Stories From My iPhone:

In case you missed out last week… the top 3 most viewed posts were:

*Change in Plans with Our Ultra + the Art of Competing

*This is Why.  Day #2.  When I get Bored Running

*My Friday Favorites & 39 Miles in 2 Days


Skye decided that she wanted to scream GO GO GO as loud as she could during church so that was pretty entertaining yesterday.

We started off with waffles and fruit.

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And celebrated the usual Sunday laziness.

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My sister had everyone over for chicken, salad, sweet potatoes, rolls and brownies for dinner.  My niece was holding a different baby and Skye was not okay with that.  She went over and just held onto her legs until my niece gave the baby she was holding to someone else and picked Skye up.

Skye is pretty territorial with her favorite babysitter.

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Andrew had another shift at the hospital and Skye was so happy to see him when he got home.

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And then we picked up Brooke and I promise Knox was excited to have her back.  The whole time she was gone he kept telling me that he missed Brooke more than I did.

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My phone has a few stories to share today:

*Use the code HUNGRYRUNNER to get $10 off Innovated Fitness from Megan!  She has a runner’s specific plan, a general fitness program and a fitness program for beginners!  Time to get strong for these SPRING RACES of ours.  Go here to get it.

(An old picture from a crazy hard workout she had us do when we were on a trip together… We need another girls trip)

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*It makes me very happy to see Skye wearing Brooke’s old clothes…

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*SUCH A GOOD ANALOGY!  Our glutes need to be strong in order to stabilize our legs! (Source)

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*Brooke always makes sure that Beretta and all of her stuffed animals are tucked under a blanket when they sleep.

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I was in bed at 8:30 last night.

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*Lindsey and I were talking the other day about how much we miss summer running laundry (a tank, shorts and sports bra).

Winter running laundry = washing 12 layers between both Andrew and me each day.

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*I picked up my nephews to take them out to celebrate the little guy in the middle for his birthday!  He jumped in the car and I told him I was going to take him to the store to pick out a toy and then to go get ice cream.  He replied, “No, I want to go to the library and listen to Christmas music in the car.”   So that is what we did.  My sister is doing something right;). PS Brooke was not as thrilled about the change in activities that afternoon.

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*When we show up and have the same braided hairstyle going on.

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*I think that running makes the world a better place too.  (Source)

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*We are all excited to try these (General Mills sends us cereal every few weeks which the kids absolutely love).

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*”I don’t love running but I just can’t go without it.” -Andrew Baron

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*A few of you asked for Andrew’s aunt’s cookie recipe.  These were unreal.

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*Skye’s way of showing Andrew he needs to stop studying and play with her (she shut his book).

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*I just watched the Fyre documentary on Netflix and WHAT IN THE WORLD?!  I must be living under a rock because I didn’t hear about this Fyre music festival until this documentary and I just cannot believe this!!!

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*A reader shared this with me in an email the other day and it is SO true… remember this the next time you are having a hard time going out in the cold for a run:

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Any tips for my 33 miler this week… It will be a personal distance record for me so I’m excited and nervous at the same time:)

What was the last show that you watched?

Which apps on your phone (besides the super popular ones like Instagram) do you use the most often?

What was the best part of your weekend?

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Hi! Do you have a recommendation for warm running gloves? Looking for something to wear when it is 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Thought about trying the Patagonia ones you’ve mentioned but not sure how warm they are?? Thanks!


While you are giving recommendations…I was going to ask about what to wear to cover your ears. I’m not in snowy conditions like you, but I need something to make me not so miserable! Thank you!


Hey Jennifer! My favorite headband (and the one I always wear in the snow too) is this one:

They only have one color left of it but I love how soft it is, how thick it is and I don’t overheat in it! Hope you have a wonderful Monday Jennifer!


Hey Allison! The Patagonia ones are the only ones I wear but I do not wear them in 0 degrees F! They keep my hands happy in the teens though (especially with a hand warmer thrown in there)!

Anyone else run in 0 degrees? Have a great recommendation? If no one answers here I can ask it as a question on a post. Have a great day Allison!


Running 33 isn’t much different than 26. Keep your mind busy on other things (music, podcasts, etc) and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Have extra fuel. Get off the road for at least part of it if you can. Your muscles will thank you.

The Shannarah Chronicles (Netflix)

MyFitnessPal, TrainingPeaks, Beachbody On Demand, CharityMiles, Audible

Best part of my weekend was that it was 3 days instead of 2!

Happy Monday! Have a great week.


