That HURT, for the 1st Time in My Life & a Different Running Goal.

I ran for .7 miles yesterday during boot camp!!  The girls (no school) came with me and played with their friends at the kid’s club.

It was core day at boot camp but in between the sets they had us go out and run to the corner and back.  It felt very strange to run again but nothing was hurting so I was very happy about that!  I’ll probably get in a run on Saturday (<–2 weeks post-ultra) and then 2-3 runs the following week finished off with 26.2 miles on the 15th.

Screenshot of their video:

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We got home, I took a shower and when I was getting ready something heavy dropped directly on my one toenail that nearly fell off from my ultra.  There was blood and I saw stars ha… That ultra did some serious damage to that toe and I do not recommend dropping something onto a toe like mine:).   I’m going to wear steal toe shoes from now until Boston to avoid anything touching that toe!

Also, my Garmin 935 finally ran out of juice.  I charged it for my ultra, used it for 9 hours on GPS mode during the race and for the last 1.5 weeks I wore it around daily and to bootcamp without charging it again until today.  I LOVE the charge on this watch.

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Andrew takes the NCLEX on Friday!  He is studying like crazy.  His interview is today (cross your fingers for him)!

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Brooke had a friend over.  I think Skye was a little jealous of her paying attention to somebody else so she made sure to join right in with them.

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It was raining outside so I took the girls to a play place after lunch (<—leftovers) for ice cream and playing.  Skye got a hold of one of the ice cream cones.

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PJs and a bath for Skye by 5 pm is a normal occurrence because her clothes are usually too dirty to wear anymore by then;)

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When I was making our pancakes for dinner last night it reminded me of something that I did for the first time in my life—>  I TURNED DOWN a pancake.  At mile 33 of my ultra the volunteers offered to bring me over a pancake.  At that point I couldn’t even imagine eating one and I told them no thank you.  Pancakes are in my top 5 favorite (most eaten) foods ever so that’s how I know I was super nauseated at that point in the race.  I did eat bacon from the volunteers.  It didn’t taste good but I ate it because I knew I needed the salt.

From this point forward, I’ll never turn down a pancake again.

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I have a few very random items to discuss:

*I’ve had a few people ask me what I am using for my skin care now.  This is what I bought from the girl that I saw (minus the Elta MD… I’ve used that for my sunscreen for a while now).  I haven’t had any new zits (which isn’t usual for me at all) since the beginner chemical peel on Saturday.  I’m sure all of these things will take some time to really kick in but I’ll keep you posted.  I go back in in a few weeks and I’ll write down more of the things she tells me about the process that we are using.   One thing I am definitely learning through this process is that one thing might work for one person and not the other so I hope I am one step closer to figuring it out.  PS this stuff is kind of pricey (I used my race winning $ towards it:) but I found it on Amazon here too if you are interested.  I’ll post some before and after if it works in the future too.  I haven’t bought her eye recommendations for me yet but I’m using everything else she recommended for me.  PS I LOVE how the Face Serum feels each time I put it on.

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*Yesterday I was thinking about what my running plans are for this summer.  After Boston I will be doing the Indy Mini Marathon in May and then this summer I want to test myself in shorter races before the fall.  I’m excited to challenge myself in a completely different way than what I have done for a long time.  I want to try some 5ks and 10ks and use those as my speed work sessions each week.  I also have my eye on a few half-marathons too.

Basically I just want to try every different distance in a 12 month period of time from the 5k to the 50 miler:). I’m having a lot of fun switching things up and getting out of my comfort zone (the 5k is completely out of my comfort zone).   This 5k hurt so so bad below (2013).  PS I am really excited to see if consistent (for the first time in my life?) strength training will help me get faster this summer.

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*From Shoe Dog… “Life is growth.”  I think this is one of my absolute favorite parts about running.  We get to see so much growth!

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*Did you follow the Barkley Marathon this last weekend?  Zero finishers again!  If you haven’t watched the Barkley Marathon documentary on Netflix yet, you need to!

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*My running partner sent me this from the book she finished reading, “Think Like a Warrior.”  Think about this in terms of your running:

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*A hello from Beretta.  She is happy because our fence was fixed so she is able to run around with the kids back there for hours.

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*Random question of the day… has anyone tried the street taco kit from Costco?  It looks like the easiest dinner ever but I just want to know if it is as delicious as it looks!

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Those of you that started strength training consistently in the last few years… did it make a big difference in your running?  How so?

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I can eat my weight in peeps, but just the word cilantro on that dressing made me throw up in my mouth a little. Other than that, the tacos look good. We don’t do Costco (gasp) ?


