Long Run (24!), Eat, Chase Kiddos, Sleep and Repeat.

Friends that meet you at a ridiculous time in the morning to get in a long run are the best kind of friends.

It felt like a flashback to five years ago as I was running with these two long before the sun came up on our usual trail.  I used to run with both of them 5-6 times a week when I lived with my parents.  Back then we were training for the Utah Valley Marathon.  They sure helped me get through a very difficult time of life, I’m very grateful for them!

We are all training for different things now—> A 1/2 Ironman, ultra and an Ironman but I hope we can get in some good runs together over the next few months.

I ate an almond butter and jelly sandwich on the way to meet them and then snacked on gummy bears and chews throughout the run.  I ran with the girls for the first 12.5 miles and the time flew by with all of our talking.  Once we got back to the cars I started to feel cold which turned out to be the hardest part of the run for me… with each mile I felt colder and colder.  The run started at 32 degrees and then dropped down to 22 degrees with a cold wind.  I didn’t wear enough layers but the run built in some weather toughness for me which I might need on race day.  <— PS help me with my goal to not check the weather obsessively when race day gets closer;)

I put on my hydration vest once I got to my car and headed for streets with hills to get in some climbing.  I did about 1100 ft of climbing in that second half and I got back to my car and felt strangely really good.  I still had some time before the kids left to school so I decided to keep going (my training plan gave you the option of running a 20-22 miler or a 50k race this week so I just went somewhere in between the two instead).

Found a cool moose statue.

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24 miles.  My last two miles were 7:33 and 7:27.  It was one of those training runs that felt really good (or maybe I felt good because my legs were numb from the cold) so I’ll remember the confidence from this run when the not-so-great runs happen in the future.

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I didn’t need any caffeine for my run which was great because I usually NEED that to survive my early runs.  I’ve been going to bed super early lately so when I woke up I felt pretty refreshed.

Back in time to see these guys before they left.

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Skye reminded me that I needed to do some yoga and stretching afterwards:

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And then she rolled around on my legs in attempt to massage out the muscles.  It worked.

Andrew was off at an orientation and Skye decided she wanted to boycott her nap so we just hung out the two of us for awhile.

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The kids got outside for a little while to play after school!

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And I got in some stretching and rolling.

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Lots of nutrients for breakfast, lunch and snacks and then this heaven for dinner.

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If you live in Utah County please order from Two Jacks for your next pizza night and then thank me later.

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Brooke has been bringing this little baby all around with her…

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And now I’m off for 11ish miles and then I have three full rest days which my body is going to love.


Tell me three things that you are doing today?!

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Yay! You’re doing awesome with those long runs!!

Nothing super crazy happening this weekend and I’m more than okay with that! I have cleaning, running and some family time in my list of to-dos which is perfect for a relaxing weekend! :)

Happy Saturday Janae!!


Oh thank you so much Chelsea! Sounds like the perfect weekend, enjoy!


You are doing so great with your training! I just have to ask, what time do you have to start a run in order to get 25 miles in before your kids go to school? It must be darn early LOL.


Thank you so much! It was crazy early… I started before 5! The things we do for running! I hope you are having a great weekend Lynn.


We are in Chicago so my husband can run a half marathon today. It’s currently-10! My daughter and I are having brunch at American Girl while he races (oh and her doll is joining us of course). Hopefully it warms up a little bit so we can do some shopping!

Runs where you feel like you can keep going are the best! I hit up the treadmill again. (And the article you sent has definitely helped me with my form and back pain on the treadmill. Thank you!) I am looking forward to get outside soon to run again! How did Andrew like the French toast Gu?


Would you mind sharing that article here? I need to work on treadmill form as well!


Hey Kristin! We are on a road trip right now and I have it saved on my computer at home… I’ll send it to you when we get back home if that is okay! Have a wonderful weekend!


Here you go! https://www.bluehillspt.com/blog/Back-Pain-After-Running-on-a-Treadmill~3912.html


You are the best; thank you!


I hope he had a great race and I would love to take Brooke to the American Girl store! How fun. I’m so glad that article helped… back pain is the worst. He actually loved it! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend Corrinne!




Thank YOU! Have a great weekend!


When I saw the opening pic to your blog today I thought “Hey, I remember this!” When I first started reading, you lived with your mom and ran with them often. Brook was such a little tot back then. You were going through some rough stuff but your blog was still such an upbeat place to visit.

I have grandkids over until noon so we will be sledding in the back yard. Once they go home I have a 15 mile run. It’s so windy and cold (and still snowy) so I’m not looking forward to it. Then tonight I have to make soup because I’ll need to warm up from the inside out, I’m sure.

Have a wonderful Saturday!


Angie, thank you so so much for reading over the years.. that means a lot to me! Oh I hope your run goes great and it warms up a tiny bit. Enjoy that soup and I’m so glad you got to sled with your grandkids.. how fun!


Help! I need to know a bit more about your Nordictrack x22i incline trainer! I love the big screen, and I *think* I saw some “regular” (aka Netflix or Hulu) shows on there in one of your pics. But the adverts for it say it is only for the Nordictrack training. Can you use the built in screen for watching other stuff?

I’m in the market now and thought it would be great to have something that I did not have to bring my iPad with me.


Hey you! We really love it! The one problem is that the latest update has made the time and distance off… the speed is on but the display says something different if that makes sense. The display does not play Netflix etc (that would be awesome if it did)!


I hate feeling cold on a run, especially after you’ve stared sweating because then you just get colder! It also makes me tired even thinking about running that long. I know my body will adapt and I’ll be able to run that again but right now I’m wondering how I even ran a half marathon. This year I’m trying to decide between af canyon half and hobble creek half.


