My Predictions + Very Random Qs for You.

A current law that my body has made:

On days that I can sleep in a little bit and start my run a bit later = wake up randomly very early and then not be able to fall asleep no matter how many sheep I count.

On days that I need to get up early = my body will have zero desire to wake up.

I got out nice and early for 8 miles @ 8:08 average for my Tuesday run.  This entire week is easy running until a workout this weekend so it feels a bit different since I’m used to monster workouts usually on Tuesday or Wednesday lately.  I’m soaking in these easy miles of podcasts and me giving myself some solid pep talks—>  It would be kind of embarrassing if anyone could get into my brain during these pep talks I am giving myself, they are over the top but they are working.  PS my mom is going to write up a pep talk for all of us for our fall races so that will be up the week of my marathon.

Andrew took this picture above later in the morning:)


At this point in training I’m beyond excited for the race to just get here so I can go for it and then take some time off.  I have learned that for me personally, I need at least a solid week off after running a marathon to stay injury free and I am set on taking this time.  So while I’m excited for some time off by day 2 I am going to start really missing it and craving it again so I’m going to need your help to remind me how important some time off will be for the big picture:)  Thanks in advance.

Another Prediction:

I’ll sub 3.

Allie Kieffer just posted her goals to finish top 3 and sub 2:27:00 at the NYC Marathon this year… “Putting my goals out there amplifies my enthusiasm and holds me accountable.  The fulfillment and purpose I get from striving for a goal far outweighs the possibility of failure.”  <— YES.

To go along with this, my fortune cookie from last night…

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I listened to this podcast yesterday during my run and I really enjoyed it… there were a lot of new things that I learned and times I wanted to say AMEN out loud because I agreed so much with what they had to say!

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Life hack for our household:  Use Skye to wake up the kids (and Andrew… I kid, kind of haha… to be fair, my grumpiness levels are 10 times worse late at night than any grumpiness of the rest of the family in the morning) in the morning because they are in much better moods when I do this.

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A girl sent a love letter to Knox during class and Brooke told me they had seven recesses yesterday so things at school are going really well for these two.

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Skye keeps scooting into my closet and pulling down my Levitates…  I think she is trying to tell me to wear these for the marathon but my heart is with the Ricochet for the race.

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After school Brooke and I were working on her spelling words and when we got to the word nap she said, ‘Oh like your favorite thing in the entire world.’  I really love naps.

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No caption for this, just thought she was cute.

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Brooke has been talking about Panda Express for a few days so we decided to hit it up for dinner.

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Their orange chicken is something else.

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We finished off the night with the girls by going on a bike ride!

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Random question of the day (I’ve asked this before when we were thinking about getting one and now we are for sure so I need updated reviews from you) but which type of robot vacuum should we get?  The main purpose for this is Beretta hair and all of the food crumbs everywhere as Skye is now scooting all around the house… Who has one of these types of vacuums and do you love it or would you recommend a different one?

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Are you A or B?  I used to be A and now I am sad to say I am B.  In high school my dad would take away our car for the week if we ever let the gas go below a quarter of a tank… I need to go back to that rule:)

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Tell me some predictions for your running!

Would you rather get a good nap every day or get a 5% pay increase each year?

-Nap every day.  Naps are priceless to me.

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I’ve been wanting a robot vacuum!! I’ll be watching the comments for suggestions, too!

I’m definitely a B person, and my husband has desperately tried to make me an A person, but has failed ;)

I love that you put your goal out there for us to see. Believing in yourself is so important, and I know how hard it is to tell people your goal. I felt so uneasy telling people I wanted to sub 2 a half marathon. Then I finally started saying it out loud. I swear it helped my mental game and I got my sub 2!!

I just know you’ll get that sub 3!!!


There are some great reviews below and I’ll review the one we decide on too! Andrew tries to make me type A with this topic too and I think he has given up on me;) That is awesome Tanna, I really do think sharing our goals with people helps our mental game! Thank you and have a wonderful day!