Oh I like that…So so so true! Luckily, I will have people with me the entire time so that will help my mind! Great tip on having extra fuel. I wonder if running on a grass area would help my body, the trails now have like a foot of snow at least! Oh I love TrainingPeaks and I’m going to check out CharityMiles. YES to three days. Thanks Angie for the help, you too!


Just wanted to say great job on the training! That’s impressive weekly mileage and so awesome that you’ve been able to do it injury free! Keep up the hard/good work!


Wow, thank you so so much! That means a lot. I hope you have a wonderful day today and a great run.


That waffle looks so good!! I remember eating Bisquick pancakes when you posted about them when you were pregnant with Skye (how was it already so long ago??!!), and I haven’t had those in a long time. I need to change that soon!!

I love what you posted about the glutes because I found out on Friday that my glutes are WAY weaker than they should be, and now I have to go to what’s called pelvic floor therapy (I swear it’s a real thing!!) because of something I tweaked as a result of those weak glute muscles. Oy vey!!


Bahaha I feel like I kept Bisquick in business during her pregnancy haha. Oh I know that is a real thing and I am SO glad you are going to go get that done. I bet a huge percentage of women actually need to do that! Do you follow Goodfortheswole on IG? She has amazing pelfic floor workouts… check her out.

Have a wonderful day Natalie!


You’re so right. And thank you!! Just looked her up, and I definitely need to try those workouts! Enjoy your day, as well, my friend!


Take a break if you need to and divide the miles up! Otherwise, think about how amazing it is that your body can run 33 miles when you are 33. :-)

I relaxed a lot this weekend! My foot was hurting a lot so I iced it, read a bunch, and watched waaaaay too much netflix. I’ve heard about the Fyre documentary and it sounds crazy!!

Andrew’s quote about running needs to be in Runner’s World or something. It is SO relatable.


OH I like that…..I’m thinking I might stop for breakfast with Andrew and the girls at one point (I’ll make it short but I think that might help mentally)! I am so sorry about your foot… keep me updated with how it is doing!

Hahaha I’ll send that quote in… it really is! Have a beautiful week Kristin.


Skye’s bold little personality = my favorite thing this morning :)
I LOVE that steering wheel analogy. I’ll be sharing that with my coach, so he can pass on the theory when he has us doing a billion squat exercises.
I have no experience (therefore no tips) about running 33 miles all at once, but I know you’ve got the determination! Channel your inner Dory and just keep running (or something).
The last show I watched was probably re-watching an episode of Gilmore Girls. I tried to find The Wonder Years so my kids could watch, but it wasn’t available :(
I use MyFitnessPal to try to keep me honest with balancing out my macros each day. It helps, but I’m not super disciplined right now. Oops!
Best part of my weekend was taking my middle daughter to practice driving, and she did well enough in the parking lots that we went on an actual road for the first time! She’s psyched.
Happy Monday!


Bold… that is the perfect way to describe her! Yes yes yes, it really is such a good way to describe how the body connects and the importance of it. Inner Dory–> I love that. I forgot about the Wonder Years, such a good show. I am glad she is doing so well already with her driving because it sure is scary when they aren’t haha (Driver’s Ed teacher ptsd talking here;) . Thanks, you too!


Love reading about your training! Good luck on your long run this week…isn’t it amazing what the body can adapt to?!? I’m looking forward to hearing about it. I just watched the latest Million Little Things…LOVE that show….so many tears and emotions.
: )


It really is crazy how it can adapt to these crazy goals of ours with the right training and recovery! OH MY GOODNESS…. Last week was so so good. This show better go on forever because we are all too attached!


We have been going to bed really early so we can watch last man standing. I love it, it’s so much like home improvement!

The apps I use the most are Aaptiv and Ibotta.


We need to watch that show… I can’t wait! I’m always looking for another show to watch:) . Have a beautiful day Jenny and hopefully someday it stops snowing here.


I use the weather app most often. I have San Diego and some other warmer places on it. I am constantly comparing the Boston frigidness to “you could be here instead”. I dream :)


Hahaha I try not to think about how great the weather is elsewhere;) . We just got MORE SNOW today… it’s never ending! I hope you have a great day Amanda and stay warm.


First of all…that picture of you in the rapid reboots with Skye on your lap looks like those are her legs, hahahah it was funny to look at.

33 miler->enjoy the ride, remember why you’re doing it! (fun, celebration, etc). And when it gets hard hold onto the excitement of a new distance PR and thank your body for doing it.

