Sometimes I Wonder How + Tuesday Tangents.

Good morning!

We got dumped on with snow a bit more over here which made for a very exciting run.

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I got ready to leave early in the morning but when I looked outside I knew that my odds were 100% of slipping if I attempted to run in the dark.  I waited until things were plowed a bit more and the sun was out to go for it.  I’m pretty sure that I didn’t look up during the entire run.  I take it nice and slow and watch every step when we have this type of weather.

Summer heat, I miss you terribly right about now.

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We had a very productive day of a whole lot of nothing together.

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While Skye was napping I wrapped her birthday presents and started making plans for her birthday party.  I decided that she wants my mom’s lasagna for her birthday party… even though she has never tried it.  I’m positive that it is in her DNA to love it (or maybe I’m just a selfish mom and really want to make my mom’s lasagna).

While I was wrapping her presents I started thinking about Brooke’s 1st bday party.  I had just moved into my parents’ basement and cried about 99% of my day for a few months trying to deal with everything at that time.  Skye is so busy and needing my constant attention right now, it made me wonder how in the world I survived that time of life when Brookester was so little.  That time of life taught me a whole lot and strengthened me beyond belief and I’m sure glad that things are the complete opposite in life right now with Skye’s 1st birthday party.  It’s going to be a lot of fun celebrating her with Andrew and the kids…

We went to TJ’s to get the kid’s presents for their teachers.

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Look what’s back—>  Sweet potato, chicken, bbq sauce & salsa.  I’m very happy this combo is back in my life again.

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Time for a few tangents:

*My brother (the pilot for Southwest) works a bunch of days in a row followed by a chunk of time off… which leaves him with too much free time.  His poor son.

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*She pierced her ears last winter and finally wanted to switch them out for the first time (she was very concerned switching them would feel like getting them pierced again).

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*Skye just recently started not liking the car… Has this ever happened with any of your kids?  She was totally fine with the car for a long time and then suddenly dislikes it strongly?  She is happy if I put my hand back and hold her hand while Andrew is driving but that’s about it lately.

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*Our date last week.  Kids to bed early, Crazy Rich Asians (WE BOTH LOVED THIS MOVIE… Andrew has been to Singapore a few times so he loved seeing some of his favorite spots on the movie too) and Two Jack’s Pizza.  The last time I had this pizza was when I was teaching high school and some of the teachers brought it in. I’ve thought about these cheese sticks ever since then.   This might be our goto pizza place now.

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*Brooke’s first grade pictures.  She is 6 going on 16.  A lot of you have noticed in my pictures but this little girl has all of the sudden looked so much older lately.

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*The ultra book I am reading is telling me that I need to be getting pedicures and massages often as part of my training… Fine, if you make me.

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*Our own personal Godzilla.  She finds so much satisfaction tearing apart the big kid’s train set creations and other projects and then throws her arms up in the air in victory.

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*I shared a service advent calendar on Sunday and here is another one too!  I heard this quote on Sunday night, “If you think you’re too small to make a difference then you’ve never spent the night with a mosquito.”  <— I LOVED THAT.  The little acts that we each do make the biggest differences in our world.

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*Found my long run fuel for this week;)   Already looking forward to a few hours with Andrew on the snowy trails!

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*I just love this picture.

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I would LOVE to hear a tangent from you!

Any advice for running on snowy trails?!

Do you wear jewelry often?  Have your ears pierced?  How often do you switch things up?

-I have my ears pierced but I probably only switch my earrings one or two times a year ha.

Favorite things to top your sweet potatoes with?

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Hi, I do wear Jewelry, but as soon as I get home I take everything off.
Ps I ran 1,5 km this morning. I had NO PAIN!! Will go again tomorrow. Have a great day!


1.5km… YOU. ARE. BACK. That ankle has healed and is ready to take you on adventures again. Thanks, Almarie… you too!


OK, your eyes look so gorgeous in your car selfie! And I love those Scandinavian Swimmers—so good!

Putting avocado, chicken, provolone cheese, and ketchup on a sweet potato makes me happy :)

Tuesday Tangent: A young man at the hospital last night thought I was 22, which made this 34-year-old feel not so ancient. Ha! Hope you have a great day, Janae!!


Oh thank you Natalie! WHY WERE YOU AT THE HOSPITAL!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!


