Silentish Sunday;)

Thank you so so much for your amazing comments during this entire process…  You guys are truly the best.  I still can’t believe how amazing yesterday was.  I had the race of my life.  I’m on Cloud 9 (and will avoid stairs for a while too;)

I have an overly detailed race recap coming your way tomorrow morning but until then…here’s a bunch of pictures from the weekend and I’ll be back soon.  Thanks again, you guys made yesterday even better!  When we got home yesterday I ate pizza, took a long bath and crawled into bed smiling so today’s post is mainly just pictures!  Have a great day!

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LOVED meeting new friends (you guys ROCKED IT) and finally got to meet Tam after being IG friends for a while.

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GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE RUNNING CHICAGO!!!  I want to hear all about it!


Tell me three things you are doing today!

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I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! LEGIT, you accomplishing this AMAZING GOAL made my day! Enjoy the rest and recovery, and the high of DOING HARD THINGS. <3

Three things today:
Watching the Chicago Marathon (not spectating this year);
Resisting the urge to sign up for any marathons (I'm very triggered right now, lol, BUT ALSO on the mend);
Thinking about my next marathon (I might as well revel in all of it).

P.S. I got the Brooks Ricochets. I can't wait to (get better) and try them out.


I am thrilled you met your goal of sub 3! I cannot even imagine running that fast!!

3 things: penguins, short run (trying to streak the month of October and run at least one mile every day….I have never done this before, and if my body needs a rest day I will take it, but so far 6 days in and I love it!), and taco night with my husband!!

CONGRATS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Woohoo!!!!! I’m going to watch Chicago and have some family time. Congrats! I have the Detroit marathon next fall (had to defer due to injury) and I can’t wait!


Your smile says it all! What a great accomplishment!

3 things: slept in a little (yay!), will make chocolate chip pumpkin bread with my daughter, and planning to enjoy a warm day outside with my son and dog :)


It’s Canadian Thanksfgiving this weekend! So lots of
turkey and pumpkin pie!


Congratulations on accomplishing your goal!!! I was so happy to see your time yesterday! I have no idea what I’m doing today? definitely resting up for another week of teaching preschool!


Amazing! Great job! I can only dream of those paces, and within a year of having a baby! Congratulations!


I so so so thrilled for you, Janae! You made me smile so big this morning when I read your “I did it” post! Your perseverance, dedication, positivity, and confidence are truly amazing.
And to do it 9 months after baby is so sweet! I hope you savor and enjoy this one.
I knew you could do it!!! Your accomplishment this year and Desi’s Boston marathon win are my absolute two favorite running news events of the year.
I absolutely love reading your blog. It is the only one I read regularly because I love your outlook on life, running and family. Even when (and especially when!) things are not so great for me on any particular day, your posts give me a smile or inspiration to keep going.
Enjoy this one!! You deserve it big time.


I love the pictures! I can’t wait for the race recap!

This morning I went for a short run. In a little while I will go to work, and this evening I am meal prepping 4 lunches for the week–Mediterranean chicken bowls! I am embracing an old pattern I had when I was happy and super focused of making ONE meal the exact same thing every day and trusting that food is fuel for that meal (just like it can be an art that appeases the senses for other meals…) and making sure that every ingredient in that meal is something that–whether I decide I am ‘craving’ it or not–I absolutely love. I’ve been feeling the stress of my workload big time the last couple of weeks, so right now I am taking 1-2 small steps each week to get me through the rest of the semester.

I hope you get all the sleep. And all the gummy bears. And all the time with your recovery boots!


Congrats, you truly are an inspiration! Lazy Sunday here, just getting ready for the week. :)


I am so happy you accomplished such an amazing feat! Hard word, dedication and passion help amazing things happen. Congrats and enjoy the feeling!


First you get sub 3, then 2 hour church… life is gooooood! Congrats!


Best week ever!


It’s been amazing watching this journey, and I’m so happy for you! You’re amazing!! Thank you for reminding us that dreams really do come true with time, diligence, and patience.


I am so proud of you for accomplishing your St George Marathon Goal! I want to hear ALL of the details of your 2:59 Marathon! Did your race day nutrition plan work and go as planned, how many gels did you end up having during the race?? I think that is going to be a game changer for me during my next Marathon, getting in more calories. What were the low and high points of the marathon? What Mantras did you actually end up using on the course that worked for you? Please tell me EVERYTHING !

