Seattle Itinerary + My Friday Favorites!

We are here!

Tina, Noelle, Jen, Natalie,  Jesica, Sara, Jen, Carlee!

I didn’t wake up before my flight to run because I decided that sleep after my 20 x 400m workout was more important.

Turns out that flying without Skye is a very different experience than flying with Skye, ha!  The plane ride went by quickly and was very relaxing… which felt weird.

I got to the headquarter a little bit before everything started so I walked around for a little while and then…

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Tried on running shoes because a girl can never have too many running shoes;)

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It was a gorgeous day and I swear I bring Seattle some good luck because every time I come it never rains.

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Things started off with an amazing lunch.   If only this was my lunch every day…  We focused on footwear for the day (can’t share anything yet but exciting things are coming) and learned so much from the footwear creators.  These people are brilliant and so focused on Brooks purpose—> To enable everyone to run their path to a better self!  We also had a tour through the run test lab where they start with a square of foam and then over about 2 years of work their amazing shoes are created.  The work they put into each detail to make sure we can run happy is just the best.

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Then we hit a park up for a little run with some strides.  I did a total of 1.75 miles and hopefully I can get in some miles this morning!

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Our coach for the day—> Shadrack Biwott!  He ran a 2:12:01 in New York, he was 3rd place in 2018 at Boston and has a 1/2 marathon pr of 1:01:24!  We did a warm-up mile and then we went through some drills to get our glutes working.  He talked about how important that is to do before a workout/race because if the glutes aren’t working, the other smaller muscles are doing too much work and they fatigue.   He also spent a lot of time talking to me about how necessary it is to keep our easy runs (about 80% of our runs) EASY.  He doesn’t go over 130 bpm on his easy runs and I’m going to start paying more attention to my heart rate on my easy runs and copy him.  He said his running changed entirely once he started taking his easy days seriously.

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Dinner was at the Mbar on the roof. The views were spectacular!

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And dessert at the hotel was perfection.  Caramel + graham + chocolate is heavenly.

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Hey you guys!  I have a few favorite things to share with you today:

*I almost cried tears of joy when I saw my new Koala Clip!  I use this thing for EVERY run and having it personalized for my race (which you can have for your races too) made me so happy.  I don’t know how I brought my phone with me on my runs without this.  I don’t even feel my phone on me when I use it.  Also, HRG10 will get you 10% off on a Koala Clip for you!

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*My running partner told me about how much her kids loved this wireless bluetooth karaoke microphone so I grabbed one for our kids and they are obsessed.  I probably should get two so Brooke and Knox can sing together at the same time.  The microphone is connected to your phone so you just play the music from your phone and the sound is great, they love the lights and you can find them after school on our window seats singing Aladdin all afternoon.

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*I forgot where I first saw this but I read it and LOVED IT.  Let’s do the HORSESHOE.

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*How I drink 99% of my water lately.  I love this tumbler so so much and it’s really helping me to stay hydrated with all of the miles.

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*Okay, this is a definite favorite.  I bought this hair waver for Brooke’s hair and it works SO well.  The waves hold for 2-3 days and it takes about 1/5th of the time that it takes to curl her hair with a curling iron.  The waves are so cute on her and I just love it.  I’m trying it on my hair next!

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What are you looking forward to this weekend?

If you could run with any pro runner… who would it be?

Do you use a curling iron or straightener or anything on your hair most days of the week?

-I go through phases of curling my hair every day for a week and then not curing it for 6 weeks.

Water bottle or cups—> how do you get your water in each day?

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Just recovered from some glute pain for the exact reason you were talking about…. not engaging the glutes so the smaller muscles ended up fatigued. Question is, how do you engage the glutes when running or activate them like you were talking about? Thanks for the great post!


So glad your glute pain is recovered and let’s make it never happen again! I am going to make a movie and post it on Monday or Tuesday of glute activation moves if that is okay! And during the run… I try to think (this is weird but I learned it at my rcaa training) to pretend there is a 100$ bill and you can’t drop it so you have to squeeze your glutes together to keep it in place ha!


If you would have one exercise to suggest to activate the glutes quickly before an early morning run, what would it be? Thanks so much! And enjoy your trip! Such a wonderful learning experience!!!


Hey! Me personally… squats! But I’m going to make a movie of the best and post them on Monday or Tuesday! Thanks and have the best day!


Can you share the glute activation warm up moves?


Yes! I’m going to make a movie of them today (so much easier to show!) and post them on Monday or tuesday! Does that work???


Ok so do you put product in B’s hair to keep the waves? My daughters hair won’t hold a curl for more than 15 minutes (even with hairspray) so I’m wondering if this would be a waste for her?! She would love it though!


I just spray the side I’m working on with a little hairspray before I use the tool on it! I do that with the curling iron too but it falls out a lot quicker… with this is holds it shape for some reason for a very long time! Have a great day!


Yes to sharing your glute drills! Mine started bugging me for the first time on my 22 miler last week and have been bugging me ever since. I need them feeling strong for St. George! Enjoy your getaway- it looks lovely!