Great post, Janae! I love the service calendar. Last week, I made a kindness advent calendar for our family to do this month. It’s so wonderful to see how the kids are getting into it. And I am getting into it as well. It is so true about what you always say that if you take time to be grateful for what you have and get outside of yourself, things start to feel better.
You are an amazing and inspiring person, and I am so happy that you get to celebrate Skye’s 1 year old birthday with Andrew and your lovely family. Enjoy!


Oh I love that you made a kindness advent calendar… that is so great that you are doing this! My mom always told me when I was struggling with a problem that I needed to get outside myself and help solve someone else’s problem (and go volunteer or do something like that) and it always made things better in my life too <-- you are SO right. Oh thank you Mary, I hope you have a beautiful Tuesday!


Thank you for the lovely response, Janae! Have a wonderful day!


I love to mix a mashed sweet potato with some peanut butter and a little bit of maple syrup. Makes an awesome breakfast that tastes like dessert!


I have never tried that combo… can’t wait! THANKS JESS. Have a great day.


Tuesday tangent: find a running partner that loves talking about holiday baking as much as you- the miles fly by! Gearing up for my annual cookie exchange party soon?

Trail running tip in the snow…stay in the powder and carry Trax on your running belt to switch in a pinch.

My daughter got her ears pierced in kindergarten. I have noticed the earring changes increase during the holidays and taking them out for sports…so many cute earrings and so little time!

I absolutely love salsa and hummus mixed into my baked seeet potatoes!

Have an awesome day!


Hahaha I want to join you and your running partner to talk about holiday baking while running! I also want to come to that party:) Great tips… THANK YOU! I just bought some and they will get here soon. I think that is why Brooke finally wanted to change her hearings–> Christmas earrings!
Thanks Jenny, you too.


Yaktrax wrap over your shoes like little cleats for grip when running on snowy trails.
I ran early yesterday and it had snowed so I ran in the street (opposite direction) and just moved over a bit to the shoulder when a car came. I know not so safe but I live in a suburb so it wasn’t too busy.
I have so much jewelry and rarely change things ya unless I’m going out and dressing up!
I have an awesome sweet potato chili recipe I can post if you like! Good luck with ultra training!!


THANK YOU and I just bought some on Amazon… they get hear on Thursday! I WOULD LOVE THAT RECIPE… PLEASE. Thank you and have a great day Jackie.


I live in Texas now, so I probably won’t be much help with the snowy trails thing, but when I was in college in Ohio my mom got me these things called YakTrax that were little rubber things you stretched over your shoes and had metal spirals underneath, to provide you traction in the snow. I never ran with them but I did use them walking around on campus a few times and I think they helped!
I do wear jewelry daily, usually this rose gold chain necklace with a small filigree heart. It’s special to me because I bought it as a self-present when I found out my ex-husband had been having an affair. But it doesn’t represent that negativity to me at all, and so it’s kind of symbolic of my ability to move forward in life and stay strong, and choose love and positivity. Because since then, I’ve happened to be wearing it for almost all my major joyful life moments – meeting my new husband, some of our amazing dates and trips together, proposing to him (yes…you read that right! I knew what I wanted!), getting married again this time in a wonderful supportive and healthy relationship, finding out I was pregnant…the list goes on. :)
I have a couple questions for you and your readers!
– Reading about Brooke’s earrings makes me wonder – what do you think about piercing a baby girl’s ears? My parents pierced mine when I was six months old and I have never regretted that. But for my daughter, who’s four months old, I feel it would be more respectful of her to allow her to make the decision for herself when she’s older, if that’s what she wants. On the other hand, doing it now while she’s too little to mess with it would make it easy to clean/care for and avoid infection, etc.
– What does your book say about pedicures?? I have always avoided them because I feel like they remove my hard-earned running callouses (gross, I know) and make my feet susceptible to blisters! But maybe I’ve been wrong this whole time?! Is there a running benefit?
Have an awesome day, Janae & family!