I think that your fortune cookie is right and a good sign. Sub-3 is about to happen, Janae!!

Haha, I’m definitely person B. I usually reach the point to where I’m having to pray that I make it to a gas station without completely running out. When I drove home from the San Diego area Sunday night, I was already pretty close to empty and thought that I was going to be able to make it the whole way home. I’m so thankful I actually made it as far as I did, because that gas light was on for a really long time.

Predictions for my running: I am going to start to feel stronger and faster each day, and I am going to be ready to race again by the time my race rolls around next month. The next time I step on the line for a half marathon, it will be a PR race.


Thanks Natalie! HAVE THE BEST TIME TONIGHT! Your prediction is right on, can’t wait to see how you race!


I’m not type A or B – I do not let it get all the way to empty, but maybe to around 1/8th of a tank. There’s no point in filling it up before then unless I have to travel somewhere because there’s no shortage of gas stations in my town.
I’m not really much of a napper, so I’d have to take the 5% pay raise. I only seem to nap when I’m sick or on long run days – otherwise, they just make me feel worse!
I have been alternating between podcasts and music lately – yesterday I was listening to a true crime podcast on my run and it scared me too much lol… had to switch it back to music. Do you ever listen to audiobooks while running? I’ve never tried that but I was considering it.


I think you are in a great spot with your gas situation! Did you tell me about Trained? I listened to it today and it was great! Hahah sometimes the crime ones freak me out way too much during a run and so I just listen to them at home with head phones when I am cleaning. So I can’t get into audiobooks for some weird reason… I love to read so I just want to read the book and listening to a book doesn’t do it for me. Have a great day Rhiannon!


Yep, I did tell you about Trained! I like it a lot. I need more podcasts like that!


We have an old Roomba, so I don’t know what model it is, but we LOVE it. Two dogs and a toddler, so we use it almost daily. Vacuuming is a terrible chore but the Roomba is so easy that we actually do it and our house stays cleaner. The only thing I would say is that you’ll still need some sort of handheld small vacuum for things like stairs, corners, behind furniture, etc. There are some places it just can’t reach, but it will do 90% of the work for you!

And you’re totally going to sub-3!


That is so good to hear about your Roomba… thank you so much! So glad it has been so perfect for you guys and 90% sounds sooo good right now (I’m so sick of vacuuming/sweeping). Thank you Lindsey and I hope you have a wonderful day!


<3 <3 <3 Your predictions. <3 <3 <3

I've owned two Roombas, with two (at different times) Siberian Huskies. Get one.

TYPE B, FOR THE LOVE OF PETE. Procrastination Nation!


Thank you so much Tiffany! GOOD TO HEAR about it working well with your pups. Hahaha! Your comments always make me so happy. Have a great day Tiffany!


I’m always nervous to put my goals out there because I tend to swing hard during races—really good or reallllllllllly bad!!! ? I did a 5k mid-summer and ran about a min slower per mile than my recent PR, then came back and ran a half marathon at a faster pace than that 5k. It’s ridiculous! I’m learning to just have fun with it though. My goal for Chicago is a sub 3:20. I know I can do it—I just need a good day! I have no doubt you’ll get that sub 3. Not one!


MOLLIE. I. Know. You. Can. Do. It.
You are going to rock Chicago and get that sub 3:20 and even if it isn’t a good day… You will show how Bad A you are by still getting that sub 3:20. You’ve got this.

Thanks Mollie!


You will get the sub 3! Everything is coming together for you. Skye is just cutest. She looks like she has a lot of personality. I want to keep running strong. At age 44 I am running better than ever. I also appreciate running more than I ever have in my life.


Thank you so much Christine! That means a lot to me. I AM SO HAPPY with where you are at with running physically and mentally. Running is the best. Have a beautiful day!


Your fortune cookie is motivating! The last fortune cookie I got made me laugh because it said “order again” :D I got a good laugh at that!

