Friday Favorites, No Desire, 1st Crawl.

I’m just going to go ahead and clap for all of us that have recently gotten out on our runs when we had NOOOOO desire to go.  Thursday morning I wanted to just stay in bed for another three hours but it was either I run right at that moment or never that day so thinking about the marathon for a minute got me up and going.

But like usual, I felt a million times better afterwards.

My coach put in bold on my plan to take it really easy yesterday.  I don’t use my heart rate monitor that often on my watch anymore but I do sometimes on my easy runs to make sure I keep it easy.  I have 8 easy today and then tomorrow I have 17.5 with my last longish workout (2x 6 miles and 1 mile fast thrown in there) before the marathon.

8 miles @ 8:45 average pace.

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She is just as fascinated by my favorite lipgloss (punchy from Victoria Secrets) as I am.

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The good and the bad of this picture.

The good:  I grabbed some lunch with friends and look at that guac… chicken and tortillas at the bottom.

The bad:  I dropped my Hydroflask and I’m not very happy about that huge dent.

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Skye did her first ever mini crawl over to my Fresca so that was exciting.

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That tongue of hers is out most of the day.

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I think Brooke might want to be a teacher too… After she finished her homework she asked Knox if she could teach him everything she learned.

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Another soccer day!

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Knox asked to hold Skye during a few of his breaks.

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I hope you have a great weekend!

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Time for a few Friday favorites!

*THIS IS US starts again in 4 days.  My emotional tie to this show is probably not healthy… I just love it too much.

*Koala Clips!  A few of you recommended trying out a Koala Clip a few weeks ago when I was talking about finding a solution to not having my phone in my fuel belt (it was annoying me) anymore.  I was excited to try them out because I want a way to have my music for the marathon and this way Andrew can track me while running (using Find My Friends)…  I reached out to Koala Clip and they sent two for me along with a 10% code for you if you want to try them—>  HRG10!  I am really loving it… I get the safety/ease of having my phone with me but now I don’t feel my phone anymore.  It took me about a mile to get used to it and then I forgot it was there.  Thanks you guys for helping me find a solution.  Oh and I also can easily grab my phone out and put it back in while running so that’s great too!

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*To all the Boys I’ve Loved Before.  A few of my friends told me about this movie on Netflix so I made Andrew watch it with me:)  We actually really enjoyed it (yes, I still like watching movies about high school drama;) and it was pretty funny!

*Allie Kieffer posted this stretch and I tried it out.  It was amazing.  My hip flexors get so tight and I usually do this stretch without the box but using the box took it to the next level.

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*I bought some new black jeans here that I’ve officially worn 4 out of 5 days this week and I probably would have worn them 5 out of 5 days but I had to wash them.  They are so comfortable, flattering and I LOVE the front button details on the jeans and the bottom of them:)  They are $135 now but I waited for one of their discount days and got them for $78 so wait for another discount day if you can.  They are just so amazing I had to tell you about them now.

*My favorite fall jacket!!  Every fall I wear this jacket (they have a bunch of different colors too) like crazy and it’s time for it to be out of the closet again.

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*Steph Bruce posted on her IG the other day, “Defeat came knocking on my door yesterday and I let it in, early on in my workout.  But now I feel prepared that next time it comes knocking I’ll slam the door on its face.”


I love hearing the amazing things you are doing, send them to [email protected] if you would like to be featured!


Molly!!!  “This past Saturday I ran my FIRST marathon!  With seven half marathons under my belt and several in the shorter distances, I felt it was time to venture into the unknown territory of 26.2 miles.  The past couple years I’ve had some friends start running full marathons, and after getting to go to Boston to cheer some of them on this year, I was so inspired and knew it was time I give this distance a go.  My training plan sent by my coach was initially very intimidating to me (a 60 mile week!?) but the confidence he had in me, along with my determination to do this, and do it well, led me to believe I could actually conquer this thing.

Super small marathon… it was the Pacific Northwest Marathon out in Eugene, Oregon. I’m from Florida so it turned out to be a destination marathon, and I’m thinking all my future marathons should be the same idea (plus who wants to run 26.2 miles in FL weather WOOF).  The course was beautiful and flat, it was in the 40s/50s throughout the race, I had my mom and brother out along the course cheering me on, and my coach running alongside me pacing me to ensure I have a seamless first marathon (and update my instagram story like every mile which all my supporters LOVED lol).  Feeling truly blessed by this first-time experience.  I went in with a time goal, but also realized anything can happen.  I’ve seen it happen to people and since my body hadn’t gone that distance yet, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  I held on to my 8:30 pace goal till about mile 18, then really started to slow down.  Amazingly enough, this did not discourage me!  I have to say, running a marathon is incredibly humbling, and as my goal time started slipping more and more away from me, I stayed more positive than I thought possible, and was just SO HAPPY that I felt strong enough to finish.  Never walked, just ran at the speed my body was allowing.  I crossed the finish line in 3:51:44 and feel so accomplished.  I’m writing this 3 days out from that marathon, and I’m already itching to start planning my next one.  I learned so much this weekend and want to use that to better myself and my running.”

