Too Far + Another Goal + My Trail Running Tips.

My favorite date so far and Andrew’s least favorite date so far;)

Below might be why it wasn’t his favorite…  he actually enjoyed parts ha but miles 3-4 were rough.

We were able to get in some great talking (minus the 3-4 portion) and this once a week date thing has been so good for us (THANK YOU SISSY FOR TRADING WITH US).  It’s so easy for us to fall into knowing each other as the mom and dad role best with three little kids but taking time once a week (and putting the kids to bed early at night too) to be Janae and Andrew (and not even talk about the kids) is amazing for us.

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Gotta love the view from the top.

I’m one step closer to my goal… I only stopped for 2 short breaks during the Y climb (1100 ft up in 1.1 miles).  It hurt so good/bad.

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A few things that I think help me with trail running:

*Wear the right shoes.  Trail running (on a technical course especially) in normal running shoes would be very tough for me.  Trail shoes help provide more stability, grip the trail and the rock plates help you to not feel every rock that you step on.  The Mazamas are my favorite.

*A lot of times I don’t listen to anything on the trails because I need to not be distracted… I need to pay attention to where I am and avoid tripping.

*Take your dog, a friend, your run angel, let people know where you are going, bear spray, run on trails that other runners/hikers are on… stay safe!

*Feet up.  When I’m tired (which happens a lot on trails because of all of the ups and downs) I don’t lift up my feet very much which results in tripping.  I try to pay attention to driving my knees up during trail runs (which lifts my feet up too) and that helps me avoid tripping over a rock or root.

*Keep a high stride pace so that you can react to changes in the trail quickly.  A high stride rate lowers your chances of falling.

*Be okay with walking.  Trails are hard and taking a break to hike/walk/rest is a-okay.  All of those hills you are doing are making you crazy strong and even the best ultra marathoner/trail runners take breaks to walk/hike.

*Keep your eyes down and SCANNING for all of the obstacles ahead.

*When it gets hard, just remember how crazy strong it is making you.  You are working so many different muscles and your stabilizer muscles which results in strength, speed and injury prevention!  The dirt is better for your joints too:)  Embrace the challenge… I think that is what I love most about trail running right now= the extra challenge.

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At the base of the Y portion (the down is hard too because you are braking yourself from rolling down the mountain) Andrew said that his legs were completely numb.  He could no longer feel them but about an hour after finishing he said he wants to do this once a week.

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Someday I will remember to take my Garmin off first before I try to take off a layer and get my arm completely stuck.  While we were running the thought crossed my brain that I would really love to do a 50 mile trail race someday.  Don’t quote me on this haha but a fire might be ignited.

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Runs starting after 8 a.m. definitely require caffeine.  How my body has more energy at 5 something in the morning vs any other time of day is strange.

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As we were walking Brooke into school she noticed we were all wearing running shoes so that was fun.  Skye went over to my sister’s for the morning.  Then we went to Knox’s parent-teacher meeting and he is acing Kindergarten.

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We picked up Skyester and grabbed some lunch too.  Those chips are topped with their ranch dressing and they are insanely good.

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Later on we had Brooke’s parent-teacher conference and then my nieces hung out with us for a while.

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We had a few errands!

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Followed by dinner and making these chocolate chip cookies (my favorite)… undercooked and broken up in pieces for an ice cream bar party that we went to.

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The people that we bought our current house from invited us over along with my sister and her family and another family for the good stuff.

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And a few random things that I feel like telling you:)

*My mom made this blanket for me when I was a baby and I was obsessed with it for years and took it everywhere.  I found it (and washed it) and showed it to Brooke and she has now taken it over.

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*Most mornings Brooke is the first one into Skye’s room and makes sure to hand her a stuffed animal.

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*Did you see Allie Kieffer’s power bun on Sunday.  She hit a new personal best and I’m convinced the power bun is one of her tools for being so fast;)  I don’t think I will ever race without it now.

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*Heather sent this to me… and even though I love Sour Patch Kids… they went to far with this idea.

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When you are reading/studying/working do you listen to anything or does music/noise distract you?

-It depends on the day for me… sometimes it helps, sometimes it distracts me.

Did you have a special blanket/stuffed animal that you were obsessed with as a kid?  Parents reading—>  Do your kids have something they can’t sleep without?

