York that year and it was an unforgettable day.  I really want to get back to this race again because there is nothing like it.   I also learned that day that not every race is going to be a PR and for me personally, I need those races too… where I am just there to sit back and relax (which will only make sense to us crazy runners;) and take in the scenery.

5.  Utah Valley Marathon 2014.  3:29.


-I learned from this marathon that pool running is fabulous for our cardio but it doesn’t prepare us for any hills.  Oh and pool running really softens your feet which resulted in terrible blood blisters on your feet during the race.  Leading up to this marathon I had an injury and spent 5 weeks in the pool leading up to the race (I think with just one run in those 5 weeks a few days before the race ((like a 3 miler)).  Pool running really helped me to hold onto a lot of my cardio fitness but not so much the muscular strength that I needed for a marathon.  Long story short, it’s doable to only pool run for 5 weeks leading up to a marathon but it isn’t enjoyable.

-Emotional pain will drain your running.  This was my first marathon after my divorce and Brooke was actually being picked up that morning ON the course.  No matter how fit we are… some things hurt so bad emotionally and drain us.  It wasn’t the time for me to be shooting for race goals… I should have been spending more time on healing and processing what I had been through.

– I learned how incredibly painful it is to go out WAY to fast in a race for your current fitness level.  I went out at a pace that I used to be able to handle and wasn’t fit enough to do it at that point.  That 3rd segment hurt really really bad and luckily I had my sister there to tell me stories the entire time.

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6.  St. George Marathon 2014.  3:12.

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-I learned that day that the St. George Marathon is my absolute favorite marathon and my opinion has not swayed from that:). I grew up in St. George and just love that place with all of my heart.  The red rock, the gorgeous scenery all along the way, the whole city being out to cheer on the runners and the course just made me fall so deeply in love with this course.

-My first negative split race ever.  I’m sure the St. George course had something to do with that but it was my first experience pacing a course well and how nice it felt to speed up as the race went on rather than slow down which is what has happened in the majority of my marathons:)

-It was my first marathon ever with Brooke at the finish line and I learned that day how much that meant to me and how much having my people at the finish line got me through some of the tough miles.

7.  Boston 2015.  3:12.

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-TO ADJUST YOUR TIME GOALS TO THE WEATHER.  This was a year of major headwind (I think it was 30 mph most of the way) and a lot of rain and cold.  I was stubborn and went out for my time goal of 3:00 and then starting at mile 17ish I slowed down more and more with each mile.  If the weather is bad, there will always be another race where you can go for your time goal.  Focus on your effort and doing your best but if you don’t adjust your paces a bit… the weather WILL catch up to you.

-Red eyes + Janae = disaster.  I learned for that race to never take a red eye again on my way to a race.  I felt wrecked and it wasn’t worth the $50 I saved on the redeye ha.  Our sleep leading up to a race is SO important so prioritize that if you are shooting for a PR.

-SAVE IT FOR THE HILLS!  This course is so easy to get lost in speed during the first half but you really just have to save some of your gas for the hills and miles 18-22ish.

8.  Tucson 2015.  3:10.

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-To stay in my own lane.  I went out too fast for many reasons but one of them was because I wanted to catch the girl ahead of me.  That kind of thing works great at the end of the race, but not the beginning.  At about mile 13 or so I saw her peel off the course and a different runner jumped on and I realized then that THEY WERE DOING A RELAY… My competitiveness caused me to go out faster than I was ready for and then crash and burn the last 10k as I was racing against someone in a different race.  The marathon can really bite you if you don’t pace wisely so this one taught me to run the paces I know I need to run regardless of what everyone is doing around me.

-To give your body a break when it needs it.  I had been in marathon training pretty much the entire year until this point with some health problem thrown in forcing me to miss St. George that year.  We have SO many years of racing and just one body… I really should have let my body recover a bit better and heal before trying another marathon so shortly after being so sick!

-To double knot your shoes for a marathon and I have ever since.

9.  St. George 2016.  3:15.


-I learned at this race that I had married the most supportive person on the planet.  Andrew and I had just gotten married a few months before this marathon and he had Brooke and Knox (3 at the time) all over the course to cheer me on as many times as possible.  I had craved having a partner to support and be supported by for SO SO SO long and it was finally happening.  No better feeling in the world.

-I learned that day that visors are the absolute best when you are running a sunny/hot race.  They keep the sun out of your eyes while allowing the heat to escape out of your head still.

-Always put bags of ice in your sports bra when you are hot during a marathon and then thank me later for the tip.  It cools you down SO fast.

