Many Friday Favorites & the FIRST!

I slept in a little bit later than normal yesterday.  I got really hot out there during my run.  That hasn’t happened in a while and I gladly embraced the feeling.

6.5 miles with Emilee yesterday and I’ll run 2 miles today.  I originally wasn’t going to run the day before the 10k but then I remembered for my 5k a few weeks ago I took the day off before the race and felt pretty crummy on race day.  I’m thinking two slow miles the day before a race is what makes my body it’s happiest.  <— That’s what I did for St. George and my ultra.

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Recovery boots while reading with the kids.  We set a goal to read together each morning so wish us luck.

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We’ve been grilling a lot of burgers over here lately and my sis told us to try our next burger on an asiago bagel.

It’s going to be hard for us to eat a burger on a normal bun after this.

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We had our first pool day of the summer.

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For dinner I made Turkey Trot Meatballs to go on top of some spaghetti with a side of brussels sprouts.  Everyone in the family loved the meatballs and we will be making these weekly.

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Time for a few Friday Favorites!

*Such a good episode!!!  Needed this for my mental game tomorrow.

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*Andrew and I definitely learned something new the other day.  Did you know that when you make oatmeal from these bags you fill up the bag with water to the line on the bag and then dump it into the bowl?  I’ve always just guessed or used a measuring cup for the water… but now it is just so convenient.  Also, are we the only people that eat oatmeal in the summer?

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*A new favorite running top that is light, has a high neckline and super breathable in the back!  I can only find it online here in black and white but if you have a Nike Outlet it is called the Breathe Tailwind Tank and it was only $16!

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*I’m a little late to this but I finally bought the Run Fast. Cook Fast Eat Slow. cookbook.   I loved the advice that Shalane and Elyse gave on everything from nutrition to stretching to strength training.  Shalane said something that I loved, “Elyse taught me that cooking should be fun and not overwhelming.  She showed me how to cook with good fats to add flavor and nourishment.  She also told me to stop counting calories and that the only numbers I should be consuming my mind with were the splits on my watch and miles I logged each day.” <— AMEN

*I also bought this cookbook stand.  I don’t know why I’ve never bought a cookbook stand but this one is incredible and holds the cookbook perfectly in place (and you can adjust the angle that you have it at).

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*Jenny shared this website with me that is FULL of fun science experiments for kids.  We’ve already done a few and we are hooked.  I’m not great at coming up with activities on my own like this at all so this website makes my kids think I am cool;)

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*My sis-in-law told me to go get these and because I trust her opinions, I got them at Costco right away.  Unreal.

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*This bean bag shark/fish toss that we got at Target!  We are trying to have a good amount of activities in the backyard so the kids are wanting to be outside as much as possible this summer.

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Keep sharing the amazing things that you are doing and send them to [email protected]


Mary!!  “On May 5th I ran the Avenue of the Giants marathon in northern California! My 5th marathon, it was the most incredible course through the redwoods. Being surrounded by the humongous trees was an awe-inspiring feeling. I had no time goals, since I spent the couple days before wandering all over San Francisco and woke up race morning with sore legs. I surprised myself and while my legs were shot by mile 14, I never hit “the wall” like I have in previous marathons. It was so awesome to still feel good overall (despite my legs) in those last 6 miles (this race photo is from mile 23!).  Highly recommend this course – it’s also super flat :)”

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Oatmeal in the summer… sure or no way?!

What are your plans this weekend?

Costco lovers—> what’s something new you bought there and loved?

To go along with Mary’s accomplishment (because now I need to do the Giants Marathon because it looks so gorgeous)… what are some MUST DO races in California?

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Oh yes, oatmeal year round! Usually, I make a batch of steel cut crock pot oats with chopped apples and fresh cranberries. It’s a yummy and easy breakfast and the batch lasts me for an entire week. Keeps great in the fridge.
I’m doing a 5k tomorrow morning BUT there are thunderstorms in the forecast. NO!
I’m really excited about this race because I’m doing with a friend that I rarely get to race with!
Have a great race and a great weekend!!!


Can I come over for your oatmeal.. that sounds so good. GOOD LUCK tomorrow and use that rain/thunder to drive you to run faster. Enjoy that time with your friend, that is the best. Thanks so much Susan and let me know how it goes tomorrow!


You are definitely not the only ones to enjoy the happiness in a bowl that is oatmeal year round! Oatmeal is LIFE ?


It really is the best snack or bfast! We will all just keep eating it even through these hot summers:) I hope you have a really great weekend!


I’m probably the only person that does this, but I like my oatmeal cold. Like I pour cold milk or water and eat it right away. I don’t like when it gets mushy, so it’s still chewy and it’s like eating an oatmeal cookie!
Avenue of Giants looks beautiful! I’ve done Disneyland Tinkerbell half, but I’d much rather do a race with beautiful views!


