Silentish Saturday–> Change of Plans!

6 miles @ 8:58 pace and I’ve got 18 to get done today!

We took the kids to school and then the three of us went out!

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Too cool for school.

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The stroller puts her to sleep every time.

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The day started out with doggy pancakes.

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Andrew had the day off so we met my parents for lunch.  Andrew puts olives on his sandwich?!?

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My sandwich was heavenly.

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Sure love them.

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My parents are quite the walkers… 34.1 miles by Friday!  They are incredible.

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Later on Brooke and Andrew were off to the airport.  She is visiting her dad this weekend.

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I picked up my niece and took her for a milkshake.

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Later on my sister came over and we got to hang out for a while.

We were trying to be twins:

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They made it to California and then Andrew took a flight back home.

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Time for 18 miles!  My coach just switched things up and decided today I will not do a carb depleted run and instead I’ll do a fast finish for the last 5 miles.

My new box of gels that I bought arrived just in time:

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Have a great Saturday and run hard this weekend!


Tell me three things that you are doing today!!!

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Yum, Which wich!!
3 things: penguins, ordering photos to frame, and Shenandoah concert tonight!!
Good luck on the long run, those Humas will help!


Have the best time at the concert… that sounds amazing!!! The Humas definitely helped… I would have died without them today ahah. Enjoy your day Loribeth!


Big gold star to Andrew for accompanying Brooke on her flight!


I agree. He is the best. Have a wonderful Saturday Rachel!


Did a 9 mile run this morning and this afternoon we’re meeting friends to do an escape room and get Indian food! Good long on your long run!


WAY TO GO on your 9 miles. I’ve heard about those escape rooms and how much fun they are. Have a blast Mercedes. Thank you!


Finishing spirit wreath for our front door, breakfast and classic car show and coordinating a wedding this afternoon.


BUSY DAY!! Sounds like a great one:) Enjoy Courtney!


Glad to hear you’re skipping the carb depleted run– I know some people swear by them, but it sounds like an all day headache in the making to me! You are gonna ROCK those 18 miles, girl!
Today, I’m taking my little guy to a friend’s house to play in their pool, then I’m going to order a lab coat for my new job because…I PASSED MY NP BOARDS YESTERDAY!!!! So now I can officially have it say “Stacey, FNP-BC” I didn’t want to order it until I passed because I wanted that official “BC” on the end of it :)
… and then I’ll have a nice dinner with my son and husband.
Have a great weekend, Janae and family!




Stacey. You. Are. Amazing. HUGE CONGRATS on passing your NP Boards. Absolutely amazing. You better celebrate this for a very long time. You have done so much and I’m just so impressed by you!


I’m dropping one kid off at a birthday party, hiking Battle Creek and also getting something that was recalled on our truck fixed. Not sure what else yet though.

My sister and I sometimes show up dressed exactly a like too! We also look a lot a like (people think we are twins) so when that happens people get really confused.


We love that hike. Have the best time Jenny! Not much better than sisters! Have a wonderful weekend girl!


You and your sister definitely can pass for twins ! That’s so cool you grab your niece and go have a milkshake/little special time. I remember being her age and doing little things with my Aunt. Love-those-memories.
1. My daughter is in a parade with the group she’s taking horse riding lessons from soon. 2. We are setting out and organizing all the parts for our new pool to get our game plan ready for set up tomorrow. 3. Getting food prepped for the helpers coming to help set up the new pool tomorrow.


Oh that makes me so happy, I would love to be her twin ha. Ummm that parade sounds amazing! Brooke would love that! NEW POOL!!! I am so so excited for you! Enjoy Michele!


13.7 miles for my longest training for my half at the end of September. Doing some resting and last minute prep for the first day of school for my girls and myself! Of course I teach year round but I have been off for 2 weeks.


GO CARRIE GO!!! 13.7 miles–> awesome job!! I did year round school as a kid and I loved it. GOOD LUCK to you and your girls and keep me updated with your half training!!


I am a preschool special ed teacher and state law dictates we must be in session every month. Not sure how I would feel if my girls went year round, but glad you liked it! I would love my summers off but at least I never have the big shock of going back to work!!


Good luck with your long run! I know you will kill it!
3 things today… Deliver breakfast burritos to the football team while they watch game film, quick run, long walk with the dog, then pool time :) Ok, that was 4
Have a great Saturday!


