It MEANS You CARE & Plenty of These Too.

Focus of yesterday’s run=  don’t swing my arms across my body from right to left.  When I am going faster it’s a little easier for me to pull my elbows back and drive my arms forward but it feels SO weird to me to do that when I am running at a normal/easy pace.  I’ve swung my arms across my body during the run for so many years now it’s tricky to completely switch it but it is so much more efficient so it’s worth it.

When my body tells me to take it easy I do.  I woke up probably 4ish times (someday we might need to sleep train Beretta;) the night before and my body was craving to just take it nice and easy.  We have a speed workout on the schedule today and then we will take two more days easy and run the 5k on Saturday.

PS I’m the biggest fan of ranging your pace (besides when I’m pregnant… my body wanted to run the same pace ((down to the second pretty much)) every day:) during training.  For me it helps me to get faster, avoid burnout and avoid injuries.

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After Brooke and Knox were off to school Skye and I went over to Mer’s house to visit with her.

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PS I post a lot of smiley pictures of my kids but there are more than enough tantrum moments throughout the day too.  I just don’t think to take a picture of those moments as often ha.

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I would love if any of you could share some ideas with me on this—> My grandma is having a hard time getting in enough calories each day.  She needs things that are very easy for her to grab and eat that are packed with calories and nutrients too.   I took her these energy balls yesterday that we love and would love to hear any other ideas that you guys might have that I can bring to her (buy or make).  Let me know!

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Andrew was able to come home for lunch!

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We played outside…

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And had quite the gourmet dinner;)

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Five Bullet Points to Discuss:

*Call me strange but racing a half-marathon (or running fast for the last 4 miles of a half-marathon) sounds easier to me than racing a 5k!  I’m not sure why but it’s probably because I’ve raced 5ks way less than half-marathons and because I know that racing a 5k is probably going to hurt from the first step… while racing a half-marathon doesn’t really hurt until the final miles.

It’s weird, I know.  When I start getting nervous for the race though I’m going to remember what Deena Kastor said when I went to see her speak a few weeks ago.  She said something like, ‘feeling nervous just means you care.’  That’s it.  Those pre-race nerves (to a point… too much = damaging) are going to build up our adrenaline and shows that we care about running and racing.  Once I acknowledge that the way I feel is normal and just means I care about something, it actually makes me feel more calm.

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*You know that someone is your soul mate when they get just as excited as you do over a new pair of running shoes.  Andrew is now sporting the Glycerin 17s and loving them.

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*Charlie brought me some candy from London!  Very different but very delicious.  I think I need to make another goal and have it include eating candy from as many different countries as possible.

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*A burger and fries will always and forever be my favorite post-race meal.  After my last 5k I grabbed a large fry from McDonalds on my way home and I feel like that is my new 5k tradition.

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*This was from Lauren Fleshman’s IG and I loved it, “Calm the mind and the body will follow.  Stay where your feet are.  One at a time.”  Remember this for your next interval workout!

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Any ideas for things to make my grandma?  

Random question of the day… does turbulence on an airplane freak you out?  

-Last Friday on the way there I was thinking it was my last day on earth due to the turbulence and I was sweating like crazy… Whenever I tell this to my brother that is a pilot he says, “Turbulence is something you NEVER have to worry about but I can give you a list of things you can worry about while flying ha;).”

Tried any candy from different countries (or if you live in a different country than I do)… tell me what were your favorites?

What race distance makes you the most nervous?

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My grandma would always slather peanut butter on her banana (also good if she has false teeth).


Great idea! Thanks so much Ranee… we will try this. I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day!


I make a lot of energy bars for backpacking trips. My favorite recipe is the Blondie Oatmeal Peanut Butter bars here (scroll down for the recipe). They’re high calorie, high protein, high energy. Also, chocolate. Chocolate is always good.


Okay, those are perfect. I’ll make some for over here too, thanks so much Lynn! Hope you are having a beautiful day. PS the picture made me drool a little bit.


