How Not to Run 25 Miles, Our New Business Model & Health > Running.

25 miles done yesterday and 14 to do today.

(Andrew found me at mile 21 so a photo shoot was necessary)

I woke up at about 4:30, ate my breakfast and drove over to meet my friends.  It was windy, snowing very hard and freezing but the girls and I had a blast talking and sharing stories with each other.  Two of my friends left at 12 miles and then Josse and I went out for another 3 miles.  At 15 miles I said goodbye to Josse and got in my car for a few minutes to dry off a bit, eat and get ready to go out again.  At that point it wasn’t snowing anymore but still pretty windy and cold.

My mistake—> the only time I fueled during the run was at 15 miles.  I should have started way sooner than that but I wasn’t thinking about fuel much because outside of our conversation I was just trying to watch every step so I wouldn’t fall.  Anytime I did think about fuel in the first 15 miles I was worried about taking my gloves off to get my fuel because every time I have done that in the past during a storm my hands have frozen for the rest of the way once I took them out of their warm cocoon.

Long story short, my fueling and hydration were awful which in turn made those last 5 miles feel like a death march.  The entire run was on a few inches of fresh snow too which felt a bit like running on sand but I’m sure that made my legs stronger.

First 15 fabulous, next 5 not so bad, last 5 not my favorite (but I used my mom’s tip to smile when it hurt and that did help) and focused on taking one mile at a time.

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Episode 12 and part of episode 13 of Cold got me through those miles.  WHAT DID I DO BEFORE PODCASTS?

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Annie told me that I received ‘extra grit points in the bank for race day’ and I completely agree.  When the going gets tough I’ll just think back to this run and how I completed it!

I will say that when I finished this run I felt discourage because it was so hard that I couldn’t imagine taking another step (let alone another 25 miles) BUT I have to remove those thoughts from my brain because those won’t get me anywhere.

I need to trust the training and that these back to back long runs are going to take me to 50.  I need to remember that my fueling mistake made a huge difference in how I felt and that I will not allow that to happen again.  Hopefully there won’t be a blizzard on race day for us to run in because I’m sure that made this run feel a lot harder than 25 miles on a non-blizzard day but if there is one, I’m prepared now:)


PS I forgot to start my Garmin again after a stop light for about .25 miles but I had to get to 25 miles on my watch for it to count in my brain ha.

1300 ft of climbing.

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Josse and I are going into business with her idea of how to get through winters as runners and swimmers here:

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I told Andrew when I finished and that I was about to drive home.  When I got home he had just turned on the shower for me so it would be warm when I got in along with hot chocolate and a protein bar.  He wins.  He also made me eggs with veggies and toast to eat after my shower.

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The snow looked prettier when I was inside and warm;)

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Skye helped me with my active recovery.

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But she did join me on the couch for a few minutes too.  Running 25 miles in the morning = you can wear the exact same outfit for the 2nd day in a row.  And my OOFOS, those are necessary on long run days.

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I’m almost embarrassed about this but I forgot it was National Froyo Day until a friend sent me a text yesterday.  We opted for no line at TCBY rather than Yogurtland this year and it was delicious and very free:)

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Lots of recovering.

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We made burgers and lots of sweet potato fries for dinner.

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PS I had a reader concerned with me not eating enough for my meals/snacks for how many miles I’m running (PPS I post about 20% of what I eat).  Rest assured, I am being very careful about this.  I weigh myself once a week to make sure I’m not dropping weight because I am so active. I am at a very healthy weight with a regular cycle.  I’ve gained weight since my October marathon (these hills are building up my legs, boom) and hovering right around there.  If I lost my period or dropped weight, I’d be out of this ultra training…

health > running.


My favorite science project that has ever been done is below.  My nephew is really into running and crazy fast for his age.  He did an experiment on food and how it effects his running:).

From my sis-in-law:  “He did a science fair experiment where he ran 8 different days (actually 9 if you count the control day) and ate 4 different menus repeated twice.  He ran the fastest on the days he ate a well balanced menu.  On the junk food days, which he did last on purpose so it wouldn’t throw off the results, he drank pop, ate chips, donuts, candy, ding dongs, Twinkies, etc and he ran the slowest by far.  His second fastest running days were his primarily carb days and his 2nd slowest days were his primary protein days.  He made a list of all of his specific menus and compiled a list of his times.”

