Silentish Saturday!!!

We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day two days early since Knox is gone this weekend.

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4 miles at 8:14 average with 8-10 miles today!

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26 degrees but some pretty views along the way.

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Ready for a nap (me too:).

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So many veggie packed salads going on.

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Park day.

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Target with Skye.

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Fancy breakfast burritos that are too big for the tortilla with eggs, chicken, peppers, bacon and salsa.

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Duds and Documents.

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Going over the first portion of the course with Andrew (it is the same as the 25k he did last weekend)… getting pumped!

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Tell me three things that you are doing today!

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Swim Lessons

My kind of day!


That sounds like the perfect day to me… can we come over?


Hi Janae,
I am so excited for your race coming!
Today my 12 year old and I are volunteering for our running club’s Run for the Luck of It this morning. First time volunteering, but boy do I love those folks when I am out there!

Parade after, shopping and a run with my pup. It’s supposed to be a whopping 45 degrees today!

Have a great one and tell Andrew to enjoy his first weekend without homework or studying! It takes awhile to get used to!


That is sooooo cool Jenny! What an awesome thing to do with your 12 year old. Oh enjoy that crazy heat coming in your way;) Thank you so much and I totally will… this is so different than normal!


Your house looks like so much fun!!

My husband and boys are running a 5k at our church today, my daughter and I are staying home bc I got out of my boot on Wednesday and she got into a boot yesterday. She definitely got her lack of coordination from her mama. I’m hoping to get some spring cleaning done and then family date night tonight!


WHAT!?!? Now your daughter is in a boot… noooo Marissa. I hope she recovers fast and that you continue to recover. Enjoy family date night!


What tortillas do you always use?


Hey Allie! I use the Tortilla Land ones (we get the flour ones at Costco and the corn ones at Smith’s)… you heat them up yourself on the stove and we think they are amazing. Have a great weekend!


We are on a 3 week break from swimming so I am enjoying a lazy morning. We have a play date for the youngest, oldest has a birthday party to head to and I have taxes to start and student evaluations to type. I will throw a work out in there somewhere.


Oh enjoy the lazy morning! Good luck with taxes and student evaluations. Enjoy that workout too!


Hi Janae! Cute decorations for St. Patty’s day!! You are such a good mama! They will for sure forever remember all their fun celebrations!
Nothing specific planned today… best kind of Saturday!
Enjoy your weekend :)


Oh thanks Melissa! Oh I love days like that… they are the best! Enjoy:)


1. Running my first trail race! A 50k relay!
2. Recovering
3. Getting things ready for school next week. We have been on spring break this week and it has been glorious!


AHHHHH HAVE THE BEST TIME SLOAN!! Please let me know how it goes for you. Sounds like the perfect week!


It was a blast! It was perfect weather and the course was great! It’s definitely had me thinking about doing the 50K individually next year.


Oh I am soooo glad! Huge congrats!!!


Ooooo…you are getting me excited about all things green!

Today it’s a 6 mile run (dropped back down to 32, probably the last time till fall), followed by warm and cozy clothes and coffee, then a family swim at the YMCA. Last Saturday before our Saturdays are taken over by soccer games, so got to soak up this relaxed schedule.

Then Monday I start training with my son and other elementary schoolers for their Kids Rock “Marathon” (25 miles of practice followed by a mile the day after the Nashville St Jude Rock n Roll Marathon)! They are training for 30 minutes every Monday until April 28! Hopefully they will have at least half as much fun as me :)


Sounds like such a great day Tonya, enjoy! Soccer games are starting up here soon again too. I LOVE that you guys are doing that… your son and those kids are so lucky. Enjoy!


One more week before your race, and my marathon! I’m fighting a cold, booooooo….. But it’s back up in the 70’s almost 80, so loving that!
Today will be filled with anything and everything outside! Track meet for my oldest, yard work, and grilling for dinner ?
Happy Saturday!!