Catching up on your posts so I’m a little late to comment so I’m sure everyone’s already said the same thing, but just in case… I’m a dietitian, most recently in a nursing home (until my daughter was born a few months ago). Ensure or Boost (I know already mentioned), tends to be better liked when it’s cold or served over ice (warm is gross) and most people like the chocolate flavor (could also blend into a milk shake depending on her mobility). Keep peanut butter and jelly or cold cut sandwiches on hand in the fridge (pbjs were HITS with the older folks) just make sure you date them or but the smuckers uncrustables (they’re small but pack a lot of calories). Basically peanut butter on anything is a good call. Cut up fruit in the fridge for her. Depending on her dentition individually portioned nuts or trail mix, energy bars like cliff bars. Frozen meals are easy to heat up and no clean up (or ideally bring her food that you can individually portion in the freezer and she can reheat). Kodiak Cakes protein muffins that you add water to and microwave with some pb on top. If she likes sweet make her some banana bread to put pb on. Calories dense foods are key! Fats are the highest in calories per gram so load up on it, put avocado and mayo on her sandwiches, nuts, pb, oil etc. Hope this was helpful!


Those smarties are soooo good! 5k’s and 10k’s definitely freak me out. I think because whenever I do 5k pace at the track it feels so hard! It’s hard to think of it all coming together for three whole miles. ;)
There’s a recipe in the new run fast cook fast eat slow book for granola bars that seem to have a good amount of calories. They’re really easy to make (and taste great!) and they keep really well. I hope you can find some good ideas! :)


Oh that is so true… I totally agree because that pace feels really hard for the shorter intervals. I still need to get the new one, thank you SO much Mollie. Have a fabulous day!


Ensure doesn’t taste good on its own. However I found out with my dad that if you put some ice cream in, it makes it much more palatable.


I will totally try this. Thank you so much Sherri, I really appreciate it. I hope your dad is doing well.


I am totally with you on dreading a 5K WAY more than a half marathon! Ha! There is nothing like that pain of a 5K in my experience!

I don’t get nervous with turbulence. Besides hating to sit for long periods of time, I am very calm on an airplane. I also have a very strange outlook on dying though :) I truly believe that I will “go” when I am meant to so in cars, planes, anywhere really I never fear death.

To end on a high note – ha – my BEST meal ever was when my dad cooked me a burger on the grill after a 7 mile race (Falmouth Road Race actually, if you’ve heard of it. Highly recommend putting it on your bucket list!! ) . It was probably 10 years ago and I will NEVER forget that meal.

Happy Wednesday!


I’m not alone with the 5k freaking me out more than the half ha. I love your outlook… I need to think that way rather than freaking out on the plane.
Burgers make the best memories. Thank you Amanda and I need to get out for that race. I hope you are having a great day so far!


It’s probably already been mentioned, but “fat bombs” are a good way to get some healthy fats. There a ton of recipes on Pinterest & they have very little sugar in them! They also have a lot of different flavors as well – sweet & savory.


I’ll remember your brother’s comment about turbulence next time I’m flying because it scares me. Also…doesn’t the shoe thing make you and Andrew SOLE mates?? Ha ha – corny dad joke alert :)
I like Malteser candy from the UK, which I think you would hate because if I am recalling it correctly, I think you hate Whoppers.


BAHAHAH I need to edit this post now and include that! You are the best. I can see why they recalled it haha;) . I hope you are having a fabulous day Amanda!


Hey Janae,
You are such a good granddaughter! Peanut butter, avocados, almonds, dried fruit, potatoes and quinoa are dense in calories. Here’s a side dish suggestion:

Any turbulence freaks me out. I had a really scary flight one time and that did me in anxiety wise.

My favorite foreign candy bar: a Lion bar. Heaven!

5k scares me too- it is just so fast. I recently had to run a mile as part of a trifecta race. I don’t think I have run a timed mile since elementary school!


That quinoa looks perfect and I could put it in little Tupperware that she could just pop into the microwave. Thank you so much Jenny!
Oh I am sorry about that flight you had, that would have killed me off inside too.
I must try a Lion Bar asap. WAY TO GO on your timed mile… you are awesome!


My mom’s doing chemo right now & we’re having the same sort of food issues. Before we moved in I had good luck with making a favorite dish & putting it in single serving containers. So she could easily microwave something but it was still homemade and nutritious. Also just having a meal together really helps. It can be tricky but you’ll figure out what works for your family.


I am truly so so sorry about what your mom and you are going through right now. That is so hard. She is so lucky to have you move in to help her so much. Thank you for that tip, I am absolutely going to try the single serving containers and coming over for dinner more. Have a beautiful day!


Could she do a protein shake? We put nut butter and a whole avocado in them to get those fats up! I know that sounds gross but you don’t taste it at all.