Have you done any ultras?  Do you have any desire to do an ultra?

What is your run today?!

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Your niece is so beautiful! And she definitely has that good hair gene that you and your sister have!! Also, it touches my heart how much Brooke loves Skye. SO sweet.

I have a stuffed koala that my best friend gave me in second grade, and I still can’t sleep without it. And I overslept this morning (oops! I must have been exhausted), so it’ll be a lunch break run for me today!

Hope that your Wednesday is full of fun and thankfulness!!


Her hair is unreal! Oh I LOVE that you still sleep with it! Enjoy your lunch run and thanks Natalie!


I prefer ultras, I do at least 2 ultras a year. No run today, I have a ankle injury.


I am so sorry about your ankle injury and I hope you are back out there again soon! Which ultra is your favorite?


Haha I took my husband on a run date for his birthday and let him choose the route but he went harder than he planned trying to keep up with me and was hurting the next day. But I did buy him pizza as part of the date, too, so maybe try that next time.

I would try that sour patch cereal but not with milk.


Bahahah that’s the best way to celebrate a birthday in my opinion:) Let me know if you try the cereal haha! Have a wonderful day Victoria!


I had a couple of favorite blankets and my kids each have something. They have gotten to the point that they can usually sleep without it but they take them all over the house still.

I try not to listen to anything while running right now. I use an app called AAPTIV that has a coach record a workout, so some of my strength training and runs are with that but my other runs I try to not use music or anything. I like to use that time to really ponder and think and all that. But when I do need some distraction I go for music or podcasts normally.


Oh I have heard about that app! Running is the best time to really think about things:) I hope you are having a beautiful day!!!


I like the trail run thing in sort of a walk/run fashion – has been doing quite a bit of it in our local foothills this summer with two black labs and everything…. until one day without my dogs (thankfully!) but still alone, I came upon a rattlesnake crossing the path! When I came up and heard him (I had earbuds in) so he was loud but he hissed up at me and I ran the heck outta there fast! I just realized I haven’t been back to trial running/walking/hiking :)


AHHHHH A RATTLESNAKE?! I am terrified about that happening! I’m so glad you got out of their fast!


You should check out Destination Trail Runs, the race director, Candice Burt is crazy good! And they have trail races from 25k all the way up to a 240 miler at Moab (someday I will run this!). I love trail running, it really works your whole body, and getting out there on the trails is just like therapy for me. Watching the seasons change and seeing so much of the beauty outdoors, I can’t get enough! Do the 50 miler, you won’t regret it!


THANK YOU for telling me about this… that is awesome! 240 miler… I will come cheer you on in Moab. That is awesome! You guys are getting me excited…


The Y date looks awesome and with great views for football fields of distance. Numb legs, not so ha!

Together time can be helped by putting the kiddos down for the day. Good comment!


Yes yes yes and they need the sleep too:) Have a great day Lee!


I am a power bun convert! It keeps my hair from getting so tangled during runs! And I just have a major girl crush on Allie…
And I have a bear (named Bear) that is pushing 32 years.


It really is the absolute best! 32 years… I LOVE IT!! Have a wonderful day Molly!


My kids has stuffed animals and blankets but nothing they were super attached to.
I love the Y hike but coming down is so much harder than the climb for me I am so afraid I am going to fall.


180 Tacos. Go today. And then thank me afterwards;) It is SO SO GOOD. Yes, I agree… the way down is actually harder on my body (but easier on my heart than the way up haha)!


I would love to follow your progress to train for a 50 miler! I’m sure you would kill it!

I love trail running and did one 50k last year. I actually thought I would love the whole training process more but I feel like having to run xx miles or amount of the time on the trails for my long runs took away part of the run of running on trails for me. Like I enjoy doing trail runs for fun when I don’t care about pace or distance, so then having to fit in a specific distance on my training runs felt strange. And then it completely poured all day for my 50K! Basically like the same weather as Boston this year except add in mud and flooding from the trails. So needless to say I wasn’t jumping to train for my next ultra- but I would like to do one again eventually! Hoping to tackle some marathon goals first though. But I do agree that trail running is great and makes us stronger in different ways then road running!


