Sentence Per Picture!

In case you need to catch up with last week… the top 3 most viewed posts were:

*We Celebrated Christmas + Goals out of SELF-LOVE.

*My BIGGEST Tip for the Holiday Season + Our Store.

*Friday Favorites, a Dilemma & I’m That Person!!


Skye is officially the #1 fan of continental breakfasts.

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Her Christmas best… We went to church with my family and my brother is the bishop (ie the pastor/leader) of their congregation so it was really cool to see him do that.

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When you forget to pack your high heels.

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She didn’t love the doll stroller ha.

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They made 110 rolls for all of us and we went through them all.

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Along with ham, fruits, veggies and chips.

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We drove home and Andrew is not feeling super great… hoping he starts feeling better asap!

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Ready for bed after a weekend of partying.

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I’m tempted to just use my no-bake pb cookies that I made last night for fuel.

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But I guess I’ll use this stuff today instead.

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Merry Christmas Eve (below picture from Brooke’s school program where she wore her ‘It’s My B-Day” shirt under her sweatshirt so everyone thought it was her birthday).

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I hope you have a beautiful day!

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Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!?❤️


Thank you so much and Merry Christmas to YOU!


Aww poor Andrew! Hope it is nothing serious (or contagious!). And I’d rather forget the heels than the snickers lol Have a good Christmas Eve!


Thank you Mel! Turns out my whole family is coming down with it… OH NO!!! Thanks and YOU TOO!


I want those PB no-bake cookies!! :) Merry Christmas to y’all, Janae!♥️


I need to mail them to you! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family!


Oh no! This is not the time to be sick, I hope he feels better soon!

I’m glad you got to spend time with your whole family! That’s one of my favorite things in the whole world!


It really is the absolute best. Thank you so much Jenny! I hope today and tomorrow are perfect for you and your family!


Merry Christmas to you and your family ❤️?


Thank you Wendy! Merry Christmas to you all!


I hope you and your beautiful family have a very Merry Christmas, Janae! Also, I’m sending positive healing vibes to Andrew- it’s no fun feeling under the weather during the holidays.


Thank you SO much Kimberly, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too!


Hope Andrew feels better soon! I also came down sick on Saturday while we were driving to my moms house. Fever was the worst while having to sit in a car for hours. When we finally arrived i basically went to bed. Spent the next day mostly lounging around as well. Today i feel better, no fever, yay! Still just a cough and runny nose. Seems a nasty cold is going around.

Merry Christmas Eve!!


Oh Laura, I hope that you feel better 100% asap. Fevers are the worst! Have a wonderful Christmas Eve and thank you!


I totally think you should! When I was pregnant with my older son, I lived in NC and homeade no bakes are often found at farmer’s markets and even convenience stores. I had horrible nausea but could easily eat and keep down no bakes. Good fuel :)


That is crazy… the no bakes were one of the only foods that I didn’t feel sick with when I was pregnant with Brooke. CRAZY… I think you are on to something:) . Have a wonderful Christmas!


First, Skye in that outfit is just the cutest!
I love your dress/or is it a shirt? in that first picture. Where did you get it?
I hope Andrew feels better ASAP. Being sick on Christmas is so lame.
I hope you guys have a great Christmas! Love you!


It’s from Roolee! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW WITH EVERYTHING. I love you. Next week let’s get together please!


Merry Christmas to you and your family! Have been following your blog for years and just wanted to say I very much appreciate everything you share such as recipes, books, motivational quotes, podcasts, running advice, nutrition/running advice, and life stories. ?


April, thank you so so much for taking the time to tell me this. It means a lot. keep in touch and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

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