Such a good idea to put a whole avocado in! The problem is making one… getting the blender and everything going for her is tough but I could go over and make one for her with those two additions. Thanks so much Shannon and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Boost drinks (having consumed quite a few myself when I needed to gain weight I can say strawberry is the best flavor!), PB, switching to full fat dairy if she’s not having that already :) Also just wanted to say I am originally from England and I am so jealous of that candy right now. Especially the smarties…the superior version of m&ms in my opinion! Xx


I will have to have her try the Boost strawberry… thank you Georgina! I need to get Charlie to send you some smarties, they really are so so good! Have a beautiful day.


There is a recipe from Run Fast, Eat Slow for Sweet Potato Breakfast Cookies that your grandmother may like. I add protein powder when I make them.

I hate 5k races specifically because they hurt the entire time! There’s no settling into a pace – you just go.

I love Jelly Babies. And Percy Pig treats from M&S. I used to live in London and ate these on every road/train trip.

Turbulence doesn’t bother me that much…as long as the flight attendants look calm I feel ok. I NEVER want to know the list your brother mentioned. Ignorance is bliss.


Great idea Carol! Thank you so much… I have a feeling I would love those too. “There’s no settling into a pace” <-- EXACTLY! So so cool that you used to live in London! Hahaha I agree... I've never asked him for the list of things TO worry about. Have a beautiful rest of your day!


Your British candy stash brought back memories. I lived in England for a year. Loved Jelly Babies. Smarties? Not so much…in fact, I don’t like Cadbury chocolate at all. It’s too creamy for me and tastes weird. If you like the Jelly Babies, try Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles, which were my favorite by far. If you like black licorice (this is a love it or hate it flavor, I know) licorice allsorts are amazing. They’re easy enough to find here, but they’re way more popular in England, so I associate them with living there.


You lived in England… so so cool! I will have to try those (minus the licorice ones:). I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day Emily!


For Mer, you may want to just add calories into her meals: more butter, cream, whole milk. Make mashed potatoes with extra butter and use cream. For pasta and rice dishes, add the same. Also, maybe ice cream or milkshakes will help? Egg salad sandwiches and butter the bread, too. When we needed to increase calories for my grandma I looked up recipes from the American Cancer Society (how to add calories/increase appetite in patients). There’s some good ideas!

5k’s are scary because you’re right-they hurt immediately! But they are over quicker so you can also say “in less than XX minutes I’ll be done!”

When I worked in outpatient surgery I used to tell my patients that some bit of nerves is good and okay-it means your body and mind are preparing for whatever the day will bring. Those who are perfectly calm may have a more difficult time with any hiccup in the day. Same for running, right?!

I live in Germany so the best gummies and chocolate are available in a moment. But I love trying all the candy from other countries, too (including America!)


Agree with all of the above comments that suggest Boost, Ensure, and adding calories & fat to foods through peanut butter, avocado, full-fat milk and yogurt, even ice cream!


Kelly and Julia. Thank you SO much for the ideas. I really appreciate the help. I will look up those recipes for her too.

I am totally going to remember that on Saturday… that will help to fight through! Definitely the same thing for running. I love that! I need to send you some candy and you send me some of yours.

Have a great rest of your day!


A client of mine has a son who is underweight and she makes really high protein pancakes for him. You could make a batch (or prepare the mix) for her to grab. Lots of good things she could add on top too.

If you google high protein pancake mix a bunch will come up usually includes eggs, banana, oats etc.


Brilliant. This will be perfect and so easy for her to grab. Thank you so much Kolya! I hope you have a great rest of your day!


I don’t know if protein bars are what you would be looking for, but the g2g bars are really calorie- and protein-rich! And I think they taste yummy. :)

Good luck on Saturday!!


Our Costco has those, thank you! I will grab them. Have a beautiful day and thanks Gina!


Boost energy drinks or McDonald’s milkshakes. Empty calories are ok for geriatrics


Very true! Thank you so much Cara for the help. I hope you are having a great day!


This PB, chocolate avocado pudding is really calorie-dense and delicious! You could make it with canned coconut milk or whole milk to bump up the calories even more. Promise you can’t taste the avocado because I don’t know about Mer, but my grandma would be skeptical of that :)


Hahah I won’t mention the avocado to her until after she tries it and loves it. Thank you so much Tracie, the first picture on that recipe made me drool! I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Ahhh Smarties! Love those. I was born in England and miss all their sweets.

