Tangents, Can You Help Us Out & The Recipe!

8 miles @ 8:24 average with some friends around town to start out the week.

PS I am going to core day at burn today (and I’m telling you this to help me to stay accountable and actually go because I’ve been slacking on all strength work ((like usual)).

We had the normal summer with kids day over here.  We made it over to a newish splash pad.

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Knox left with his mom and Skye was napping (Andrew got home from some training) and I took Brooke out on a little date just the two of us.  I heard that our Yogurtland has cotton candy froyo now.  I knew that would make her month and I just really needed a treat too:)

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My mind is all over the place today so I’ll just start here sharing a bunch of random bullet pointed thoughts:

*I have a 10k next week and then a half-marathon on 8/17 wahoo!  I’ve never done this particular half yet (Hobble Creek) but all of my friends have and they love it so much.  This course was designed to mimic half of the St. George Marathon course so I’m excited to race it and see where I am at.  If you want to join in then use the code—> HCINSTA2019 to get $10 off!

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*I’m going back to UCAN now.  The long runs are getting longer, the workouts are getting harder and I know that my stomach is happiest with UCAN when I am really putting out a hard effort.  I just buy mine at Sprouts but you can get it on Amazon here too.  I really do notice a longer and more steady amount of energy during my runs when I use UCAN compared to other things.  While I don’t love the taste and probably couldn’t stomach drinking it while running, it is perfect for me before a run.  PS you can see my race nutrition post here to see exactly what I eat the day before, the morning of and during the marathon.

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*I got the recipe for the cookies that my friend brought me the other day.  I couldn’t believe how good they were.  They are dense and chewy and straight from heaven.  I’m going to be making them tonight.

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*I love that whenever Skye is sitting next to me like this she will just place her little arm on me.

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*Thanks for sending this to me Caroline last week when I was having a bad day!  So much truth;)

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*Skye has been letting us know through her actions that she no longer wants to be wearing pants.

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*But if Brooke gets her dressed she will wear whatever Brooke wants all day long.

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*She has also been letting me know that she thinks my Huma recovery packets are for her and not me.

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*This happens to me 6 days of the week:

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*If you’ve seen Toy Story 4 you will perfectly understand Brooke’s creation:)

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Can you help my friend out with this?!  For me, the more racing I do the less nervous I am the night before the race and the better I sleep but I have been pretty restless the night before many races!  Does anyone use melatonin the night before a race?  What helps you to sleep better the night before a race?

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PS this same friend makes her Superhero Muffins in this incredible tin that she bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond.   Why have I never thought to get a muffin tin that fits 24 muffins?!  Brilliant.

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Fill me in with a tangent or two from you please!

I’d love to hear what fuel keeps your stomach happiest for running.

Last movie that you saw in the theaters?  What did you think?

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Re melatonin: yes!!! I take 5mg, which is a very small dose and I sleep like an absolute rock and wake up feeling super great! Took it before my last full and it was a lifesaver since I was on a sofa bed


Thank you so much for helping out my friend! Sofa bed on the night of your marathon… that is rough and I’m so glad the melatonin helped!


Toy Story 4! I cried like a little girl and my 16 yr old son next to kept saying “Oh no, Mom. My tears are coming.” ?. Such a sweet movie!
Those cookies look amazing! Have you tried flipping your muffin tin over and pressing the dough on the bottom side of the cups? They make great cookie ice cream bowls!
Great work on your outdoor runs! Here in MI, it is so steamy and hard to breathe. It takes a lot to get used to but I hate the treadmill so I suffer through ?


I totally forgot that trick and now I need to do it with the kids (I think I did it once like 8 years ago)! Haha I love what your son said to you and I’m sure he let out a tear or two. I am so impressed by you running in those conditions… I would die!


Last movie I saw in theaters was Aladdin, it was so good! But I want to see Toy Story 4 too. It’s weird being an adult and going to all these kids movies haha, but they are all remakes or continuations from my childhood!


Aladdin is the absolute best… I’m right there with you on loving them. I hope you have a wonderful day Mariah!


It takes a few weeks for the melatonin to build up and really work, but I love it! Especially when I am stressed and can’t fall asleep.

Also- try refrigerating your cookie dough overnight before baking! Makes the best cookies.