Apps->Kindle is probably my most used. I have my textbooks on there for school and so many other great books and when I’m standing in a line or something I like to be able to read rather than scrolll forever, haha. Sudoku app is also used daily!

Best part of my weekend->going to bed early last night and sleeping forevs. I feel a little bad saying that since I did spend time with people I love but I’ve had a rough couple weeks of sleeping and I know my body needs it.

Whats your #1 book suggestion for mental side of running? I know you read a bunch last training cycle and I read how bad do you want it and let your mind run last training cycle. I have a race in 3 weeks and am wanting to remind myself of some of that, and debating re-reading one of those or if you have a different suggestion.

Happy Monday!!


I had to go back and look at that picture with the boots and you are right, it totally does. Thank you for the tip… so so so true! That is so convenient that you can open up your textbooks on your phone. I am so happy you had a good night of sleep, I did too.
I think the one that helped me the most is Deena’s book:

It is so so good and it is helping me with this training too. GOOD LUCK in three weeks and I better get to hear all about it. Thanks Eleanor, you too!


Thanks for the giggle about Skye yelling go go go! Too funny. For the 33 miler – you got this! and its an automatic PR.
I really needed that quote from beauty redefined today. Apparently my confused face and my focused determined face both look like my angry face or something because I’ve been a lot of strange comments lately. Not gonna take it personally! Today was a good day – I tackled the heartbreak hill treadmill class with an incline of 9 – thought I was going to fall off the treadmill when I heard incline of 9 – ha ha. Happy Monday!


Isn’t it bizarre that our society thinks that it is okay to constantly make remarks about other people’s appearance when it does not matter in the slightest. I’m glad it helped and HEARTBREAK HILL TREADMILL CLASS, that sounds amazing and so so hard. Way to go on that! Maybe for my 33 I need to make a recording of Skye yelling go go go so that I can listen to it when I want to quit haha. Have a wonderful day Cathy!


I hadn’t heard of Fyre Festival either until people online started buzzing about the documentary on Netflix vs. the one on Hulu. I have yet to watch both. My students will hand in their first significant paper this coming weekend, so I might have bits of time for “background noise” (which is what this kind of a documentary might be best for…for me and for how ‘in step’ I totally am NOT when it comes to pop culture-y things like Fyre Festival…)…

Your 33 miler! Think of how it is SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE. Not a big scary thing. If you ran 70 miles last week, you’ve already shown that you can run more than double (especially if you don’t even THINK about how those 70 miles were spread out over a period of 7 days…lol…). And make yourself a playlist of upbeat, pace-scorcher songs where every song is just one of your favorites or makes you forget about the miles and just lose yourself in the song so the time goes by. And when all else fails, Walk the Moon’s “One FOot” is a good reminder–you always just put one foot in front of the other. That’s all. And then remember that you were made to do hard things. And follow the advice of MUCH smarter, wiser, more ‘with it’ runners who comment on here. And when all ELSE fails, then make sure that you have a running outfit of all your absolute most favorite running gear that’s weather appropriate…whether you look like Rainbow Brite threw up on you or you’re all black and grey and looking stealth like a Janae RUnning Ninja or whatever. And when you get tured and it seems hard, as silly as it may seem, find something almost surface-level to distract yourself, like focusing on how your favorite running clothes feel and then count how many tubes of your favorite lip gloss are on your person or try to pretend you’re Pac Man and every corner you turn brings you closer to a goblin to swallow or something like that. ;)

The best part of my weekend–I finally solved my running shoe dilemma! I decided that I want to wait and see if I *do* actually start using Sundays to hit the trails before I invest in the Cascadias I want, so I bought myself a fresh pair of the Ghost 11s. My employee pricing at my running store is actually a little bit better than my Brooks fit pro discount (which is already a HUGE discount…), so even though money is tight and I can think of more practical uses for it, I decided to go ahead and get my extra pair of Ghosts. I had wanted the black and pink ones (the same ones you have actually) since my store got them in stock last June, and that’s long enough to get what’s a total steal but FEELS LIKE a financial splurge right now. If it’s sunny next weekend I think I will hit a new-to-me running spot in my new shoes!

(and right now I have Ghost 10s, Launch 4s, a pair of Launch 5s, and now Ghost 11s as my running shoes…and though it’s two styles and two generations of each, I bet that you totally get how necesasry each of those pairs feels! HA!)

Today is kind of blah out here–one of those ‘this is the mondayest monday to ever monday’ kinds of days–but I hope your day out there is sunny and fun and a really joyful one!