I think the energy bites are a great idea for your grandma. I’m not sure if you have the run fast cook fast, eat slow cookbook but they have a bunch of Shalane’s different superhero muffins. There’s also one of her muffins recipes here-> I bet you could make them in a mini muffin pan to have more of a bite size snack. They have veggies in them and can be freezed:)

It’s funny but I completely agree with you on the 5k thing. Half marathon I can pace myself and charge the last few miles. 5k IS the last few miles haha. But you can do this! You are hardcore! I ran a 5k last weekend and just gave it my all and it hurt but the cool thing is you know it’ll be over in <25 mins :) You can hold a pace for that long, and you can endure for that long. So, if halfs make you more comfortable then just pretend when you start that you're at mile 10 and ready to rev it up. And imagine you've got Tina right there with you pulling you along. YOU GOT THIS.

P.S. We want a full report on Andrews first week of work!


Oh I LOVE those muffins. I didn’t even think of that. Thank you so much Eleanor and yes, Andrew will write about how it is going so far! Oh thank you so much and thanks for the tips… I will absolutely use those on Saturday. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Ideas for your grandma…we added olive oil to nearly everything my oldest ate when he was a baby. He lost weight when he stopped breastfeeding and had so many food allergies, it was hard to get enough calories in. So olive oil. On everything.
Also, I love Chocolate Covered Katie. She has so many recipes with beans as a base (like cookie dough dip, brownies, cinnamon roll pie). All delicious and all full of fiber and protein. She is not afraid of fat in her recipes either. Also, the coconut clusters at Costco are delicious and full of things like coconut, pumpkin seeds, and other healthy things. My grandma had a tough time keeping weight on due to Grave’s disease and she would have to make herself eat things like pecan pie just to get a lot of calories in. So her tried and true method was pie. ?


THANK YOU for the ideas Ali, I really appreciate them. I totally forgot about her blog… I used to read her all of the time, I’m going back! I’ve seen those coconut clusters, I need to pick them up. Thank you!
Oh your poor grandma! That’s so hard but I’m glad the pie worked!


Also, at one point in my twenties I was underweight and the nurse I was talking to about it said to eat an avocado with a little salt as a quick, healthy, weight gaining snack.


That is a fabulous idea. Thank you so much Ali! I hope you are doing well!


My sister just made my gram homemade chicken, broccoli Alfredo for her 94th birthday with heavy cream and full fat everything. She has lost a ton of weight too and she made her enough to last a few days. We knew with even just a few bites of onlybthe noodles she was getting quite a few calories.


That is a great idea. I will definitely try that! Thanks Amy, Andrew will love that too (one of his favorite meals). Have a beautiful day!


Well now I’m curious about the list of things to worry about on planes! ?


Do we really need to know hahaha?!


When my friend’s dad had cancer, he lost a lot of weight during treatments. (He wasn’t a big guy to start with.) He needed to gain some weight back. He started to drink those Boost drinks you can buy at the grocery store. He wasn’t able to get up and make a protein shake in the blender everyday. But those were pre-made and easy for him to drink.


Oh that is so hard.. I hope your friend and her dad are okay. I will definitely have her try the Boost drinks because she also can’t get the blender going everyday too. Thank you and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Ensure plus! I have Crohn’s disease and use it when I can’t really eat. The plus version has 100 more calories then the regular version (350 vs 250). I like the generic Walmart knock off of it in the chocolate flavor and it has a ton of vitamin and minerals in it!


Oh Meghan, I am so so sorry you struggle with Crohn’s disease. That is so hard! Thank you for the tip… sounds perfect. I hope you have a wonderful day!


I’m going to echo what everyone else said about adding in extra fats like nut butter, cream, avocado etc for your Mer. They have more calories per gram so more bang for your buck as far as that goes.
I’ve tried Boost, Ensure etc at one point and they both taste pretty bad. If you’re wanting to go that route I’d suggest going to your local supplement store, telling them what you need, and asking for the best tasting option. The staff will LOVE helping you.


Thank you Kristen for the help. I really appreciate this and great idea going to our local supplement store and asking. Have a wonderful day!


Your brothers comment made me laugh out loud. That’s my kind of humor……….”You never have to worry about turbulence buuuuut I can give you a list of things you can worry about” Soooooo funny!!! He cracks me up!! Some people probably don’t want to know but I’m the type of person that wants to know out of curiosity and then I would fly anyways. That comment just made my day. I’ll be laughing at that all day.


Hahaha maybe I can have him right a post for a different page on my blog so people can choose whether or not they want to read it;) . Have a fabulous day Betsy!


