My Siblings All Together + Ultra Training Weekly Summary!

All of my siblings and all of the cousins (except for Brooke and my nephew that is on a mission in Texas) together in Vernal, Utah!

Things started with a seven mile run but I have no idea what the pace was because I left my Garmin at home and I’m writing this at my brother’s house:)

WE HAVE A TWENTY MILER THIS WEEK!  I need a good podcast or two please for those miles!

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I came home to stretch and Skye joined me with some yoga.  She went into downward dog right before Andrew took this picture.  Maybe I have a yoga master on my hands…

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Next stop… Vernal.  We wanted to leave when Skye normally goes down for a nap because we thought that she would sleep the 2.5 hour drive there.  Nope, instead she set a world record for repeating mama, snacking and wanting to be out of the car.

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We all met at the movie theater.  My brother took us all to see Marie Poppins Returns.

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It was such a cute little theater, I had to take a picture of it.

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Skye was thrilled for the movie but didn’t last long.

PS we absolutely loved the movie.  It was so good.  I’ll be taking Brookie as soon as she gets home, she will love it.

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Later on we went out to dinner.  We tried to avoid being outside as much as possible because it is so much colder in Vernal compared to where we live.  Knox has two boy cousins on this side of the family that he is obsessed with so he is with them the whole time we are all together.

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We went to a buffet and these rolls were the highlight.  Andrew and I plowed through a few baskets of them ourselves.  Also, does anyone else ever use two salad dressings on one salad?

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And then we hung out at my brother’s house for a while.  My sis-in-law is a concert pianist and she played for us. It was incredible.  WHY DID I QUIT PIANO LESSONS?!?  I wish I still played.

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My marathon training brother’s shirt from Brooks.  I love it.

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I’m sure you are missing Brooke too so of course I’ll include a picture.  She is having a great time and I’m grateful for the updates I get throughout the day.

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Another week of ultra training is done and done (race day is 3 months away)!  This next week is going to be kind of tough with higher mileage but luckily we can get it in while the big kids are gone and during Skye’s naps (ie I’ll do 6 miles on my own then we will put Skye down at my mom’s house and then do 14 miles together. Then I’ll go get Skye while he finishes up his long run).

It’s kind of like a jigsaw puzzle figuring out both of us training for this with three kids but so far it has all worked great.

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Monday:  14 miles @ 9:04 average on the trails with Andrew.

Tuesday:  12.4 miles @ 8:39 average with lots of hills.

Wednesday:  8 miles @ 8:45 average pace.

Thursday:  7.2 miles @ 8:30

Friday:  8 miles @ 8:15

Saturday:  7 miles @ 8:25

Sunday:  OFF!

56.6 miles total.

My plan called for a specific hill workout this last week but it didn’t happen.  I’ve just felt like easy miles this week and I put in plenty of hills and got in the long runs but my body just wasn’t feeling like pushing it really hard so I didn’t:)


Any podcast recommendations for my 20 miler?

What are your plans today?

What was the last movie that you saw?

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I saw Mary Poppins with the entire Pre-k hallway of my daughter’s daycare on Friday. We all loved it too. I’ve never heard an entire theater of 3 and 4 year olds be so quiet for that long!

We are off to family Christmas #2 today. Have a great weekend with your family!


Not a pod cast, but I did my nyc 18 miler to the Hamilton Soundtrack. It sings like a story

Amazing to have so many family members together!

I watched the original Mary Poppins last night with my kids. We are going to see the new one with my sister next week.

I’m meet my best friends from high school for a run later. Then making cookies.

Merry Christmas!!!!


List to the Deck the Hallmark podcast! Three men are watching all 37 Hallmark Christmas movies and they review each one. One LOVES the movies; one likes the movies; and one despises the movies. You don’t have to watch the movies and whether you like them or not, you will find yourself laughing out loud!


I second what Mary said about Hamilton. I’ve used that soundtrack for many runs. As far as podcasts go, have you listened to Escaping NXIVM? That will keep you engaged. Lots of holiday prep today. Trying to get some cooking done early so we can enjoy our family more when they come tomorrow. Merry Christmas!


“COLD” podcast Season 2! I just started it on our road trip yesterday and it is crazy!


Have you listened to In the Dark? It’s REALLY good, and there are so many things that will make you angry, which will help fuel your running. Another good one is The Golden Ratio. They have five golden retrievers (Brooke would love their IG and Twitter pics), but Jen is also an ultra runner. She doesn’t care about time as much, but I always like hearing about her races.
I’m getting over a cold, so it will just be grocery shopping, wrapping presents and laying low for me. Enjoy your time with your family!


We can’t wait to see Mary Poppins. Good to hear it’s a good one.