I am both A and B on gas. Because I tend to let the tank get suuuuuuuper low that it gives me anxiety I always tell myself after I fill up my tank “this time is going to be different” but it never is! haha


Hahaha that is awesome! I tell myself that too and I never change:) Have a wonderful day!


Oh, I’m a nap person. 100%. I think all work places should allow workers to take a quick nap each afternoon!

We have a Deebot (N79S, I think?) based on the Wirecutter’s recommendation, and I LOVE IT. Having a robot vacuum has made my life so much better, and it does a surprisingly good job getting the floors tidied. I think with any robot vacuums you’ll find there are a few consistent spots it might get caught up or stuck, so I usually run it while I’m home so I can rescue it, but we’ve also learned how to block off those areas too. You will not regret getting one!!


I heard that Huffington allowed their employees a nap each day! Ohhhh we will have to look at the Deebot. Thank you Noelle, so glad to hear how great it is! Thank you so much and have a great day!


The best robot vacuum is the neato botvac d7 or the irobot 960, at least according to Tom (whose part time job is in the appliances section of Best Buy). There are many that are less expensive, but they break easily, have problematic air filters, or don’t really have much suction power.

We have the neato. It’s auto-programmed to vacuum twice a week, and we can control from our phones if we want to run it additional times. And with two cats in our little apartment, we NEED lots of vacuuming. Our home has looked and somehow felt 540305% better with nicely clean floors.

You’re becoming an orange chicken connoisseur!!! I think your family needs to have a face-off of sorts between Panda Express take-out and the orange chicken you get from Costco (and whatever other orange chicken you have liked from wherever else…a local Chinese place, another chain, another cook-at-home aside from what you get at Costco, etc.). And then you need to tell us which is the winner. ;)

And now I have some random questions for you:
–Have you and Andrew found anything new-to-love at Costco lately?
–if you had to choose only one–either a trucker hat or sunglasses–to wear for the rest of your life which would it be?
–What’s your funniest (or funnest) pair of socks that you own?

Hope you all have a good day out there! I have a ton of papers to grade, and I have to run errands, and I have to teach RPM tonight. I already had a lower body strength session at the gym at 5:30 AM…and right now I am REALLY TIRED. Gotta get my butt in gear! Gotta get some energy (which means that I need some caffeine…ugh…)!!


Really… that is so great to hear. Tell Tom thank you:) We really are hahaha and Andrew saw your comment and he wants to do this now!
Great questions… nothing new lately (I haven’t been in a long time)!!
SUNGLASSES… I can’t go outside without them if the sun is out.
My bunny socks:)

Thank you and good luck with all of your things today… YOU ARE BUSY and enjoy the caffeine.


Tom also says that he knows the less expensive robot vacuums are REALLY TEMPTING–but they’re pieces of junk that are more likely to start to fall apart after about 3 months of use. They sell like hot cakes around Christmas and Mother’s Day, but the ones that are super tantalizing because of holiday sale pricing really aren’t long-lasting.

And as for orange chicken face off: I think you guys really need to just take one or two of your family date nights and dedicate them to test-tasting (and then blog about it! ha!)–one night for “restaurant” orange chicken and then another night for “make at home” orange chicken. Maybe space them out a few weeks. If each of you comes up with one standard to judge all of your samples, then you can create a consistent evaluation system and share your score with us! One of my friends from when I lived in Savannah did something similar with her daughters over the summer–each month of their summer vacation was dedicated to a different kind of food for taste testing (I think it was fajitas and hot dogs and pizza). Together with her daughters she wrote down a list of 4 contenders for each food category, and they had a mission of taste-testing, scoring, and writing about their decisions (except they don’t have a blog so it was all facebook statuses…). And by the time Janet’s daughters went back for the new school year, they had “ranked” the best of the foods from each category available in Savannah and had developed a whole arsenal of fun memories in their hometown! You should really do that with orange chicken (and maybe tex mex and maybe ice cream since it seems like you guys like a lot of that!)! :)


