Weekend Discussions:

Halloween is out at our house now and hopefully the new neighbors don’t think we are too crazy (Andrew put them all over our yard and a lot of really creepy ones;).

I’m training my brother for another half-marathon and he rocked his long run yesterday in the POURING rain.  I think he told me after his last half-marathon that it was a one and done situation… and now he is training for another.  These races are addicting.

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I went on a walk by myself before the kids woke up and then we had breakfast once they got up.

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This is Knox’s and my current favorite cereal.  Try it asap if you can.

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Andrew had a bunch of errands to do so we went over to the park!

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I have never regretted a purchase more than this Halloween phone;)  It has a loud and creepy voice and the kids love playing with it.  I need to hide it because I am hearing it all day long.

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Gushers.  I currently like gushers even more than candy.  And so does my entire family.  My sister, nieces and I have gone through multiple boxes this last week.

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My sister thought it would be funny to give Knox a ‘service bell’ for his bday present.  She told him that every time he wants us to do something for him he just needs to ring the bell;)

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We went out for some dinner…

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And had the most amazing Mexican food.

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And churros.

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I hope you slept great last night.  I loved finding Knox and Beretta holding hands a few nights ago.

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What are you having for your Sunday morning breakfast?   

Who has a long run today?  How far?

What book are you reading?

Would you rather have Mexican food or Italian food right now?

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Oatmeal for breakfast.
I agree with you on the gushers. So. Good.
Today will be probably 5 miles after work.
Not currently reading a book, but I just heard that Deena Kastor was doing a book signing and group run in Nashville a few days ago………….I couldn’t drive up there for it, SO BUMMED!!
I love me some pizza, BUT……………………….I think Mexican food is my all time favorite!

Have a fun day, and enjoy those Halloween decorations, it really is the best holiday!


I hope you have Mexican food and gushers soon! Enjoy your work day and 5 miles! Thanks Loribeth!


We decorated October 2 because I told my son that the last weekend of September was too early.

Probably pancakes and bacon or maybe eggs and bacon. But definitely bacon! I have a package open I need to finish before our camping trip.

I need to finish Deena’s book – last chapter!

Mexican food always. Mmmmmm. Maybe today!


Oh the last chapter is so so good! Enjoy the final chapter and the bacon!


All of Elin Hilderbrand’s books are great!!! Summerland and Silver Girl especially… Haven’t read this one yet but think I should…


I’m already loving it so I’ll have to check out her others after! Thank you and have a great Sunday!


I’m hoping for some eggs and pancakes for breakfast;)

Long run was yesterday and no run today, sad. But i do have yoga today so that will help me recover.

I am reading Let Your Mind Run, per your suggestion and it’s fabulous. I originally got the e-book but i want to get the paperback so i can note parts to go back and read!!

I would pick Mexican food 100% of the time;) and i wish we had a cafe rio in FL for me to try!!

I am so sorry you now have a bell and a Halloween phone. Hahaha, loud noises are not my idea of fun so that does sound terrible for you;)

So awesome your brother is training for another half! Does he have a time goal? Which half is it?? Rooting for him!! I know these races are so addicting;) it’s like oh wow I’ll never put myself through this again and then when you finish you’re looking for another one to train for;)

Happy Sunday Janae!!!


Way to go on your long run!!! He is training for a PR and he is going to do Mt Lemon in November! I’m so so glad you got that book, it is the best. Have a wonderful day and keep me updated on your training!


I just picked up that book from the library and can’t wait to read it!


We should have a book club together:) I’m already loving it!


I’ll probably have eggs for breakfast today, something healthier and non sugary is much needed after basically eating cookies all day yesterday.

I’m currently reading The Warmth of Other Suns and The Clockmaker’s Daughter.

Mexican food 100% and that restaurant looks amazing. I may need to know where that is, we are always looking for good Mexican places to try.


Let me know if you recommend those books when you finish them! Are you in utah county??? Send some cookies to us;)


Yes, I’m in Provo! And seriously, these cookies (oatmeal chocolate chip and pumpkin chocolate chip) need to be removed before I eat them all today :) I highly recommend Kate Morton’s books they are all so good. My favorites are The Lake House and The Secret Keeper and I’m hoping The Clockmaker’s Daughter is just as good.


Oh awesome!!! I’ll remove them for you! Thank you sooo much! I will have to check out the Clockmaker’s Daughter! Thank you!


I agree! I’m in Utah County and need to know what Mexican restaraunt that is, please!


What you said yesterday………Thank you, and right back at you!!
Raisin toast.
The Chaperone (very good, reccomend)
Mexican. Went out for it last night.