I will absolutely try refrigerating my cookie dough (if I can be that patient:)… can’t wait to try! Thanks for helping my friend and I hope you are having an amazing day Macy!


I’m actually about to order some Nanohydr8! Almost all of your recommendations have worked for me and I need more energy now that I’m ramping up for training. I ran a 14 mile workout on Sunday–6 warm up, 3 fast tempo, 5 cool down–and by the last few miles my stomach was growling, even with a Huma gel. I like Nuun endurance but I think I might need something more like UCan. It’s always fun to try these things haha.
I feel your friend about not sleeping before races! I toss and turn all night. I’ve kind of gotten into a routine that helps me relax– compression boots, a book and a face mask before an early bed time. So, at least if I’m not sleeping, I’m at least resting my legs. haha.


KILLER WORKOUT MOLLIE! Try out the UCan… it really is amazing and I hope you love Nano too! I love what you do… that routine is perfect and your legs are thanking you the next day. I hope your day has been a great one so far.


I didn’t even know there was such a thing as 24 muffin pan for regular size muffin not minis. I’ll have to remember that. And I’ve never heard of that baking cookie in bottom of muffin pan like someone mentioned. If you do that, please share!


You know I also love my UCAN! When I’m able to, I like to blend it up with ice and a banana, that makes it a little tastier. At worlds 2 years ago our rental house had a VITAMIX(!) and I was like “YESSSSSSSSSSSS”

I take melatonin every night to help me keep a sleep schedule. I don’t find it negatively impacts my workouts the next day, and it can also increase production of human growth hormone which can help you recover from training (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8370132). So it could be a good thing for your friend to try, but, in general, I don’t worry too much about one night of sleep if my sleep is solid overall.


I seriously need to try your combo of it because I think that would make it a million times better. Thank you so much for the help with my friend… you know your stuff so this is great. I hope you are having a fabulous day Victoria!


Love Skye’s outfit that Brooke picked out. Her smile is so great!

I’ve found for running that if I’m doing a longer run or running in the heat, I need to eat foods that day that aren’t very acidic or I get stomach aches. Frozen bananas after long runs are my favorite, especially if I remembered to slather them in yogurt and almond butter while they’re in the freezer!

Tangent: I don’t have many interesting ones right now, but I finished three books since last week which I’m pretty happy about it! :-)


Three books in one week… you are on fire. You’ll have to tell me if you loved any of them in particular. Great idea with the frozen bananas w/yogurt and almond butter for after the long run. I am absolutely going to be copying you. Thanks so much Kristin and I hope your day is a great one!


I loved toy story 4! And that was the first movie I’d seen at a Theater in FIVE years. I was shocked you buy tickets online and pick your seats, then sit in a recliner. Times have changed!


HAHAH a lot has changed in those five years! So glad you loved it:) Have a wonderful day Sara!


Last movie was “Yesterday.” Huge Beatles fan here – loved it!

Tangent: Leaving work early today to go watch the Indians vs the Tigers @ Cleveland. We have awesome seats so I’m really really hoping this rain from Barry holds off! Go Tribe!!


I’m going to add that to my must see list. Have the best time at the game… SOUNDS PERFECT and I’m crossing my fingers that you have great weather!


I have this weird sleeping trick that I learned at University (they had a special course for people who were dealing with exam stress)… Basically when I can’t sleep I tell myself it doesn’t matter at all, that sleep isn’t a one-size-fits-all “must sleep 8 hours a night” formula and that I will do just fine on very little or no sleep at all (which is true!).
Weirdly this reassures me so much that I go right to sleep :)


I love this tip so much… taking the stress out just puts us right to sleep. Thanks so much Sarah and I hope your day is a beautiful one!


I can’t say I’ve ever used melatonin before a race. HOWEVER, as a nurse who regularly switches between 12-hour day and night shifts, I can tell you that taking melatonin does NOT make me feel groggy when I get up or affect my work performance. I can take it before laying down for a two-hour nap before night shift and wake up in 2 hours no problem. If I’m tossing and turning and it’s “too late” to take conventional sleep aids because I have to get up in 5 hours, I can still take melatonin. For some reason, the chews seem to work better for me than the pills, so you may want to try different brands/forms if the first thing you try doesn’t work for you. And as with all things, I would “practice” taking it during training, not try it for the first time before race day. Good luck!


