16 Lessons Learned from the Long Run + so over It.

In case you missed out last week, the top 3 most viewed posts were:

*Hope, Running & Life

*Friday Favorites + Hair Twins + Need a lil’ Break

*Forced Speed + Keep up on the Adaptin’ + How We Celebrated


The first 1/2 of our Sunday was in Vegas with family.

Andrew’s nephew is leaving to the Philippines for two years to go on a mission for our church (Andrew did this too when he was 19 and went to Cincinnati, Ohio).  We are very excited for him.

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After our church meetings they had a big get together with so much delicious and fresh food.  Not pictured: all of the sandwiches and amazing cinnamon rolls.  Cinnamon rolls were my jam while pregnant with Skye and turns out they still are now too.

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Also, Andrew’s grandma’s Special K bars are something else.  They are peanut butter bars and she uses Special K cereal in them (I’m going to get the recipe this week so I can make them for Andrew because they are his favorite).

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And then we jumped into the car to drive the 6ish hours home.  I am sore from the hills on Saturday but nothing too bad (and nothing hurts injury wise wahoo)… I’m glad I brought my roller for the car though.

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Skye was over the road trip idea really quick…

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So I joined her in the back with Brooke and Knox.

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I also got some confidence journaling in, I’m loving Kara’s book.

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We made it home!!

My friend posted this yesterday and it made me laugh:)  Even candy is telling us to go running!

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I hit my longest run in 22 months on Saturday and I learned a few things along the way that I thought I would share.  Remember, when you are coming back to running after time away from training hard… RESET YOUR GARMIN.  It makes you feel like a million bucks when you hit new distance or time records.

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Here are some of my lessons:

1.  Brooke inherited my mother’s pep talk skills.  I was shocked on Friday night with what she said to me when we were eating our pizza.   I thought about it when I started feeling warm during the run and it helped me… I’ll be thinking about it during the marathon too.

Me to Andrew, “I’m nervous about this temperature tomorrow for our run… long run in the 80s!?!”

Brooke to me, “You DON’T give up.”  She even pointed her finger right at me.

She’s right, I won’t and I’ll remember this little face saying that on October 6th.

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2.  To go along with the above… I learned that I can do hard things in hot temperatures.  I’ve always told myself that I am a better cold weather runner and if a race is ever in the 40s the entire time it will be the best day ever.  I taught myself that I can run hard in the heat too (80ish degrees for the entire run which is hot for me).  We just need to show tough conditions that runners are even more tough:)

Long story short, think about the things you’ve told yourself that you are (ie you aren’t good at hills, you can’t run fast in the heat, you don’t have a ton of endurance etc) and prove yourself wrong.

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3.  If I forget my thick lip gloss for the marathon like I did on Saturday, I’ll be quite upset at myself.  My lips felt terrible by the end.  St. George is dry (it’s a desert) and while I hydrated really well and felt fine that way, my lips were angry and I thought about them a lot during the cool-down.

4.  Also, same story… DO NOT FORGET YOUR GOODR GLASSES OR VISOR on race day.  I did on Saturday and I was not happy about that.

5.  While I really like the Ricochet (full report coming soon)… I learned on Saturday that the Launch are where the money is at for me for the marathon.  The weight, the support, the speed I can get out of them… they will be my marathon shoe.  I’ll do the rest of my long runs in them.

6.  Dropping down into Snow Canyon is still my biggest obsession on the St. George Marathon course.  Not only are you done with the really hard hills (you just have one more at mile 19… Winchester Hills) but it is fast and the views are breathtaking.

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7.  I need to put deodorant on my lower back.  I need to.  One of you taught me that deodorant is the best for anti-chafing and I’m forever grateful because it has changed my running life.  I chafed so bad on my lower back on Saturday, I’m going to have to remember to put that on there marathon morning.

8.  The long run is the best dress rehearsal ever.  You learn so many different things about what you want and do not want to do on race day… I love writing all of these things down because I don’t want to make the same mistakes over again and I don’t want to forget the right things either!

9.  I swing my upper body a ton during the run.  Anyone have any tips or advice for that?  I watched a few of the movies Andrew took and my upper body is not very efficient especially when I was feeling tired like in the below video.   Maybe I over pump my arms, I’m not sure… it just seems like I’m wasting a lot of energy there that I should save for my legs.