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MICHELLE!!!  “I got my acceptance letter for the Boston marathon on Monday!  I cried tears of joy when I got the letter!  I have been trying to qualify for 4 years and finally did in May with a 10 min PR and a Boston qualifying time with a 5:56 cushion.  I was praying this was enough since it is getting harder and harder to get in with so many people qualifying!  I am beyond excited to run Boston in April especially with family and friends being able to come and see me run for the first time!  I appreciate any advice you have about Boston or any of your readers that have run it.  Fell free to contact me @ [email protected]


Stephanie!!!  “Hello from the UK!  My husband and I got married on June 23rd 2018 after a whirlwind engagement.  I have been running on and off since 2014 when I finished my first 10k and it has been one of my goals to run at least one half marathon.  Unfortunately I always got injured because I kept on wanting too much too soon.  So, after several rounds of shin splints I decided to give it another go this year but I told myself to take it really easy, give myself 5 months of consistent training and foam roll/stretch religiously.  It also helped that I managed to get my then fiancé to run the Richmond Half Marathon with me.  So that’s what we did last weekend.  We finished in 02:28 and couldn’t be happier.  We even managed to stick together throughout the whole race and crossed the finish line holding hands.  It was such a special experience and we fell in love with each other a little more that day.”

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What are your weekend plans?

-My last long long run before the marathon (17.5 this weekend and 9-12 next weekend)!

Have any favorite things this week?!  TELL ME PLEASE!

Do you pay attention to your heart rate during training?

Last drink (besides water) that you had?

-Fresca.  I love that stuff.   Soon hot chocolate will enter my life again.

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I read To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before when I was a teacher (it was in our library, and I thought it looked cute) and loved it, and I really enjoyed the movie, too! It’s so cute and funny!

I’m going to the Dodgers game tonight and then have flag football tomorrow morning. Other than that and church/leading the high school group on Sunday, I’ll just be watching football and hanging at the beach! And the last drink I had other than water was Pacific Cooler Capri Sun because that stuff is SO GOOD!! :) Have a great weekend, Janae!


AHHHH FUN!! Andrew is jealous of your Dodgers game. Sounds like the perfect weekend… ENJOY!!


I have an 8k race tomorrow and my boys both have a flag football game! Sunday is church then getting apple cider donuts at an apple orchard!

I do look at my heart rate occasionally. I don’t obsess over it though.

Last drink was my morning coffee!


GO ERIN GO!!! Please let me know how it goes afterwards! You might have to ship me one of those apple cider donuts:) Have a great weekend!


Great quote from Steph!
I just saw that she and Deena Kastor are going to be in Chicago this weekend at Fleet Feet. I’m now on a mission to be there!
And I was too distracted by Allie’s dog, Winston, in that stretch photo when I originally saw it. Thanks for pointing out the stretch!


NOOOO WAY!!! You better go find them… I want to be there! Oh Winston is so cute! Have a great day Molly.


They reopened the roads to the cabin so we may go up and start the cleanup but I’m waiting to hear from the rest of the family first for the plan. If so I’ll be posting all the pictures in IG! If we don’t do that, maybe swimming probably for the last time this season. Something like that :)


THEY DID?!? Oh this is so so great! I’ll check it out on IG. Have fun Jenny!


I watched To all the Boys I’ve Loved Before the other night too. It was so good. I had not heard of it but saw it when I was looking for something to watch on Netflix. I really want to watch it again. It just made me all warm and fuzzy.

No big plans this weekend. I did set up a playdate for my daughter with a friend she had at her old daycare that she talks about all of the time. It took some stalking to figure out who her mom was since three year olds don’t always have the needed details to fine someone but I found her and we are surprising the girls tomorrow.

Good luck with your last long run!


I dropped my Hydroflask this week, too! So not happy about the dent. Wahhh. Oh well, I guess it gives it character ;)


NOOOOOO hahaha definitely adds character. I’m just worried about the seal being broken now! I’m so sorry you dropped yours, I almost cried haha!


I just got a Koala Clip this summer and it’s been a game changer!! I still wear my belt by only on long runs when I take fluids but other than than I’ve always got my Koala Clip! I love reading about your race prep. I’ve followed you for years so I will for sure be cheering you on for this marathon! I have a good feeling!
I do my last long run tomorrow for my half marathon next weekend. It’s my 6th time running and I’ve yet to ever do better than my first year’s time. I feel strong but I know I’m just not as fast as I used to be and I should just enjoy the race and stop beating myself up over the time.


Seriously… it is amazing. It is such a simple solution… I”m so excited about it. Thank you so so much Sara, that means a lot to me. GOOD LUCK next weekend, you are going to do amazing… This is the chapter you are in (not the chapter 6 years ago!!) … love it! Please let me know how it goes and I am cheering you on too!


I’m looking forward to This Is Us too!


We should have a weekly group discussion about it:) Have a great weekend Fiona!