Jen! How in the world do you switch back and forth between night and day shifts? That is incredible. My brother does that too and I’m just amazed. Thank you so much for helping out my friend! Good to know about the chews and idea of practicing, thanks Jen and I hope you are getting some good sleep in these days.


Hi Janae! I’m the CEO of Savant Science and my partner and I developed RestoreZ to help regulate circadian rhythm and help people get better, more restful sleep! You can read more about it here at http://www.RestoreZ.com. I’m sorry to bust in on your post to toot my own horn, but these products are so revolutionary, I think your readers would love them.


Do not apologize for that! Thank you for helping and I hope people are checking it out. If I start having a problem with my sleeping then I will be emailing you:) . Have a wonderful day Mary!


Ahh, I have tried UCAN a few times and it agrees with my stomach but the chalkiness is less satisfying! How do you mix up the powder? I have tried it a few ways and haven’t had the most success. So, I usually turn to GUs or honey stinger chews :) Have a great day!


Hey Jane! Seriously, the chalkiness is rough and I really hope they are able to get that figured out someday. I just mix it with a spoon but there is no way I could drink it while running. It takes me a few minutes to drink it because of some of the clumps. Victoria above said this: “I like to blend it up with ice and a banana, that makes it a little tastier” so maybe we should try that? I hope your day has been awesome so far!


Have you seen this?


Amazing, right?!


Okay, what… that is UNREAL. 185 lbs and a 3:11?! I am sitting here clapping. Thanks for sharing Kelly!


I take melatonin (3 mg) every night and a magnesium supplement! Usually right after a drink a cup of chamomile tea. It seems work! I saw “Yesterday” last weekend and absolutely loved it! Highly recommend if you like the Beatles or just enjoy a good British accent.

Good luck with the 10k next week! Man, I miss Pioneer Day. Such fun times :) You’ve inspired me to set a goal of running that race next year! Hope you have a wonderful day!


I hope I get to see you there next year at the 10k! Thanks for helping out my friend, I really appreciate it! I will absolutely be watching that movie. Thanks so much Rachel.


I’ve never tried UCAN, but I’ve become obsessed with using Tailwind during my long runs! I buy the unflavored powder just so I don’t burnout on the flavor and feel like it really helps to get extra calories that way. I’ve also been using Huma gels and Spring Energy packets and so far I haven’t had any stomach issues.


I’ve never heard of the Spring Energy Packets… I need to check those out. Tailwind is AWESOME! So happy you have the combo that makes your stomach happy. Have a wonderful rest of your day Angela.


Ooooh … I need to try melatonin and Gen UCan. I get the best sleep from the second I lay down (anytime between 8-9)until about between 12-2 am and then I’m super restless until my alarm goes off which can be anytime between 3:30-4:30 am depending on my run schedule. The only thing I have pre (short) run is Nuun Energy. It would be nice to have something with a little more weight so my tummy isn’t sloshing around so much!
I was driving along Lake Union this morning and started feeling sad that I’ll never get to race around the lake with my mom again (thanks to ALS) and started crying. Then I started laughing at what a mess I was and how thankful I was that no one was around to see me and how thankful I was that I was on my way to meet up with about 15 strangers to run trails. Oh the thinks we think right?!
The last movie I saw in theaters was Detective Pikachu. Super good movie!
Have a great day!


Jenny. I am so so incredibly sorry about what you and your mother are going through. I would be right there with you sobbing. Praying for you all and please keep me updated with how you guys are doing. So glad you got to run with people on the trails today.


I definitely get the same jitters the night before a race, but I take melatonin without any issues! I will say this – I take the gummy version (I think they are Zzz Quil brand but only have melatonin) and the normal dose is 2 gummies – I only take 1 before a race.
I am not sure what the weather is like in Utah right now, but here in Iowa… it’s brutal. We’re under an excessive heat warning for the rest of the week and it’s going to be really HOT! I’ve been running in the AMs, but it’s tough when it’s already 75+ degrees and 80% humidity at 5am… cross your fingers for me that I stay hydrated!
I struggle with fueling well during races. My stomach does not do well with any gels that I have found – I can take them before a race, but not during. I’ve tried Tailwind but that means I have to carry my own water bottle with me and I don’t like that either. It’s a real struggle for me. Oddly enough, I think I might actually do better without anything other than water and gatorade or whatever they have at the aid stations. My stomach is SUPER sensitive, and I have a lot of digestion issues. It’s annoying but I think if I just eat a decent amount before the race, I can power through with nothing else.