10.  During the last interval and the last mile it was entirely uphill and it hurt… what I did to stop the hurt= think about each of our kiddos giggles and their little faces when they are laughing.  It helped big time and I’ll use this trick on race day too.

11.  Marathon training with a support group is really great  My mom and dad were my support group (and they will be at this marathon wahoo) previously (before Andrew) and now Andrew is absolutely rocking it.  I am so grateful.  Not only does he help make sure that I can get in my runs each week (and then he runs at random times later on) but he hates mornings.  They are literally his least favorite thing ever.  Him biking with me was amazing (and we got up so early to do it).  He told me we are going to go down again to St. George for one of my 20 milers before the marathon too.  It is really amazing what he is doing to help me reach my dreams and I hope I do the same for him.

12.  Sandwich with jelly before the run, huma gel every 4-5 miles, Nanohyr8 (so obsessed with this stuff and you can get 20% off HERE using code HRG20… I swear by this thing), water and gatorade = my perfect combination for race day.  I’ve never been good at taking in calories during the run but I’m getting a lot better with that now and I think that is going to make all of the difference in a few weeks.

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13.  Jackrabbits are WAY faster than me.  I had a mini race with one at about mile 13 and he creamed me.

14.  My glutes felt like they were asleep for most of the run on Saturday.  I need to get them a bit activated beforehand because my hamstrings and quads were working overtime and covering the glutes work.  I need to do a few squats again before or some clamshells… something needs to wake those up before I start.

15.  I think my biggest life talent was found out on Saturday morning when I woke up exactly 1 minute before my alarm clock went off (4:49)… Andrew experienced this phenomena of mine because I woke him up too right before the alarm went off.

16.  Keep focusing on the present during the run.  The mile I’m in.  Not how much farther I would have to go if I was actually in the marathon or how many more reps I still have left to do.  Look around where I’m at in that second, take in the gorgeousness of my surroundings, listen to my breathing and cheer myself on for THAT MILE and the rest will work itself out.  There is no need to worry about it (unless it is to slow myself down a bit so that I have the energy to finish strong), be present in my running.  It’s so much fun that way.


Marathoners and half-marathoners… how many of these do you do a year?  Would you do more if your body let you ( if you didn’t get injured by doing a lot)?

Do you like driving or would you rather be the passenger?  Do you do the driving on road trips?

-I am all about being the passenger.  

Have any running goals this week?

Is there a treat/dessert that is famous in your family?

-Andrews family = Special K bars and on my side of the family, these Date Bars are life and our smores bars are up there too.

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I havent done a full since 2015….maybe next year. I have been doing 2 halfs a year for a while now and i would love if there was one or two more that fit into my schedule nearby.
I don’t mind driving….driver controls the music and I am all about my tunes!
This week is my second 10 miler in prep for my half in 6 weeks! Should be slightly cooler than last week!
Have a fabulous week!!


Hahaha very true… luckily, Andrew and I love the same music:) I am so happy it is going to be cooler for you on your 10 miler… you are going to rock it and all of your hard work in these hot months is paying off. Which half is it again???


Thanks! Called the hillbilly half……started out as the Franklin half…..they moved it to Sept from June this year……has made training for it more intense in the summer! But I have run it every year since it started in 2013!


I do 4-6 marathons and ultra marathons a year, that is enough for me. I would like to be the driver at all times because I’m the worst passenger ever, but my husband does most of the driving on road trips. My only goal for this week is to run 5 times.
Hope you have a great running week!!


HAHAH I can be a pretty great backseat driver (I blame it on teaching driver’s ed;) 4-6 a year… that is awesome! You inspire me a lot with what you do! Thank you so much Almarie, you too!


Nice job, Janae! You are SO ready for St. George!! And I LOVEloveLOVE that last point. It’s so true and so important to focus on the moment we’re in rather than stressing/worrying about the ones ahead.

I used to run quite a few half marathons every year. I think that it would be fun to run one a month if my body let me, but I also think it would be better to stick to three or four a year (and hopefully I can work my way back to that). Right now I’m just trying to get ready for a 10K, so I clearly have a lot of building back up to do.