10.  St. George 2018. 2:59.

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-I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to cry <— just something I have to remind myself when I think deeply about this race because it was such an incredible experience.  I learned how valuable it is to focus on your present.  Focusing on the miles up ahead is a waste of energy and time.   If I can just be present and focus on doing the best I can in that moment… that is all I can do.  Putting my thoughts on the future just brings me anxiety and a stomachache ha.

-Deena Kastor is the best marathon teacher.  I read her book before this race and it made all the difference on race day for me.  I focused on gratitude throughout the miles and especially when things hurt.  I MADE my own joy when I wanted to focus on my cramping.  I decided to be stubborn about my goals rather than letting them fall through my fingers again because of quitting and slowing down.  I chose to feel like I BELONGED and that I had control over the outcome that day.

-I learned how much sweeter accomplishing the goal feels when you’ve really put in the work, failed over and over again and dreamed about something for a long time.  If my goal of a sub 3 marathon was met on my 2nd marathon like I wanted it to, I don’t think I would have felt as amazing as I did after the marathon 8 years ago.  God’s plan is the best plan and celebrating that sub 3 with Andrew and my kids was just the best of the best and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

-Okay, 4 for this one.  You can fool yourself into thinking that your legs aren’t that tired during a race.  You can fool yourself into hitting your dream paces even if your brain is telling you to slow down…. BUT you CANNOT fool poor racing nutrition.   I remember in 2011 I ate candy on the way to the start of a half marathon and felt like death during the race.  I had a few marathons where I started fueling at mile 15 and pretty much had to crawl the last 6 miles.  BUT what I really remember is the races where I fueled properly and while I was tired at the end, I never felt that depleted/zero glycogen/want to die feeling during the race.  I now go into half-marathons and marathons eating 600+ calories in the morning and fueling regularly throughout the race (every 30-40 minutes).  Fueling properly has been a game changer for my running and I’m so glad I now know how much more enjoyable long runs/marathons are now that I’m eating enough.  We don’t expect our cars to run without gas so why in the world would we expect our bodies to run without calories during a race?!

11.  Boston 2019.  3:28.

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-I did this marathon just a few weeks after my 50 miler so I definitely did not go into it with any time goals.  I took every step of the experience in and enjoyed it.  I smiled, I waved, I ate everything people passed out to me and I have the best memories from that day.  This race taught me how much fun it is to just do a race for fun every now and then.  Why not just enjoy it and soak it all in?!

-If you smile pretty much for an entire marathon… your cheeks will in fact be sore the next day.

-Runners are some of the absolute best people out there.  That’s the thing about Boston… the actual race is incredible (and it’s so fun to talk to so many different runners along the way) but the whole weekend—> People are just the best.  Everyone is excited to hear about each other, supportive and so so friendly!

12.  St. George 2019….

Just guessing here but I think the biggest lesson will be to KEEP dreaming big and that I’m stronger than I could have ever imagined (aka a lesson we ALL need to realize:)!


Who has run any of the races that I mentioned?  How did it go for you?

Give me some of your biggest lessons that you’ve learned during some of your races?

What are 4 running accessories you can’t live without? (ie visor, watch, compression socks etc)?

Ever had a HUGE positive split during a race… tell me about it!

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One of my favorite posts ever Janae! Great learnings and great attitude. Had a PB this weekend in the half by over 4 mins, and at 49, I surprised even myself. One of my biggest learnings is that you just have to do your best on that day. You will not feel good, have perfect training, perfect race conditions, for every race, so just do you best on that day. I never thought about a PB on Saturday, but everything fell into place and just did my best every km, and was shocked when running into the finishing chute to see 1:42 on the clock. You have good races and difficult ones, but they all make you stronger and better. Good luck at St. George, do your BEST that day!!


Jennifer… CONGRATULATIONS!! You are absolutely amazing. That is huge. Love that lesson so much and I’ll be remembering that. Thank you. 1:42–> you are on fire. Thank you so so much Jennifer!