Isn’t that cool?!?!

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Does your daily diet include a lot of protein?  Do you notice a big difference in your runs based on how many carbs you eat?  What about things like soda or junk food do those effect your running a lot or a little bit?

Do you have any really great indoor facilities for running/swimming?  Indoor tracks that are bigger than 2938 times around for a mile?

-The BYU Track is actually only 5 times around for a mile but we still end up a bit dizzy when running on it.

Do you remember what you did for your science project in elementary school?

-I created a maze for my pet hamster but I don’t remember anything else about it.

What was the last mistake that you made with your running?

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It’s funny that a reader was concerned about your eating, because to me it seems like you eat a LOT! I don’t mean that you overeat, just that your meals are a good size and you mention a lot of snacks throughout the day. And you look strong and heathy! Nice job on the 25 miler. You need the tough runs like that to give you mental strength on race day.


Oh thank you SO much Jenny!! That is the trick thing about the internet ha… so many opinions! I just wanted to make sure people understand how important it is to EAT especially while training so much and that if I couldn’t keep up with the fueling then I would be out. Have a wonderful day:)


I don’t really care about someone being concerned. (Or criticizing) your diet because as a practiced professional athlete, you know what you’re doing. But I guess it prompts a question for me! How much does an athlete like you actually need to eat to be this active? In other words, if I start exercising to this level can I live on Cheetos and happy meals?? This is important. But seriously!


I cannot imagine running that long, in freshly fallen snow as well. You are so strong!

What I have noticed most with eating and running is that if I have a well balanced meal the night before a very early morning run (which is 4:45 most days now I am in training for a marathon) I feel more awake and takes less time to get into the running groove.

No indoor tracks here. There is one track in my town that you have to pay to use each time but it does have a good view of the 900 year old cathedral so can be worth it sometimes.

Science projects were: 1) Finding out if there was actual iron in cereals and if it was really 100% of your daily in take. My 5th grade self was blown away there was actual, magnetic, iron in cereal! 2) Which ice cream flavor melts the quickest. I don’t remember, I just remember eating a lot of ice cream :)

Running mistakes: I ALWAYS go out too fast in races but working really hard in training to learn how to make my brain and body resist that urge so I can finish strong!


Sarah, 4:45 most mornings to train= you are amazing and super dedicated. I love how a well balanced meal really helps you to get into the groove faster. That is interesting you have to pay to use the track there, I’ve never heard of doing that before. Oh I have made the mistake a million times too. Hahah I love both of your projects, I want to try the ice cream one myself.


Nice miles. Go get a yummy breakfast today.

I have not seen soda to have a negative affect on my running, but lack of water yes. If I am drinking soda like water…..problem. If I am drinking both……..feel good.

Science fair project. Tested out detergents. Put common stains (grass, pen, katsup, etc) and tried out different brands. Thanks for letting me revisit a blast from the past.


I think that is a fabulous idea. I agree, water plays a huge factor for me too and my runs. Which brand worked best back then haha? Have a beautiful day Erica!


OMG get that fuel in! How are you going to meet your February PBJ goal??? haha that’s the most important goal obviously. It’s definitely hard in scary conditions, though, and I have been there (especially on my bike) – trying to not get blown over/fall over and suddenly you are 2 hours in and starving.

Eating well makes a huge difference, but for me, I see it hit me like 36 hours later. I wound up not eating lunch Monday (work, sigh) but still did all my normal workouts, and Wednesday morning my bike workout hurt WAY more than it should. Have to fuel well!


Especially with February being a short month I’m not sure I’ll hit my goal so I better start getting to work on those sandwiches! I do not know how you eat on the bike… I need both hands on there at all times and especially in crazy condition (the things we think are fun ha)! That is interesting about the 36 hour thing. I hope you are having a great day and no more missed lunches (tell your work they can’t keep you that busy)!