OH NO!!!!! I will try to limit my pictures/talk of cilantro on here and feel free to send any delicious cilantro items over to me;) . Hahah no Costco… Andrew might be mad at you now! Have a great day Claire!


HECK YES to training for the 5K this summer!!! I am LOVING my fast and speedy training and getting so much satisfaction out of it. I ran a workout yesterday that would have scared the pants off of my last year or probably even last fall. I’m just running, not staring at my watch, and believing. I was telling my coach the other day that I’m just getting better at keeping my legs turning over and turning my brain off. I really enjoy working with my coach—even though doing your own thing can be rewarding, I bet you look forward to having that coaching relationship in your life again, too!!!!! :)

Thinking about mantras, I’m sure you saw this, but did you read Lauren Fleshman’s recap from her recent half marathon–talking about sandbagging (we have all been guilty of it) and, more importantly, the phrase that kept her going, “Run strong until you can’t.” It fueled her to a first place finish!!!!

Thank you for the Elta MD sunscreen recommendation. It’s getting to be that season where I’m looking for a GOOD sunscreen for my face, esp. for running.

Hope you have a great day, Janae! I have 6 easy miles on tap after my workout yesterday, and I can’t wait to run them at a SLOW and LEISURELY pace on the trail later today! :)


Atta girl on your workout yesterday… look at you doing crazy hard things! I definitely look forward to having a coach again! I’m so excited for you. I didn’t see it yet and I LOVE that mantra. I might have to use it. I hope you love their sunscreen and they have a sport one too that I use for before the run and the regular one for the rest of the day. I hope your run later feels amazing!


Hi Janae, love your blog! Congrats on you latest accomplishment! My 3 teenage children have tried the street tacos from Costco and loved them! My daughter, who is the pickiest of the 3, said the chicken was delicious!



This is so so good to hear! We might have to go grab them at Costco today now. Thanks so much Jonna and have a beautiful Wednesday!


We eat the street tacos at least once a month, maybe more. So good!


Awesome!! We will be getting them then. Thank you Katherine. Have a wonderful day!


Yes, I think strength training has made a huge difference! I’ve gotten injured less because I’m strengthening the areas that were typically weaker. It helped me mentally too, learning to push myself through new and different workouts. And I’ve met new friends through workout classes, so I have a bigger group of people to run/workout with and motivate me!


Oh I love this Mariah and I am SO happy you are injured less often now. I hear you on learning how to push yourself in different workouts + new friends. It’s the best. I hope you have a really great day and keep enjoying those classes and your running!


The street tacos are by far one of my favorite things Costco has come out with. Ours sells out almost the second they put them on the shelves, have to be fast!


This is so good to hear… we are going to have to grab some asap! Thanks Tiffany and I hope you have them again soon.


I used to strength train consistently and never was an injured runner. Then I had my second kid and I just didn’t think I had the time to both run and strength train, so I only ran. I ended up with a case of bilateral trochanteric bursitis and haven’t run since October! So once I’m back in the swing of things, I’ll be sure to keep both in the mix.

Last week I did a functional movement screen with a physical therapist to talk about fitness goals. She put me through a series of tests to determine my strengths and weaknesses. Now she’s coming up with a four week exercise plan to help me get over my fears of re-injury and fix some of the weaknesses that caused it. If you’re serious about targeted strength training, you might want to consider the functional movement screen!


Oh my goodness… that injury sounds terrible. Any idea how much longer until you will be able to run again? Wow, that PT sounds awesome and I’m excited to hear about your exercise plan…. I’ll have to call around and figure out where I can do this at. I hope you are running pain-free and fear-free soon Chrissy. Keep me updated!


Hi, Janae! Strength training made a huge difference for me (I’m in my 50’s, so muscle mass disappears!) and as soon as I got lazy with it, I got injured. I had a nice PR and felt great incorporating strength into my week. Stick with it! And what a coincidence – I started “Think like a Warrior” just a few days ago (almost done) and I think it’s a great read!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


I’m going to have to get that book next! SO good to hear about how much strength training has done for you and it is motivating me to keep it up. I hope you have a great day too! Thanks Liz!


I started doing that strength workout from your friend Megan you recommended. I do a few times each week and alternate between legs and arm workouts. I hope it makes me stronger!
5ks are hard! I want to get faster but need to do more speed work I know!


Oh I am SO so glad Mary. Megan is incredible. I’m sure it is making you so strong and keep me updated with how you are doing!


Be careful ordering the nice skincare products on amazon. Nine times out of ten it is counterfeit. It is much safer to buy it from their direct website or a physical store you can walk into.


