Silentish Saturday #4,596.

4 miles easy with all of the neon.

Off to school (and I put out the Thanksgiving decorations).

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Another strength training workout… upper body done and done.

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Knox went to his mom’s house after school and I went on a little date with Brooke (and Skye)… Brooke is gone this weekend too.

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Checking to see if Santa is there.

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Yep.  Snickers Caramel apple and it was so good.

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My parents came over for dinner.


Then we had my sister’s kids over for their date night.  Caught red handed;)

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I made the girls’ absolute favorite treat.

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And then my older nephew came over too to join our Shark Tank obsession.

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Me yesterday:

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Tell me three things that you are doing today!

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Thank you!! I never knew how to cut those delicious giant apples and it’s not like you can just chomp into them!! Those slices make perfect sense…

Picking up my bib number for my sixth half marathon of the year – I have two more after this. The half is my jam – just challenging enough that I need to put in the work for sure but totally doable given my schedule, kids, life, etc. So excited!!!


YES… so much easier to eat that way! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! You are going to do amazing and 6 this year… boom! Let me know how it goes, I’m stoked for you Carly!


Run outside before the sun rose.
Fancy coffee
Dinner party/game night with friends.


I wish we could run together today and have the best time with your friends tonight and enjoy that fancy coffee!


What kind of weights do you use? They look like different with rings on it.
Also, that swing on your tree brook is sitting on. What kind is it?


Hey!! They are NordicTrack weights that came with my treadmill. The swing is from the previous owners so I’m not sure. Have a wonderful weekend Mary!


We are having a fun trip to celebrate my soon to be 8 year old. Hotel, aquarium, a pool, extra tv and she is in heaven. We are 3 weeks away from her b-day but our weekends are busy the rest of November. Hoping to have my hubby agree to a zoo trip tomorrow before heading home. He is all about getting home early before the week starts.


Okay, that is the best ever… our kids would be in heaven too! Such a good mama! I hope you get to the zoo too:) Enjoy Carrie!


-Baking a crumb cake. We are dedicating our baby at church tomorrow! We have family coming over afterwards for celebratory coffee and baked goods.
-Hopefully sneaking in a SOLO run. I always feel so fast when I’m not pushing the babe!
-Doing a trial run with a meal I am bringing to a friend next week. It always makes me nervous when I have to cook for other people!

Hope your weekend is great!


Oh Melissa, that is so exciting that you are dedicating your baby at church tomorrow… what a beautiful thing! Enjoy the solo run and I hope the meal is delicious! You too!


I love how you cut that ginormous apple. I have a hard time biting into apples–my middle two teeth got severely broken in a biking accident when I was 9, and I have had first bonded teeth and now crowns as an adult, so biting into apples is an absolute no-no. All my life I have needed them sliced. And now I know how to eat a candy apple. (BUt I am also kinda sorta giving you the stink eye for making candy apples now a possibility in my life…extra temptation! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!…….she says jokingly…)

YAY for strength workout! I am up and in yoga clothes and ready to go to a class at the first yoga studio I ever went to and called home to me. I found my way to actual yoga classes with a new student special for the yoga studio around the corner from my old apartment when I lived in Columbia, and since I am here for the weekend and my favorite teacher teaches the 9:30 class–I am stopping in, giving Leslie an enormous hug, and finding my happy place in that beautiful and loving space where I felt so at home at a really critical time near the end of my phd program when anxiety could have taken over.

In the middle of the day I am showing TOm more of my Missouri town–in particular I am driving him down to the Katy Trail (or the MKT…) which is where I logged SO MANY MILES AND MILES AND MILES and where I fell in love with running. It’s also a place where–to ping back to discussions from the start of the week–I understood in a VERY tangible way how personal my relationship with God was and where I felt a lot of validity and authenticity in that statement. I used to tell people that my relationshpi with God was personal, and I believed it deep in my core, but something about spending time running on those trails and asking questions about my life and whatever challenged were in front of me…while also looking around me and taking in every little bit of the natural world and the way that its cyclical nature endures over time…made me feel like I wasn’t alone and that somehow everything I would question, think about, or go through had its OWN cyclical nature. And there was one run in particular where I was thinking about all of this and I literally asked in my head, “God are you listening?” And though it wasn’t the season to see red cardinals all over the place, two red birds flew right across my path. And I sort of smiled and sort of cried as I kept running.

I get to show Tom THAT place today. And maybe convince him to drive to the south end of town where there’s nothing but big box stores…SIMPLY to check out the new Fleet Feet location that opened up. And maybe buy a big fluffy Fleet Feet hoodie if it says COLUMBIA MO on it because I need as many reminders as possible of a place that I have chosen to call one of my truest, happiest, deepest homes (though I can also say the same for Boston–it’s a town that has absorbed the shock of every thunderous bit of life that I have had to deal with, and where I still managed to be OK and to be full of hope and dreams…).

And the last big thing: tonight is my friend Kevin’s wedding! He and his partner Adam began dating when Kevin was my student in my Writing About Literature class (the theme was Immigrant Voices in 20th C American Literature and it was the FUNNEST literature class I have ever taught), and Kevin somehow got absorbed into my own army of friends and soul-sisters and brothers over the years. I love that TOm and I get to celebrate LOVE, and that we get to celebrate Kevin, and that Kevin’s wedding created the best reason for me to actually bring Tom back here and show him a place that has come to mean so much to me!