#3 things I’m doing today: Currently watching the Chicago Marathon, Going on an easy 6 mile run after the marathon, watching Gilmore Girls after my run :)


Way to go! It’s amazing how all of a sudden it’s over and you’re able to reflect BACK on the race!!!

I love how as the pictures progressed, the amount of stuff in your arms increased! Such a mom thing to be carrying all sorts of random stuff.

Today was a rest day (boring) but did a few fun things like walk friends dogs, hung out at the skate park with my son, and washed the car in the new pressure washer station (it was the highlight of our day and totally hilarious.) We only had some idea of what each option ones because, language barrier.

Enjoy your post race excitement! I’m on week 3 of post marathon high ;)


Congratulations on your sub-3! I smiled so big for you when I saw the 2 at the start of your final time. You worked so hard and definitely deserve it!


Oh, and I am wondering how Bangs friend did?! I think this was her first marathon. Maybe she could do a guest post about her first time experience in a few weeks! So so so so happy for you and your sub-three and looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow!!


I kept thinking about how happy I was for you during Chicago today! Chicago was SO MUCH FUN!!!! But cold! And windy! And rainy! After Boston though, the weather felt weak. ;-) I got a big Pr and was pretty happy with it. :) Stay on cloud 9 for a while, you deserve it!


MOLLIE!!! AHHHHH HUGE HUGE CONGRATS!! I am so so happy for you. Enjoy the PR high… isn’t it the best?


Congratulations!!!!!!! I’ve been following along your whole training cycle for this race and you’ve inspired me so much!!! I’m so excited that you got your goal, what an incredible accomplishment. I’ll keep your strength and perseverance in mind as I tackle NYC in 4 weeks :)


Congrats again and happy recovery!!! Get all the rest and eat all the food:) It is amazing what the human body is capable of! As a tangent, one of my earliest running partners just ran a sub 3 marathon today too! when we first started running together about 5- 6 years we were similar paces (decent runners but nothing special) but then she got a coach, started training properly and over the past few years just got insanely fast. I am definitely not gunning for sub 3 but makes me think what I might still have left! Hahah.


Congrats again!! Such an amazing accomplishment!! Enjoy all the recovery :). It is pretty incredible what the mind and human body are capable of! As a tangent, one of my earliest training partners just ran a sub 3 today! when we first ran together about 6 years ago we were decent runners but then she got a coach, and started getting crazy fast. I am most definitely not gunning for sub 3 but it does make me wonder what else I have left in me if I turned my attention to the roads for a bit!

Have a fantastic day !


I am SO proud of you girl!!! Huge congrats and I hope you celebrate the rest of the month :)

I ran Chicago today and KILLED IT! 3:25:45 – PR and a BQ :) I was worried about my knee pain which fortunately didn’t pop up. I had a lot of muscle cramps/tightness but powered through. Know that I was totally channeling my inner Janae so THANK YOU for being such an inspiration!!!


OMG congrats on the PR…and BQ!!!!! What an amazing accomplishment! I hope your knee is feeling ok today! :)


Thank you so much, Stephanie!!! Surprisingly my knee didn’t act up at all and is feeling okay today!! My leg/foot cramped up and got pretty tight throughout the race but I powered though!


In two pics of you in mile 26 this time, your form is different – and better – than in the past. Good job.


You are amazing!!
Today was my first half-marathon ever and it was THE ABOLUTE BEST. I ran faster than I expected and finished in 1:58! I’m so happy. Also, I thought about you a bunch of times when it was harder and I was saying to myself on repeat: “Je suis capable de faire des choses difficiles” (“I can do hard things” in French).
Have a nice recovery day! xx


I am so happy and proud of you!!

3 things: driving home from St George to SoCal, Sissy is cooking dinner for us, and resting!!


So happy and proud of the work you put in!! Congrats, this was something we knew was possible for you years ago and it’s nice to see it came together!
Chicago was a blast and the husband and I did okay but not fantastic,but that city has or hearts (probs like StGeorge for you!) so cant walk away too disappointed! Again, congrats!!!


I’ve been thinking about you and your husband. What was the weather like? I totally know what you mean about the city having your heart… HUGE CONGRATS on your marathons and I hope you guys spend lots of time relaxing and recovering now! Thank you Kaytlin!


When I saw your update on instagram Saturday I went “GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” and my friend was like “omg what happened” and then I had to explain why i was so excited that you ran a sub 3 …. hahaha – I’m so glad that youre feeling amazing and ate lots of good stuff after – congrats again!

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