AWESOME… thank you Kelly and I just purchased some on Amazon! Thank you for telling me about your necklace. I absolutely love that.and I love the beautiful story of your life. I am so happy for you. It’s crazy how things all work out.
Good Q about piercing ears on babies… my mom had us choose when we got older so that is just what we did with Brooke. It would have been a lot easier though to do it when she was just little ha.
About pedicures.. she says, “I am a firm believer in regular pedicures for everyone… but it is the soaking, scrubbing, de-callusing, moisturizing and massaging aspects of a pedicure that are the most beneficial. Calluses are feedback relating where the most stresses are being placed on your feet and there are a variety of opinions on what to do about them. Some feel they are hard earned and protect our feet, while other runners are disgusted by excess, dead skin. I feel there is a happy medium and I tend toward the less-is-more end of the spectrum. A blister forming under an excessive callus is even more painful than a surface blister.” I think she thinks they are good but to keep them to a minimum and she recommends a PedEgg to help them stay smaller.
I think I’m going to follow her lead and go for more pedicures;) Have a beautiful day!


I got my ears pierced when I was 12 and I wore earrings everyday until I was prey for the first time and suddenly earrings started irritating my ears and would leave scabs. I should probably get some better quality earrings haha. Now I only wear them once in a while

That picture of your nephew is hilarious! Poor kid. He seems like a good sport :)


REALLY!?! I have never heard of them doing that… pregnancy does the craziest things to us! Hahah he really is:) Have a great day Jenny and don’t go outside today;)


Oh your brother is hilarious!!! And what a good son for playing along with his goofball dad!
I wish, sometimes, that I had winter weather to run in regularly! I think it would make me tougher, ha!
Brooke really is looking grown up! I felt that when my boys were in 1st grade, so in school all day, that they suddenly grew up!
Can’t wait to hear everything you have planned for Skye’s 1st birthday party!!
Have a good Tuesday Janae ?


YES… the school all day thing has really made her look older. Thank you Wendy and come visit me in Utah and run with me in this weather;) IT’S 12 DEGREES TODAY (I am a wuss).

Thanks, you too!


I always wear earrings..I feel naked without them, and lipgloss haha..but I take them out every night before I go to sleep. And then just my wedding ring, sometimes a small necklace. Curious, what do you get for teacher gifts? I usually always do gift cards but nice to find some other ideas:) Have a good day!


Ashley! This year we are giving them Cafe Rio gift cards (100% of Utahns love that restaurant;), the chocolate covered jojo’s and a candle (that is what Brooke chose out for them when we were there). I hope you never have to have chapped lips… I understand your obsession with lip gloss:) Have a great day!


Do you genuinely love the summer heat more than the cold???? That is just craziness to me. Being in Florida I would take freezing over summer any day ;) I have never run on snow though so I can’t say much ;)

I wear earrings every day, mostly pearls and I always wear them when I run so my old run club nicknamed me ‘girl with the pearls.’ I change them every now and then. ;)

Have a great day!


Our heat is SO much different than yours… we have a very dry heat and today it is 12 degrees outside so I really miss the heat haha. BUT in Florida… I can’t even imagine your humidity. I would die. Enjoy these months of running in Florida (although, it still might be hot, right?)! Hahaha I need some good pearl earrings:) Have a great day Eleanor!


Oh yes that is a very fair statement, the humidity here makes it basically unable to breathe outside during the summer, haha. So heat without that would be more pleasant. I live in Northwest Florida (super close to Alabama line) which is the BEST because yes, the rest of Florida is still hot and in 70s, but we get some 30s Nov-Feb and its perfect running weather for a few months!! Today is 58/37 which is very nice;)


Laughed out loud to the text from your brother. Also, LOVE Scandinavian Swimmers!


How have I waited so long to try them… they are amazing! Have a wonderful day Samantha!


Screw shoes ( are good for traction on snowy runs! I like them better than yaktrax, which pinch my toes.


I literally just bought yaktrax on Amazon… now I need to try this too. Looks awesome. Thanks Isla!


I laughed so hard at your brothers post about his son!!! That is hilarious!!!

I take my earrings out every night because I find them uncomfortable to sleep in. But I normally put the same ones back in each day. I want to get my daughters ears pierced (she’s 3) but I want her to ask, I don’t want to suggest it.

Not a tangent, but I just wanted to share the fact that the shortest day of the year is only 3 weeks away and then the days start to get longer again!! Struggling with winter blues over here in Michigan and I can’t wait for spring and summer!!!


Wait really… that is so good to hear! Three more weeks and then we are on the upswing:) Thanks for sharing that and I think that is a great idea with your daughter. Have a beautiful day and drink some extra hot chocolate today!


You should get some Icebug shoes for the snow and icy running days. They are trail shoes with spikes. My pair is even waterproof which is nice, but I think they stopped making this edition.