Diana… HOW DID YOU DO A 50K IN THAT WEATHER… you are amazing! I really am thinking seriously about this… I guess I am just trying to figure out what goals I want to accomplish before another baby. Half PR, Marathon PR, Ultra? AHHHH why can’t we just do it all:) Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful day!


I work from home and I have to out some music or podcasts on to keep the house from being too quiet. Music helps me focus the most.
I had small stuffed koalas as a kid that I loved into nothingness!


Thank goodness for podcasts… I’m glad that music and podcasts help you out so much while working out at home! Have a wonderful day Samantha!


Buffalo Run 50 miler on Antelope Island in March is awesome! There isn’t a ton of climbing (maybe 6000 feet). The race support is awesome and your crew/family can see you tons along the course!

You could totally do a 50 miler (and win it)! Do it….I’ll be an official cheerleader ?


Can we go to lunch again and talk all about it. I’m wondering if the training is possible at this point right now and I want to ask you all of the questions!


Owen (nearly 6) has loved PupPup since he. Was about 18 months old. We have two that rotate. So we can wash it and have one when he can’t find it. PupPup waits for him in the car while he is in school.

But I really came here cause NYC marathon was amazing. I loved every second. I finished. And I was smiling. Half way through my coach told me to do a body check to see how I was feeling, and my cheeks were the muscles that hurt most from smiling.
So I’m not running today:).

We hopped a plane on Monday and headed right to Disney World sonwe are about to head to a water park. We went to Universal yesterday and visited Hogwarts.


CONGRATULATIONS MARY!! AHHHHH!!! You had an amazing race and what you said about your cheek muscles… amazing. Enjoy your time at Disney World, the best way to celebrate an awesome race!


There are so many helicopters in that second picture!


It was so cool to see them all go by and I was wondering where they were going! Have a wonderful day Amy!


Ahhhh trail running is the BEST! I did my first trail half last year and am planning on the RUN RABBIT RUN 50 miler next year in Steamboat. It will be my first ultra and I am so excited. Also doing two gravel bike races earlier in the year, so the combo training has already begun! There is just something about dirt :)


Leann! THIS IS HUGE!! What will your training look like for this? I’m just wondering how I could make something like this work. Congrats on your trail half last year! Gravel bike races–> You are on fire!


For now it is a lot of base miles for both. Typically, my husband and I ride for 45-60 minutes at 5:30 am and then I run around 2-3 in the afternoon (4-8 miles depending). Right now I am trying to get comfortable with the 30 mile run weeks and the rides in the morning. On the weekends, I will either do a long run one day and ride the other day. I am trying to get in the habit of getting all my run miles done during the M-F week so I can ride 2-3 hours each weekend day. We live in snow country, so I will fit in cross country skiing to switch up the cardio (and then downhill for fun!). I homeschool my 5 year old and work from home, so there is never a dull moment :)
Since my bike races are May and July, I will lower my running to 15-20 miles each week and up the riding for the 3 weeks prior to each and then when I am done in July, will switch over to running primarily before the ultra. Luckily, they are all endurance events (each bike race is around 70 miles) so it should translate well. My body does better with 2 sports. The cycling allows for a lot more time with much less injury. Should be an exciting year! haha.


You are inspiring! Thank you for sharing with me your plan. Keep me updated with how it all goes and I’m cheering fo you!


I did a 5 mile tempo run and nailed it! I am trying to get a good base before I start my half marathon training after the first of the year so I can finally break 2 hours. I had a blankie when I was younger and my daughter now has two blankets that she takes everywhere. Its been that way since she was a baby. I have never done an ultra but my husband has. Its a totally different atmosphere compared to road racing. They all seem a lot more relaxed and those aid stations with all that food and soda is crazy to me. We have a friend who ran Western States this year and rocked it (he also runs in a speedo which is totally crazy!) I think I would like to attempt an ultra someday I just wish I lived somewhere that was a bit more scenic. Illinois definitely does not have views like you do.

That cereal sounds awful!


Way to go on your 5 mile tempo! Keep me updated on your training and I can’t wait to hear about you breaking 2 hours! We did Western States in a speedo… haha that is AWESOME!! Come out to Utah and do an ultra with me:) Have a wonderful day!


Sometimes I listen to music at work but it depends on the task – if it is noisy around I might use head phones to tune them out.