I hope your Mondayest Monday brightens up today or that it at least goes by fast! I think you made an excellent decision with your shoes! I absolutely get what you are saying about needing each… you should see my running shoe closet:). Stephanie, that pep talk was just what I needed. THANK YOU so much… you just get me:) . I appreciate your friendship! Let me know if you watch it as your background noise. So so crazy. Have a beautiful week!


33 miler: have fun – bring treats – take walk breaks and count those mile portions (don’t stop the watch!) – go slow and enjoy the scenery

Last show Netflix: Kim’s Convenience
Last show DVD: Doctor Who Series 11, Episode 6(?)

Not considering the popular apps like Instagram/Facebook (I don’t have any of those) or the automatic ones like Google maps/email/weather/calendar/clock/camera/calculator/web access (I use all of those all the time), the add-on app I use the most is LDS Tools.


I’ve always wondered about that… so the walk breaks still count as part of the 33?! I think that would absolutely help me to have a successful run! Oh I love LDS Tools! I just realized that it lists your ministering sisters under your name and their info which makes life so much easier for me since I always lose the slips of paper;). Have a great day!


You are going to rock your 33 miler! I hope you have somewhere fun to run, that makes all the difference for me. I have only ran that far once for a 50k and the trails were so stinkin pretty that the miles flew by. I also saved a book I was excited about to listen to during the run, that helped too.

I hope your weather holds up, you are doing so great with your winter training, it’s so much harder than ultra training in the summer.


Yes, it really does make the biggest difference when you have somewhere fun to run. Good call on saving a book for your 50K (and huge congrats on doing that 50k). Oh thank you so much… not sure I would choose a March ultra again ha but it has been a blast so far. Have a wonderful day!


The last thing I watched was a documentary about Mr Rogers. I remember watching his show as a kid.

My favorite part of the weekend was being at yoga teacher training.


I’ve seen that documentary and it was so good… it made me cry too! If you ever come to teach a yoga class in Utah, I’ll be your first student there. Have a wonderful day Fiona!


Are you using Normatec boots? I feel like I see a lot of people use them and I wonder if they work? Do you feel better? There is a local place that has them to rent out and I’ve been contemplating trying it.


Hey you! I am using the Rapid Reboot Recovery boots. I’m not sure if they work or if it is just placebo effect for me but I really like them. It feels like I bounce back quicker and I enjoy the mini massage that it gives me ha. I would rent them and try them before buying them. Have a great day Hollie.


This weekend was insane! A lot of ups and downs… I woke up Saturday morning VERY sick. No voice, coughing, achey all over, headache… BUT I had the Phoenix Half Marathon to run. My hubs said to sit this one out, but there was NO WAY I could be okay with that. I ran and finished, but did not get close to the time I wanted (13 minutes off). I felt so terrible from the awful cold, but did not let myself think about it. When I finally saw my husband at the finish line, I started crying so hard because I was so tired. It was embarrassing and made it hard to finish fast because running and crying don’t mesh well with trying to breathe.. Haha! I had no time for after race festivities because I currently serve as RS president and had a funeral to do. It was crazy trying to get there on time. But, the amazing thing to finish my weekend off was to go to the devotional to listen to President Nelson. It was AMAZING! The stadium was FILLED and the spirit was so strong. I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. I still feel super crummy and have no voice, much to the amusement of my fourth grade class this morning. Oh! I also got to talk running with an old mission companion of my husbands and he convinced me to sign up for the Utah Valley Half in June! Pretty excited about that!


Lisa. You had a crazy weekend. Huge congrats on your half marathon (I want to do that one so bad) but I am SO sorry that you woke up so sick. Terrible timing! Your next half is going to feel incredible after doing what you did this last weekend (and 13 minutes off is not bad for being that sick). So so cool that you got to go to that devotional, I’m jealous. Good luck at school this week and let’s meet up at the expo for the Utah Valley Half. You are going to love it!


8 pm bedtime is life.

I totally believe the Fyre Festival stuff, I know so many people who are big on hyping things up but not actually doing any work. Style over substance. And people keep falling for it.


That is so so true… I kept wondering who has the money like that to spend on a 3 day event ha! I think tonight actually calls for a 7:30 bedtime. Victoria, I hope you are having a great day and make sure you eat a really good treat on my birthday to celebrate.


33, is that your birthday miles?! Good luck, you will kill it!

I love those special lucky charms, but I tried the sour patch cereal and NO THANK YOU!!