Hope you have a wonderful Monday!!


HEY GIRL!! Oh I would love one a month too! Your 2017 was crazy and I am so happy you are back! Thanks Natalie, you too!


I much prefer to be the passenger if it’s over a 2 hour drive. I love zoning out and not having to worry about getting us lost. My butt falls asleep too so if I’m not the driver I can shift around. Also, I can read in the car and not get sick so that helps to pass the time.

Fabulous job on your long run! That fact that you forgot your glasses and still ran is amazing to me :) I need my sunglasses! Even if it is overcast, I wear my glasses with the clear lenses. I just don’t like the wind in my eyes.

Beautiful pictures of the course. Andrew is your “Patrick” (Gwen’s Patrick!) or Patrick is Janae’s “Andrew”. Gwen says she often is asked “where can I find a Patrick”? And you have one in Andrew! You definitely seem super supportive of Andrew in his school endeavors, etc. so it appears to be a very equal partnership (from my computer screen! Ha). It’s awesome to see.


Hahah yes… my butt does too if I am driving for a long period of time! Thank you so much Amanda… I know, it was a terrible thing to forget. I NEED sunglasses at all times (unless it is dark haha). Patrick is my Andrew:)… seriously, I love that! You are so right! Thank you Amanda, that means a lot. I hope your day is a wonderful one!


Loved these lessons so much. I think you did an amazing job at that 19-Mile run!!!!!!

On road trips I like to drive. I drove from Florida to Texas with my mother in law. We would split our time in the steering wheel and I liked it.

The desserts that are popular in my family are my mom’s chocolate cake and my mother in law blueberry cheesecake.


Oh thank you Nathaly!! WOW, that is a long road trip. So glad you could split up the time. And now I need that chocolate cake… just mail it to me;) Have a wonderful day Nathaly!


By the end of this year, I’ll have done two half marathons plus a few 5ks, 10ks, and seven mile races. Two is enough for me, then I can do all the other stuff too! And give myself some variety in my workouts! I don’t really have any desire to do more.
I prefer to drive… control freak here! :)
No goals this week – only a couple of weeks left until I have to get back to half marathon training so I’m just running/working out however I want to without any pressure!
Dessert – my mom makes this AMAZING lemon sheet cake… I don’t know that it’s famous in our family but it’s definitely my favorite!


Lemon sheet cake… okay, I need that. My mom, sis and I are huge lemon lovers too! Enjoy these weeks of doing whatever sounds good each day! Have a wonderful day Rhiannon!


I had no idea Andrew did his mission in Cincinnati – I have a lot of family there now!

That view from the course looks amazing, I can see why you love this race.


Oh that is crazy!! He loved it there! Come out and do it one year:) Have a wonderful day Victoria!


I think you have the pep talk gene as well. I read your blog daily. And you often have posts like the one today full of gems. For those of us who don’t have friends or loved ones that run, you are the one who gets it. You give me the pep talk I need. :)


Well, THANK YOU Jennifer! I am your friend and want to talk about running whenever you want. Email me if you need a pep talk before a race! I learned from the best (my mom:)! Have a wonderful day!


I need to remind myself to just stay in the mile I am in! With this last week when all my runs felt hard, I thought too much about how much farther I had to go… it does no good! That is my goal/focus this week. Focus on the mile I am in :)
I do about 3 half marathons a year, and 1 full marathon. I would love to do more halfs, but the entry fees start to add up quickly! I think I would also like to do 1 more full each year. I really love the training side of marathons! The rountine, being disciplined… hitting those long distances… I just love the training cycle :)
Here’s to a good week of running and life!


You are so right… it really does 0 good to think about how much more we need to go. I agree, it’s crazy how expensive a lot of half marathons have gotten (most are around $100 here now)! Thank you and you too Wendy!


I am usually the passenger yet I have developed passenger anxiety over the last few years. I have to close my eyes when my husband is driving on the Hawaii highway and on European side roads.


I would DEFINITELY have to do that when driving on the other side of the road or a tiny highway! Have a wonderful day Molly!