Wait WHAT?!?! How in the world are they getting away with this? I had no idea!!!!! I will only buy it from my people then!


Good luck with your interview, Andrew!


Thanks Karla… you are the best!


What area in Costco did you find those street taco kits????


Hey Hailey! Ours were near the milk section in a refrigerated area! Do you live in Utah County? Ours were also right by where you go to get soda/bai drinks etc. Have a fabulous day!


Best of luck to Andrew! And Janae, when are you going to run Chicago?????? Seriously, its a nice flat course with great crowds to cheer you on – I highly recommend it!
Have a great Wednesday!


Hey Cathy! Chicago is on my dream list… I want to go run there so so bad. I’m hoping for 2021!! Thank you and have a great day!


Ouch! That toenail situation sounds awful :( I’ll bet it’s good to go by Boston, though. Toes are amazingly resilient, LOL.
Strength training 100% improved my running, when I was still primarily running. Once I started going to CrossFit about 3x per week (but kept interval/speed work and weekly long runs), I improved every single distance by at least 15%. 1 mile from 7:25ish to 6:52. 5k from 27min to 23 min. But the best was marathon from 4:06 to 3:54 (BQ, I was 45 y.o.) on my 9th attempt over 16 years. Unfortunately/fortunately, I get so much more motivated by the gym that I don’t run so regularly anymore, and I’ve gotten slower. There’s definitely a balance between strengthening your body for your primary sport vs. switching to a different type of fitness. But…in the right doses, strength training fires up that speed and endurance :)


YES… thank goodness for resilient toes:) . This is so good to hear about how much strength training has helped you. You are ROCKING IT Corey and that is awesome that right now you are loving getting to the gym so much right now! I agree, finding that balance is going to be interesting! Have a wonderful day!


I truly believe consistent strength training can make a HUGE difference in our running. Does not mean you have to be killing it in the gym 3 days a week for 60 minutes at a time. I am typically able to only get in (total) about 60 minutes PER WEEK (if I am really lucky). I feel the consistency helps build endurance fatigue and makes things a bit “easier” to run the longer distances and hit some of the faster paces.


I think this is exactly what makes it so a lot of runner’s don’t do strength training… the time issue on top of running a lot each week. You are so right though, 60 minutes per week is awesome and so great for our bodies and running. Loved your comment Aimee and I hope you have a fabulous day!


We love the street taco kits from Costco!!! Super yummy, and yes, super easy!!
Wishing Andrew the best of luck today!!!
I just started consistent strength training, so we’ll see how that affects my running. So far I am really liking the work, but am sore I places I am definitely not used to. Ha ha!
Have a great Wednesday!


Thank you Wendy! I can’t wait to try the tacos! Keep going on the strength training… super excited for you. Thanks, you too!


I’ve been wanting to try that kit. Haven’t managed to find it at Costco yet. Also, I’m obsessed with this face mask:

I’m a huge makeup/product junkie and this is by far my favorite thing. Better than spa facials.


Oh I need to try this stuff… thank you April!! I can’t wait! Have a wonderful day:)


Good Luck Andrew!! So excited for this new chapter in your life!

I use Elta MD sunscreen too! I love how it makes my skin look glowy and healthy. I also use some Image skincare products, but I didn’t see those facial wipes on the website. I’m going to ask my esthetician if she has them.

I’m all about the 5ks this spring and summer too. It’s too hot and humid to run long races in TX. The 5k is my worst race. The day I will be so happy the day I finally run a negative split. Why is it SO HARD??

I’m curious about those street tacos. I’m kind of side eyeing the cheese and tiny amount of salsa. Street tacos don’t usually have cheese. We do cilantro and the pickled cabbage, a squeeze of lime and maybe some diced onions. That salsa container is enough for 1.5 tacos. We love our salsa in Texas!! Please let me know how you like them!


Thanks Elizabeth! So good to hear that you love the sunscreen too. I can’t find the wipes anywhere but at Ebay… I will probably just keep buying them from the people I am seeing. Good luck with the 5ks and I am not sure I will ever run a negative split on them! That is true about the cheese… I’ll let you know when we try them! Have a wonderful day Elizabeth!


Yes for the street tacos!! They are zero work and they taste good! My kids didn’t like them though!?

This might sound crazy but are you not scared that Skye will get sick when you take her to bootcamp and indoor play places? I’ve waited all winter to go to one and the first time we actually went my 5 year old caught this awful stomach bug. We haven’t been back but being cooped up in the house (besides preschool) its getting boring and lonely so I need to get out!