Janae, you are amazing, my friend. Running 25 miles, especially in those conditions, is no joke, and YOU DID IT!! SO proud of you!!! And I think it’s so incredibly sweet how Andrew took care of you with the shower and food when you got home.

I probably need to be better about getting more protein. I try to eat meat and veggies at least for dinner every day, but some nights I wind up eating froyo for dinner (which I obviously love but doesn’t provide me a ton of nutritional value). On a side note, have you tried Trader Joe’s pancake bread??!! It is SO GOOD!!!!!


Thank you so much Natalie, that means a lot to me! I have not tried that bread… where is it in the store? That sounds like heaven to me!


It’s over with all of the baked goods (muffins and different breads)! I highly suggest that you get it soon!!!


Yes get it! My entire family loves it but it only feeds the 5;of us for 1 breakfast and we eat topped with cream cheee (don’t knock it till u try it) and eggs on the side! We are big breakfast eaters!


Your indoor track idea sounds amazing! My university has a 300m indoor track, but it’s only open for a few hours each week. And 300m is so short!


That is WAY short. They need to open it up for longer too. Have a wonderful day Isla!


I would totally move to Utah if you made that indoor running track!! :) And you could jump in the pool after. That is one of my favorite things – a warm run and then jumping in a pool at the end.

I also make the mistake of not quite fueling enough during a long run 2 weeks ago. It’s funny how our bodies don’t always feel hungry while we are running, but we need fuel! I agree it is much harder to fuel in the winter because you don’t want to take your gloves off and your body is so focused on each step (or the cold/snow), it is easy to forget. Keep up the great work! It is so fun to follow your journey – you are doing amazing! :)


Thank you so much Jenny! I totally agree.. I didn’t feel hungry yet I was on complete empty! We will get working on that track because you are so right about how good it feels so jump in the pool after a good run. Have a wonderful day!


I LOVE your nephew’s science project and he did a great job on his display :) I have (one of) the WORST indoor track stories… I need to do my Army PT test and it was 10 degrees, real feel of 0. I could have run the 2 miles outside (not super bad for me, but the poor grader would just have to stand there!) OR run at an indoor track. I chose the indoor track and 1 mile = 11 laps, so I needed to run 22 laps total. It was the funniest thing – the turnaround was basically the width of a garage! I laughed all 44 times that I turned around. I still ran a 14:14, not my fastest time, but it was also definitely an experience! Congrats on your underfueled 25 miles (that always sucks) and how awesome that Andrew had the shower / hot chocolate / food ready for you to recover! Have a great run today!


Thanks Miranda! 22 laps AND you had to do those turnarounds… in 14:14, that is amazing! Thank you and I hope your Thursday has been great so far.


So impressed and excited about your training and this upcoming race!! You are making me want to start thinking about a 50-miler as my next challenge…..maybe next year (I need to get a BQ first).
You guys are going to rock this race!!


I can’t wait to hear about your BQ and your 50 miler training after that:) thank you and have a wonderful day Katrina!


Wow, Janae! You are completely crushing it in the training department. All the lessons you learn during training (how important fuel is) will help you on race day. 25 miles for a training run sounds so hard…never mind in the snow and super cold temps…I give you so much credit!

I love your nephew’s science experiment! Our body can only do as well as we treat it. :)


Oh thank you so much Joy! You are so right about those lessons. Have a wonderful day!


Way to go on completing your 25 mile Janae. Say goodbye to those negative thoughts! During my last half cycle I had 2 12 mile long runs and both of them I bonked and felt terrible. (both due to fueling). So I was really worried about hitting my paces 2 mins faster per mile for the half, when I couldn’t even do the mileage slowly. But! I trusted the training, hit my paces on race day and was fine with the distance. Fueling is so so important, I’ve learned, and you can write this one down as a day you pushed through 25 miles even when you hit a wall! Thats what I did, and it worked :) Good reminder for next time.

Your nephew did the coolest science project ever! that is so neat!! I’ve never done something that cool haha!