I’m going to have to read that next! Thanks Erica! Great minds think alike:)


Hi Janae! Hopefully you’re not sick of talking about the marathon quite yet, because I have ANOTHER question for you. Maybe you answered it somewhere else already but… did you do any kind of warmup before the race? I don’t remember you mentioning it (just that you were snuggled in a blanket beforehand.) If not, was it hard to start running at that pace cold? Thanks… enjoy your Halloween festivities! Our house was decorated last weekend : )


Oh I am not sick of talking about it at all:) keep asking questions! I should have talked about this. I did not do a warm-up. My coach didn’t ask me to and I didn’t even think about it! I think I was so caught up in all of the race things and the rain that I wasn’t paying attention in those first few miles to how I felt besides making sure to not push too hard. Enjoy the decorations. Have a great Sunday!


That’s a fast walking pace!!
I was really hoping to go out for a longish run on my favorite Colorado trail, but…. I woke up to 20° (real feel 10°) and snow!!! I really want to go out, but it may just be a little too cold for this SoCal girl ?
I need to start a new book! Let me know how you like The Perfect Couple! Sounds interesting.
Mexican food always wins!! Your dinner looks so good!
Enjoy your Sunday!!


Oh that was my brothers watch! He did his long run yesterday! Ahhhh snow already! So far I’m obsessed with it (stayed up reading last night) but I’ll let you know what I think at the end! Enjoy your time with your parents!


I need a good book!

That escape room was pretty fun! Andrew would like it a lot, it’s harry Potter themed! We didn’t get out in time but it was still super fun!

I had a dream last night that I was late for a race. I was running for my high school team again and couldn’t find my uniform or anything. I hate those dreams haha. I don’t even have a race coming up to worry about.


Okay we have to go then! Thank you for letting me know:) ohhhhhh I hate dreams like that too! I had crazy dreams last night too and I’m still recovering from them this morning ha. Have a beautiful day Jenny!


Just had some pancakes for breakfast – always a good choice!
My training plan had this last week as a slightly lower # of miles so I only had to run 7 yesterday and I’m trying to restrain myself from running today because I don’t feel as tired as I usually do after a long run! I’m trusting the plan though.
I’m not reading anything right now, but a trip to the library is on my to do list today.
I’d always choose Mexican food. Probably my favorite type of food!


You really never can go wrong with pancakes! Yes yes yes keep trusting the plan! Have a wonderful day and get some Mexican food soon!


Love gushers. And fruit Rollups and fruit by the foot. I’m 29 going on 5 with my palate. Just finished 10 miles. First double digit miles since baby in May! Thanks for being so inspiring!


Huge congrats on the double digits and your new little one! You are rocking it Jody! I hope you are getting some sleep:) I love your palate… I buy all of those for the kids and then end up eating them all myself! Have a beautiful Sunday!


Toast and almond butter, some berries, plus a half scoop of protein and greens for breakfast.
No run today, but I am off to Crossfit class soon.
Mexican all the way, I barely ever eat Italian.
And I am not reading any books currently, just blogs and other online articles.


That sounds like the perfect breakfast! CrossFit is so hard.. you are amazing! Enjoy your day!


Butternut squash sausage egg casserole and sweet potato pancakes!
And I would go for true Italian food like arancini and braciolone.
I’m still chipping away at How Bad Do You Want It!


Best breakfast ever! I need to come over:)


Hi Molly! Do you have a blog with these recipes?? That sounds like a breakfast made in fall heaven :)


The egg casserole is from http://paleomg.com/5-ingredient-butternut-squash-sage-breakfast-casserole/
And the pancakes are from the new Run Fast Cook Fast Eat Slow!


Yay! Thank you! :)


Long runs for me are Saturday and it was a lovely fall 10 miles. Fall runs are the best.
Currently reading My Dear Hamilton – it’s a historical fiction novel focusing on Eliza Hamilton’s point of view during her life with Alexander Hamilton. Love historical fiction and this one has been great so far.
Mexican food every time…unless it is some really good pizza.


Seriously, fall running is the best! I’m so glad you had such a great 10 miler! Okay, I’m going to bave to read that! It sounds amazing. Have a wonderful day and get some Mexican food ASAP!


Talk to me about serving food in a pie pan. Is that a Utah thing? A take out thing? I don’t think I’ve seen it where I am.

I had 5 miles for breakfast and then a leftover ginger cookie from the farmers market yesterday! Next up is a shower and then making grilled cheese and tomato soup because FALL IS FINALLY HERE!! Yay!!


Hahaha they do it everywhere in utah.. it really is kind of strange but I forget it is strange because we use them so often ha. Sounds like the perfect day.. enjoy!


Today is just a smoothie but yesterday I made Shalenes oatmeal banana pancakes after my run. So good!

Can I ask you for some advice for running in the snow? It snowed last night and is still snowing today. I think we got 5 inches. I really want to run before going to work tomorrow but I know it will be icy. Do you recommend using yaktracks when running on the road?


I need those pancakes! 5 inches already ahhhh! I have never tried yaktracks but I want to this winter. When it is really icy I go to the treadmill (I fell and hit my head one year running on ice). When it is snowy but not icy I just use a pair of trail shoes (better grip than normal running shoes) on the snow! Good luck and let me know how it goes!