Hi. I may be the only one that gives a “meh” review of the Roomba. I have one that got exiled to downstairs due to the issues I hated dealing with. Depending on when it goes off to clean, it’s LOUD! It also bumps into everything, so make sure that lighter things can’t get moved or pushed unless you want to go behind it and re-position everything everyday. While it is great in wide open spaces, if you have small area rugs, especially with fringe, some may get sucked up into it and cause it to stop and need rescue. It only makes it back to its charging base 70% of the time. The rest of the time, it runs out of battery trying to get back there. Then, heaven forbid that it is trying to get back in the middle of the night. It will sit there and yell “charge Roomba!” at the top of it’s volume level and scare the tar out of you…Furniture is tricky. It can either get under it with no issues or get under it and get stuck trying to get out. If you have lamp or appliance cords going across the floor near a corner or behind furniture, it can get trapped in them. You have to make sure that they are secured to the baseboard. I use command adhesive hooks. I had 2 floor lamps get pulled over by the thing before I figured this out. I was blaming the dogs!! Ha… All that said, I would try it and see what you think. You have to empty it practically daily, so you will know how well it picks up. Mine works great downstairs, but I don’t want it on the main floor. Again, just my opinion, so it doesn’t really count much…..


LOL!! I’m cracking up! I really wanted a Roomba when we move into our new house, but now I’m not sure :)


THANK YOU for sharing these things with me… this is very helpful. BAHAHAH I’m glad your dogs aren’t getting blamed anymore. That is hilarious. I’m guessing I’ll have to change it twice a day with all of Beretta’s hair. Have a great day!


I have the Roomba 690 (just like in the picture) & love it! I also have a very hairy golden retriever. It does get stuck or not make it home from time to time, but I just figure I have to empty it anyways so that saves me getting it off it’s base. I can empty it then send it back home. It also is loud- I always try to run it when we’re not home. All that being said, it is still one of my absolute favorite things. I’ve gone from swiffering our wood floors daily to only needing to do a deep clean every week or 2.


I second everything in the above! I have the one in your picture and his name is Reginold. I run him when i’m not home because the random pattern he makes gives me anxiety and it’s loud. Reg will spend 20 min in a bedroom when I want him to go to the kitchen. I can’t watch, but running him 5 days a week seems to keep everywhere clean. Eventually he makes it to the kitchen. If I am home when he runs, I will carry him to the kitchen and start him there.


Thank you Kaitlin and Caroline for sharing! This is so good to hear… I’m so ready to put away my broom and vacuum daily ha. Have a great day!


its Funny, I am B around town, but we go on a road trip and I’m 100 % A. Trevon is the opposite. Haha, he always tells me to fill up at the half way mark, but when we go on road trips we almost run out of gas (like the light is on) and he’s like “we’re good for another 20 miles at least!” We’ve had two or three really close calls with running out of gas in the middle of


Oh that is funny… I love that you guys are opposite. I’m glad you didn’t actually run out of gas, I have never had that happen but I know I’ve gotten way too close. Have a wonderful day Jenny!


I believe you’ll get your sub-3!
My prediction for my running is that I’ll PR by 10-15 minutes minutes at my next marathon. Training has gone pretty well, and I’ve learned so much about what I’m capable of!
As far as gas goes…I’m totally a B. I HATE spending money on gas, so I always wait until the last minute.
Naps make me really drowsy sometimes, so I’d totally take the pay raise!


Thank you Kerri!
KERRI, I love your prediction and I believe you will get that 15 minute pr! You better let me know how it goes please, I am cheering you on. I hope you get that pay raise soon (and I’ll take your naps;). Have a great day!


Janae!!! I am so excited for you! I just KNOW you will get your Sub 3. I can’t wait to read your Mom’s pep talk. She is the BEST!