My daily diet is carb/veggie centered, small protein with each meal. I definitely notice I am sluggish on long run days if I don’t eat many carbs the night before. also, speed work days I noticeably struggle if I’ve been eating junk. I ate consistently clean during my last training cycle and I really think that paid off on race day. 3 weeks till my next race and I’m trying to focus back on that;)

I am sad I forgot national froyo day tho.

I have an indoor track at my local university but it is 4 times to get a mile. However, its on the second floor and the center is “cut out” of the track and there’s a basketball court on the first floor in the middle so while you run around in circles you can look down and watch people playing basket ball which is pretty neat.

Last mistake while running->during my speed work weds I had to pee so bad. I normally drink a ton of water all day and then run after work, but I normally go to the bathroom and then go run. this time I decided to drive 45 mins to my run spot. and didn’t think about how much more I would have to pee! so I had to stop in my third set to go fin d bathroom which was a bummer for me. but, we live and we learn!

have a happy Thursday, Baron fam!


Thank you so much Eleanor! That is just the encouragement that I was needing! You are so right, the under-fueling makes the biggest difference. Oh no… I’ve had that happen to me during a speed workout too! I want to come run at that track, that is awesome. Have a wonderful day!


Oh my gosh, your nephew did great! Tell him congrats on an awesome project and thank you for the data :)

My school didn’t have a science fair, but we had a business shop instead. This is pretty common in my city. Everyone had to make a product and sell the good / service. We had to write poster boards on or business model, costs, profits, revenue, etc. we had to pay taxes to the school. We wrote reviews of eachothers projects and everything. People made toys, books, crafts, etc. I had a dessert subscription service, so people could buy a package and I would give them a cookie every day at lunch for a week. It was cool! The whole industry was paid for with a currency that my grade got to design, and then teachers gave out money for good behavior, reading books, and turning in homework.

I eat a vegan diet, and I am allergic to peanuts. This means that I eat LOTS of carbs. I think I eat probably 70% of my calories from carbs, then 20% from protein, and 10% from fat. I don’t try to eat low fat but without meat / dairy / eggs / fish / nuts, it’s really hard to get in fat. I’ve been making an effort to eat more though. I do NOT alike candy at all and the sugar makes me nauseous. Bleh. I think I feel it in my runs.

I live in the south and for my 16 miler last week, the run was 30 but by the end, it was 60 degrees. I was really uncomfy in my clothes and should have planned a stop to delayer and change. I sweated way too much and it was awful. your 25 is seriously badass! That’s super inspiring!


A business shop sounds awesome, I love that idea! I wish our schools did that too. 30 degrees–> 60 degrees = that is crazy! Your body must have been so confused, way to go on those miles! I bet that must be hard to get the fat in.. good luck with that! Have a wonderful day Savannah and thank you so much!


Wow! What a run! Isn’t it amazing that the distance you ran yesterday used to be about the goal race distance, but the training and pace now make it a training run? I get it, but it blows my mind, anyway.
With a shift to more CrossFit than running, I definitely eat more protein, but I do get my carbs in before and after my more cardio workouts or runs. Even timing carb vs protein or fats closer to exercise seems to have an effect for me. And I was more sluggish for sure during the holiday season, when cookies and sweets were around ALL the time, and my energy level sagged. I LOVE your nephew’s science project! It’s awesome when we can see health effects explained scientifically.
I would probably use an indoor running center if it could be like a park–trees, plants, maybe natural light, and definitely a mile loop instead of 400m. What a brilliant plan! Let me know when I can buy into a franchise on the east coast :)
I remember growing plants with different color filters to see if filtering the light on a specific spectrum had an effect on its growth. It did, but I can’t remember which colors were better and worse.
My most recent running mistake was wearing an old sports bra for a long training run: the chafing was pretty gnarly.
Stay warm today!


Corey!! I was thinking that yesterday… wasn’t I just training for 26.2 miles on race day and now I’m doing it on a Wednesday morning? That is really interesting how even the timing of the macros play a big difference for you!
Hahaha look at us already having franchising options, wouldn’t it be awesome?!
Thanks and have a wonderful day Corey!