Hi Janae!
My MIL is also having a similar trouble getting enough calories. She lives in assisted living facility and they have a wonderful cafeteria but she isnt get enough calories still. I ordered her some pouches called, Fuel for Fire. She takes one in the morning (sometimes with her pills) and a coffee before breakfast or she takes it in the afternoon around 3 or 4pm to give her a bit of protein before dinner. The pouches don’t have any “fake stuff” like added sugar and they include real fruit and at least 10 grams of protein. She is lactose intolerant so she gets the vegan ones (no milk protein just pea protein) in flavors like mango coconut, chocolate strawberry, and açaí berry. The regular ones that contain milk protein are tasty too. My daughter, who is 4 years old, also enjoys them as a snack on the go that is more filling than just apple sauce. I order mine on Amazon and have them delivered to my MIL’s door at the facility. I have zero affiliation with the company but we are fans in my family.


Nadya, I am so so sorry about what your MIL and your family are going through. These pouches sound perfect. Thank you so much! Good luck to you and your family!


When my Mom was recovering from surgery and needed to gain a little weight, I always took her a banana milkshake when I was stopping by for a quick visit. She really loved chicken and rice from a local Tex Mex place. This is super easy to make at home and store in individual containers. I also got her whole milk yogurt and Boost shakes (not the best, I know, but very quick when you need something). Chocolate milk is and a PB sandwich is a great snack too.
My friend brought me some dark chocolate from Finland and it was soooo good. I don’t even remember what the brand was but it was way better than chocolate from the US.
I think the 5k is so hard! I’m always afraid I’ll run too hard in the first mile and then die somewhere during the 3rd mile.


Thank you so much Elizabeth for the ideas. I really appreciate you taking the time to help us!

Now I need some of that chocolate and I hear ya… hoping I’ll survive that third mile ha. Have a wonderful rest of your day!


the easiest and most enjoyable way to get calories in- MILKSHAKES! That’s the best for when you really don’t have an appetite but know you need calories in and don’t want to choke down some forced food realistically – I know everyone else is trying to think of super healthy options ^ but when you’re in your 80s/90s I don’t really buy that it helps (but I guess that’s just my opinion from a perspective of having had trouble eating in the past and knowing that calories are more important than micronutrients when youre just not getting enough food)


That is very very true. Thank you Krista. I need to find the best milkshakes in my area to bring to her! Have a wonderful day:)


Can you grandma drink Ensure? My mom is a nurse for the elderly and she always has that stuff with her!

Turbulence = no bueno. The slightest bump will have me death gripping the seat or whoever is next to me. I flew in a snowstorm once and it was so awful I was that person crying on the plane while everyone else didn’t seem bothered! I think I get more scared than normal people because I don’t fly very often. I haven’t been on a plane in about 3 years! Now I’m curious as to what I DO have to worry about!


We are definitely going to try some Ensure… thank you! I think I would be next to you crying on that flight too. But DO we really want to know?!?!


I get SO nervous with turbulence on airplanes even though I know logically I’m not going to die. If your brother has any words of wisdom that would be awesome, haha! That burger looks delicious – I’ve been craving In-n-out so much lately which is weird because I never used to like it much!


I hope you get some in-n-out asap! And I’ll ask him for some words of wisdom! Thanks so much Tess, have a wonderful day!


My dad is older, and has the same problem as your grandma with the calories. I’ve been making these muffins for him:

They are really easy to make, and delicious, and I have subbed all kinds of fruit for the blueberries, like apples, strawberries, etc. I have a thing of vanilla protein powder from trader joe’s that I add in to the dry ingredients. He never noticed the change, and he eats them all!


Those look fabulous and very easy. Thank you so much and I wonder if she could add a little almond butter on top too or something? I really appreciate your help! Have a beautiful day!


My grandfather was having a hard time getting enough calories too. It’s still a struggle, but he’s been drinking Ensure for a while now which I think helps to make sure he’s getting some nutrients! And it’s easy to grab and go (he doesn’t really have the patience to make things anymore so this was key)


Good to know Caitlin, thank you so so much! I hope you are all doing well. Enjoy the rest of your day!


We have the same issue with my grandpa. We add things like avocado to smoothies, collagen powder to his tea/coffee, oatmeal, etc., and add nuts where we can. Sometimes he has to go on Ensure, but he hates it so it’s always motivation for him to try to eat more haha.


Such great ideas. Thank you so much Amy!!! I hope you and your grandpa are doing well today!


Dense foods for your grandma. Dried fruit, nuts, granola & trail mix.


Thank you Michelle!! TJ’s has so many good options for these things that I will grab! Enjoy the rest of your day!


