Happy Easter & A Day Outside!!!

The majority of our day was spent outside yesterday and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I think a long winter this year made us appreciate the temperatures even more than we normally do in the spring.

Clearly, Skye inherited my donut genes.

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Brooke and Knox want frosting and sprinkles..

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And Skye is all about the glazed donuts like Andrew and me lately.

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Because sometimes a glazed donut needs it’s own picture:

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The kids are in heaven on their electric scooters now.  Brooke’s dad gave her one to have at our house so we bought one for Knox too so that they could have a little scooter gang.

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Andrew, Skye and me walked around the big circle they have at this park while the kids rode.  Some of you may remember but this is the loop I used to run on daily when I first moved back to Utah and lived with my parents.  My dad and I would go together and I would run there while he walked until it got light outside.  Many many miles have been done at this park and I feel like more will happen here this summer when Andrew is working.  I’ll have Skye in the jogging stroller and Knox and Brooke on their electric scooters or bikes next to me:)

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My mom came and met up with us for part of the walk too.

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Next on the agenda= soccer games.

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We only had a few minutes in between soccer games so we stopped for some J-Dawgs for lunch.  These hit the spot!  They have a secret sauce that they put on it that make them so good.

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To get to Brooke’s soccer game we took the road that I ran almost daily for my St. George marathon training.  It’s normal for runners to feel very sentimental about different streets/parks where they did a lot of their training for certain races right?  Many breakthrough workouts happened here:

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Why bring multiple chairs when they just end up on my lap anyway;).

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All three kids fell asleep once we got home so I did what I felt was right… and joined them in a nap too.  We made sandwiches for dinner and then Andrew and I got everything ready for this morning!

I’m excited to try out a short and easy run tomorrow!  It feels like Boston was a month ago already but it has only been a week!

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I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.  I wanted to share two videos that mean a lot to me and bring tears to my eyes each time I watch them.


How are you spending your day?

If you celebrate Easter and use Easter baskets… what sorts of things do you put in your baskets?

Do certain streets/trails/parks always remind you of different training memories or am I alone on that one ha?!

What’s for breakfast today?

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Happy Easter!! Utah is so beautiful!! Our next trip was going to be Montana (I’ve never been out west), but we might have to do Utah instead!!


Happy Easter to you and yours! This morning did a run with my best friend bright and early and we did it on a trail we haven’t been too in a while. It was the trail where we did our first marathon training. Definitely brings back memories. We’ve been friends since the 7th grade so long runs with her are awesome. Never a lack of things to talk about.


Happy Easter! My kids get candy, swimsuits, some money, and lots of sidewalk chalk. We will have brunch (breakfast sandwich croissants & hash browns) then church & then go to our cousins in Orem for Easter dinner. I do get sentimental about the streets I ran with my running partner when we ran the 2015 Ogden half.


My daughter got the usual Easter basket with a stuffed animal and candy, plus little things like colored pencils and hair ties… the probem is my son is 16, obviusly too old for toys and doesn’t like candy. But he has to have an Easter basket (my daughter would be upset if the Easter bunny forgot about him) so it’s always a challenge to fill his. This year he got a bag of doritos and several things that he needed anyway, including new blade cartridges for his razor… ha ha… strangest Easter basket ever!
Happy Easter Janae! I hope you have a wonderful day.


I love how you make running possible with three kids and a job!! Please keep sharing your awesome ideas for fitting in those workouts!! We can all fit in runs, sometimes it just means getting creative, right? Happy Easter!


Happy Easter!!
We will be spending the day with family, which is always perfect!


I love seeing your pictures of Utah. I lived there when I was little, went back to attend college. My mom lives there now and I only get back to see her once a year, which is not enough – so in a weird way when you post pictures it makes me feel like I’m keeping an eye on my mom and always know about her weather, etc. (I also like to guess the locations!) Thanks for these, and have a wonderful Easter with your family.


Happy Easter! Kids woke up to baskets we did a few candies and each one also had a book. Then spent an hour getting the kids dressed and five min to spare got myself ready and we all went to church. Meeting up with family later, no run today doing a long run tomorrow. I’ll be carb loading all day. ?
The electric scooters look so fun!! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter. ?


That sounds like the perfect day :) . Have a blessed Easter!


Happy Easter! That last sermon was so beautiful and brought tears to my eyes as well. Do you have any others you can share?


You are not alone in being sentimental about the streets you ran. I feel the same way about the streets in our old neighborhood. So many beautiful sunrises and miles happened on those streets.
My kids’ Easter baskets included Steph Curry socks in one and the next book in a series he’s reading in the other. Plus some candy (allergy free puppy chow, Free 2 Be Sun Cups, and some chocolate bars in the others’. They were pleased, I think.
We had our back door neighbors over at the last second. Like we invited them 15 minutes before lunch was ready but it all worked out and I’m so glad we did! You can’t stress about making things perfect for company if you don’t know you’re having company until the last second.


Your photos always look like they have a fake landscape in the background it is so beautiful!! What part of Utah is that? Need to visit one day obviously since it looks breathtaking.

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