OK–time to go take a walk and find myself on my yoga mat! Have the BEST BEST BEST day, Janae! Wish you could unroll a mat next to me!


Thank you for sharing about that trail with me… I can totally relate with you about specific running routes. It’s beautiful. I hope yoga was perfect this morning! I hope you get the hoodie! Enjoy the wedding!!!! Sounds like the absolute perfect day Stephanie!


Oh man, that apple sounds amazing right now! And that milk dud thing is very relatable.

No idea what today holds except for some meetings. Hopefully something a little more fun after that haha


Thank goodness we have Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory haha. Good luck with the meetings and make sure to get in the fun too. Have a great day Jenny!


That’s so cool that you & your sister do that!! I’m excited to put in my long run. (My half marathon is two weeks from today!!) I also am attending a birthday party for a very excited seven-year-old. The rest of the day will be running errands with my man & hopefully relaxing at some point! Have a great weekend!


TWO WEEKS LISA!!! It’s almost taper time, I am so excited for you. Which half is it? Enjoy the day… sounds perfect!


Ha, your nephew caught red handed was so cute ! We are cleaning up the garage !! Little piles have been gathering, and it needs gone through and put in it’s place or tossed. Scrubbing bathrooms. And taking it easy, a much needed rest day aside from all the cleaning up. I ‘should’ be out taking picture’s of my kid, that is also much needed with the fall pretty leaves. But we just aren’t feelin it today, therefore it probably wouldn’t be the best day to go out and take photo’s. So comfy clothes, cleaning mindset and hot chocolate it is !!!


Oh good luck with the garage… we need to do that big time! Good call on staying in and the comfy clothes and the hot chocolate. Have a wonderful day Michele!


Your nephew’s face!!! And, I also just took my son’s milk duds yesterday ?
Today will start with a good run followed by strength work, then typical Saturday stuff (drop one kid at school, run to the grocery store, etc), then down to San Clemente for the band competition!
I’m betting your house seems a bit quiet the weekends both Brooke and Knox are gone! But, enjoy the one on one time with Skye ❤️
Have a great Saturday!


Hahah they were the first treat I went after in Brooke’s bag this time! Enjoy the beautiful day! Yes, it is eerily quiet and clean here ha… I MISS THEM!! Thank you, you too Wendy!


I was actually wondering just this morning (on my run, of course) if caramel apples were still a thing after Halloween – I hope I can find one this weekend!! Yay for your neon run and yes, Shark Tank is awesome. 1) I ran 6 miles with Columbus Running Company (and my dog) and hung with the males! We ran low-7s. Woot woot, except all they talked about was football. So I need to find females who’ll push me, lol. 2) my mom and I are going on a winery tour! 3) I’m going to a Kittens and Cupcakes party tonight to help a friend socialize her new kittens! Happy sunny Saturday!!


Hahah they are a thing year round for me;) I need to send you one from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. PS I love the thoughts you have on your run because I think about that kind of stuff ha. WAY TO GO on your run today… speedster! Sounds like the perfect day, enjoy Miranda!


Contemplating a run, but it it is gross outside. So, might use our free passes for a climbing gym. Drinking hot cocoa and then a good book :) The caramel apple looks so good! We might make one!

Happy Saturday Janae!


I hope that you were able to go to the climbing gym… that plus reading and hot chocolate = perfection! Thanks Kristine, you too!


Three things…hmm…keep enjoying Mexico, rest up for tonight, oh, and run a half marathon in Mexico!
I’ve really enjoyed my time in Merida so far, can’t wait to see more of the city tonight while I run, and I can’t wait to check out historical sites and cultural areas the rest of the time I’m here!
Also, I’m grateful that my Spanish from middle school, high school, and freshman year of college is carrying me through. And a translator app! :)


AHHHH LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES!! Good luck Rhiannon! Have the time of your life!


Ah caramel apples sound good! I went running and getting a massage later. Then watching cal vs Washington state. Go bears!!!


I hope the bears win for you:) Grab a caramel apple after your massage! ENJOY EMMA!


Thanks Janae! My cousin is the kicker so it’s so fun watching games! I’m so proud of him!
have a great weekend!!!




My three things:
1. Twenty miles, just finished. Felt better the farther I went, but that’s typical for me.
2. Grocery shopping
3. Working six hours tonight, then coming home and finally sitting down, haha. I’m clearly the best at recovery.


AWESOME JOB ON 20 MILES!! I hope work is great and haha I’m the same way… recovery is hard to fit in with life!


Finishing making treats for a Diabetes walk. (diabetic friendly and some are allergy friendly)
Giving a nutrition talk on proper refueling after working out and how to give your kids healthier alternatives to store bought granola bars, chocolate milk, etc.
Collapsing on the the couch.


Nina, that is awesome! I wish I could have been at the talk… good for you! I hope you are getting in plenty of relaxing and resting!


1. Recovering from hamstring surgery and loving living vicariously through your workouts! I did a pull swim only for 2100 yards and I’m just so happy to exercise.
2. Bought old school bike pedals cause I get to start spinnI got next week.
3. Rehab every session is one step closer to running!

Q? If you know it? What finish is the
color of the gray floor?

Thank you!


Veronica! I am so so sorry about your hamstring surgery. Do you know how long it will take until you can run again? I’m thinking about you! I will ask the previous owners and get back to you if she knows! Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


Ran a 9 Mile race, ate an apple fritter for the first time (and I’m obsessed), and spent time with family!

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