Oh girl I hope you feel better asap. I am fighting a cold now too, colds can’t last longer than a week right?! That’s what I keep telling myself. Enjoy being outside and I’m cheering for you Wendy. Taper well!


Overslept so I missed the early morning spin class st the gym but fortunately woke up with enough time to get to the second class. Fortunately we can stay in the spin room as long as we need so I just stayed in the room to finish up at 85 minutes in the saddle and about 28 miles (not too shabby for tired legs). Now I’m walking it out on the treadmill to stretch out my legs and prevent lactic acid build up and then I need to run all of the errands! I hope to get in a little relaxing later too if I have time. Have a great weekend! I get to celebrate my dads birthday tomorrow… wish he was closer!


WAY TO GO LINDSAY… that is awesome plus I’m glad you got in a little bit of extra sleep. Awesome ride. Enjoy some relaxing and time with your dad!


3 things I’m doing today…
Long run
Shopping for new sneakers
Eating a giant salad for lunch

I wanted to tell you I got my very first pair of Brooks today!! I went to our local running store to get a new pair and the sales guy gave me a few pairs to choose from, one of which was the Ghosts. I tried them all and went with Brooks! A major part of my decision was the fact that you love them so much :) they’ll get their first trial run next week. So excited.


Ran 22 sun – filled miles with a friend.
Watched my daughter play LAX (and she scored).
Going to eat a yummy dinner, not sure what yet!!!!

Days like this I love being a runner…


Gym in the morning.
Walking the dog in the sunshine.
Grocery shopping :(
Happy Saturday!


New orthotics fitting (my current ones got a bit, okay a lot, melted on a radiator this winter. oops)
Bio market (the german version of a mini-Whole foods)
Trail Run…in shorts!

I’m so excited for your race!


I love your holiday decor for the kids! Next time before the holidays will you share what you do for your kids? I like your ideas. I wish I’d done that for my kids – next year but It was too late to get stuff by the time I saw what you did this year. So fun!


I have to tell you I channeled you many times this past week while running. I said things like “I can do hard things” and, “move arms move!” Meaning I made sure to really pump my arms mid run if I was feeling tired. Unlike you I’m not a consistent runner. I love to run but take months off. What I really mean is I LOVE the long runs so do that too much for a week or two and kill my legs doing so… so then take a few weeks off.,. Repeat repeat. Not thentight way to run.. this I know… but I continue to do it anyhow ?. Sooo so anyway sorry for rambling but this last week I ran more than I have in like 2 years…. my week looked like this:

Sunday 14 miles
Monday 10 miles
Tuesday 15miles
Wednesday 15 miles
Thursday 16 miles
Friday 18 miles
Sat and Sunday OFF!

I’ve never done that but shockingly felt good doing it! I tracked what I ate at the end of the day a few times and I was downing 5,000ish calories a day! Hangry is an understatement! And I watched sooo many Hulu and Netflix shows ;)

My weekend was filled with st Paddy’s day foood and booze and a killer hangover today!


I have to tell you I channeled you many times this past week while running. I said things like “I can do hard things” and, “move arms move!” Meaning I made sure to really pump my arms mid run if I was feeling tired. Unlike you I’m not a consistent runner. I love to run but take months off. What I really mean is I LOVE the long runs so do that too much for a week or two and kill my legs doing so… so then take a few weeks off.,. Repeat repeat. Not thentight way to run.. this I know… but I continue to do it anyhow ?. Sooo so anyway sorry for rambling but this last week I ran more than I have in like 2 years…. my week looked like this:

Sunday 14 miles
Monday 10 miles
Tuesday 15miles
Wednesday 15 miles
Thursday 16 miles
Friday 18 miles
Sat and Sunday OFF!

I’ve never done that but shockingly felt good doing it! I tracked what I ate at the end of the day a few times and I was downing 5,000ish calories a day! Hangry is an understatement! And I watched sooo many Hulu and Netflix shows ;). The only time I watch tv is while running!

My weekend was filled with st Paddy’s day foood and booze and a killer hangover today!

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