Silentish Saturday (ONE WEEK TO GO)!

40 minute easy run = 5.2 miles and then when my watch hit 40 minutes I walked the rest of the way home.

A heartbreaking story and such an amazing man.

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Off to school.

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Stop at Trader Joe’s.

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We opened Knox’s presents after he got home from school and Skye was very into the wrapping paper (and naked to avoid her lunch covering her clothes).

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Just a little thrilled for the arcade.

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It’s their favorite place…

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She’s a big fan of air hockey like me.

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Knox had a last minute change of heart and asked for In-N-Out instead of his pizza/breadstick dinner.

And then he wanted chips instead of a cake so we will have cake for the family bday party:)

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My sis and I had a date last night.

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I have seen a bunch of friends try out Citrus Pear and my sis and I got a chance to try it out (they let us try it for free for the blog)!

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You don’t have to touch any meat or chop any onions + You get to chat with the people around you the whole time + You don’t have to grocery shop or do dishes.

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We left very happy.

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Allison shared these with me… I think I need them for the marathon.

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Tell me three things that you are up to today?

-9-12 miles, all of the soccer games and carb-loading:)

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Heading to a Fall fair and my sons baseball game. Trying to not freak myself out all day that I agreed to run 8 miles (my longest) in two years with my friend tomorrow. ?


You are going to rock it tomorrow and running with your friend will make the miles fly by. Let me know how it goes and enjoy the fair and baseball game!


I’m going for a run in the black hills of SD. Then I’m going for a walk with my sister – I’m
Staying at her house. Then my sister and I are driving to see my mom and go to her 88 1/2 Birthday party! My mom will be just as excited as child about her party. This year We decided to start celebrating her half birthdays too with a big party at her nursing home because she enjoys her birthdays so much!!!


Jo, your mom sounds like so much fun! I LOVE that you are celebrating her half birthdays. Have the best time with her and your sis, nothing better than family time!


Cleaning, errands, cabin (for real this time)

I love that you get sister date night. I’m going to have to work on making that a thing.


I am so so thankful the cabin is still there! YES… do it. Totally worth it. Enjoy your weekend!


Those shorts are so cute! Already met friends for coffee, and went on a dog hike. next up is meeting my friend and her two kids at the playground :-) happy Saturday!


I wish we could come on the dog hike. Sounds like the perfect day! Thanks Amanda!


My son has a soccer game and daughter has a hockey game…and then she has a practice at 9:30 pm! That is not right!!! She is in swimming as well, and has a practice at 6 am tomorrow morning — yikes! I woke at 5 am this morning, when of course I could have slept in.
I am soooo excited for your marathon — seriously, I wish I could be there to watch. I am channelling all my mental strength over to you, but don’t think you’ll need it — you will be awesome! I was squeaked out of Boston for next year, but knew the cut-off would be over 4 minutes. I’m okay with it, as I squeaked in last year. BUT I want to get back and run in better conditions. I think we agreed to meeting up there in 2020?! And if want to do a spring marathon in 2019, at sea level, feel free to come to my local one (Vancouver) in early May. We have an amazing donut place a few minutes from where I live, if you need some more incentive! Have a great day Janae!


9:30 practice… I’m asleep by then. Wow. You guys are busy and I think you all need a nap today:) Thank you Wendy so so much. I am so there in 2020, let’s do it Wendy! Ohhhh sea level and donuts sounds perfect! Thanks Wendy, YOU TOO!


Wahoo! One week to go!
Today will start with the usual delivery of breakfast burritos to the football team. So fun after a great homecoming win last night. Then 3 pace miles, and a little carb loading for me will begin too. 12 miles tomorrow heading into half marathon taper week.
The rest of the day will be a little cleaning, then helping my son get ready for the homecoming dance.
Enjoy your Saturday!


I really need to join this breakfast burrito delivery service:) I’m so glad they won! You are going to rock your 12 miles tomorrow. Thanks Wendy, you too!


9.57 mile run….my last long one before my 15k next week. My first race since injuring my knee over the summer. Finished planting 200+ tulip bulbs. It needs to look like Holland in my driveway this spring! And a Target run! I love Target and haven’t been there in a few weeks.
I’ll be more than happy to eat Knox’s cake if he doesn’t want it. I love cake! I hope he enjoys his many birthday celebrations!
Enjoy your last long run! I can’t wait to hear about the marathon next weekend!


Way to go Lee! That is awesome and I can’t wait to hear about your 15k… I’m cheering for you and so happy you are back! You have been busy today already! We’ll send you a piece! Thanks Lee and have a great rest of your weekend!


Totally killed my long run today! Felt good so I ran 20 seconds under my HMP for 6 of the 8 miles! After the run, I went to Costco which is the best every time. My husband cut down a big oak tree on a friends property so we will probably have a fire tonight :D

You definitely need those shorts. I don’t know why you don’t own them already!


Mercedes. Are you serious?! That is an AWESOME run. Enjoy those post-speed endorphins! You guys have been busy today! HAHA seriously, they are made for me! Have a beautiful day Mercedes!


I’m so excited for your race!! This training cycle has been fun to follow and you are beyond ready.. good luck next weekend! Run like the wind!! You are going to crush it ;-)


Thank you Nikki for taking the time to comment today… your comment means a lot to me. I can’t wait! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Rocked my half marathon today!!! It was so hilly and one hill basically just seemed like climbing a tall wall. But I actually finished 10 min under what I thought I would do. I racewalk ( and yes it is amazing to zoom past those runners who slow way down on the tough hills!!). So I finished with a pace a little under 12 min per mile. My Mom and my daughter finished the 5 k with out issue. My girls cheered me on at the end. My husband was not happy to be there, need to work on that one!! Now to try and rest, might not happen, but hoping for it!!


Carrie! HUGE HUGE HUGE CONGRATS!!! 10 minutes under what you thought you would… oh my goodness. Carrie, you did fabulous and thank you for letting me know how it went. Enjoy the post race celebrating:)


Half marathon. Blow drying my hair. Buying fall candles.
Enjoy the last week of training! You will miss it once it’s all done!


Way to go on your Half Molly! I need some fall candles. Thank you!


I ran my half (2:05….about what I expected!), got a great turkey burger, and i am relaxing on the couch now!

I also am thinking about those donut shorts, ha!


WAY TO GO LORIBETH!! You did awesome! Huge congrats and enjoy some recovering!


Took part in the Rum Runners relay, a 10 leg relay along the coast of Nova Scotia. Our teams, inspired by Dr. Seuss, Thing 1 & Thing 2 won best water stop. Not sure how to send you a pic


THAT IS AWESOME!! I need this picture… send it to [email protected] and let me know if I can feature you guys. Congrats!


Where is Skye’s little quilted sweater from? It’s too cute!


hmm isn’t it suspicious that Knox changed his bday dinner to his dads favorite? sounds like interference, Andrew ;) ;)

Those donut shorts are cute!!

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