Oh I totally get it… that has happened with Skye too but then the big kids are always bringing bugs home from school too! We use hand sanitizer with her right before she goes in and right after and I’m just hoping this all builds up her immune system because she loves all of the toys/new people too. I am so sorry that your 5 year old got sick and hopefully the warmer temperatures = less bugs because everyone is outside more and not spreading everything. Have a beautiful day!


Thanks Janae! I know I need to chill a little more. I was never like this with my first! Not sure what’s changed!


Thanks Janae! I know I just need to chill out a little more!


Hi Jenn, thought I would chime in on this. I remember discussing this subject with our pediatrician when we first had kids.

He basically said almost all children will have had the same amount of illnesses (colds/flus) by the time they reach 1st or 2nd grade. The ones that are around more germs (like daycares and older siblings) will build up their immune systems much quicker than those who are not around other kids. The ones who are not around daycares/older siblings will tend to get sicker more often once they are introduced to group setting like Kindergarten since they have not built up their immune systems.

He also mentioned that families tend to be much smaller now – that back in the day with larger families the young ones built up their immune systems earlier since they were around older siblings.

Just use caution, but not too much!


Thank you! Much appreciated!!


I definitely think strength training helps! I believe it makes me faster and keeps me from getting injured. Finally convinced my husband of that too!

Good luck to Andrew with the interview!


YAY for strength training and I am so happy your husband has joined you with it:) . Thanks so much… I am so excited for him. Have a wonderful day Corrinne!


Those street tacos are pretty good….and I’m a taco snob lol! The tortillas i think are the best part, so fresh.

I wish I could find a good strength class that fits my schedule…..I will push myself more in a class versus on my own.

Have a great day!
PS – good luck Andrew!


Okay, hearing this from you makes me want to drive to Costco right now to try them. I am just like you… I need a class to push me! Thanks Laura and I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


I need to try those tacos!! And good luck, Andrew!

I got a stress fracture in July 2018 and I strength trained and cycled from July to the end of September and I ran St. George in October with a 4:09 finishing time, which I know isn’t crazy fast or anything but the fact that I hadn’t run in 2 months and pulled out a 4:09 can absolutely be attributed to cycling and strength training.


Yes, go try them… everyone is saying they are amazing. That is incredible… that says a ton about strength training! PS isn’t St. George the absolute best?! So happy you were able to run it even though you had a stress fracture a few months before. Have a great day Marissa!


Oh My Lanta! I have to see if my Costco carries those kits! My husband makes delicious tacos but their very time consuming … this might just be a game changer!
Speaking of ultra’s, Candice Burt interviewed Mike Wardian on her podcast Humans of Ultra Running and he talked all about his FKT on the Israeli National trail as well as gave her advice on her up coming FKT on the Arizona Trail. These people are amazing! Ultra runners are amazing!
As far as strength training … my only 2 injuries stemmed from not strength training. When I returned to running post kiddo I strained my hamstring/groin (I can’t remember anymore!) because I just dove right in and only ran. As soon as I started deadlifts, squats, lunges etc I was able to run again. I’m learning though that I really really need to do more glute work. Ali interviewed a PT during her professionals week and she strongly emphasized how the glutes are the powerhouse and we need to train them more. She feels we are working our quads and calves too much by having week glutes and that can lead to injuries.
Have a great day!!
Good luck to Andrew!


I hope you get a chance to try the tacos! Oh I need to listen to that episode asap. I cannot even imagine doing some of the things they do. So interesting about how much strength training does for you to stay injury free. I love it. Time to get my glutes stronger. Have a beautiful day Jenny and thank you!


Good luck Andrew!!!
I started strength training a lot and it impacted my running in a way you aren’t hoping for: I completely fell in love with lifting and hardly ever run anymore. I doubt that would happen to you though.


Thank you so much Kristen! I think I am just falling more in love with both lately ha;) . Keep doing what you love to do. Have a wonderful day!


Tacos! I’m thankful my son loves tacos as much as I do. He wants them weekly to celebrate Tuesday :)

I started Crossfit 6 months ago and go 2-3 times a week. I’ve been able to consistently go while training for a marathon. I think weight training has been the best investment in my running! In the training cycle for Chicago I struggled with plantar fasciitis and tendinitis. Thankfully both are gone and regular strength training has played a huge part in keeping both at bay. Plus, the break from running all the miles is nice.


Haha we might have to join you with these Costco tacos every Tuesday! I am SO happy to hear how much strength training has helped your running… BOTH ARE GONE!! Have a beautiful day Kara.