Ok now I HAVE to hear your brother’s list!! That is hilarious!


I don’t know if we want to know do we?!?! Have a great day Kami!


5K pain REALLY isn’t bad! Trust me! It’s all over in about 20 minutes!!!! You’ve so got this!!!! I hope your course isn’t too hilly though! Those hilly ones are buggers!!!!

Right NOW the distance that makes me the most nervous is the half-marathon. It’s funny because at one point that was my favorite distance. Running is such a rollercoaster of change!!!

My favorite candy from another country is the Curly Wurly–I think they’re English?! SO SO good.

Have a fun day, Janae!!!!!


I’ve never done a 10K because it sounds scary, basically sprinting for over half an hour! I’d much rather do a longer race at an easier pace.

I haven’t had a scary airplane experience but that could change… because TOMORROW is the day I fly up to Alaska! I seriously can’t believe it’s already here. I’m excited and hoping for some good running in the much-cooler-than-Florida weather!

Related, in response to your question yesterday about running a race in every state, last year I met a woman visiting Juneau who was trying to do that with marathons! She actually convinced me to do the Juneau marathon, which I wasn’t planning on because I wasn’t very trained for it (but I’m so glad I did, it was a lot of fun). It was her 41st state and something like her 60th marathon overall! And I saw another runner during the race wearing a sign that said it was their 50th state marathon!
Meanwhile, I’m at 2 states, haha. But at least I got one of the non-contiguous states out of the way!


How about parfaits? Yogurt, fruit, honey, peanut butter, granola… toppings are endless to get that calorie count up! It’s a great way to get all macros in!


I used to work for a private estate. One of my co-workers was 100…ok well..not probably technically 100 but I was 16 at the time so she might as well have been! She was at least in her 80s! Anyway…she was the upstairs house maid and had trouble getting in enough calories and needed softish foods. She would use Ritz crackers, because she could soften them in her mouth. The salt would also make her want more. She would also have an English muffin with pb. She would have her muffin basically just warmed thru…not toasted. Hope this helps!


Ah your brother is so hilarious! Love it


Girl, I am TOTALLY the same about 5ks and 10ks. They make me SO nervous. But halfs and marathons don’t nearly scare me as much, probably for the same reason: I’ve just done more of them. I also still have’t figured out how to properly race a 5k or 10k though. FLYYYYY AND DIEEEEEEE every. single. time.

I just ordered the Glycerin 17s too!! I tried them on a group run on Sunday and was so pleasantly surprised, I loved loved loved them. I also counted up my running shoes and I have… 11 freaking pairs. I HAVE A PROBLEM.

Turbulence never used to freak me out, but last year I was on a flight where the turbulence was awful and it was so windy we couldn’t land. The pilot pulled out of landing at the last minute to reroute us, and now I’m absolutely terrified of turbulence (and the landing process too). Even thinking about it makes my palms sweat. So I definitely do not need to know about all the other things I should worry about on a plane ;)

P.S. I can’t wait to try those energy bites! Another nice caloric thing you could make for Mer is lasagna! It keeps for so long, easy to heat up, and has lots of calories. You could do Shalane’s lasagna too for a “healthier” version, it’s a favorite in our house!


My grandfather basically lives on ice cream now— it the healthiest at all, but he is at the point in his life where he is past worrying about that! (95 and late-stage dementia). We also used to do Carnation instant breakfast mixed with heavy cream for our son who was super low weight.

My 5k race strategy is to run at the very edge of where I feel like I have to throw up—if I’m not bent over at the finish line coughing like a maniac I know I didn’t push hard enough. Aaaaahh the worst! I really do not like 5ks—they hurt so bad!!—but my training partner and I decided we are going to mix in more fast races this summer to get us out of our long run rut from marathon training before we start the fall training cycle.

My husband goes to Germany for work a lot and he always brings back the best candy! Tons of good gummies but my favorite is Lindt truffles in every flavor you can imagine (I especially love the mango ones!).


I haven’t made these, so I can’t vouch for them (but I’ve made several other recipes from this cookbook and they’ve all been great!) but maybe the No Meat Athlete Cookbook’s Calorie Bomb cookies would be worth a try for your Mer? Each cookie is 250 calories! I found it online here:


Those look perfect. Thank you SO much Rachel! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your Wednesday!


So many great recs already for your grandma and just wanted to add Paleo Bites from Costco (& buy a tub for your own fam bc they are delicious!) XO


Oh good to know, I’ve seen those and wondered. I will be getting them. Thanks Susanne!