I have done a few ultras – and it is a slippery slope! Once you finish one, it is hard not sign up for another (after a break) Hahah. But the trails I often get to run are so beautiful that I don’t mind being on my feet for hours. I think you should totally sign up for a 50 miler or 50km! The first time I ran a 50km I was like whatever it is only 8 km longer than a marathon. Hahah. Except because it was on tough trails – the 50k took me double my marathon time and then some:). Which was about right.

No run today, but 11 miles yesterday so going to give my sore body a break today and I am bit sick at the moment. Have a fantastic day Janae!

ps. An ice cream bar sounds like a fantastic idea


Hahah that would probably be my problem too… I would want to keep signing up for more! I hope you start feeling better today and enjoy a day off!


I used to listen to music when I studied, and now we have a radio on all day at work. I like the background noise!!
As a kid I had Ella the Elephant that I was crazy about. I carried her around so much her trunk fell off :-/ and my parents never were able to find a suitable replacement.
I have done a few trail runs but don’t live near enough trails to get decent practice in. However, I would LOVE to do an ultra so I have been searching for a good road ultra/gearing myself up to drive to trails this summer to train.
No running today, I ran NYC Sunday!!! I made some major fueling mistakes and bonked at mile 13 but managed to drag myself to the finish. What an absolutely incredible experience…NY really puts on a show!
Have a great day!


HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats Laura on NYC! That is incredible that you were able to get through with bonking at mile 13… YOU ARE STRONG!! Come out to Utah and do an ultra here:)


When I was in school and studying I would have to listen to music to drown out my roommates. But I could only listen to music that was instrumental because if I listened to music with words I would start singing along.
My son has a lovey that is part frog/blanket. He has had it since he was a baby. I tried to find another one pretty soon after we had gotten it, but they stopped making it. I bought him a monkey that was exactly the same but it was a monkey, not a frog. The one time that the frog got left at daycare and he had to sleep with the monkey, it was the only thing that had been thrown out of the crib when I went to get him in the morning. My daughter has a blanket that used to be pink, it’s a very grey pink now.


Hahaha that story about him throwing the monkey out… that frog is #1 that is for sure:) Kids are the best. I hope you are having a wonderful day Rachel!


I have not done an ultra race but have done an ultra run – 30 miles on Skyline-to-Sea trail (Saratoga, CA to Waddell Beach, CA). It was awesome and I highly recommend it.


WOWOWOWOWOW!!! That is awesome!


I just wanted to agree with you about the importance of date nights and keeping your identity as a couple and not just as a family/parents! I just said that to my husband on our date night Saturday…we need to keep having fun together (we went to the gun range! I was so scared but it was awesome and fun!)

No run, I am 3 months post partum and was going to start a return to running about a week ago, but sprained my ankle falling down the stairs, so for now I heal and live vicariously through you, which is working out quite well.

I say go for the 50! I have no desire to ever run a marathon, but would rather do a 50k trail race.


YES YES YES! It’s crazy how you can slip into that identity of just the family but we are so much happier when we have our identities as a couple! Okay, gun range… we are totally going to try that. Andrew would love that so much. Congrats on your new little one but I am SO SO SORRY about your ankle. I hope it heals up quickly! Keep me updated and I hope you are sleeping.


Music definitely distracts me, so if I’m really trying to concentrate I like it to be quiet.

When my twin nieces were little they each had a favorite – one had a stuffed lamb, the other had a blanket my grandmother made. At some point my Mom put them away for safe keeping. They were eleven when she passed away and we found them while going through some of her things. It was like a gift she had left for them.

I really don’t see any ultras in my future. I think it’s as much the training commitment as it is the actual event.

I rode my bike today. I haven’t been trail running since April. I sprained my ankle and I’ve just been a little afraid to get back out there. I know I need to just go do it!


Oh that gave me goosebumps when reading about you finding them. Oh yes and your sprained ankle was the longest time you’ve taken off of running… I would be nervous too! I hope you have a wonderful day Kathy!