8 minute mikes would be a pr for me.




I love oatmeal year round. I do a big batch in my slow cooker and either eat cold or heat it up with a little almond or oat milk. If yo cook it and let it cool in the pot it becomes a consistency similar to bread pudding, which I love.


I am absolutely going to try that because I love bread pudding. Thanks so much Nina and I hope you have a wonderful day.


SO glad you bought the cookbook! I made some more superhero muffins last night–the best. I don’t have the second cookbook, but I’ve made the cardamom granola from it, and YUM. I also need a cookbook stand.

Oatmeal–yes! When I was training for a half in the summer, it was my go-to breakfast. RIght now I’m on a smoothie kick.

LOVE your goal to read every morning! That’s such a positive, calming way to start the day. Do you know the blog Everyday Reading? The woman who runs it, Janssen, reads with her girls before school each day and she has the best tips for incorporating reading.

Doing some yoga and cooking this weekend, and hopefully a RUN!!!!! Have a great one!


THANK YOU Kristin for sending me her blog… I’ve never seen it before. I need all of the tips I can get. Enjoy your weekend of yoga, cooking and running (sounds perfect to me). Those muffins are something else. I need to try that granola!


I eat oatmeal year round too! Nothing weird about it.

This weekend I’ll be running Saturday and Sunday and apartment hunting with my boyfriend. We’re moving out of our current place at the end of June.


GOOD LUCK finding a new place with your boyfriend. I hope you guys are able to find the perfect option. Enjoy those runs and your oatmeal… it’s never not good:) Have a beautiful day Kelli.


I eat oatmeal every day, it’s delicious! Right now I’m on an overnights oats kick tho so they’re cold when I eat them.

Plans for the weekend-> I’ve got a paper to write for school, but then I’m going to spend some time on the paddle board. My fiancé got me one for my birthday Monday and I am just sososo stoked to use it.

I’ve been wanting to try the turkey trot meatballs so definitely going to add that to next weeks meals!

Just in case I don’t hop on here tomorrow, hope you have an amazing race Sunday! Run fast and enjoy every moment! When the bad feelings come, say thank you and let them move right along:).


I never knew that about oatmeal and now I’ll be using that trick every time. I don’t ever eat it because I don’t like the texture, but 3 out of 5 of our family like it so we make it a lot.

I’m hoping my kids stay outside a lot this summer too.

Tonight is fathers and sons for our stake so we are having a girls night!


My daughter loves oatmeal any time of the year. When she started eating it is when I actually looked at a package and noticed the water fill line. I always would just guess before that.


I need to get that cookbook! I’ve been wanting it for a while, and with the few recipes that you’ve shared, I now know I will love it!
We recently tried those chocolate, Carmel pretzle yummies from Costco too…they are soooooo good!
I like oatmeal, but it’s not in my usual breakfast rotation, but I had no idea that the lines on the little bags were to measure water!? That’s actually brilliant!
Our oldest son graduated from high school last night!! What a great night! So this weekend will be filled with graduation parties and lots of relaxing and sleeping in!
Have a great Friday, and I can’t wait to hear all about your 10K tomorrow!! You’re going to do awesome Janae!


Oatmeal in the summer……maybe but more like oatmeal cups or overnight oats (I’m not a huge fan of those, but I might try them again!). I printed out a ton of healthy recipes to really focus on nutrition over the summer!!! I’m excited to try these:

Plans this weekend–tomorrow is my youngest daughter’s birthday–turning 10! Double digits! She requested a chocolate iced M&M doughnut cake for her birthday and pizza. WE CAN DO THAT :)

I’ve probably written this 100 times here, but WE NEED TO RENEW OUR COSTCO MEMBERSHIP!!!!!! We let it lapse a few years ago and just never got around to renewing. Adding that to my summer to-do list :) Also on there–lunch dates with friends, trying a new (to us) cupcake shop, pedicure, take the train to Philly day, new juice bar visit, hiking dates, a sculpture garden I want to visit, getting a blue matcha drink at a coffee house in a neighboring town, Philly Lantern fest, and trying a new yoga class/teacher…….the list is a work in progress :) I love lists!!!! :)


I don’t mind hot food year round, and I drink hot coffee year round haha. I always hoke I live my life in a sauna. I have friends that drink cold coffee in the winter and I’m like…eh no. I’ve done the Carlsbad half which I enjoyed and would recommend. I want to do the San Fransico half some time. It looks beautiful!


I love oatmeal too. Sometimes I make overnight oats and sometimes I cook quick oats..currently with milk only. I used to like adding banana during cooking and toppings coconut, cinnamon, trail mix, fruit yoghurt, a spoonful of almond or peanut butter. I also make granola on my own, no sugar just some honey and with my favourite nuts. Have a wonderful day, and enjoy your oats! :)


Happy Friday!
I love all the ideas you are posting about summer activities….1 more week to summer here! I get to work half days at home this summer and I am so excited to have this time with my kiddos!