I really relate to what you wrote- “I learned how much sweeter accomplishing the goal feels when you’ve really put in the work, failed over and over again and dreamed about something for a long time. If my goal of a sub 3 marathon was met on my 2nd marathon like I wanted it to, I don’t think I would have felt as amazing as I did after the marathon 8 years ago. God’s plan is the best plan…”
I’m not really one to travel for races (or race a lot for that matter) but I wanted to head up to the Gold Coast for the half before we started trying for a baby. Before that we’d gone to Cambodia for the Angkor Wat half where I ran what would remain my half PR for the next 5 years. We found a malignant tumour growing in my husband’s hip so we brought forward our plans to try for a baby and then we had two kids in two years so that put paid to any travelling for a while. Anyway this year we finally made it to Gold Coast with the kids and my mum and brother, with my husband officially in remission, and I finally beat my half PR from 2013. Which I had also been trying to do for the past 4 years after my first kid. So much disappointment and frustration there, along with overtraining and just training too hard and yet not enough.
I wouldn’t have appreciated how much work goes into a PR if I’d gone about 4 years earlier. I really worked very hard for it (got a coach), harder than I ever had at running (age + kids lol)… I was just so thankful I was able to do the race and enjoy it with my husband. God’s timing is the best timing.


Thank you so much for sharing this with me Chloe! I cannot even imagine how sweet that PR must have felt after everything that you had been through over the years… and to have your husband in remission and your children there. What a beautiful story. Yes, it really is. I hope you are having the best day and thank you again for sharing!


Oh, how I wish I could have read this before running my first (few) marathons!
My biggest lessons were during my first Marine Corps Marathon, when I thought eating/calories while running would defeat the purpose of running–losing or at least maintaining weight. I bonked SO hard! Also the sun broke through the cloudy morning 1.5 hours into the race, and I didn’t adjust my level of effort. Of course, these led to my very positive split: the first half was right on schedule in 2:10, and the second half took 3:16 or so, including lots of power walking and using non-running muscles *ouch*
Another big lesson learned was instead of figuring out my nutrition, I tried to trick my body by taking immodium on race morning so I wouldn’t have any bathroom issues. I felt so dehydrated and sluggish, then sloshy when I drank more and more to try to fix that.
I love a visor and sunglasses when I’m running, so that I’m set if it’s sunny or I can put the sunglasses on the visor if it’s overcast.
Can’t wait to hear how all of your lessons learned pay off at St. George this year!


OH I bet that bonk was unreal… I get it, so painful! Oh and the sun coming out like that and not adjusting our paces–> ouch! I really think we kind of just have to learn some of these the hard way so we never do it again! I’ve heard of that happening with the immodium too! Thanks so much Corey… hope your Monday is a beautiful one so far!


Thank you for writing this! I am running my first marathon in a little under 4 weeks, and I am so nervous… mainly because I am still trying to figure out how to properly fuel so I don’t burn out toward the end.

Reading posts like these show me that everyone has to start somewhere and no matter how I do, it is an accomplishment, because I am going to finish a FULL MARATHON!!



LESS THAN A MONTH! I am so so excited for you Jamie! Start taking in fuel early in the race and often and you will feel like a champ by the end. YES YES YES–> running 26.2 miles is an unreal accomplishment and I am so excited for you. Happy training and you are almost to taper time!


Loved reading about the evolution in your thinking, training and prep for each race. I think every runner has hit these same hurdles – not eating enough, not pacing properly etc. It’s so tough to balance the desire with what our bodies are ready to do. It’s been inspirational to read your training with the new team.


Thank you so much Chris and you are so right! We all have these same lessons to learn and it’s fun to do this all together (whether in person or sharing online:) Thank you so much and I hope you are having the best day!


Lesson learned and remembered from all is that every race deserves it’s own race clothes. Because then when you wear them after it is the “fill in the blank” marathon outfit and that brings me so much JOY.


Oh that is so so true. I get so happy to put on my race outfit from St. George last year. Hope your day is a bright one Erica!


First of all, I just realized I’ve been reading your blog for A LONG TIME. I remember when you had to drop out of your first Boston.
Second, I’m not nearly as fast a runner as you are, but I’ve been chasing a sub 2 in the half for about 4 years now and I’ve been so close, but life happens and training doesn’t always go well and My goal is to make it next year at the AF canyon half (I had to drop out this year because my mom decided to get married on that day). Anyway, I love what you said that having to wait and really work for a goal makes is that much sweeter. I loved this post.


Karin… we have been friends FOREVER! I love this so much! AF half is YOURS next year and your mom needs to plan a bit better around that haha:) . PLEASE keep me updated with your training and I want to see you there. You’ve got this. Thanks Karin!


I really love this post!! Such great insight as you reflect on your past marathons! So many good lessons learned! Thank you for sharing them all!!!
Such an inspiring start to the week!! Just what I needed ?


How are you Wendy? I’ve been thinking about you!


Thank you! You are so sweet!
Doing well! Our oldest has really adjusted to college life in Chicago quite nicely, so that is one less worry! We had one last Celebration of Life for my dad this last weekend. It was really nice to share all the memories, spend another weekend with lots of family, and another step at “healing.” My mom has been so strong, that it just makes the rest of us stronger too.
I’m really getting my motivation and running mojo back… Yippee!! So I’ve been thinking about different races I’d like to do in the somewhat near future ?
Thank you Janae!