How do ya’ll handle parent-teacher conferences with a blended family? Would love to hear tips/advice :)


Hey Katie! For us, Andrew and I meet Knox’s mom there and luckily we are able to all talk very easily. I go for support and to hear everything going on and to know how I can help Knox but I let Knox’s mom and Andrew handle the questions etc:) Basically, I’ve learned that I want to act in a way that I would love Brooke’s step-mom to act (which she does great) in situations like this. We had Skye stay with my sister too so that the focus could be all about Knox and not a little baby crawling all over the room too ha:) I hope that helps! It is all a learning curve and I was happy when Knox’s teacher said how happy she was we could all work together so nicely because it really can be very messy in some situations!


Thanks so much for your reply! Super helpful and encouraging :)


Ohhh you should definitely run a Ultra!! They are always so much fun, and the trail running community is the best!! You can always start with a 50K and then move onto a 50M :) OR just go for that 50 Miler!


That is what I’ve heard! Oh so true… a 50k would be an awesome place to start! Thanks Alicia and I hope you have a wonderful day!


In the summer when I work at a camp in southeast Alaska I run about 30% on trails and 70% on secluded roads (i.e. Paved, but not a lot of cars on them). Normal running shoes suit me fine, but I always run carrying bear spray! I’ve never had to use it, but this summer I saw 33 (yes, thirty-three) bears! Almost all black bears which can be scared away easily, and usually seen from a distance, but there have been a few closer calls!

I saw that Sour Patch Kids cereal yesterday… I love cereal, but no to that. Just no.

I did about 15 miles today but my left Achilles started to hurt a little so I’m thinking about taking tomorrow off.


THIRTY THREE BEARS!! That is CRAZY! Andrew is so jealous of your yearly Alaska time… it’s his favorite place ever. I hope your achilles is back to normal asap!


Have you tried the Sour Patch ice cream? It’s actually not bad. It’s a lemon frozen yogurt with sour patch mixed in, almost like a jam.

Typically noise distracts me, but when I’m working on lesson planning or grading (as long as it isn’t an essay) I like to listen to music.

Today’s run was an easy 6 with friends, which is always a good run!


I’ve been wondering about the Sour Patch ice cream… I’ll need to get it! So glad you were able to run with friends today… I did too and it was the best. Have a wonderful day!


Ew!! What is up with that cereal? Super weird. I always thought Brooke and Knox were born in the same year??! But they’re in different grades so maybe not!!


Right?!?! No thank you haha! So they are born in the same year. Their birthdays are just 6 weeks apart but the school cutoff is right in between their birthdays so that is why they are in different grades:) Have a wonderful day Andrea!


Oh no way!!! Where I live we do it by years. Like all kids born in 2012 are in grade one right now. They’re super strict about it too, no choosing a different grade even if you’re dec 31 or jan1!!


Ok that makes my decision! Power bun for this Sunday’s Vegas race!!


Yes!!! Good luck!


I love the power bun! My daughter, a non runner and allergic to any physical movement, taught me. It has saved me so much time combing tangles out of my hair.
I must be the only person in the world that hates tacos. I hate them and refuse to cook them. If my husband wants them, he has to cook them or go to Taco Bell. Consequently, we don’t eat many tacos in my house.


It is so nice to see the love Brooke has for Skye. She’s going to be a great big sister.

I still have my green bunny that I dragged around with me everywhere by the ears. 1ear is gone, it’s whiskers are missing and the fur is practically nothing, it’s not pretty.
If I’m working or studying I can listen to music as long as it’s soft more like background music.
I would love to run an ultra one day, next year in turn fifty so I think I will celebrate my 50th birthday with a 50k or 50 miler.
Happy trail date running to you and Andrew


Janae, I think we should ignite that distance trail race fire! Come to Denver we have so many fun trail races, let’s do one! A fun one we do every year ( not 50 miles) is the Ragnar trail race in Snowmass. It’s a relay with a team of 8 and you camp out overnight for the 24 hour run time. so fun, more laughs and fun than anything. If you and Andrew think it sounds like a good one, ping me back we’d love to have you on our team in June. congrats on all the new house fun! ~ Becca


I’m sure this has been said, but ultras hurt WAAY less than marathons on road! After Boston this year I physically couldn’t run for 2 weeks. After my first 100 miler this summer I could easily run 4 days later (probably sooner but I was too busy sleeping and eating).
I am excited to read about all your upcoming ultramarathon training ??


I listen to music and mix running with walking.

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