Several people I know have recommended Dr Death podcast. Haven’t listened to it myself but plan to soon. It’s about a doctor who did illegal brain surgeries or something like that.

I am a condiment girl. The more dressings the better.


I’m sure you’ve already discovered Trail Runner Nation but if not, I highly recommend it. For runs that long I prefer audiobooks. My two favorite running related ones are Nowhere Near First by Cory Reese and My Year of Running Dangerously by Tom Foreman.

Today is Christmas at our house but I will be starting of with 15 miles. Leaving soon, but I usually start my day with your blog.

I don’t like movie theaters much. The last one might have been the first Fantastic Beasts movie.


Have you listened to Dirty John? SO good. I also have recently been loving Dax Shepard’s “Armchair Expert” podcast…he’s funny and adorable. I suggest listening to the very first one with his wife Kristen Bell, and the one with his mom!


We have two movies on the watch list a Bumblebee for my son and M-Pop for me. I can practically quote the 1964 version so I’m on the fence about anything new. No podcast recommendations – I usually do music. Off to church now and then the movies. Have a great day!!


I’m going to try and get 14 miles done now. For some reason, my body has not wanted to do long runs this week. I’m sure it’s because I’ve been trying to get the house ready for our family to be here Christmas Eve and Christmas day, so we’ll see how the run goes…
Then I will spend the rest of the day prepping food, and last few little cleaning tasts.
How fun you get to be with your whole family! Enjoy, enjoy!
Oh, and I did see on your IG story yesterday your sis-in-law playing the piano…. Incredible!


Have you listened to the Ginger Runner podcasts? Interviews of all sorts of ultramarathoners! His films are good too. Another vote for Dr Death and In The Dark. Some Knows Something is great with many seasons of interesting stories.


Plans today include staying in my pjs by the fire place and doing some writing. I feel as though I am coming down with something so we will will lay low! :)

Last movie we saw – Bird in Box with Sandra Bullock – it is a thriller and a date night movie for the grownups:).

Have a fantastic day Janae and happy running! Looks like you are all enjoying Christmas festivities..


I’m at work today, but I’ll be doing a treadmill speed work session when I get home (it’s tooooo cold and icy to do it outside).

The Humans of Ultrarunning podcasts with Candice Burt are pretty good. It’s fairly new but there’s a few hours worth!


Hi Janae!! I ran 12 miles today. We live in Alexandria, VA, so I ran from our apartment into DC and around the Mall, and then took the Metro home. The rest of the day will be spent playing with the kids, who received some of their Christmas presents today, including a Nintendo Classic :-)
We want to go see Mary Poppins this week with extended family. It sounds great!
My favorite podcasts for long runs are This American Life, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, and the TED Radio Hour. They make the miles fly!


Just watched “A Beautiful Mind”. It’s based on a true story about a bipolar mathematician. Excellent!

Brooke’s shoes are precious in that picture.


Have you ever listened to Time Out For Women talks from the Deseret Bookshelf? I just listened to Alissa Parker and Wendy Ulrich’s talks and they were SO good!!!!!


Oh my gosh YES Mary Poppins was so good!! my family and I saw it today. And if you haven’t listened to any Real Talk Radio with Nicole Antoinette, go download some of her podcast episodes!!


I love podcasts but I’m having a hard time finding one to ‘stick with’ throughout a run lately. I keep flipping. Maybe it’s just me. I’m finding I want something with more substance lately. I love Lindsey Hein’s podcast but even those aren’t doing it, it’s not enough for me to learn about another marathoner and her life.

Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations (which I’m sure you know about), The Rise podcast (with Rachel Hollis), Tina Muir’s (especially the one with Siri Lindsay!) and a business podcast for my profession are making the cut lately.

I’m curious if you listen to any Business type podcasts for your blog/line of work?


Hey Jen! Maybe take a break from podcasts for a few weeks?! And then when you come back to them they will feel exciting? Try a book or music or nada and hopefully that will fire things up again. Do you listen to Ali on the Run?!? The only business type podcasts I listen to are the ones that Rachel Hollis does! If you have heard of any other good ones for my area let me know! I mainly just talk to a lot of other bloggers out there and try to learn from each other. I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday!


I’m enjoying Tina Muir’s running 4 real, rambling runner, and a local running store’s podcast called seconds flat. ?


I just got that Run Jolly shirt! It’s so fun and comfortable.

Our theater always shows free Christmas movies in December and we went last weekend to watch A Christmas Story – it was so fun to see on the big screen.


Hi janae! Just wondering – where are your sunglasses from (in the pic from you guys at the movie theater)? They’re so cute!


Hi hope your doing well i have a product that is grate got women trying to get fit i hope it will help i will leave the link in the below thanks and have a good day

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