My hip flexors are pretty whiney right now so just looking at that stretch makes me want to cry a little, haha. (I think maybe they might actually be overstretched?? Any tips on how to tell if a muscle is overstretched?)

My weekend will mainly consist of running, baking, and meeting up with friends and family. All the best things.

I pretty much only drink water, carbonated water, and coffee at this point… I don’t even remember the last time I drank anything else!

By the way, just wanted to congratulate Molly and let her know that FL marathons aren’t so bad, but there’s a reason they’re all in the winter! The two I ran here (one in December, one in January) were in the 60s the entire time.


Overstretched… boo! Hmmm I wish I had any advice or tips on that. Everyone needs a Dr. Bennett in their lives! Good luck and enjoy your weekend!


haha hi Grant! 5 out of the 7 half’s I’ve done were here in FL, and you’re right… not TERRIBLE being in the low 60s in Jan/Feb. If I do a marathon here it’s gotta be during those months for sure! I’m already on the lookout!


I’m keeping my eyes on those black jeans!! Please update us if they do go on sale again!! Ha


I will totally do that… I am obsessed with them! Have a great weekend Katie!


that’s awesome that Brooke is excited to teach what she’s learning! My brother used to teach me his stuff too and I got super ahead in math in elementary school! haha! I am, as always, drinking coffee. it’s slowly starting to cool down here in DC and I am anticipating hot chocolate season along with you ;)


Oh really?!? I love that your brother did that! It really is such a great time of year… these cooler temps are perfect for running:) Have an amazing weekend!


It makes me chuckle that your easy pace is my race pace! But that’s the beauty of running – we can all do it, fast or slow or in between!
I took the day off today so I did my long run today – 8 miles! It was windy but cool so it felt nice to run in lower temps. We’re heading up to Chicago tonight and go Six Flags tomorrow! I haven’t been in probably 10 years so I’m excited!
Favorite things this week – the Dr Death podcast! I binged on it this week and I’m hooked. Also, my new Levitates…new running shoes in general are a wonderful thing but these ones are amazing!
I’m currently drinking a big mug of coffee…my lifeblood! Hahaha
Have a great weekend Janae!


YES… we are all doing it and working hard and I love that! Way to go on your long run today and I bet those temps felt perfect. Oh you are going to have a blast at Six Flags (I’ve been to one in California)! I love your podcast recommendations so I’ll listen to that one next, thank you. The Levitates are the absolute best. Lifeblood–> haha that is amazing. Thanks Rhiannon, you too!


I just watched All The Boys I’ve Loved Before last night…for the second time :) Even at my age I’m not embarrassed to admit I like HS drama movies, haha

I was just curious what size you ordered for your coat? I was wanting to order one but some of the reviews said it ran small, did you find that to be true? I’m conflicted if I want a small or medium!


Hahaha good… I’m not alone! Hmmm so I have a small and the sleeves are the tiniest bit short but not noticeable at all.. I kind of like it that way. I wear a small in most things so it is right on for me! Have a wonderful day Anne and let me know how the jacket works for you!


My hydro flask has 2 dents in it! But I’ve still used it for years just the same!
I’m so hesitant to buy jeans I can’t try on first. Especially a brand I’ve not worn before. Does madewell have good return policy?


Good to hear yours still works well.. so far my ice hasn’t been melting any faster so I’m happy! I’ve never sent back stuff but I have taken online order to return them back to the store and it was very easy! Have a great day Mary!


This weekend I am pet sitting and getting apples from a local orchard and buying some more Halloween decorations!
I have a new favorite shirt, a tank top from Target with pumpkins all over it………..Target stuff is the cutest!
I had Mello yello with lunch…..I don’t drink a lot of soda, but Mello Yello is my favorite and I take the full week off of soda before a race, so today and tomorrow I am definitately enjoying some soda…………….then with my meal after the race you know I will have one, ha!

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your training/taper! (I am tapering now………’s rough!)


Andrew will be jealous of your Halloween decorations:) so so excited for your race next weekend! Thank you!


Did you know they make a handle for HydroFlask?

Are the sleeves in that jacket lined? I hate putting a jacket on and my shirt sleeves getting bunched up. That jacket is adorable.

No plans for us other than getting everyone’s fall/winter clothes out and ready.


weekend plans are 15 mi long run! also seeing family which should be nice and new skis!

favorite things this week has been Luke’s Lobster. not quite ready to say goodbye to summer i guess. it’s so delish…! and also reading a book the english wife – and i am hooked…!

yes i typically check my HR if something feels off or if i notice i feel excited and i want to make sure i’m not pushing too hard, usually during easy or long runs as well. i have been sick too recently, so when i had runs while sick i kept my watch face on the HR.

currently drinking tea. it’s Nepali. i love all the tea –


I’m just curious – have you tried the leggings/capris/shorts that have the pockets on the thighs? I won’t buy any more unless they have them. I don’t even feel the phone and its super easy to grab your phone in and out of the pocket while running.

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