Great point on only taking one of the gummies before a race. Thanks Rhiannon! I do not know how you guys are surviving out there right now. I would be on the treadmill! I hope it starts to cool down soon for you girl. Boo to the sensitive stomach that you have to deal with. I hope that someday you can find a gel that doesn’t bother you. Enjoy the rest of your day Rhiannon!


I personally do not like to take anything because it all makes me way to groggy/sleepy the next day. I recently found an oil (REVIVE Essential Oils) that has worked WONDERS for me, it’s Lavender. You mix the lavender with coconut oil and then I have put a dot on my temples and behind ears every night for the past two weeks and have rested better than I ever have and there are no side effects the next day. I was SKEPTICAL at first and thought NO WAY this will work but shockingly it does. It just relaxes you and then you are OUT! :)


AWESOME! Thank you so much Gina for helping out my friend if I start to struggle with sleep I am totally going to try this out. Have a wonderful rest of your day!


My issue after those middle of the day showers is: do I do my morning skin routine or my nighttime one?!


Bahaha very valid point… I wish I had the answer but it usually if I’m not going out for the rest of the day I do nighttime and if I am then I do morning;) . I hope you are having a great day so far!


We want that muffin tin so bad but it doesn’t fit our tiny european oven. Such a first world problem but goodness, this would be such a time saver!! (we really tried to make it fit)

Toy Story 4 was the last movie I saw in a theater! It was during a heat wave so my boyfriend and I went. My son saw it the week prior.

How is your niece doing after her surgery now? That must have been scary for everyone!


You are so so thoughtful to ask, thank you Kelly! She is back to normal again! It really was super scary.
SUCH A TIME SAVER… I really wish it fit into your oven. Toy Story 4 is so so good and that is the best way to get through a heat wave. I hope the rest of your day is a great one.


I have never tried UCan but I’m ready to now. I noticed that you use the ‘workout’ formula rather than the ‘endurance’ formula. Any particular reason? Just trying to decide which to order.


HEY ANNE!! Great question… I just bought whatever sprouts had (they didn’t have the endurance formula) but now I am needing to finish this one off so I can go try the endurance. Thanks and I hope your day is a great one!


I love when there are questions about sleep on here haha! I have never personally taken melatonin because of the chance of becoming dependent on it, but I have taken Valerian Root capsules. Valerian is a natural supplement that has had success in helping both healthy and anxiety-induced insomnia patients sleep, and it worked for me after a few nights, but it smells terrible. Also, taking a warm bath (not shower) 1-2 hours before bedtime surprisingly has had great success in clinical trials – and you don’t have to buy anything :)


Melatonin is the bomb! I take it every night. I also try to TRUST my body when I can’t sleep (which amazingly is almost never anymore…) l try repeating to myself “if I’m not sleeping, that’s okay – my body knows what to do”. I think I realized after going through medical school and residency and being awake working for >26 hours at a time that we can do amazing things without sleep, and a few nights of poor sleep or no sleep won’t make or break you!! I also try to have the same attitude when I’m tired “I’m tired but that’s just a feeling that will pass, you can have a great day or do hard things even when feeling tired….” etc. Doesn’t always work but worth a try!


Hi Janae! Knew that taco meme would make you :)

I haven’t tried melatonin, but I’ve heard it is supposed to be amazing. And natural!
I just ordered cbd (from Beam) and plan to try it before I go to sleep to see if it helps me get better quality rest…I’ll let you know what I think!



Ha! Thanks for sharing the cookie recipe… I made them these days and they have been amazingggg (just ate my 1/3 one:) I don’t recognize if Angela would approve of my adjustments—I used butter instead of coconut oil, brown sugar in preference to maple syrup, and peanut butter rather than almond butter (which she particularly said now not to), AND i introduced an egg to help them stick together. I made small cookies and they may be exquisite. I truely just like the heartiness of the oats and almond flour higher than traditional recipes, and they’re lots sweet!persian recipes


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