Ha, after reading ya’lls comments I don’t feel too bad being an “only 5K” runner, lol.

One 5K strategy I “try” to use is to not let anybody pass me after 1.5 miles. I figure I should be in a pack of similar paced runners at that point and I shouldn’t be slowing down.

I started PT yesterday and the DPT said I need work on my glutes – that they seem to be underdeveloped and may be causing my knees to be overworked. I am also scheduled for a running assessment in June. Should be interesting…

My dad, 86, is in assisted living. He also drinks ensure to get in some extra calories. And my brother does bring him shakes and stuff when he visits.


Okay, I LOVE that tip. The first mile is up so I need to be smart and then I’m going to absolutely be using your tip for the last 1.5 miles. Thank you so much John. I hope that the PT is able to really help you with that… I understand that problem.
Definitely going to try Ensure, thank you so much. Have a wonderful day!


Oh my gosh your brother! Okay, that almost made me feel better because I too freak out, but now Im wondering what is on the list?!?!?!?


Hahaha should I ask him to write a guest post about what is on the list?! Or is ignorance bliss?


Can we know why we never need to be afraid of turbulence? Cuz it seems pretty terrifying when you’re going through it :)


I’ll have him write up something about why because I’m with you… I feel like we are going to crash ANY MINUTE when I am experiencing it. I hope you have a great day Angie!


Please do have him write it up! Flying over the mountains into Vegas almost always has me wishing I updated me will.


We’ve been trying to pack extra protein in my 6 year old! He hates most proteins! A favorite go to for him is peanut butter on a rice cake or just even a spoonful of peanut butter! I’ve tried nutzo or more nut butters, he doesn’t like them but I do!

At costco they have some snack snap peas that are higher in protein, not like a protein ball but eating like 12 of them is 6 or 7grams so it can add up! I wandered through their section of snacks for awhile one day, lots of little easy options!~

I also have added in “instant breakfast” to help add more to him with his milk each morning!


Not sure if it’s been said but my mom makes broccoli cheddar soup with lots of butter and heavy cream for friends and family who are going through illness. I think soup can be so comforting! And I would also love info from your brother on turbulence- I am a terrible flier and have panic attacks regularly on planes :(


I hate flying mostly because of the turbulence. I need a tv to distract me when flying or it’s all I can think about !!


You need to try Japanese candy! It’s the best.


Definately lots of peanut butter and my mom did well with smoothies. Maybe you could assemble in plastic cups and she just has to dump and add liquid. Boost or Ensure are also good but not very tasty.


I think turbulence produces anxiety because it kind of produces that nervous stomach feeling from the motion. When I could say to myself that is the motion you are feeling, not your anxiety I started to care less about it.
Where is Brooke’s heart shirt from? I know someone who would love it.

Grandfather did a good old fashioned malt to get in calories.


I struggled with weight gain during pregnancy (i know how annoying that sounds, but it was very hard and I was being monitored!) and didn’t have a great appetite towards the end, so I drank a lot of Jamba Juice! High calorie smoothies are a great option because it’s easier to drink calories than eat them esp with a poor appetite like i had. I hope Mer finds some yummy options she likes! :)


The Coffee and Butter Pecan flavors of Ensure are THE BEST. I think she’d like them. There are actually some very decent flavors nowadays. <3


Three things:
1. this may not be appropriate for your Mer but it was helpful towards the end of my husband’s life when swallowing real food ? became difficult: Kate Farms Complete Meal Replacement shake. It’s not the only solution but I think it is good quality. I understand “Kate”‘developed it when trying to nourish her child who had severe problems and it went from there.
2. Almost everyone in the London Marathon last week used jelly babies where we might use Swedish Fish. They are a bit different from how they were when I was growing up, but good soft, easy to get down race energy.
3. I agree with your brother–turbulence is nothing to fear. I’m not a pilot but have nearly 3 million flown miles with American Airlines alone. And I don’t want
To hear what the scary things are!!


I have made brownies before that substitute black beans for the egg/oil (add a can of black beans (drain the water) to boxed brownies, mix and bake per the instructions). They are gooey, taste good and have calories, fat and protein. Easy to grab and go.
I also wonder if you could make a batch of smoothies to take over with banana, peanut butter and whatever else she likes. Divide into several servings, put in sealable glasses and she can have one when the mood strikes. They should keep for a few days. I’ve never tried this, but I wonder if you could make super concentrated frozen smoothie “cubes” that she could add to milk and blend for an easy to make smoothie on demand.
If she likes the flavor, I’d add dates to any smoothie. They are high calorie and sweet so a nice add on.
When my younger son was having trouble gaining weight as a preschooler, my pediatrician told me to add powdered milk to regular milk to make “super milk.” You could also add powdered milk to milkshakes, smoothies, oatmeal, etc for an added nutrition boost.
Best of luck to Mer and your family.