Doing the whole one half that I’ve done, I would definitely do more a year if my body would stay healthy. Trevon doesn’t love the idea of all that time commitment and my body doesn’t love the hard miles so I won’t be doing one any time soon. Maybe next year, we will see.

I’d rather be the passenger!

I love that Brooke is so good at the pep talk already!


When is the recap up!?!?!


Hopefully Wednesday. I was hoping to get race pictures up so I had some of me actually running but I’m not sure that will happen :)


You asked about rotation of the torso. I don’t know exactly what would cause it (other than you want to keep short ground contact, because long contact and a long swing will make your upper body to correct it), but I do have an exercise that helps me: do skippings with your hands on your head and keep your upper body straight. Some people even did the skippings with a stick on their shoulders (and hands on the stick). Hope this helps!


CARLA!!! Thank you thank you thank you! I will be doing this exercise and I’ll try the stick too. Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful Monday!


One of the biggest things I learned when I did the NYC marathon (I trained with team in training) was not to curl your hands into fists (keep them relaxed and open so energy isn’t going into the hands and stopping) and to keep your arms moving forward, not up. I’m super slow, but it’s always been a great form tip I can focus on when my legs are shot, that I can keep pumping my arms forward (like a barbie doll) and that focuses my momentum forward. It’s especially helpful for hills! <3


EMILY!! I love hearing from you! Thank you thank you thank you… I’m totally going to try this starting tomorrow. I need those forward barbie doll arms. Thank you Emily and I hope you are feeling well and having a wonderful day!


Quick suggestion for the arm swing: I used to do ultras and would carry 16 oz handheld water bottles in each hand. Since getting used to running 30-50 miles at a time that way, I’ve majorly mellowed out my arm swing. Not suggesting you go that far, but maybe trying it out on shorter runs will get you used to the feeling of “mellow” arms.


That is SUCH a good idea Megan. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I am going to try this and I love the idea of mellow arms:) Thanks for taking the time to help me. Have a beautiful day!


St. George looks amazing and I am totally putting it on my list! And awesome long run, too BTW!
I had a cutback eeek, so 14 miles were on the agenda. I usually do it on Sat, but had to switch to Sun this week… somehow I forgot to tell my brain that a new leg workout was not the best idea on Sat! I also woke up late (which I never do on long run days) and didn’t get on the road until 7am. Ugh. Heat + very tired legs = lots of stopping. Fortunately this was not my 20 miler!
I typically do 2 marathons a year and yes, I really wish I could do more! There are just SO many awesome races out there!!
Passenger – I get to take it all in!
My mom makes an apple crisp that is out of this world, and now we all copy it!
Running goal for the week (and beyond) is to really focus on prehab and strengthening weak areas (hips, inner thighs) I also just started trying to correct my supination, which is starting to cause some problems, and it is super hard after running for so long!
Question: when do you take the nanohydr8? Before or during your run?
Have a great day!!


Hey YOU! So I have been taking it right before the hard part of my workouts. For the race I’m going to take it before the race and then if I need another at mile 18 or so to try to take another! Let me know if you try it! Ummmm your mom’s apple crisp sounds amazing! I wish I could do more than 2 a year too:) Way to go on getting in those 14 miles girl!


I ran 2 marathons in 1 year once, but 1 a year is enough for me. With our travel schedule, staying on top of marathon training is really a challenge. And I like having Saturdays free part of the year!

I am all about being the passenger. #same

I ran 7 miles on Saturday (longest post ankle sprain run) and I was so sore yesterday. It was a happy sore (weird, I know.) I just want to keep building on that this week. I got an email on Saturday from Revel for a marathon on the Big Island in March that is calling my name. https://www.runrevel.com/rkl

My Mom use to make something she called “Scotcheroos” – it’s a variation on Rice Krispie treats with peanut butter and topped with chocolate and butterscotch chips (https://mcmomentsandmemories.blogspot.com/2009/12/friday-foodie-christmas-baking-edition.html.) My brother always wanted this for his birthday instead of cake! I thought my Mom created it, but it’s on the Rice Krispies website.


You guys seriously travel so much… I LOVE IT!! Way to go on your pr distance post-injury. That is awesome and I know just what youa re saying about happy sore haha:) I saw that race too… how fun would that one be to do. It looks incredible. Well, now I need those scotcheroos asap!