Nothing too exciting happening here, but that is ok! I’m still fighting this cold, but hoping to get out for 9 miles today and 20 miles tomorrow!! Hopefully the wind will die down a little too. Bit if not, I’ll just use it as resistance training… Ha ha
The rest of the day will probably include some house cleaning, and talks with my eldest about college!! He’s received 3 college acceptance letters so far!! Super exciting ?
Have a great day, and enjoy your few rest days!!


I saw your opening on the blog and thought, “I know those faces”, running friends are the best. I have gone to the gym, yay me, not an early exerciser but getting better, and am off to see my daughter swim in the HS Regional Swim meet to see if she qualifies for the state meet. (North Carolina) Then head over to see my son run an indoor track meet. He is seeking a good time in the 1600. College is right around the corner and he wants to run.


Hi Janae! I’m up to a favorite activity of mine on Saturday which is visiting my Dad who is in care about 1.5 hours from where I live. Today I wanted a good podcast to listen to and I tuned Into you and Andrew on Man Bun Run! What a fun interview. I loved the interaction between the three of you. You wrote today about obsessing over weather before the Ultra and in Man Bun Run you told how you obsessed before St George and the weather actually was good for you. So no worrying!! Keep the faith. Thanks for making my drive an enjoyable one today. Have a great day.


I am so glad that you get to visit your dad today! Have the best time with him:) Oh thanks for listening today and I’m glad we got to hang out with you:) I really need to not worry because it sure worked out last time. Have a wonderful weekend Gerri-Ann.


We went to watch my son play basketball in the 3/4 yo league (little kids sports are the cutest!!) In a little bit my son and I are going to our church to help organize food as it is dropped off. Parishioners make/buy the food and drop it off during a designated time to the church where it is organized then delivered to area shelters. Then time for a 9 mile run to kick off race training! I keep hoping it’ll magically crawl above 35 or that the sun will come out but that is not happening haha :) At least it’s not too windy or wet! Enjoy your rest days!!


You are crushing this training, Janae!!

First up: going to Costco Honolulu. They open at 9:00. Why can’t they open at 7:00??? I’m looking for great Hawaiian coffee at a Costco price ;)

Les is riding his bike with a buddy. We’ll meet up on the North Shore around lunch time. Coconut shrimp is calling my name.

Finally, it’s time to get my toes in the Pacific for the first time in 2019.


Wow, just a couple more miles and you could have run another marathon! That’s wild, I’ve never done a training run longer than 21.5 miles, I would be unable to walk the next day.

Yesterday and this morning my hip (my GOOD hip – or so I thought) was feeling super tight and sore, so I did a bunch of stretching, rolling, and glute activation and now it’s feeling better, hopefully it stays that way. This hip has been feeling fine for the last 5 months while my other one has given me frequent problems, but this week the pain completely switched sides! It’s the weirdest thing.

Also got in a good upper body workout and now I’m chilling before a 6-hour shift tonight. Have a good Saturday!


We are FREEZING (like breaking records freezing) and covered in snow (again breaking records!) so my CrossFit class was a nice cozy place to be this morning lol but I do miss outdoors running so much! Trampoline place with the little guy this afternoon then finally tasting that crockpot pot roast that has been cooking all day long in my kitchen (it just smells so good lol)


Wow, you are rocking this ultra training! Enjoy your rest days, you definitely deserve them ?

I got up early and hit the road for my 20-mile training run this AM. It was terrible ? It was one of those runs where I could not imagine how in the world I am going to do 6 additional miles at a much faster pace in only 5 weeks! I am chalking it up to just being my bad run of the training cycle – because there is always one, right? I think I also learned a valuable lesson in that a very difficult speed workout should not be accomplished 2 days before a 20 miler. That should have been common sense, but well ya know ?
The rest of the day will be spent recovering and doing homework!!
Enjoy your weekend, Janae!


I ran 16 miles today (marathon training!) which is the longest I have ever ran before. Miles 14-16 were really tough but it’s okay. Other few things I’m doing today are eating copious amounts of pasta with chickpeas, and going grocery shopping because I tragically underestimated my ice cream needs for the week. Pasta and ice cream are super foods when it comes to marathon training obviously.

Third thing will be laying horizontally for the rest of the day. Hah. 24 miles is crazy! Mad respect for you and your running crew!


Huge huge huge congrats on your longest run ever Savannah!! Enjoy all of your pasta, ice cream and recovering. You are rocking this marathon training!


My husband is a professional meteorologist and he always tells people not the check the weather until 4-5 days out from their event. Any earlier than that and it is prone to change and you’ll drive yourself crazy. He also tells people to use weather.gov as their source of weather information. Since the National Weather Service has local offices, the forecasters actually live in the area they’re forecasting for. An in depth knowledge of local geography is a huge asset in forecasting so they tend to be more accurate. Hope that helps with your weather goals!


That helps a lot, thank you SO much Claire for sharing this with me. Have a wonderful day!


I commented several weeks ago about buying my first pair of launches and being a new runner. I love the shoes so much and I just ran 6 miles this morning! I’m loving this new “hobby.” My question is, have you already, or will you do a post about pre and post run stretches that you do? My legs would love it:)


1) Long run – two stages but made it 16.6 miles. Slow with parts uphill into the wind (ow!) and parts wading through drifted snow but my legs were moving so it counts, right?
2) Nails done.
3) Wait up for teenager to get home from dance.


You’re incredible. The end. :)

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