Okay, those look really awesome… and only $67. Thanks for sharing them with me, I love that they are waterproof too (I HATE COLD TOES).


I’m still trying to make myself like sweet potato’s. I’m wondering if I’m not piling enough stuff on them. I should try this combo. Wow, Skye almost 1 already !! Seems like we were just all trying to guess her name. Jewelry, oiy, always been allergic to most jewelry. Saves the hubby lots of stress and money, but it’s not fun. I wear the same very few items, but earrings bother me most, so I seldom wear them. And those are what I would prefer to wear most often ! Figures. lol I loved your brothers text, too funny.


YES… add more stuff and you should like it better!! Oh boo about being allergic to jewelry! Thank you Michele and I hope your day is a great one!


Your brother’s birthday post is HILARIOUS!!!

Brooke is definitely getting older! I have a just turned 7 year old so i know the feeling! ?


He really is out of control… he posted it on facebook too so I’m sure my nephew just loved that haha;) AHHH 7… doesn’t it feel like they were just crawling around? Have a beautiful day Laura!


I now like your brother as much as I like you!!! HA HA! That post is absolutely hilarious!!!! The kids get cuter everyday!!! It’s a shame we do not live closer – some day our moms should have a lasagna show-down! I think my Mom makes the best in the world too! LOL Hugs!


You should like him way more… he is so funny! We need to find a way to have a lasagna competition to find the best one (and I just really want to try your mom’s lasagna now too:) Have a great day Ann!


It’s crazy how life changes isn’t it? I’m getting used to running in the snow to since my treadmill broke and I’m not sure when we’re replacing it since we’re starting to finish the basement. I need more winter running clothes. All the snow has made skiing so much fun though. We had a sitter come this weekend and my husband and I were able to ski Park City alone. It was awesome!


IT BROKE!?! NOOOO I am so sorry! We need to copy you guys for a ski date, that sounds like the absolute best. Have a beautiful day!


We watched Crazy Rich Asians over the weekend…. loved it. I read the book and I am currently reading the second one. They are long but really good! The books wasn’t exactly like the movie, but pretty similar. Do you have waterproof trail shoes? They are game changer for running in snow and keeping your toes warm.

I change my earrings daily. I love earrings especially big dangly ones! And I usually only top my sweet potatoes with butter and brown sugar. For some reason the sound of bbq sauce on my sweet potato sounds awful.


I don’t have those but they sure sound absolutely perfect to me… I hate cold toes! Which ones do you have? I’ll stop showing pictures of my bbq/sweet potatoes:) I can’t wait to try butter and brown sugar!! Have a great day!


I went for a run Saturday and it was a bit icy… I think the hopping around adds to the workout lol.

That picture of Skye and Andrew will need to make an appearance when she graduates high school! :)

I miss sweet potatoes with chicken and bbq sauce. We used to have those a lot more when my daughter was little and my husband worked 2nd shift. Time to get them back in the rotation!

Have a great day!


It definitely adds to the workout and builds new muscles:) Yes, add them back into the dinner rotation and give me ideas for all of the other nights please haha! Thanks, you too!


Greetings from North Dakota!

Running in the snow is a guarantee around here.

I know you just bought a pair of Yak Trax, but another great over the shoe option is the Due North brand:

Some people don’t like how YakTrax feel on their feet when running, and I have to say that the Due North cleats don’t bother me at all. I should confess that I am a little biased, since Due North is based right here in Grand Forks. :)

Screws in the soles of your shoes are also a great alternative, again, if you find that you don’t like the feeling of cleats strapped to your shoes.

These are also EXCELLENT options for moments when you find yourself out for a run in icy (but not necessarily snowy) conditions.

Happy running to you!


Those look AWESOME! I’m going to have to try those out too. I am going to think about you when I’m complaining about the cold because I bet you guys have CRAZY winters! Thanks and keep in touch and happy running to you too!


OK that sweet potato concoction–which you have had on your blog a million times now–just sounds ridiculously good to me right now. Last night I made a whole bunch of meal prep to carry me through this week (a sort of italian/sausage pizza inspired casserole of spaghetti squash mixed with shredded spinach, ricotta, shredded buffalo mozz, mild Italian spinach, and sugar-free pasta sauce and a mixture of dried Italian herbs, garlic powder, onion powder, and some red pepper flakes…), but I think next week is going to HAVE TO BE all about sweet potato/chicken/BBQ sauce/spinach…and goat cheese because that sounds really good to me right now.