So you didn’t do a run while you were here in Vegas? … Probably a smart choice, it’s been close to 90 at 6am!


Hey Joan!! No, I didn’t get a chance to run in Vegas… 90 degrees at 6am would have killed me! I hope you have a wonderful day!


LOVE Brooke’s pep talk, especially perfect with that T shirt she’s wearing ;) I love being the passenger/navigator/snack fixer and my husband loves driving so it works out well. And would you mind sharing the Special K recipe? Those look amazing!


YES YES YES… expect it this week. You are going to love them! Have a beautiful day!


I’m still training for my first half! And hopefully one day I can call myself a marathoner :) I live in Edmonton, AB Canada and the Edmonton marathon happened here yesterday, the highlight was a 73 year old man crossing the finish line – it was his 100th MARATHON. Major motivation right there.

My mom makes this pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting that is so fluffy and delicious, we are all obsessed.
On the topic of food, could you share some of your go-to breakfasts (especially if you have any on the go ideas)? I feel like I should be able to feed myself by this point in my life (like, I’m 28 sigh) but I’ve been super uninspired lately and need to do a better job of refuelling!

Thanks :) also just wanted to say that I love your openness and vulnerability on this blog! I’ve been reading for a few months and you’re quite the inspiration! The post you wrote on Hope last week had a bigger impact on me than anything I’ve read in a long time, so thank you for being you and so genuine in your content!


I am seriously so excited for you to run your first half, you are doing amazing. 100th marathon–> Okay, he is incredible! Send me some of that pumpkin cake this fall;) SOOOOO right now…. I have been terrible with this. I eat a protein bar every single morning or make a protein shake because I just don’t have time to make anything because of the kids. It’s easy to just grab and eat on the go but eggs and veggies etc are probably a much better option for me. I’m 32 and I still don’t know how to feed myself haha:) Thank you for what you said, it means the world to me. I’m so grateful for this community! Have a wonderful day Rachel!!!


Thanks for the reply! I mean, I have a smoothie basically every morning and I don’t even have children to deal with! We’re both doing just fine. Haha maybe I’ll nail nutrition by the time I’m 73 (and running my 100th marathon?!) One can dream. I’ll snap a picture of that cake recipe and send it your way next time I’m in my mom’s kitchen! Thanks again :) hope you have a great week!


Looks like a fun road trip! I love being the passenger on road trips – and my partner prefers it that way too!

We don’t have a famous dessert per se – but we like shaved ice and tapioca pudding!

Haha, my running goals this week = recovery and being able to walk . I survived my weekend of trail racing – 50 miles Saturday and 50km Sunday. Everything hurts right now but I have a beautiful blue trucker hat and a medal to show for the suffering :p. I got to share the 50km with a new running friend – he and I ran/death marched the whole thing together and crossed the finish line together.

Have a great start to the week!


AHHHHH I thought of you this weekend… you are amazing Kristine! I can’t even imagine running that many miles in just two days. I love that you have a new running friend that you got to experience the 50km with. You are amazing. Recover and refuel with some amazing things!


Funny because I used to LOVE driving but now I love being a passenger. So many safety anxieties since becoming a mother that make me paranoid. :) For desserts, Carrot cake and chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese. :) Have a great day, Janae!


Maybe that is what it is… I used to love driving!! Motherhood! I’m drooling over both of those. Thanks Marie and have a wonderful day:)


I just wanted to say that in the video of you running you look SO strong and fast! You are going to rock your race! Our favorite sweet treat is blueberry cheesecake pie….the kids request it for their birthday ‘cake’ every year. It’s so yummy and easy!
I haven’t raced for over a year because of PF issues…I’m setting my sights on a spring half marathon in my town for sure. I’ll probably do a couple of other shorter ones before that though.
Have a great day!


That blueberry cheesecake pie sounds like heaven! I am so sorry about your PF…. that is terrible! I hope it leaves for good, please keep me updated on everything Cindy! Thanks so much!