Oh man, you are so strong! I did a 12 mile run in fresh snow a few weekends ago and it was SO hard, I cannot imagine running another 13!!! It legitimately does feel like you’re running in sand. You should feel so proud of yourself for pushing through your long run in those conditions! More proof that you CAN do hard things!


WAY TO GO on your run in the snow… it really is so hard! Thank you so much, that helps a lot. Have a wonderful day!


that’s an awesome science project! So cool of him!!

Yeah, junk food does make me feel slower, but I still love it, ha! I tend to want carbs and fruit and veggies mostly anyway, but before a long run or race I prefer heavy on carbs (like pancakes or pizza or french toast). After the long run or race, I want meat! Nothing sounds better than a burger after a half marathon to me!


That is exactly how I am… ALL I can think about is a burger! I hope you are having a great day Loribeth!


My favorite science project I did was hoe different drinks effect your teeth. Soday, lemonade, milk and juice. Luckily my dentist dad saved the teeth from wisdom teeth that he pulled and the patients didn’t want (because some like to keep them….) to put in the drinks. My teacher’s favorite drink was Pepsi one and I did that soda, it literally ate the teeth away. It was so gross. And that made me stop drinking soda often. Now I only drink it once in a while.


Oh that would be SUPER interesting and SCARY!!!!


I have a weird question for you! You train hard and really work on your mental training. It’s been so cool to see how far you have progressed with this (I still have far to go! lol). I have a friend who gets really stressed while marathon training and kind of retreats into himself. Do YOU find it helpful when a friend encourages you and tries to say motivating things to you, or do you just find that super annoying?? ha ha Sometimes I never know what to do!!!!!

The last mistake I did with my running. I’ll be honest, I’m afraid that I’m making that mistake right now. It’s doing something because a coach has it on the plan, rather than listening to my gut. SO, will Jen listen to her gut or do what’s on the plan? ha ha I know what that answer SHOULD be. We’ve gotta remember that running IS NOT LIFE and look at the BIG PICTURE. Why is that so hard sometimes?! :)


Oh thank you so much Jen! I absolutely find it helpful when someone encourages me (words of affirmation are my jam;). I DO NOT find it helpful when it is like mile 25 of the marathon ha and I’m the biggest grump ever. I would just test things out with him and see how he reacts to your encouragement. You are a great friend.
That is a tough and I know what you mean but I think you are doing a great job! Keep me updated and have a wonderful rest of your Thursday Jen!


Just a tip for when you bonk on a run – always carry a couple of gels. I have found that the couple of times it has happened to me, if I walk and down two gels right then, it takes about 5 minutes and I feel good again. It has worked both on long bike training rides, and on long runs, when I mostly eat real food.

That’s a pretty cool science project. I did a maze for mice – years and years ago. Nothing creative or informative like your nephew!

My last running fail was my marathon this past fall where it was unseasonably warm (70 degrees in October!) and I under hydrated and slogged the last couple miles in. It was not pretty and I was so glad to be done.


That is a fabulous tip. Thank you and I will absolutely be using that in the future if that happens… those last two miles felt terrible. Oh that is so hard during a marathon. I don’t run well in the heat and not hydrating well… that’s amazing you finished! Have a wonderful day Jen!


Great job on your cold snowy 25 mile run!!! And , oh my gosh… Not fueling well is a huge reason some long runs are awful!! I am guilty of that too! This marathon training cycle, I have not been great at fueling before and during runs… I am trying to get better about that! Also, when I don’t take my recovery seriously, that also affects my runs. Lessons are always being learned ?
Hope your treadmill run this morning was good! Have a great day!


It really makes the biggest difference!! Thanks Wendy, it was. You too!!


You could try starting the repeat timer on your Garmin to remind yourself to eat. When I’m running long I set it for every 30 minutes, I worked my way down from every 45 minutes. That way you won’t forget. That is probably the best tip for ultras, keep eating.


That. Is. Brilliant.

THANK YOU JACKIE. I will be doing that!


Can you please tell me which, if any, training schedule you are using for your ultra?
Thank you!


Hey Vicki! I am following this book’s training plan and it is awesome! A lot of people recommended it to me and I really enjoy it. Have a great day.