My running predictions for me are breaking 22 for a 5k and getting my HM time back down to the 1:40s (it’s been a while due to injuries and life stress last year)
I am def person A with the gas thing. When my car says half a tank, I fill up. Seems like the last half tank of gas goes faster than the first one.
I love naps. They are like a special treat to me. I usually get to take naps on the weekend. Monday I was so tired, I took a short one when I got home from work and then had to get up to eat dinner.
I needed the Roomba reviews. I have a very hairy dog and i’m constantly sweeping and vacuuming UGH


Thank you so so much Elizabeth, I agree… she is the best.
I love your prediction and I KNOW you’ve got both of them. I can’t wait to hear about you getting them. I hope that you get some really great naps often and I agree–> They are definitely special treats. Have a beautiful day Elizabeth!


So my parents have an inside lab too. They just got the roomba and really like it. You have to empty it out pretty often, because you know…dog hair. And I’ll say it doesn’t 100% keep your floors clean. I would say it 80% keeps your floors clean. It’s a really good maintain cleaner. We also trap it in room so it doesn’t just wander all over the house. We like for it to really clean the living room. Really clean the dining room. Works better for us. My mom says it was worth the money.

I’m B, my boyfriend is A. The first thing he does when we get in my car is to check my gas tank. I don’t think the gas light has ever come on in his truck.

I saw this really get article about not comparing your results to others. It really changed my mindset on my race. I was really comparing my time to others and it wasn’t fair. This article reminded runners to stay in your own lane. Don’t compare your results to others. Set YOUR goal and focus on YOUR goal. So my goal for my half is to finish it and to have fun while doing it. I just want to look back on it with positive memories.


THANK YOU for telling me about your parents’ experience. 80% is great and then I’ll deep clean once a week! THAT IS WHAT ANDREW DOES TOO when he gets in my car.
Do you remember the article, I’d love to read it. You are going to ROCK your half and enjoy the experience. You’ve got this Jennifer and thanks for sharing.


Pay increase. I can’t nap, no matter how hard I try. If I nap I don’t sleep at night. My husband on the hand if he could nap every day he would.


That is how Andrew is, if he takes a nap during the day then he cannot fall asleep at night. I’m like your husband and a nap does not change me falling asleep at night ha. I hope that pay increase happens soon:) Have a great day Rachel!


I’m a B. I wish I were a A because I would avoid those stressful “I really, really, really hope I make it to the gas station!” moments. New life goal: become an A.
5% pay increase. Naps are a little risky for me because sometimes they make me so grumpy post-nap. I’m sure there’s some kind of science behind this, I just don’t know what it is.


Let’s become A together. Those stressful moments are the worst ha. I hope that you get a 5% pay increase at some point soon and I’m sure there are experiments that have been done to prove your point. Have an amazing day Ali!


I’m in total agreement with your prediction and Panda Express: sub 3 for you!

Brooke’s printing is lovely!! I like her ‘n’s

I’ve pushed it quite a bit with the gas tank in the past, but my new-to-me car has a huge gas tank, so I really prefer keeping it above 1/2 tank to avoid a panic attack over the cost of filling it!

The nap vs raise question is a tough one!! I’ll have to say nap, though. When I can get enough sleep, I’m better able to handle things, even if nobody is tossing money to me ~ha ha~


Thank you so much Corey! I agree, she’s rocking her writing! Okay, that is a good motivation for me to fill up sooner than later to avoid seeing the price go up crazy high to fill it. I hope you have a great nap soon!


Type A totally, and don’t even ask about the battery life on the phone, that is a strange stress point for me….I don’t like it below 50% LOL. We have a Roomba, 780 I think, it is not perfect, I will say that from the start. However, I do believe it does HELP keep the dog hair off the floor (we have a Lab and a Hound). It keeps it manageable during the week until we do our deep clean on Fridays. Roomba is loud, it bumps into things and makes thud noises. Do not run this thing while you are trying to sleep or when the baby is sleeping. We set ours for 9am, dogs are in the yard for the day by then and we are at work. With that said, it is worth it!!!!