If you want to try candy/snacks from others parts of the world, take a look at this subscription box called Universal Yums. I am not affiliated but I got my family a subscription for a few months. Not only is it yummy (most of the time) but I found it to be a fun and educational experience for the whole family!


Boost or Ensure + ice cream!!! Calories/protein/vitamins and minerals + yummy goodness (ice cream)


Maybe try any of the fat bomb recipes from Keto Connect to see if Mer enjoys any of those? I really enjoy the pb +coconut ones.

My husband and I recently traveled to New Zealand and Australia with friends and our friends’ international travel tradition is to find junk food to sample!! We would scour convenience stores for some candy and chips in every new place, then would share our finds with each other. Tim Tams from Australia were one of our favs!


About the 5k, it is all perspective! you have done a marathon and a fifty miler… so yes a 5k seems short. but when you are sprinter, and used to 100m and 200m dashes, a 5k sounds super loooooong.

I think it also helps to remind yourself that different race distances have different goals….speed, endurance, distance, etc. 5k is for speed so you are working on speed. this will be a good test run (literally) to see where you are at and what you need to do differently next time. Every race gives us more information. this race is like data. you can use this data later to be a better runner.

longest comment ever….but another idea for the future, would you ever consider going to a sports psychologist? they really can help w the mental game. or even a licensed counselor? I’m an LPC and there are tons of benefits/ strategies for addressing race anxiety.

Have a great day!


Lots of comments today so maybe this has already been said. Costco guacamole or hummus cups from Costco for Mer. Also, Costco muffins? They have more Weight Watchers points than you can eat in a whole day so that should be good for her haha.
I hate turbulence & want to see the list from your brother.


I have a child who was almost failure to thrive and high calorie “milkshakes” kept him off a feeding tube when he was little. I think a shake you recommended was among the ones that he loved. I think the one I got from you was milk, yogurt, frozen banana, peanut butter and spinach. As he’s gotten older, his favorite is milk, yogurt, frozen strawberries, frozen bananas, tons of spinach, a very small splash of stevia and vanilla. I have to taste them to be sure on amounts. Sometimes the mix can taste terrible, other times it’s great. Banana and citrus cut the sevia if you put too much but it’s better just to learn how much to put.


I HATE FLYING. I feel like every time I get on a plane it’s the end of me. I get so stressed about the whole thing, and do not feel ok until we are on the ground. And when I was flying out to school each semester I remember that SLC had bad turbulence, I assume because of the mountains.

I had a roommate in college from Japan, and I always loved the Japanese candy! Pocky and these little fruity yogurt chews….so good!


Your post today reminded me I forgot to share my ideas for Mer yesterday — I’m sure a lot of these have been said, but these are things I suggested to my Grandma. She was having a hard time getting enough protein (she was basically eating vegetables for dinner….), so these may not all be high enough in calories, but they’re nutrient dense –> hard boiled eggs, RXBars/Larabars, Sahale nut mixes (I always keep them in my purse in the Grab & Go size, but they have multi serving bags), dried chickpeas (Biena brand has fun flavors), Fig Newtons, string cheese, oatmeal with peanut/almond butter, Starkist tuna packs (one of my fav protein options — they have so many interesting flavors, easy to store since they’re packets and don’t need a lot of cabinet space, and they have 12-15 g protein per packet (they also have salmon and chicken creations, Perfect Bars (kid sizes are great to keep in your fridge for a sweet treat), and Fairlife Core Power shakes ( or Boost Simply Complete

Hope Mer finds something she enjoys!!


I lost my Mom after Thanksgiving due to bladder cancer. She lost her appetite. The dietician suggested Boost but the Boost VHC (Very High Calorie) They are small 8 ounce boxes but two a day would give her around 500 calories. I could not find it in the store. I had to order it on line.


Soups are good for packing some nutrition in – lentil & split pea are good because they have more protein. You can always add more vegetables & for fat/more calories maybe top with avocado if she likes that.
I’m with you – turbulence freaks me out! I always remind myself when I fly (flew Southwest this last weekend & wondered if your brother was our pilot!) that the pilot wants to land safely & then I feel better ?

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