Thank you so much :))


Have you been to the Olympic Oval (where they did the speed skating) in Kearn’s? It’s AWESOME! There is a running track around the ice rink and a mile is about 3 1/3 times around. It’s big, never very crowded, and cool in there due to the ice. Plus there are always little kids playing hockey, ice skating happening, or the zamboni is running so I never get bored watching everyone!


I NEED TO GO THERE. I haven’t ever been to that, thanks for telling me Courtney. I hope you are having a wonderful day!


I cannot believe you’re running today after 25.25 miles yesterday. You’re going to turn into a full-time ultrarunner.

I don’t really have any indoor facilities near me but that’s okay because I’m in Florida and the worst weather we get is rain haha. The only time you really just can’t run outside is a hurricane. Or I guess in summer in the middle of the day.

I’m wondering if the placebo effect had anything to do with that kid’s project… I’ve had some pretty good runs fueled by sugar haha.


Hahaha the last two days it has felt like a full-time gig. ME TOO but then I feel terrible after ha. I’m glad you get to escape running the Florida summers. Have a great day Grant.


I totally pictured you in a power pose and cape when you wrote, “I CAN AND I WILL DO THIS.” Yeah you can!

For me, I’ve noticed protein makes the most difference!! I have to be pretty intentional about it or I feel like my body just doesn’t get enough. I run better the next morning if I’ve had a really solid dinner (and a balanced day, of course). I rarely eat meat, but I find it actually helps me run. Not hydrating enough after runs always leads to migraines for me–and then I can’t work out for a couple days! Terrible!

That is the coolest project! Love that he used himself as the test subject and proved something important.


Oh I LOVE that you picture that:) . I’m with you on needing a good amount of protein the night before a run too! Thanks Kristin and have a wonderful day.


Oh! I used to run sometimes on this weird indoor track shaped like a figure 8 . . . you could see into the gyms below and it was fun to watch the basketball/pickleball/etc, but it was like 7.33 laps to a mile and half of it was always hot and half was cold!


That would be so hard to keep track of how many laps you have done!


That’s so funny your nephew did that report and you shared about it today! I just completed the Whole 30 in January. Felt great! Then immediately went back to some old habits. Today was the first workout since eating so poorly and I felt weak and NO energy! So let him know how good his data is! You are such an inspiration. I’m not a runner, walker, but so many things you share are applicable. Thanks!


Oh no… it’s amazing how our fuel effects our workouts! Thank you Martha and keep in touch. Have a wonderful day and I’m so glad you loved Whole 30!


i did my internship at a rec center that had 3 big loops for it’s track. If I was a runner that would be my preferred track to run long distances on. Having the three different loops would help to break it up a bit.


Oh that is an awesome option… I wish ours had that! Hope you are having a great day Fiona!


Way to go on that 25 miler! I went out for a run last week when it was snowing like crazy and even with a hat on, it was so hard to see since the snowflakes kept getting in my eyes! And then having to think about where your next step will be… I was running with my dog, so I also had to make sure she stayed close by so she wouldn’t accidentally pull me and cause me to slip. Luckily at the age of 7.8 she doesn’t go out fast like she used to and runs right next to me or behind me.
My college had an indoor track, but it was 6 laps = 1 mile. We had an outdoor track that was 3 laps = 1 mile. I would usually only use it for a cooldown or if all the treadmills were taken… but i couldn’t do more than 3-4 miles on it before getting super bored.


Running with your dog in the snow would be even harder but I’m so glad she is such a good runner (can she come teach Beretta to stay right next to me?). I get more bored on a track like that than a treadmill too. I hope you are having a great Thursday so far Kathy!


You may feel like you fueled “wrong” for that 25 miler but you also did something GREAT: that stop in the car to have your snack and sit and not move was fantastic practice. You got back out there and ran 10 more miles! Just think, you are training your leg muscles to take a break but not be *done.* It’s so important to practice the stop/start for these Ultras (in my humble opinion!). One thing I used to do to prevent having to open up wrappers and take bites is chunk up the bars and put them in a bag but not seal it (although those may have frozen on you?) or tape them to the top of my glove so I didn’t have to dig in a pocket. Kind of silly, but I’m like you when it comes to taking off those gloves. brrrr.

