Silentish Saturday!!!

The day started out with 5 miles @ an 8:40 pace on my treadmill at home!

Ready for the weekend.

My sister has been obsessed with Burn Bootcamp and I joined her for the upper body workout. I’m going to be sore for a while… It was awesome.

TJ’s stop afterwards.

Gorgeous day!

Skye made a new friend.

Waxed eyebrows and we celebrated donut Saturday a day early since Brooke will be gone this weekend.

Found a coupon for $1 kid’s meals at Olive Garden and took the kids to their favorite place.

Carb-loading for my brother’s marathon today:

Her favorite activity:

Very needed.


Tell me three things that you are doing today!!!

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Sounds like a fun day you had!

I am…
1. Trying out my new pair of Brooks I bought yesterday!!
2. Spending the day with my mom
3. Going for a much needed pedicure

Enjoy your Saturday!!


Oh awesome… which ones did you get? I hope you love them!
Enjoy your time with your mom and a pedicure. Thanks Amber!


1) We’ve had a bit of snow in Seattle, so hopefully I can make it the gym and do 10-12 miles in the treadmill.
2) Trip to Costco for necessities and samples!
3) Finding some good movies to watch at home.


I hope you get to make it to the gym for your long run! Enjoy the samples and movies:) . Thanks Nicole!


Have you tried the salt block bath bombs from whole foods? The company that makes them is called pacha. Highly recommend the detox or sleep one. I’m going for a quick run today and getting a massage. My foot is finally on the mend! And I probably need to clean the house for about 5 hours . Can’t wait to hear about your brothers marathon!!


I haven’t.. THAT SOUNDS PERFECT for me though. Next time I am there I am going to get one. Enjoy that massage and I am so glad your foot is doing better:) . Thanks Emma and have a great day.


Good luck to Brother Hungry Runner Girl!!! I hope he does a first marathon recap for the blog!! Janae, super loving following your ultra training. It is so inspiring and fun to read about. So glad you only had 5 to do today though!! Have a good rest day tomorrow! Oh, and I know you are super busy and have a new baby, but I was thinking the other day, “Oh, I miss their VLOGs!” Maybe after the ultra yall can do a vlog about it!!


YES, I will ask him to do that!

Oh I totally forgot about the vlogs… those will be back and I would love to do that! Thanks for the reminder. Have a wonderful day Alisha and keep in touch.


Tagging along with my hubby to San Diego for a water polo tournament. So, I get to run through the campus of UCSD….a favorite ?. We’re supposed to be getting more rain again, so keeping my fingers crossed that it’s not too bad.
Every time I get my eyebrows done, I feel like I walk around with a red forehead for hours… Ha ha ha. The things we do to look nice.
I can’t wait to hear about your brother’s marathon!!
Have a great Saturday!


I want to be in San Diego sunshine right now with you:) . Sounds like a great run! Hahah that’s exactly what I feel like, my eyebrows were still bright red when I went to bed. HE DID AMAZING. Thanks Wendy.


1- Treadmill intervals session in my brand new Brooks Hyperion! First time trying them and so far so good! Definitely light and speedy. They fit a little higher on the back of the feet than my Adidas so will wear higher socks next time!
2- indoor baseball with little on
3- dinner with extended family!

Have a great weekend!!!


Oh this makes me so so happy… those Hyperions are my favorite! Sounds like a wonderful day, thanks Mel!


1. Suffering through a head cold. Ugh, zapping all my energy.
2. Organizing vacation photos.
3. Surprising my daughter with her 1st phone. (yikes, we’ve hit the phone age).


Nooooo I hope that your cold disappears asap! I bet it is fun to go through all of those photos and memories. THEY GROW UP TOO FAST.


Do you use epsom salt in your baths?

I like that striped tank you were wearing. Hard to find high neck tanks but i like those sometimes. Where’s it from?


Hey Mary! I do every now and then but last night I forgot to. I LOVE this tank that I just got:
You are right, it’s hard to find a good high neck tank. Enjoy your weekend.


Love all the pics of the kids, Knox looks so grown up! How’s Skye doing with walking? Ran 29km long run in prep for Boston, it was cold with a -15 windchill. Now to relax and maybe get a donut!1


AHHHH way to go on your long run, you are going to do amazing at Boston. And in those temps… I hope you drink hot chocolate all day! She hasn’t taken another step on her own but she LOVES holding our hand and walking around the house ha. Enjoy that donut. Thanks Jennifer!


What stripey tank is that? I love stripes.

Three things I did today:
Car to mechanic
grocery store
Snow shoe!!!
I really wish I had on running specific snow shoes because it was amazing to blast across the snow without slipping! Bonus-what an amazing cross training that was outside!

Have an amazing weekend with your sweet family!!


Hey Kelly! Here is the tank link:
I love it. SNOW SHOEING… how fun (I think Brooke is doing that today too… she is with her dad). I hope you had a blast and that must be a killer workout. Thanks, you too!


I have been a member of Burn in CO Springs for 2 years and it is amazing!! Their classes are free on Saturday!! I have visited the Orem one too and they are so nice!


They really are! HOLY COW those workouts are tough and super effective! Keep enjoying. Thanks Aubree.


PS I wish I could have met you when you were at the Orem one!


Met a friend for coffee
Valentine’s date with my main squeeze since he will take Hope and I out on Thursday.


Okay, I LOVE that the three of you are going out on V-Day:) . ENJOY TONIGHT!!!


Ha ha ha! I love that you carb loaded for your brother’s marathon :)
My 3 things:
* Long leg-and-lung-burning workout at the gym
* Celebrated donut Saturday–resisted the Krispy Kreme, but totally indulged in the best donut I’ve had in ages, from Walmart bakery; seriously like a donut shop specialty
* Washed my hair :D


Love love love Burn bootcamp!! 5 weeks postpartum and I can’t wait to get back!

1. Took the hottest longest shower and actually did my hair
2. Unpacked the last of the moving boxes
3. Snuggled a sick toddler on the couch


I have been reading your blog for YEARS (I think you had just started it when I started reading) and just felt prompted today to tell you how much I look forward to reading your blog every single day. It’s such a bright spot in my day! I was a runner when I started reading and then ended up with some random heart issues that popped up(turns out it’s harmless but I’m still scared to run:/) I’m more of a walker/hiker now but I still just love following you! Thanks for sharing your life with people all over!

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