YES it is! Thank you so much. I don’t even think I would like the SP cereal and I am sour patch kid’s #1 fan ha. Thank you and I hope you have a great Monday Loribeth.


The best part of my friend was cheering my friends who were running a half marathon – I ran down to cheer them on, ran around the course, and got in 7 miles – and then as soon as I got home it started to snow! We had a bit of a snow storm yesterday and more today. It was so pretty watching the snowfall from indoors (we went out to enjoy it for a bit)

I love how Skye insists on being held by your niece. It is so sweet.

33 miles – have fun! Tips: break it up into segments mentally, eat from the get go, and maybe in the last hour or so let yourself think about what you will eat after (I am so about all the food hahah). If you will have someone meeting you maybe have them bring an extra change of clothes/shoes and fuel you can’t carry? Ooh, make sure you have enough salt/electrolytes because that will be big during a training run of this distance. Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Have a great day Janae !


I’m glad the snow started after the run and that you were able to enjoy watching it the rest of the day. I didn’t even think of the extra change of clothes… yes yes yes. Such a good idea and I will have Andrew bring that. Thank you for the tip on the salt/electrolytes (I wonder if gatorade will be enough?) because that is something I forget about too. Thanks so much Kristine, I hope your Monday has been great so far.


I just seriously can’t believe you’re going to run 33 miles. That’s a marathon plus a 10K. Tips – don’t die?? Sit for 24 full hours afterward?

I watched the Fyre documentary because I was interested by the news story last year. It’s bonkers but I wouldn’t have been interested in the festival even if it lived up to the advertising haha.

I had plans to make a grapefruit cake today but now you’re making me crave chocolate chip cookies! I’ll have to make some of those soon.


Haha best tips ever! I have a massage scheduled for right after so I’m pretty excited about that. Yeah, the advertising would not have interested me in the slightest either ha.. it’s the opposite of what I want to do!
Make both!! Thanks Grant and have an awesome day (ps I hope your hip is feeling better).


Gah! We just watched Fyre, too! What in the world. We must be living under the sam rock because I had NO idea. I can’t even imagine arriving to something like that. Also, the guy who came up with all of that must be BONKERS.

I miss summer running laundry, too! Winter training laundry is out of control!

Have a wonderful Monday! :)


Right?! The whole thing is nuts and I wonder if once he gets out of jail if he is going to continue to create unreal events/products again. Hahaha in a few months we will love just washing one layer of clothing again. Thanks Chelsea, you too.


I watched the Frye documentary a few weeks ago and couldn’t believe it either. How can someone do that? Also I had never heard about it before watching the documentary.


Right?!? I just don’t know how a human could let that happen! And I’m also amazed that people have thousands and thousands of dollars sitting around like that to spend on a music festival ha! I hope you have a great day Alicia!


33 miles sounds so amazing and fun and daunting! Just think, you’re fit and ready enough to run that far-how incredible is that?! Once you get to that distance, certain distances feel way less than before. In other words, when you hit 20 miles, you “only” have a half marathon to go. Or when you hit 26 miles, you only have a wee less than your regular run day-just coast on in. This seems like the perfect day to work on practicing walking and fueling, and your mental game. Perhaps try some “naked” miles where you aren’t listening to music. I actually don’t wear headphones/buds/pods when running so I have no tips on what to listen to, other than some longer podcasts (then I’d play a game like-this podcast will get me 7 miles done). Is that how you do it when you listen to things? 33 miles will give you so much free time it will be extra great when you get home and to the bustle of home. Stopping for a pancake to go sounds pretty good, too.

The last show I watched was the documentary of the guy who broke the record for fastest time on the Appalachian trail. I followed that up with listening to Scott Jurek on “I’ll have another” with Lindsdey Hein while doing laundry. Very motivating.

Enjoy your run-I forsee some photo evidence of the adventure! Really, have fun, celebrate your birthday and your incredible fitness!


Ohhh I love those tips… breaking it up like that will absolutely help. Walking, fueling and mental game–> YES, it will. I totally do that with songs and I think something like, ‘My run will be done once I have listened to 13 more songs’ ha. Definitely stopping for some French toast. I’m saving that podcast episode for the ultra, I can’t wait to listen to Scott Jurek and I loved that documentary. Thank you Kelly for the help and I hope you have a great day.


Don’t forget to wear your lucky shorts or lucky socks! Every runner has a clothing item or pair of shoes they prefer as “lucky” but no one wants to admit they could be just a TINY bit superstitious.


That is SO SO true… Good tip. Thanks Murph and I hope you are having a great day!

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