Thank you so much for the update. I keep praying for you guys and I’m so glad you had a Celebration of Life this last weekend. I bet that was very special and the time together continued to help everyone heal. Keep me updated with what races you are going to do!


I LOVED reading this. It just reminds me once again how hard marathons are, but the lessons learned are priceless. It’s not just running lessons either- it’s learning about life and overcoming challenges, managing expectations, following our dreams! Can’t wait to see you chase another dream in a couple weeks. Thanks for the shout out Janae!


Thank you for being my inspiration in SO MANY WAYS. Can’t wait to get in another run with you soon! Love your content and I want everyone to read it:)


I just have to say that I’ve been bingeing on Ali’s On The Run podcast lately, and I just listened to your “What’s New With You” from August 2018 and you were talking about how you weren’t going to go for the sub 3 at St. George because you didn’t think you’d be ready yet after having Skye, and I was just smiling so so so big because I knew you were going to finally meet your goal, even if you didn’t yet :)

Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration with running and life in general. I’ve learned so much from you in the years I’ve been following along and reading your blog is one of my favorite parts of my mornings.
I can’t wait to see what St. George holds for you this year! :)


OH YES!!! I thought at that point the only way I could do that was with wheels haha. Oh thank you so much Annie. I really enjoy our friendship and LOVE hearing from you. I hope you are having a beautiful day and I always get excited to see your orange hat in your picture on here:)


St. George is an awesome course and I definitely plan on getting some redemption there some day!

My biggest lessons from the marathons I’ve ran are pretty similar to yours. Don’t go out to fast. Running with other people is awesome. Figure out the best fuel for you before the race. Don’t do anything brand new for a race.

4 running accessories I use every day are a visor, sunglasses, and a watch.

My 2nd marathon was an inaugural race and it started 1 1/2 hours late, so my fueling was way off and it got sooo hot. Also, the pacer that I chose to go with finished about 20 minutes after she was supposed to because she went out too fast and it definitely messed a lot of us up. Ha, I still have PTSD from that race and don’t think I will ever do that full again, even though it’s a local race.


Love your lessons and I feel like we all just have to learn them the hard way (through experience haha).
IT STARTED 1.5 hours late?! Oh that is terrible and the pacing was way off? I would have PTSD from that too! Come back to St. George soon! Hope you are having a great day Marissa.


I remember that race your sister finished with you in flip flops! I’ve been reading awhile haha.

I have a marathon in two weeks! First I’ve run in FOUR YEARS. I am taking your tips you wrote about from your sub 3. I have a time goal I would like to achieve and it’s so easy to talk yourself out of it at mile 20.

Thoughts on levitates for the marathon?


The Levitates would be AWESOME for the marathon. Have you been doing your long runs in them? I think the levitates give the perfect amount of energy, support and cushion for 26.2 miles. Will you please let me know how it goes? I am SO excited for you and can’t wait to hear about you hit that goal!

Oh the flip flops… I have the best sis! Hope your day is a great one Sara.


Oh I love this post!!! I’ve been an avid reader since almost the beginning (early 2012) and it is so inspiring to see everything recapped in one post, how much you have overcome and achieved is just inspiring. You are a joy!!


LEIGH!! Thank you so much for reading over the years and for being my internet friend. Please keep me updated with how you are doing… I hope your Monday is a beautiful one!


loved this post so much! i got chills from your last lesson… training for my first marathon (st george!) and trying to remember I CAN DO HARD THINGS


YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS ERIKA!! I can’t wait to meet you at St. George AHHHHHH!


I’ve been reading up on St. George and wondering why your family moved away from there? If you can share? I think you have mentioned some of your family still lives there? Or Andrew’s family?

Great write-up! Had to wait until the end of the day to treat myself to this long post. It was a great reward at the end of the work day. Thank you :)


Hey Amanda! Andrew and I always say we are going to move there once our kids are grown up (right now we can’t because of shared custody etc:) but my family moved up to Utah County once my older siblings started going to BYU. My parents wanted to be closer which worked out nicely because all 5 of us went to BYU. Oh I am so glad. I hope you have the best night Amanda, I always love hearing from you!


