Sentence Per Picture!

Hey!  I have a new Skye update HERE if you want to check it out today!


I rocked the first 3 months of training… but the last few weeks have been a little off (no run yesterday but I dreamed about the below scene;).

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Rachelle sent this to me along with a pep talk for race day and I’m definitely slowing down!

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Went to the doctor and he said that what I have is viral and he told me to just rest 100% and drink up and I should be good to go on Saturday (and the less activity I do this week the better I will feel for the race)!

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Andrew rocked it with taking care of everything!

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Skye kept herself very busy.

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My mom brought over oranges that taste better than candy.

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Andrew brought home soup and bread bowls from Kneaders… I might not be getting in my easy runs this week but I will get in the carb-loading:)

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They went on a bike ride.

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I watched about 43 ultra documentaries and they made me so pumped up for Saturday…. I am positive this forced rest is actually going to benefit me big time on Saturday (my step count below at 6 pm:).

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Her hair is getting so long in the back.

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Ready for bed at the same time as my 1 year old.

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Good thing I practiced many long runs in the rain… and I am so ready for those temperatures.

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My pacer for Saturday was on Jeopardy (7 years ago) so I’m going to have him tell me all about that experience from miles 40-44.

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This is exciting and I will be going asap.

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PS I know a few of you are going through some crazy things right now (thanks for sharing with me via email/comments/etc).  I saw this on my friend’s instagram and it made me think of you.

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I saw this the other day and it gave me all of the goosebumps.

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM… I hit the jackpot having her as my mom!

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Just another reminder about a new Skye update HERE!


Share your sentence of the day with me!!

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So my whole family had this flu/virus whatever it is last week. I couldn’t run either but just so you know, I am 9 days in and even though I’m still hacking up lungs, running feels much better now. I can run and not cough at all until I stop …so just keep going Saturday :) I know you will rock it!


Oh Donna, I am so sorry that you guys all got this too… it is terrible. I’m so glad you are able to run now and I hope you are feeling 100% asap. Thanks for letting me know, that gives me more confidence!


I hope you’re on the upside of this thing today! Thinking of you! (And wanting one of those bread bowls! YUM!)


Thanks so much Mollie… I need to FedEx them to you. Have a great day!


Happy birthday to your mom! Hope that she has a wonderful day and feels special and valued and loved beyond measure today and ALWAYS!

I needed that reminder about God’s timing because I have so many unknowns and other things going on right now that I just need to get through and trust that God will take care of it all. So my sentence for the day is from one of my favorite worship songs: “I’ve seen You move, You move the mountains, and I believe I’ll see You do it again.” And I’m believing every word.


Thanks Natalie. Yes yes yes… don’t forget this! Oh I love that quote you included… absolutely beautiful.


Happy Birthday HRG Mom!!! ?? Feel better Janae! You will rock it this weekend! ???‍♀️


Thank you so much! I love your emojis! Have a wonderful day!


Tomorrow is the first day of spring!


Hallelujah!!! Have an awesome day Mariah!


Happy birthday HRG mom!!!

(today is my mom’s birthday too)

Janae–I hope you feel better! And I hope the REST REST REST that this week requires just serves you well and keeps you FRESH and open to discovery on your adventure on Saturday! (I’m going to think of your ultra as your next big adventure–which means that it’s all about discovery and playfulness and seeing what happens)

And that meme to me from God–MAN OH MAN I JUST STARTED CRYING OVER HERE. I need that reminder every. damn. day. with how this past year has gone for me (and especially the last few months).

have a GREAT day out there! :)


Happy birthday to your mom too! Thank you so much Stephanie and don’t forget that picture:) . Thinking about you!


Happy tubular Tuesday! Happy birthday to your mama! I hope you’re feeling much better today, and can continue to rest up! You will do awesome on Saturday. We are all cheering for you, Janae!


Thank you so much Jenny, that means a lot to me. I hope you have a really great day!


You are going to ROCK this race this weekend! This virus will be long gone, I am sure of it! :)
I am not sure if you are a fan, but Starbucks has a hot drink – Honey Citrus Mint Tea – that used to be on their “secret” menu as a good drink when you have a cold. I get one when I am feeling ill and it seriously helps. I get a grande in a venti cup and add more hot water because the lemon is pretty strong to me, but I’m convinced it makes me feel better every time.
Happy birthday HRG Mom! :)


Thank you so much Rhiannon! Oh that sounds so good… I might have to go get one. Have a fabulous day!


Hi Janae!

I hope you feel better soon! I’ve had a cold this past week too. I just wanted to share that when I went out on my long run last weekend, I felt soooo miserable and awful (and slow!). It was one of my worst runs in months. But then I ran into one of my friends a few miles from the end, and he ran the last 3 miles with me. Those 3 miles were great! Way faster and felt way easier than the first 11 miles. I hope that when you meet up with your pacer for your last few miles, you feel the same!

Best wishes for getting over your cold quickly! Enjoy your rest, you deserve it!


Oh I loved hearing this Isla! I feel like that is totally going to be the case. Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day! PS I hope you feel 100% ASAP!


Happy Birthday HRG MOM!
I love and admire how you mother your adult children. What a gift they have in you.


You are the best Erica… I completely agree. Have a beautiful day!


Hey Janae, I just wanted to say get well soon. Colds are the worst. I know you’ll be back on your feet and ready to crush 50 miles on Saturday!


Thank you so much Beckett… ahhhh I can’t wait!