Banana walnut bagel :). Haha, between the halloween phone and Knox and his service bell you must be loving it.
I think I would crave Italian more than mexican right now.

Have a great Sunday! I just finished reading one of those awful romance books but am looking forward to reading a Jodi Picault book next – A spark of light. Any recommendations are welcome!


I need some earplugs hahah! Let me know what you think of A spark of light! I’ll let you know what I think of this book, it’s awesome so far!


I love Elin’s books! Every single one captures me and makes me want to live on Nantucket. I haven’t read this one yet and just logged on to place a hold on it at the library, I am number 32 in line ? it must be good!


I had a bran muffin for breakfast! JUST started Markus Zusak’s new book, Bridge of Clay, and it’s already so good.

Ran 3.25 miles today (interval day) and I didn’t even know I wanted Mexican food til I saw yours!


Try putting some clear packaging tape over the speaker on the Halloween phone :)


My mom and I loved perfect Couple. Circle back and let me know what you think! Xo


Elin Hilderbrand is a runner! When I met her at book club in Rhode Island a few years back of course it was the first thing I asked her about! She runs every day and it helped her through a difficult battle with breast cancer.


My Sunday breakfast didn’t end up happening as I slept in and ran out of time. I’m on a huge porridge kick right now so it would have been that. Probably with cinnamon, almond butter and banana.

I haven’t run for a long time so no long run for me. I am hoping to get back into running over the next few weeks though so it will be fun to start building that back into my life.

I just finished reading Rachel’s Holiday by Marian Keyes which I loved! It is incredibly funny, in a very dry way, which is what I grew up with and I really enjoyed it as a light read.

I would definitely go for Italian food. I am from New Zealand and Mexican food only became a thing here a few years ago. Because of this I hadn’t tried it before then and it wasn’t something I was use too. I really want to like it and I have tried to develop a taste for it but I haven’t got there yet. I’m not giving up though and I’m going to keep experimenting with it!!


I read Perfect Couple a couple months ago, and it was so good!! (Funny story…I got it out of the library on a whim, and then a couple days later, my husband got it out of the library for me because he thought I would like it :) ) Right now I’m reading (or listening to the audiobook of) An American Marriage, which is great, but definitely on the heavier side.


Oh man! I forgot about Gusher’s! SO GOOD.

I had a sweet potato and black bean scramble with avocado and Trader Joe’s EBTB seasoning! SO yummy! I didn’t have a long run today but I did do a 5 mile hike around Bald Mountain in NC…the views were so beautiful <3
I just finished the Throne of Glass series and it was AMAZING…I have not been that addicted to a book series since Harry Potter many, many years ago haha
And Mexican and Italian are my all time favorite food groups…so I will never turn down either! I did go to a new pizza place in the small mountain town of Weaverville, NC this weekend and had a pesto-based pizza with grilled chicken, sundried tomatoes, artichokes and garlic and it was glorious :)

Have a wonderful week!


Oooo I think I want to get that phone! I ran four today. I had a lot of trouble after my daughter was born last fall and just recently seemed to get it all behind me and able to start building. I had a great 8 mile run last week, but then middle of the week my entire body hurt in a way I’ve never experienced so I took it easy this weekend. So hard to feel like I should be able to do what I did and not be able to right now. My level of patience leaves something to be desired ;). Love reading your blog! Have a great week!


We have donuts at church for breakfast because I can never manage to get our family fed, much less dressed ?, and to church on time! Long run today was 7.5 miles and I ran in my new Brooks Bedlams (they are amazzzzzing!!!) and temps were almost perfect! I just finished “Fast Girl” and it was quite an interesting read! Mexican all the way…not a huge pasta fan.


I love that you are still getting yourself up early to go for a walk! I think that’s so good for you to still have your alone time. wow.. those gushers look good… i haven’t thought about gushers in probably 10 years.. hahaha.


I rarely comment, but I had to because I also love Gushers…Although the sour ones are the BEST, but I can’t find them here (Upstate NY-get with the program). I also FINALLY got that rug that I did ask you about MONTHS ago and we LOVE it…so, thanks!! :-)


HAVE YOU TRIED THE SPICY GUSHERS? They’re called Sweet & Fiery I think? They are weird but delicious. :) :)


That book – The Perfect Couple – is SO, so good!! ENJOY! :)


Good to see there’s another adult that loves Gushers as much as I do. The only problem with Gushers is how fast they disappear… lol. I’m pretty sure I could eat an entire box (6 pack) as a single snack. They’re just so good and addicting!


Hi Janae,

Congratulations on your sub-3 marathon! That is amazing, and very inspiring too.
I just finished reading 9 perfect stranger, by Liane Moriarty and it was gripping.
Working to get my 5km under 23 mins at the moment, so mostly short runs for me.

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