I think this is my favorite post you have ever written! I’ve only run three races, but here are the biggest lessons I’ve learned:
1. Don’t eat too much before a race, especially if you’re running when it’s hot and humid. Of course you need to fuel yourself, but a big bowl of chili, a big plate of pasta, and a large smoothie two hours before your run is just not the best idea.
2. Set goals that are hard, but not too hard. I like to have a 50% chance of obtaining my goal, because if it’s any less, I feel like I’m just setting myself up for failure.
3. The social aspect of racing is awesome! Even when you don’t nail that PR, if you make a new friend, the entry fee was more than worth it.
4. Always have fun racing. Period.


Oh I am so glad you loved it! YES YES YES… over-fueling + humidity sounds deadly! LOVE the lessons you have learned. So so important. Enjoy the rest of your day Leah!


I’ve read your blog over the years and just admired you silently and I wanted to thank you for being such an inspiration. It may be late for me, I’m a 55-year old runner that can’t seem to run a sub-4 marathon to BQ. God has ways to keep me humble. :) But thank you so much for your blog, I look forward to reading it each day.


MARIA!! Oh thank you for reading over the years and for your sweet comment. That means the world to me! IT’S NOT LATE FOR YOU! I believe in you and I hope you enjoy every mile along the way to your goals. xoxoxo Keep in touch!


Lovely post Janae, thank you! You’re such a pro and so very inspiring. Running my fifth (Berlin) and sixth (Dublin) marathons in two and four weeks’ time and getting really excited. Trusting the training! And the marathons are the reward for those hundreds of boring, painful and tiring long runs. It’s always worth it and I’m so grateful to be able to run. It’s a privilege. Thank you for your great blog and keep on running. :-)


You have a big month up ahead and I am THRILLED for you! Can’t wait to see you celebrate all of your hard for and please let me know how they go! Thanks!


What a special post!!!! Thank you for sharing :)


Oh thank you Emily! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday!


I love this post!!!!
I have run 11 marathons and numerous half’s and road races. Besides learning so much about hydration/nutrition/fueling (so much tidal and error!), I have learned:
1. Run your own race. Find your pace…push when you can, back off when you need. I love ‘picking people off’…but NOT if it means they will pass me again later! I am my only competition and I’d rather finish strong and healthy than end up in the medical tent.
2. Pack warm comfy clothes and EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY….flip flops in your post race bag. I tend to get sick if I stay in my wet clothes so I like to change at the finish line and after my first marathon I learned my feet wanted to be out of those sneakers immediately!
3. Trust in your training! EVERY SINGLE RUN is integral to your readiness on race day. So you will only really be undertrained if you don’t put in the work.
4. Have three goals. One goal for absolute perfect conditions. A sub-goal for if things are not ideal. And a bottom-line goal in the case that everything goes awry.
5. Believe in yourself!
6. Have fun! We are so blessed to have the physical and financial means to do this…and it shouldn’t be a be-all, end-all mentality.


TWINS!! 11 marathons wahoo. LOVE your lessons and couldn’t agree more. I needed to read trust in your training… thanks for that reminder! I totally agree with your #6… we are so so lucky! I hope you are having a beautiful night!


AND we both ran that brutal Boston 2015! Phew….I always remind myself….if I ran 3+ hrs in that…I can basically push through anything…hahaha


This is one of the best posts you’ve ever written. As someone who has been reading since the very beginning it’s crazy to read back over those first races! You have so much to be proud of x xx


Sarah, thank you for being my friend for so long. I really appreciate you! I hope you are having a great night:) . KEEP IN TOUCH!


What a great, inspiring post. Thank you for this!


Marathon #5 is my favorite!! I remember reading the original post and crying when your sister (In Her flip flops). Said “let’s do this”. And ran with you. So awesome!


Thanks for always inspiring me! This post was just awesome. I love how you say to take each mile one mile at a time. Something super important to work on.
Also, you talk a lot about nutrition. I would love to know what you fuel your body with during a marathon and long runs. I know every body is different, but hearing what you eat can give me a head start as to how to keep my body going properly. I feel like this is where I need some advice from the experienced running world. :)Thanks Janae!


I am super behind on my comments here but I did want to stop by to say something on this one! You said ” I had never really felt like I excelled in a lot of things at this point in my life (more I just got by whether it was schooling/sports/hobbies and I was never very consistent) and I realized I had uncovered a big passion of mine and that was extremely exciting. ” I believe you felt that way, but I think there are a lot of ways to excel and be a great person that don’t involve awards/grades/whatever. You are so great at making people happy and connecting with other people, in a way that very few people can. That’s such an amazing talent! It’s great that you are also an awesome and inspiring runner but it’s definitely not the first/only thing you are awesome at and I just wanted to make sure you heard that :).

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