Plain ol’ cooked rolled oats every morning- I am a creature of habit. The big bag of Costco frozen blueberries are always in my freezer to go in with a chopped apple. I also love the pollock burgers for fish tacos in the fresh tortillas you recommended with their mango salsa. Truly dreamy!

Last tempo run Saturday morning before my relay next weekend in Stanley, Idaho. My husband recently started running- he is up to 4 miles without stopping so we will do a run together sometime Sunday. The kids are going to build their own raised garden boxes and plant their fruits and veggies to tend this summer.
Have an amazing weekend!


Meatball recipe calls for almond or oat flour. Is that what you used or can I substitute something I would already have at home?

Your sister might be genius with the bagel and burger.


You can blend oatmeal into a flour consistency in your blender. …although that assumes you have oatmeal at home too! :)


The morning reading is a wonderful goal, and if I had that window seat, that’s exactly what I’d aim for every day :)
The Big Sur marathon has been a goal of mine forever. It might have to wait for my retirement at this point, LOL, but that course and scenery looks amazing to me.
Happy weekend!


I’m eating oatmeal while reading this…? lol. I’m going to be at the same race as you but running the marathon!!!! Which will also be my first marathon so I’m super nervous and super excited. Can’t wait to hear about how the race goes for you!!


AHHHH GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! I am so excited and you are going to absolutely love this marathon (I’ve done it a few times). The scenery is unreal and they are so organized. PLEASE let me know how it goes afterwards. I’m cheering for you!


Yay! I’m so glad you all like the website! What did parents do before the internet to give us ideas??!
Ok, so I just realized that oatmeal trick also but only because I bought a new brand and needed to know how to heat it up … I thought that brand was genius in making it so simple! But know I’m learning it’s most likely all instant oatmeal …. mind blown! I’ve been eating PB & J overnight oats lately and there is a lot of measuring. I always feel like I’m cooking when I make it but once it’s done, it takes seconds to prepare. (If you would like the recipe is : 1 C rolled oats | 1.5 C Almond milk | 2 T peanut butter | 1 scoop protein powder | sprinkle or 2 of cinnamon and mix. I leave it in the fridge overnight before I eat it (cold) and it lasts 3-4 days depending on my appetite :) For the jam I blend 2 C mixed berries + 2 T chia seeds.
This weekend is the last t-ball game w/ a end of season bash at the field and I’m hiking with a friend I haven’t seen in probably 15+ years! Plus soccer, cleaning, Costco-ing etc…. ha! My goal for Costco will be to find those tacos or at least try something new.
Have a great day!


I love overnight oats in the summer with added greek yogurt & chia seeds :)

I have a wedding and graduation parties to attend this weekend and my MIL is coming home after being gone for almost a month so a big BBQ for her on Saturday!


I think you should consider CIM. Has some gentle rollers but nothing crazy. Great time of year, early December, weather is usually mild or cool. I try to do this one every year but last couple of years I had to defer due to injuries.


I love oatmeal all year around. I never knew about the instant oatmeal hack. I will have to let my husband know for his next race as he usually has it beforehand. My favorite is to prepare regular oatmeal and then pour it into an empty PB or nutella jar I save for bottom of the jar oatmeal. I usually add a banana but you literally scrape up every last bit of goodness out of those jars. Try it!


I think it is the same brand but they had smore ones out for tasting at my Costco and they were sooo good. I plan on going back to get them. We have trying out a new Kirkland coffee bean (the Rwandan one?) And have been enjoying it.


A burger on an Asiago bagel sounds amazing! Such a great idea!


Oatmeal in the summer is a for SURE … but I really prefer to have overnight oats because then they’re cold and are thicker. I do NOT like runny oatmeal at all. I will be eating overnight oats this weekend. I am planning on getting my nails done, getting in a couple workouts in at the gym, and get my grocery shopping done on Saturday so I can relax on Sunday! I don’t have any race recommendations for California BUT I think you should totally come to Minnesota for a race in the near future!


Hi! What brand and type of oatmeal do you eat? I’m always looking to try new ones!


totally oatmeal in the summer, YES! and i have NO IDEA about the water line?!? mind blown, thank you :)
love me some costco, but need to try some new products. so often i just get the same things to get in/get out as fast as possible.


1) You have blown my mind with the oatmeal thing!
2) To reciprocate, here’s a trick about using recipes that are printed out or one page (like Blue Apron). Stick them on your microwave door with a magnet! You can see them easily, it doesn’t get in the way of using the microwave, and you keep splashes off it! Bonus tip: slide them into clear plastic sleeves and stick them in a binder, and they stay extra clean!
3) Mary’s marathon looks amazing! I love that she didn’t hit the wall. That makes the race so much more enjoyable!

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