I love that Brooke and Knox get their teachers gifts. As a college teacher–we never get gifts! I’m just happy when my students turn their assignments in on time without a major epic “life is so hard” breakdown and when my students actually do the assignment they’re supposed to do instead of–oh–the one they think they want to do or outright turning in a copy of their philosophy/sociology/political science/etc essay in to my class and hope I won’t notice. ;)

A tangent for you: today is my English department’s holiday potluck lunch, and I made peanut butter balls (my husband’s mom’s recipe) because they’re easy, inexpensive, and a crowd-pleaser. There are some very hard and heartbreaking ways that my university administration is teaching my position (and every other lecturer in my department in my same professional designation…), but I will not take that out on my department! They love these peanut butter balls, so they deserve these peanut butter balls!!! :)


How about you come meal prep for me too:) YOU SHOULD BE GETTING GIFTS! Hahaha I am really hoping that this month your students turn in everything on time and properly:) Hahah I’m glad you took the pb balls, they sound amazing!


I used to use the snow chain things that stretched over my running shoes when I lived in the midwest. I’m not sure where they’re from because some gave them to me, but they were amazing and made me so much more relaxed because I didn’t have to worry as much about slipping! (I mean, I still worried. Just not as much.)

I like mashing up a sweet potato with peanut or almond butter, spices, and raisins, and eating it as a meal. So good!

Tangent: I am going to go to a new-to-me running club tonight . . . I’m so nervous!!! But excited! Been psyching myself up for it for several days now.


Okay, your sweet potato combo sounds amazing! GOOD LUCK TONIGHT… have the best time and I am so excited for you to make new running friends!


It definitely does not snow where I live, it hasn’t snowed since 1999. Ha. I would freak out if I had to run on snowy trails, but like anything else I assume you would acclimate to it.

I typically wear my wedding ring and a necklace that my BFF and I both have and that’s it. I am all about simple jewelry! And my wedding ring comes off the minute I get home and I don’t wear it when I work out, although I do have a tattoo on my ring finger.

Sweet potatoes are my fav! I love them with a bit of honey, or savory with chicken, cheese, and bbq sauce or just a bit of salt.


Oh that is crazy that it hasn’t snowed for almost 20 years… come run with me in Utah for a bit:) I’m with you on the simple jewelry! I need to try a sweet potato with honey, that sounds so good!


Haha omg the earring thing- that’s so funny I would not have thought that’d be an issue that she thought it would hurt all over again! I take my earrings out every single night before I go to bed and put them in again in the morning. I can not standddd wearing earrings while I sleep. But I wear the same earrings 99% of the time. Is this weird ?? Hahaha


I don’t think it is weird at all… I think it is weird that I don’t even notice them jabbing into the side of my head when I sleep ha. Have a great day Krista!


I’m sorry Skye doesn’t like the car anymore. Is she still in her infant carrier? If so, it might help to switch to a convertible where she can sit more upright. I love my Graco Extend2Fit. Easy to install and lets you rear-face taller babies longer – I think to 49”. Good luck!


I didn’t even think about that… I think you just solved the problem. THANK YOU Mary Ann for helping me! Have a wonderful day.


I have pierced ears and I wear my diamond studs almost every day. I feel naked without them. I take off my necklace and watch at night, and my rings for running (my hands swell up, and it feals better running without). I got my ears pierced when I was about 14. My mom was against it, and I had to campaign for it. Funny story is that not a year later she met her second husband and got her own ears pierced! My daughter wanted her ears pierced when she was 6, we were at the jewellers to get them done, but then she got a bit scared so we waited a year. She also almost always wears the same earrings.
My husband brought home leftover pizza from work and it was amazing! I love running in the snow, but it doesnt snow here often, so I just go slow and try to run on paths instead of on more slippery roads.
I went to pt again today, after two weeks of stretching that didn’t really make my hamstring feel better he massaged it today. It immediately felt more flexible. I was allowed to run, but slowly, so I did this afternoon. It made me very happy! Even though I would have been fine with rest, I really was missing not being able to run already. (I hope you know what I mean). My pt also sent me the link to the Ted talk by Christopher McDougall (Are we born to run?). Interesting!
Have a great day and a lovely birthday week!


“I had to campaign for it” haha I love it and I love that she got her own ears pierced too!
I AM SO HAPPY that the massage was able to make it feel better and that you got out for a run! That is the best. I’ve listened to that talk too… it’s really cool. Thank you Eva, I hope your week is great too!