You are going to rock St George ahhhh! So thrilled for you and congrats on 22! I’m going to make a little video and post it on Monday or Tuesday with the best drills because videos are so much easier than trying to explain it ha! Have a great day!


Please post a pic if you use Brooke’s hair waver! I need help figuring out what to do with my hair. It’s straight and longer than it’s been since I was a kid. I have to schedule my workouts throughout the day with my work schedule (morning dog walk, lunch cardio class, after work run/elliptical/spin), so it’s constantly getting thrown up in a pony and sweaty. I’ve never bothered to curl it because of that, plus having time is an issue. I’d love to know how the waver works out for you!


Oh totally! I really will! Hope you have a wonderful day Tracy!


Sounds like you are going to have a LOT of fun this weekend!

I know some pro triathletes even do some of their easy runs as run-walk to keep injury risk lower while building time on their feet. I worry about going TOO easy sometimes but my coach always tells me it’s very hard to go too easy on your easy days. It does make SUCH a difference in being able to hit your hard workouts.

BTW I found some Nestle Crunch-Candy Corn mix at CVS today, keep an eye open for it.


Oooh looks like you are having fun! I’ve never been to Seattle, but I’d love to go!
This weekend is a big college football rivalry game! Iowa vs. Iowa State! So I need to cheer on my Hawkeyes! :) I’m also dating a new guy and we’re spending some time together this weekend, which I am really looking forward to.
My hair generally needs some form of heat tool to be controlled, which is why I try to not wash my hair every day, and will end up with it up because I don’t want to be too harsh on my hair. That waver is cute though!
I have two of the Simple Modern insulated cups – one for work, one for home! I love them!
Have a great weekend, Janae!


You gave me a minor heart attack as we had plans to go to Iowa City tomorrow and I forgot this was the big weekend! Luckily google is telling me it’s in Ames so we should be ok :)


130! I feel like I would be walking if I tried to keep my HR at or below 130! How in the world?!!! I’ve been trying to strengthen my glutes w/ band work, squats, hip thrusters etc but how do you know if its working?!
This weekend is all about family! (Again!!) We have fam from Boston coming in today and leaving Monday so it should be a fun and exhausting weekend!
I have long list of pro runners I would love to attempt to run with! Courtney Dauwalter, Sally McRae, Des Linden, Lucy Bartholomew, Devon Yanko and Janae Baron are just a few :)
Most days I blow dry and straighten my hair with a flat iron. Then I accidentally cut my hair too short and I don’t like it down at the moment so i’m rocking the pony until I can get about 1/2 inch or so of growth. oops!
I have a 32 oz nalgene water bottle I fill up at least 2x/day + I usually drink about 32 oz at the gym … I sweat a lot when I’m there! I really need a bottle w/ a straw though because the hole in my lip is only getting bigger! Ha!
Have a great time in Seattle!


I legit never do my hair. brooke is probably way better at hair than me already!
I am reading deena kastor’s book right now- have you read it!? so that’s the person on my mind to run with right now


I would run with Des Linden! she would have too go super slow for me. :)


I just bought that curler! haven’t used it yet but I have high hopes for my hair that never holds a curl


You’re in my city!!! Yesterday was indeed GORGEOUS :)
Looking forward to a great trail run in the morning and then a day filled with kids’ soccer games :)
Pro runner – too hard to choose between Lauren Fleshman and Kara Goucher.
Big class cup at home, water bottle on the go!


Have so much fun on your trip! It sounds amazing!



I am looking forward to going camping with my fiancé , step son and his girlfriend before we take him to college next week:-0


Is it weird that I want that karaoke mic for me and not my little one? : )


Not weird at all… GET IT!


I have read your blog for years, but this is my first comment. Shadrack is THE nicest guy ever. He lives near me and whenever we cross paths while out running he says hi with his big smile and asks how I’m doing. One day soon after he got 3rd at Boston I was out walking with my newborn son and he stopped during his run to introduce himself. Just the nicest guy!


HELLO!! So good to hear from you and thanks for reading over the years! That is SO so cool… wow, so so cool. Thanks for telling me this story, such a cool guy! Hope you have a great weekend!


I see him a lot too & he’s always so friendly – always has a nice smile and a wave as he flies by!!


I love that quote about inviting other people into your circle.


Friday = sleep and taper. And red wine. Been a super long week so happy just to chill on the weekend.

If I could run with any pro runner – Kaci Lickteig a professional ultra runner – she won western states and has such an incredible humble attitude. And probably Courtney DeWaulter. Assuming I could keep up haha.

And a water bottle`

Happy Friday!


Seems like the koala clip would work fine in the summer, when I’m wearing a tank top. But I haven’t bought one because it seems like it wouldn’t work well when you have layers on — long sleeve shirt, jacket, neck gaiter, etc — I usually run outside down to about 0 or 10 above F. Do you have any thoughts on this?


How cool that Shadrack was your coach for the day – he lives close to me and I see him running on the same trails I run on!

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