Thank you so much Wendy. Umm I want a breakfast burrito. You are the best! Sounds perfect… enjoy!


I think 18 miles sounds better with carbs too! I ran 3 miles this morning but it felt longer due to hills. Do hills count for double? I wish!! Do you have shalenes new book? There’s a recipe for homemade fuel.


It TOTALLY does! Shame thing with humidity! I don’t have it yet but I totally want to try her homemade fuel, that sounds perfect!


Janae I just saw this and you need it for Brooke!!

Hopefully the link works ? Today I’m hanging out with my mom and getting ready for my sister’s baby shower tomorrow! And playing with my mom’s dog. Have a great day!


Yep, we need that right now. Brooke would adore that (and so would I)! Have the best time at your sister’s baby shower… that is so exciting! Thanks Cari!


I knew I liked Andrew, but olives on his sandwich just made him that much cooler ;) (Sorry Janae, I know you hate them!!)

22 mile bike ride this morning – it was 55 degrees and we had wonderful ocean air. Completely not normal for August but after a brutal July we’ll take it. At this point, I’ve had breakfast and I’m not sure if a third thing will happen today!


Hahaha you two can have all of my olives. Way to go on your bike ride Kathy… I’m so glad the weather was perfect for you too! Enjoy the rest of your day (go to the beach for me:)!


What time does Brooke’s school start? Im asking because I’m thinking you have time to make pancakes before school? We have to leave at 7:30 am on school mornings.


Normally we just have cereal but when I didn’t run before school, I was still up early (sleeping in is hard for me) so I had more time. Mornings are crazy thought! Good luck this year with the 7:30 leave time!


Farmers market.
Washing my hair. (It needs to be on my to do list!)


I just washed my hair too wahoo! Haha it was definitely on my to do list too. Enjoy the farmers market Molly!


Skye has the CUTEST expressions! She’s growing way to fast. Way.

So I admit, I was in a bit of a dither this morning on my 20 miler thinking of a carb depleted run! I used to be able to slightly manage that but it was really hard to recover from that over time. Anyway, your fast finish actually sounds fun. I had the ever so wonderful slog finish today!

Andrew is top notch for making that flight to California! Way to work as a team to manage all the things about blended beautiful families!


TWENTY MILES–> KELLY, you are amazing!! Way to go girl, that is a huge run. I agree, he is the absolute best. Thanks Kelly!


Long run
Hope road her bike for the first time no training wheels.
Huge salad for lunch.

The longest run I did carb depleted was 12. I was interested in how yours would feel being longer? Any plans to ever do, or ditching that idea?


NO TRAINING WHEELS–> GO HOPE GO!! That is so exciting! A huge salad sounds really good to me right now. So I’m not sure… we might have ditched the idea since we are already so far into training and the race is here soon so maybe another training cycle where we have more time to practice and experiment with it?! I’m glad it wasn’t today because it was so hard with carbs ha! Have a wonderful day Erica and I sure wish we could do our long runs together!


My three things to start off my Saturday- barre class, spin class, and pool class. I feel a bit “off” if I skip my Saturday schedule.
Did you know that the Hüma gels were started by a veteran? I didn’t know that until I got my latest box. I like them even more now knowing that!
Good luck on your 18 miles. This week is a drop back week for me but it will be hot hot hot. I am going to focus on hydrating for the rest of the day.


I did some quality reflection on my take on a meeting this week. The meeting generated a lot of thoughts/ emotions for me, so it took a while to settle.

Then I found these post-run power exercises (they’re really good, need to do these today):


8 mile trail race. Finished 4 minutes faster than last year!!! That elevation gain is killer – starts at 7300 ft and climbs to 7700.
Cubs baseball game on TV to recover. Then dinner at my fav Mexican restaurant to celebrate my birthday weekend with my love!
Hope you had a fantastic run and Brooke enjoyed her flight!


You are amazing!!! Huge congrats on a faster time this year and reading that elevation gain made my legs tired!


My legs are tired today for sure! But the views from the trails makes it worth it!


Wow when did Brooke turn 12? She always looks happy. I think that’s your doing. :0)
I’m at work. Working. Workout today is doing weights and an easy run. Long, treadmill run tomorrow… ug!


Why didn’t you take Brooke

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