Have you tried putting Scandinavian swimmers in the freezer? Incredible! :)


As soon as I push publish on my reply, I walking over to the freezer to put them in. Thank you, I cannot wait.


Yesss! The best. Have a great day!


What do you buy at TJs for schoolteacher gifts? I’m looking for gifts too. We don’t have TJs though.


Hey Mary! We are giving them a gift card to Cafe Rio, a candle and chocolate! Have a wonderful day.


I guess my tangent is that I’m still torn between committing to my marathon next Saturday or waiting a few weeks for another one in hopes that I’ll feel more prepared. Over the summer I did run a marathon that I was 100% unprepared for and it went great… but I’m a bit more nervous about injury now haha.

I eat sweet potatoes almost every day and I only put salt and cinnamon on them. I like barbecue sauce but nope, not on vegetables!


I hate that you are in this limbo right now. I hope so bad you are able to do it but there are a million other races out there and we just get one body:) I need to try the salt and cinnamon combo. Have a great day Grant and good luck!


Yeah it’s frustrating… I won’t be heartbroken if I have to skip this race and do another one in a few weeks except that I’ll feel less trained. If my lower legs felt good I’m pretty sure I could PR right now! Thanks for your support, I’ll let you know what I decide to do!


We had my dad’s lasagna for my daughter’s first birthday party, too! I think that was a mom choice I just got to make:)

And not gonna lie, I had to bust out my calculator to figure out how old your nephew was haha!


Bahahah we were all confused too because we were like, but it’s not his birthday? 15.5ish years old haha! We have to take advantage of the time they don’t really have a say so we can make our favorite foods;) I need your dad’s recipe to try it out!


I work at a University and always run here on my lunch break. They are the best about having the sidewalks plowed for students to get around, much better than the city as a whole! It’s a big campus, too, so plenty of miles to cover, but I guess that doesn’t help your trail problem!


OMG laughing so hard at the 187 months old!! I remember begging my parents to get my ears pierced and they finally let me when I was 10 years old. I had a huge problem with my ears getting infected all the time, which I discovered was due to wearing cheap non gold earrings. My fiancé bought me a nice pair of diamond earrings a couple years ago and honestly I never change them. I don’t really like dangle earrings, just plain studs. Actually I know what my Christmas present is…some sapphire stud earrings, but they were custom made at a jewelry store so I don’t know what they look like, we just went together to purchase them months ago. I can’t wait to see them on Christmas morning.


I love all the photos in this post! Brooke is so grown up and Skye is so adorable! Can’t believe she’s nearly one!! I have so much respect for anyone who runs in the snow. We don’t get much here so when we do get some everyone grinds to a halt! I didn’t risk running in snow or ice last year (unless it was only in patches and I could see clearly and run round it!) but this year I’m desperate to hit a mileage milestone and am really hoping it doesn’t snow or freeze in December! I almost never change my earrings – I just never get round to it. Sweet potato toppings – I like cottage cheese with salad leaves, avocado and balsamic dressing, but I’ve also been channelling hungry runner girl lately, and going for scrambled eggs, cheese and spinach or mushrooms lately. I never added cheese to eggs before I started reading your blog ?


My advice for running in the snow is to try cross country skiing ;) Only half kidding. I prefer running with screws or studs in the bottom of my shoes. I have YakTrax and love them for walking my dog or shoveling, but they aren’t as comfortable for running (although I did run with them for years before I tried the studs). But when the snow is deep, I’ll take xc skiing over post-holing any day!
Also, we try to find trails where the snowmobiles have been. They usually pack out a nice even running surface and the texture helps when it’s icy.


Good evening! I like my sweet potatoes roasted with Brussels sprouts and bacon ? I am a relatively new reader of the blog and I am a high school teacher; I love learning that you used to teach, too. Such a fun profession.
I run my second marathon ever on Sunday (I’m 24 and ran my first 3 years ago) and I’m shooting for a 4:20 finish. You are so inspiring and I love your posts. BTW- I live in Dallas, TX and can’t imagine running in those conditions so KUDOS to you! I am hoping the weather stays in the 40’s for the race because I am a wimp when it gets below that?


This is random but where did you get Brooke’s boots! Are they the Sperry ones? Thanks for always brightening my day with your posts!

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