Hahaha that is so funny about the 50%… I love it! Lab and a hound–> that sounds perfect! That’s kind of how I am feeling… I want something to just help a bit daily and then I’ll still vacuum or sweep 1-2 times a week. THANK YOU for the help. I hope your day is a great one and that your battery life is at 99% right now;)


I want a Roomba soooooo bad. I will need a full review for whatever one you get. We have a 3 year old, 2 dogs and a cat and I am over vacuuming. I am like you, I used to be A but now I am B on the gas. I drive by a gas station everyday so it shouldn’t be that hard for me. I had an awesome speed workout today. I hit all my paces and even though it hurt I just kept telling myself this would help me PR by 5K in October. Sub 25 here I come! And I don’t think I could give up naps…although I don’t get one very often. They are heavenly when I do though. You are totally going to get a sub 3 marathon in a few weeks. You have worked so hard and we are all pulling for you…maybe we could all show up at the race and cheer for you. That would be quite the cheering section I imagine.


I will definitely give you a full review! You need one too big time. I swear I am vacuuming/sweeping multiple times a day. WAY TO GO Corrinne on your speed workout, you killed it. You WILL PR and I can’t wait to hear about it. I hope you get a good nap soon. Thank you so much and I WOULD DIE of happiness if you were all there at the finish line. I’ll picture it during the race to make me happy:) Have a wonderful day!


Check out, they review lots of products and I’m pretty sure they have a recommendation for a robot vacuum.


AWESOME… thank you so much Jackie for telling me about wirecutter! I hope you have a great day:)


Yay for writing your goal, I think you’ll get it :). I’d like to have a Roomba, my brother has one and my nephew (who still a toddler) asks the Roomba to please go away from the room he is playing in, so funny how he is so used to arguing with the Roomba haha. I love naps but I guess I would take the pay increase , after 14.2 years you double your pay, that sounds pretty good, specially now that Im old enough to feel the years just fly by :/.
Enjoy the easy miles, sometimes those are the hardest but the benefits are so worth it.


Thank you so so much! Bahaha kids definitely grow up a bit differently than we do (if I talked to our vacuum like that as a kid my mom would have thought I lost my marbles…) . Look at you doing the math on doubling the pay… I love naps so much that I didn’t even think how it would add up over time. YES YES YES. Have a great day!


re: problems waking up, have you tried alarm apps instead of the clock alarm? For example I have Sleep Cycle (set to a very gentle slow song and a 30-minute wake up interval) and Yoga Wake Up. The yoga one plays nice gentle sounds and then talks you through meditation or yoga moves to do in bed. Sleep cycle helps me because it doesn’t make me so angry when it goes off, haha!

In high school my older brother and I shared a car for maybe a month, and neither of us wanted to pay for the other one to use the gas… so we each would go put in $5 of gas each time it got to zero… hahahah so cheap!

I would take the 5% increase ! I don’t like naps as they make me feel disoriented and anxious.. i’d rather just go to bed early.


I have not tried those… but now I’m going to! That sounds like a great solution, thank you Krista! BAHAHA $5 at a time… I’m sure the gas station employees got to know you well. I’ll take your naps and hopefully you get that 5% pay increase soon!


I love your positivity! I can’t wait for the 6th to find out how much you smashed your race by! (I’m not a total stalker, memorising your race diary – I have one the next day so it stuck in my mind ?). I’d love one of those robot vacuums – I will look out for what people recommend :) Definitely an A person – I get really stressed if the gauge gets too low (but I hardly do any of the driving in our family so I’m a bit blasé about it!) I’m rubbish at daytime napping, so pay rise all the way for me :) Race goals – I’d love a 1.45 in my half marathon on the 7th, and I’ve been training for it, but I’m currently a bit worried it’s all in my head rather than my legs! I’ve done it before, unexpectedly, but I’ve had a lot of injuries this year…. Still, I’ll be channelling your attitude on race day :)


Thank you SO much! And I better get to hear all about your race the next day! You WILL get that 1:45 (I predict faster than that)! You’ve done the physical work and the fact that mentally you are so positive and dreaming big = you’ve got this! Keep me updated!