I don’t know how you run that pace in that weather…..I’m so timid in snow and slush.

Carbs are my favorite. I do love to mix a carb and protein though (tofu and rice. PB and toast. almonds and banana.) My best run mornings are after a late night carb snack, then I can get up and go.

Have a great weekend!!!


I didn’t even think of that… SO GOOD to know how good that stop was good for my training. Thanks Kelly for sharing this with me and I will definitely try that snacking tip (this will help so much)! I need to try the late night carb snack too. Thanks, you too!


Ooopphh.. running in that snow must have been super hard! So sorry about those last 5 miles and how drained you felt -I can only imagine!!

I think I know who commented about your increased training and nutrition…. I cannot hide ?

I *think* (because I’ve never really tracked to be certain) I run best after pasta and a protein (meatballs I said pasta).

P. S I need those fries!


DO NOT HIDE:) . I’m glad you asked! I need to make it clear on here how important it is to fuel enough for all of this training. Meatballs and pasta sound delicious right now. Hope you get some fries soon. Have a wonderful night Lindsay!


I am definitely a protein girl:). I don’t really think about it that much, but when I am training, I just crave food – all the time, and most of the time it is real food v. junk. We aren’t huge soda drinkers but I love candy so I try to actually remember to eat proper food first before eating all the candy. During my heaviest training blocks pretty much ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and a lot of time it was protein, carbs, and fats. And yes, I do notice a difference – even a day of totally junk eating makes me feel crappy haha

Don’t remember my science project.

The last mistake I made with running – probably not doing enough strength training and also not eating enough early on in a race and thinking I could make up for it later. Having said that I did go out this morning and run 9 miles without breakfast – I ended up getting a muffin right after because I was starving.

Have a fantastic day Janae!

P.S. I love how Skye is busy chucking dried pasta on the pantry and is like what me…what have I done wrong? She is so cute!


Snaps for your nephew! That is such a clever report and he looks very chuffed with himself!


I’m VERY interested in your warm gloves that made your hands feel like a cocoon!


HEY!! These are the ones that I love and I put a handwarmer into the mitten part (when it is really cold) where my fingers are and they are heavenly!


Very interested in what type of gloves make your hands feel like a cocoon


Those protein bars!! Love them but we had to give our box away because (TMI) they gave my husband and I the WORST sleep-in-the-other-room gas!! Our friends reported the same effect. You’re lucky if they don’t affect you that way!


Girl, I have been reading your blog for YEARS and have yet to comment and show you some love.

You are wonderful, strong, beattiful and Godly! I so much enjoy following your posts. I’m aiming to break 3 in the marathon this year as well.

Thank you for being so honest about your struggles in the past. I relate so much and I think it’s incredibly reassuring to hear it from other strong women.

Love you, and God bless you.



Good post and I really like the science experiment! Yes, protein –> 30 grams in the first 30 minutes of the day to start out right!!!

Awesome to have all the warmth welcoming you back in after this run!


Your nephews project is awesome! I love that he’s learning the power of nutrition at such a young age. I think I need to do this with my own diet to reinforce the power of a balanced diet ;) he’s wise beyond his years-ha!


Your nephews science experiment is awesome!!!! I need to do that for myself so that I have the science to prove that I need to eat healthy HAHA I am so impressed with your 25 miler, way to go!!!! I live in Texas so I cannot imagine going out if it is even below 35.
PS- I am a marathon runner but I broke my leg about 6 weeks ago, pretty nasty tibia and fibula break. The doctor says I will have to take a full 6 months off before running again, so I am living vicariously through you and other bloggers. Thank you for sharing your life with us! I get pumped up and encouraged every time I read your posts.
Good luck on your ultra training!!!!


Bri, I am so so so sorry about what you are going through. Injuries are the absolute worst. Keep me updated with how you are doing!


I love the science project, that is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing


Really smart study from your nephew! Very cool!


love this science project!! and he better have won!!! great job kid :)

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