Love your tips! And 19 miles, woo hoo! I do about two halves a year and I think that’s about right for me, with balancing training and family. I disco very over the last year that if I go longer, I get injured! I’m definitely the passenger when we drive. My other half enjoys it and also he gets travel sick I feel he’s the passenger so it works out well this way. Our family sweet treats are a moist chocolate cake, and some signature chocolate chip cookies ? And my running goals for the week are to manage an intervals session in my in laws village without getting lost, and banking an hour and a half for my long run at the weekend – longest in a while!


When it comes to marathons probably one a year but half marathons, 2 a year. The time of marathon training is just looong and not practical year round in my opinion with juggling my family too.


My first and only time i’ve seen a jackrabbit was on a morning run Easter of 2013. If i had HALF his speed i’d be grateful. Kicked my rear!


Hahah yes!!!! They are so crazy fast, I couldn’t believe it! Have a wonderful night Lindsey!


Janea, you are a total rockstar! I aspire to be more like you. I just saw on a vlog that using lansinoh on our lips helps keep them moist and healthy, makes sense considering what else it used for. Have a great rest of the day!


You are so kind! Thank you for telling me about this… I totally want to try it!!! Thank you!


The chocolate layer on those bars looks like pure heaven!! Feel free to post that recipe cuz I think I need those in my life!!
I can drive or be a front seat passenger, all depends. I DON’T like riding in the backseat though!
The views from your run are breathtaking. Can’t wait for the actual race!! Excited for you!


Oh Janae, I cherish you and HRG so very much! I have to say that right up front. Thank you for always being so warm and honest and point-blank about your life, family, running, etc. No matter the topic (even the tough ones) I’ve always found your voice a vibrant light. Sending you the warmest wishes as ever!

Goodness, after all that, finally what I came here for: simply to say I find it really interesting that you’re trying to reduce your upper body swinging! I actually find I try for a bit more motion up top, as it helps me keep my core on and engaged and not defer to my legs/knees/hips as I’m totally guilty of doing otherwise.

Big hugs from Canada!


Terra, thank you so much for your sweet sweet comment, it means a lot to me! That is really interesting… so maybe it is helping me too?!?! AHHHH I need all of my big life questions answered. I hope you are having a great night and thanks again!


Janae, great long run!
I think you’ll appreciate this for some inspiration – at Sunday’s Sunshine Coast half marathon (in Australia – you have to visit some time!) Sinead Diver won the women’s event in 1:09:20 (can we just say, wow…) just 22 seconds outside the all-time Australian women’s record, and setting a new masters world record for women 40+. She is 42, and broke Deena Kastor’s record.

Also, about the arm swinging – are you maybe over-striding a tiny bit, especially if it’s on the downhill sections? Your coach might have some ideas there.


Hey!!! For some reason those don’t work that well for me. With the dove deodorant I never ever chafe now wherever I put it!


Oh, wow! Glad you found something that does work. I can’t imagine how miserable we’d be running with blisters and those chafe marks that burn so bad when we hop in the shower.


THANK YOU!!! Have an amazing weekend!


“Look around where I’m at in that second, take in the gorgeousness of my surroundings, listen to my breathing and cheer myself on for THAT MILE and the rest will work itself out. ”

YES, this! So glad I found your blog, and this was just what I needed to remind myself of today. I just turned 50, did 2 halves this past spring, and am doing my first full on Oct. 20. I’m in a 20 mile “race” (really just a great way to do a 20 mile long run…) on Sunday, and it will be the longest I’ve ever run (18.5 was my last longest). Such a mental thing … I think beyond 13 it’s all mental….

I’m alternating between being completely terrified and really excited. Fighting the terrified with the “one step, one mile at a time” thoughts … honestly, what is there to be afraid of? What do I think is going to happen? I’m afraid it will go poorly. Okay, so what … if it does, it’s one day, one run … learn from it for The Big Day and move on…. And while we’re at it, define “poorly” … if you finish it, its a win. But there is a part of my brain that is side-eyeing the clock and the other half is yelling at it to forget the clock just run how you feel…. My inner thought life is a complete mess right now, so thanks for the rational, grounded pep talk. Running goal for this week? To be present in each mile on Sunday, feel whatever I’m feeling, let it be, breathe, believe, and just keep going, one step, one mile at a time.

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