We got a Roomba on Prime Day this summer and it has been totally worth it! I used to feel like I was sweeping CONSTANTLY and now the Roomba just does its thing every day when we are at work and we come home to a clean floor!


WHY DIDN’T WE GET IT ON PRIME DAY… Maybe we should wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. This is so good to hear… thank you because I swear I sweep a few times a day and it drives me nuts. SO EXCITED FOR YOU LAUREN!


I’ve been reading your blog since 2011. I don’t comment much…but you predicting sub 3 just gave me ALL the feels!!! <3


JULI!! Thank you for being my friend for SEVEN YEARS. That means the world to me:) Thank you thank you thank you. Keep me updated with how you are doing and I hope your day is a beautiful one!


I have a roomba but haven’t used it for years. It’s loud and I feel it gets stuck in corners and misses dirt. I’ll watch it pass the same dust bunny over and over and over. I recently got a Dyson cordless hand vac from Costco. While you still have to manually vacuum it’s quick fast and it picks up everything. I wished I had invested my money on this first instead of the Roomba.

I’m def type A. Once my gauge gets to 1/4 I fill up. I’m a petroleum chemist. Ideally you don’t want your car to run on empty. While there are filters to take care of sediments that sit at the bottom of your tank you don’t want to run the risk of ruining your engine. Also if you live in cold areas condensation happens and that puts water droplets into your tanks. That’s bad for you car. Reduce condensation by keeping your tank full.


Your comment just motivated me to get back in the habit of keeping my tank full (or at least more full;). Thank you! That is good to hear about the Dyson cordless… we’ll have to look at that too! I would be so bugged watching the $$Roomba$$ pass over stuff… I wonder if the newer models are any better? Thank you and have a great day!


have you reviewed the Ricochet yet? I have been thinking about changing up my shoe rotation (right now i’m in the regular launch 5, the patriotic launch 5 and the shamrock launch 5…i really like the launch). I like the idea of the Levitate…but can’t bring myself to go up that much on weight (Launch comes in between 7 and 8, levitate is almost 10…)
Just curious on your thoughts. Thanks!!


Hey Jessica! I haven’t done a full review yet but expect it right after my marathon (I figure I can give the best review possible of them after doing a marathon in them). I was the exact same as you and pretty much only ran in the Launch and then tried out the Levitate. I did feel like they were heavier but got used to that quickly. BUT the Ricochet is the perfect balance of both in my opinion. Not as heavy as the Levitate but you still get the bonuses of the Levitate. I’m obsessed with them and I’ll give you a full review soon!


Ha! I send my 15 month old in to wake my almost 5 year old up all the time! She never gets upset with him and she always tells me to let her sleep!


YES YES YES!! So it is a life hack for you guys too… that makes me so happy!


Please let us know what the results of the Roomba are because I need one too and don’t know what to get! xoxo


I totally will! Thanks Barb!


We have an older model I-robot vacuum for picking up dog hair. We love it! We have wood/tile floors and a couple low pile rugs. We’ve been using it daily for about years without any issues. Highly recommend it!


Ah I love your prediction! You will totally get that sub-3! I’ve never been big on announcing predictions (it feels like baring my goal for everyone to see…and what if I fail?) but Allie’s outlook on it is great! None for me yet since I’m recovering from plantar, but once I start Boston training this winter I’ll be sure to share! (Thanks for the boot recommendation by the way – huge game changer for my foot!)