Happy birthday, HRG Mom! I love reading about your love for Janae and her love for you.


Thanks Liz!! You are the best. Have a wonderful day!


Happy Birthday HRG Mom!! Hope you are having a wonderful birthday week with all your favorite things!

Janae – Just keep resting and eating and staying hydrated! You have so many people sending you get well/good race vibes! I hope you can get out for a nice walk and some fresh air soon.
When I get a cold or my allergies and congestion are really bad, I like to drink Sprite with pebble ice and a little bit of lime juice. I put it in a huge cup and sip on it constantly. You could use any citrus fruit to get some extra vitaimin C.


Thank you thank you thank you Elizabeth! I’m going to try this asap… and it sounds really delicious too. Have a beautiful day.


I am so sorry you’re sick! You will feel 100% by Saturday and rock that 50 miler!
Thank you for the thoughtful reminder that things will get better ?
I am currently dealing with my worst injury ever, which entails 6 weeks on crutches. I am 2 weeks in and it already feels like an eternity! Two weeks ago on 3/3 I ran the Tokyo marathon with what I thought was a muscle strain. Turns out it was a stress reaction, along with a muscle strain and Lord only knows what else. Anyway, long story short I ran VERY painful 2nd half, and finished 30 mins slower than my predicted time… but I finished. And as soon as the endorphins wore off, I couldn’t out any weight at all on my left leg. It was pure hell. As soon as we got back home – which was a very complicated process since I couldn’t walk – I went to Urgent Care. My MRI showed the following: stress fracture of the femoral neck (compression), which caused a labral tear. It also showed inflamed bursa, and edema like everywhere. I was so swollen for like 3 days. It took almost 2 weeks for the pain to subside. So now, I am pain-free thank goodness! But I am not allowed any activity. I start PT on Friday (yaaaay!!) And part of that will be starting to walk on the AlterG at half my body weight for 30 mins. I’ll take it! At this point, U’m trying not to think about the races I’ll miss and really focus on healing and getting stronger. No more injuries!!!
I hope you are feeling better today, Janae! GL on Saturday!!


Annemarie. Ug… this put a pit in my stomach. I am so so so sorry about your stress fracture and the tear. This is terrible. You WILL come back from this. You will come back even stronger and more in love with running. Please keep me updated on your recovery… I’m thinking about you!!!


Happy Birthday HRG Mom!

Sentence of the day: “I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me. ” – Dwight K. Shrute.


Hahaha Dwight quotes are my favorite and that one is a good one! I’m going to steal that one too:) . Have a wonderful day Libbie and thank you.


Thank you for posting that Nike commercial. I forwarded it to all of my nieces to encourage them to be crazy.

You are very lucky to have the mom you do. Mine was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers at the age of 63. It’s been a very trying two years and the funny, beautiful, best friend of a mom that I grew up with is now a different person. Cherish every moment with her (I know you do already). :-)


Mary, I am so incredibly sorry about what you and your mother are going through. I cannot even imagine. You are sure strong. You guys are both in my prayers.


Happy birthday HRG mama!

I hope you’re feeling better Janae!


Happy, happy Birthday to your mom!! ❤️
And, keep resting! I bet you will feel so good by Saturday!!


Happy Happy Birthday to HRG Mom!! And glad you’re resting up, Janae, you’ve got this. And how precious is Skye with that TP??? Little “helper” for sure!


This virus going around is SO rough! And there is definite truth to the more rest you get, the faster you’ll bounce back. I got it and I didn’t take it easy, because mom life, and I won’t tell you how long it took me to shake it… So yes to ALL the rest, ALL the nutrition, and ALL the “time off” you can get! ? It’ll make for a great race on Saturday.

Happy birthday HRG Mom!


That instagram is beyond perfect. I’ll keep working on my trusting. Thank you!
Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!


Rest rest rest!!! You’ll definitely be glad you did! Yay for Andrew helping! My husband is the same way and I gotta tell you it’s the best! I literally threw up all over myself and he cleaned it up and washed my clothes! I feel blessed everyday!

Happy birthday HRG mom!! I am honored to share my birthday with your mom!!

Have a nice day and get under that weighted blanket and rest!!!!


Herzlich Geburtstag to your mom!!!!

Just think how great it will be to bust out of the house and RUN this weekend on the trails!!! You’re doing a great job resting and fueling. One thing I have to mention as a mom and fellow hydrator…..swap out some of the water with electrolytes (tailwind, Nuun, whatever you normally drink). You don’t want to flush out your electrolytes with that virus!

I wish I could send you some German herbal medicines-the doctors here prescribe so many natural medicines that work amazing for all things cold/flu. I am sure you are being well cared for by your family and this rest is just what will make your 50 miler all the more amazing!!!


Happy, happy birthday HRG mom!!!! I hope you had the best day!!

That quote was just what I needed to read. I found out some pretty crazy news today and am hoping that everything works out the way it’s supposed to work out. I know that you are going to ROCK your ultra on Saturday. All of this extra rest is just what you needed, I’m sure of it!!!


Former Jeopardy contestant here as well! The former Jeopardy contestant community is pretty tight-knit online, and so many of my friends are former Jeopardy contestants, I almost forget it’s a thing sometimes.

Hope you feel amazing soon! And happy birthday, HRG Mom!


Hope,you are resting and feeling better, Janae!



Happy HAPPY Birthday to your beautiful Mom!! :)


Any chance your pregnant?

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