Hi Janae! I don’t think there is even a CostCo near me, but if there was I would definitely try those tacos.
I started Crossfit almost 2 years ago when I was mid-injury and couldn’t run. I fell in love with it but I don’t know that it helped me. I definitely go stronger, but the movements aren’t necessarily targeted for runners, so I wasn’t getting strong in the right places. My injuries persisted and I’ve been seeing a doc who has given me specific strength exercises to do for my glutes and hips and I am finally starting to see a difference.
I am still super super slow (your easy days would be me sprinting, MAYBE) but I think I might be finally getting past my injuries thanks to those targeted exercises.
Have a great day!


I need to send you my favorite Costco things then. Laura, I am SO so glad that you have a doctor that is helping you so much and giving you the perfect strength exercises for you! That is HUGE! Have a beautiful day and keep me updated on how you are doing!


Oh my goodness the Street Taco kit from costco is amazing! Eveything was good but the seasoning on the chicken, the crema sauce, and tortillas were so, so good!


I CANNOT WAIT!!!! Thanks Alison.. going to grab them asap! Have a wonderful day!


I love when our boxing trainer makes us run between sets! I’m always thinking…BONUS! And it really gets your heart rate up! It’s amazing how we are so accustomed to endurance….that steady state. Being able to run 9 hours (Janae! Not me) but when you have those quick bursts its speed training and plyometrics and requires different muscles.

Good luck to Andrew today at the interview AND for his exam!


Oh I totally agree! It is the best and was definitely faster than what I’ve been doing my runs at for the last few months! Thank you so much Caroline, I hope you are having a great day so far!


Hi there,
I am a longtime reader and what hit me Reading your Post and Loopings at the Costco Food Thinge was, that nearly every time you eat out or convienience food is shown, is the amount pf plastic. Is this really common wehre you live. Or in America in general? I am a Little Büffels, that they do not serve Food on regular plates. Rating out of plasttic and eating precooked meat out of plastic from a store seems strange to me ..
Obviously you can tell I am not American… and the autocorrect function while writing in English drives me insane


Hey Emina! That is a great observation! I’m not sure if it is just here or all over America! Can anyone else chime in if this is common where they live too? I hope you have a wonderful day!


Late to the party but please get the street taco kit!! I am obsessed


Hi Janae,

I meant to reply when you asked about skin care several weeks ago, but my response was long and embarrassing so I deleted it. Anyways, I have used Paula’s Choice ( acne regular strength kit for years and have had more success (no breakouts) with it than anything else. I highly recommend it.

Thank you for everything, your blog has helped me (and it sounds like others) so much over the years.


This tacos Fromm costco are amazing!! It’s our new favorite meal!


Good luck on Friday, Andrew! You got this. Study the prioritization and delegation book and know your drugs (or at least the categories enough to pick out the right answers). And remember, if the test shuts off at question 75 that’s usually a good sign!

Back to running: I saw a huge change with my running after adding in strength training. Both my speed and endurance improved this season with it!


Hi Janae….Ouch about the toe! Yes, boots may be necessary. I love the EltaMD sunscreen line! Have you ever watched Dr.Dray on YouTube? She is a dermatologist that gives great advice and product reviews on her vlogs!! Check her out. Best of luck to Andrew! And no street tacos for me… unless they have a vegan option!! Have a great day and thank you for your blog!!!! ?


Hooray for strength training! It has totally helped me to become faster. And I can really tell when I let it slide because suddenly the faster paces seem way harder than when I’m consistent in strength training.
And I had no idea that Costco had a street taco kit but now, I need to get there pronto! Genius idea on their part!


The street tacos are great, give them a try.
Ive had to cut back on running sue to some major ot problems and surgeries. Weight training heads helped my running, even though my mileage is decreased.


Definitely yes to the street tacos from Costco! They are so good!


I wonder the same thing about those Tacos…..have you tried them yet? Good luck to Andrew and the job he wants.


HEY!! I’m going to try them tonight and I’ll let you know in the morning what I think! Have a great day!


Absolutely strength training makes a difference in my running! My fastest mile when I started Crossfit about 5 years ago was 7:15 and now it’s 5:51, and I haven’t been doing anything to try to get faster (and I had a baby during that time).

I LOVE the Jan Marini line. Put that Bioclear lotion on the very first sign of a pimple and it will never surface. It is amazing. But just be aware that it has 2 or 2.5% salicylic acid so you won’t want to use it if you become pregnant.

Good luck in Boston!!!


Yes, come to Indy and run the Mini!! It’s such a fun kick off to the month of May here and running a lap on the track is way cool :)

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