I would definitely choose the pay increase over naps – and not because I’m greedy! I just feel super groggy after a nap! And I have a harder time falling asleep for naps because my mind is racing with what else I need to get done that day. I’d rather sleep longer at night :)


I absolutely LOVE Love LOVE my roomba! In fact was just telling my husband that very thing 10 minutes ago. The only minor detail is that I really need to be sure to make sure anything that “dangles” like electrical cords, shoe strings, corners of blankets etc are up and out of reach. I run it while I’m at work so sometimes it gets caught and stops until I rescue it but it is super nice to come home from work to clean floors. I’m thinking about getting one for my second floor too!! I’m the B person on the gas tank. I get ever mile out of that one fill up that I can! Drives my hubby crazy! Also I don’t run any races so Im just happy to get a chance to get out and soak in nature when I run! And give me the pay raise, cause I’m a terrible napper. I wanna take naps but it just doesn’t work out!


I have a Roomba and love it. Like if it broke today, I would be at the store buying a new one tomorrow. It runs every single day, and I’ve had not one problem with it in the 4 years I’ve had it. I will say, that for people who shed a lot (me!) and dogs, they recommend the 8 or 900 one. We ended up with the 980 because we have a golden retriever who sheds a ton. You can set it on a vacuum schedule, you can start and monitor it from your phone, and the parts you have to swap out occasionally (air filters) are really reasonably priced. I do not regret it at all!

Watch target as sometimes they have good sales on them, and if you have a red card, that’s an extra 5%!


I have the 690 for the exact same reason…dog hair! And it works great! I seriously wonder how we survived without “our maid” haha! I can’t say enough great things!


I am so excited for you on this marathon! You are going to rock it! My husband is trying to run a sub 4 at St. George and I will definitely be in the cheering section!!

I hate running below a quarter of a tank of gas!

I am just super excited to be running. Ha! I am thinking about doing the mountains to the beach marathon in the spring in Ventura and I feel pretty good about it!

A nap or pay increase?? That’s such a tough decision, but I would probably have to go with a good nap everyday!




We have Shark robot vacuum and love it! My sister has the romba and loves it as well.


Janae, you WANT a Roomba! Get one with the smart phone control. We have an older one, and it’s a lot of button pushing to program it. It is amazing how much it cleans up in our house with one dog and two people. It is so gross to know that would have been out on the floor if the Roomba didn’t clean it up. I <3 Roomba.


Just wanted to say that I love your positive thinking and having followed this training cycle I feel like you’re in such a good place fitness wise, mentally & nutrition wise! You’ve really focused on the whole picture and I think it’s going to pay off big time!! I think you’re amazing no matter what time you’ll get but I’ve got a goooood feeling about this!!!


Eveline, I cannot thank you enough for your sweet and encouraging words. Wow. I’m screenshotting this to remember as the race gets closer. Thank you so much and have a beautiful day!


We have the roomba 980 and it has changed my life! My husband gave it to me for my birthday. Now our floors are always clean and I can vacuum 2x a week if I want. It used to take me an hour to vacuum our whole house, so now I have that hour back. Multiple thumbs up!


Oops sorry—we have the 960! :)


I have a Deebot. I have a Golden Retriever, and I run that thing twice a day. It is my favorite household gadget. Now, I bought a standard one that just roams aimlessly and eventually gets the job done. But I have teenagers, not littles, so random toys aren’t strewn through the house. If I had littles, I would get one with mapping, so you could just tell it to vacuum the kitchen or whatever specific area that needs it at the time without it going after the Legos in the living room. There’s one now that empties itself! I was really excited until I seen it was nearly $1000. For that much, I’ll empty it myself! Now, I want a robot mop! I’ve been scouting reviews looking for a good one.


I am not a nap person and I am that A person for the gas tank. In fact this morning I debated filling up before I drive to Philadelphia after work, but I know that I am still above a half tank and I can make it to the mid way rest area stop. I could probably push it to make it to Philadelphia, but as soon as it hits a quarter of a tank, I feel like the dial drops faster and my car doesn’t run as well (especially when the snow comes), so I usually fill up by a quarter tank so I have less to worry about. I have enough tire anxiety when driving lol. I had 3 flats in 5 years of owning my car…I just ordered my new winter tires and can’t wait to get those on. I seem to have better luck so far with winter tires than all season.


You did it!!!! Sub-3 and a PR!!!!

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