Why Dwell on a Lame Run, A KIDLESS DATE & Marathon Training Week #5!!

Long run last weekend = magical, skittles, unicorns.

Long run this weekend = I felt so off for those final miles and like the pace I was going was 2 minutes per mile faster than it actually was.

We switched up my workout this weekend to be a fast finish long run.  I did the first 13 miles on my own and I felt pretty okay with a 7:45 average.  I took a gel at mile 5 and mile 12 but I’m guessing I didn’t take enough water with my gel and I started cramping as soon as the fast 5 fast miles started.   It could have also just been an off day or the lack of sleep probably played a role (I could not for the life of me fall asleep until Andrew got home at around 1 from the airport) or it’s just marathon training.  I hit the paces that I wanted for the day but I REALLY gave it my all for those last 5: 6:51, 6:53, 6:54, 6:59, 6:45.

I gave my best for the day and that’s all that matters:)  I give myself about 30 minutes after a run to be frustrated with how it went and then you just gotta move on.  There is no point in dwelling on it unless it went fabulous and you felt strong and confident… I feel free to dwell on those runs for weeks:)

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I added a nice hill in mile 3 but other than that I didn’t gain a ton of elevation.  The last 5 were flat as can be.

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Definitely the best part of my run= Skye and Andrew joining me for the last 5.  I joined up with them and I had Andrew go ahead of me and told him to maintain a sub 7 pace so that I could chase after them.  This was Skye’s first time in the trailer and she did better than expected and didn’t make a peep… I even got a few smiles when I caught up to them and was next to her which was motivating ha.

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My watch hit 18.000000 and I went straight to the curb:)

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Like Des says:


The grass felt pretty great afterwards that is for sure.  I would have stayed there for a few hours if I could have ha:)

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Have you tried the TJ’s hash browns?  I think they are pretty great (and easy).  I was very hungry after this run.

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Our afternoon was pretty low key and we just got things done around the house but at night we went out!

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We were on our way to a different restaurant and then saw Olive Garden and the idea of pasta, breadsticks dipped in alfredo and salad won my heart.

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Later on my mom watched Skye while we went to see the new Mission Impossible!

Brooke is having a great time in California.  She gets home this afternoon and I can’t wait!

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Here is what week #5 of training for the St. George Marathon looked like for me!!

Monday:  8 miles @ 8:04

Tuesday:  6 miles @ 8:36

Wednesday:  11 miles @ 7:13 average pace.

2 mile w/u

2 miles @ marathon pace (I went a tiny bit faster for these but they felt very comfortable…):  6:47, 6:47.

3 minute easy jog

5 x .5 miles @ threshold (with 1 minute easy jogs after each one):  3:13, 3:10, 3:10, 3:07, 3:07—>  6:23 average pace for those.

3 minute easy jog

2 miles @ marathon pace: 6:42, 6:39

C/d until I hit 11 miles (around 1.37 miles).

Thursday:  6.17 miles with a friend @ 8:35 pace.

Friday:  6 miles @ 8:57 pace while pushing Skye.

Saturday:  18 miles @ 7:31 average pace.  First 13 @ 7:45 and last 5 @ 6:53 average.

Sunday:  OFF!

55.17 miles!  The mileage is getting up there (for me:)!


What are you having for your Sunday morning breakfast?  

What was the last movie that you saw?

Describe your last run in three words:  _________ , ________ and _________.

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I had a Panera avocado and egg white sandwich, yum!
I think the last movie we saw in theatres was the new Mission Impossible as well, although we have watched lots of movies at home since then:)
And my last run (Friday): wind machine, music blasting, and glitter. (the river was very sparkly!)

Speaking of Mission Impossible, Tom Cruise’s famous running would waste a lot of energy in a distance race, ha!
And did you notice where he jumped from roof to roof…….he actually broke his ankle for real on that jump, the guy is nuts!

Have a great day!


Bahaha I literally was thinking that while watching… good thing he never has to run 13.1 miles like that;) He did? That is crazy! How does he skip over aging ha? I love your description of your last run:). Have an amazing day Loribeth!


I needed that Des quote today! Thanks, Janae!


You are so welcome! I hope you have a beautiful Sunday Lindsey!


Standard, sweaty, and sufficient.


Oh I love the way you described your run!


The last movie we saw in theaters was the incredible 2. My husband got to go see mission impossible with his work a few weeks ago though and liked it.

Maybe home made granola for breakfast? Or maybe just some cereal, you never can tell on sundays haha.


Hahaha or maybe both!!! Oh we loved incredible 2! Have a wonderful day Jenny!


Sounds like a great workout to me because you practiced that all important grit.
Your workouts have gone flawlessly and I am smiling ear to ear to see you finally get that encouragement you deserve (in my mind, you’ve been ready to smash 3 for a while) so cheer section still going strong here in Chicago!


I’m making oatmeal banana pancakes from shalenes new book ! That’s awesome you got the paces when it felt so much harder than last week. Good job!

I was wondering how you choose running routes? Are you using an app for inspiration or do you just know your area pretty well? I felt like choosing routes in my hometown was easy but out of state I don’t venture out enough.


Omg 18 mile long run and only week 5?! That blows my mind! Is that a typical buildup for you? Way to go on that tough run btw! Such great mental training!


This morning was a pb protein shake.

Mission Impossible was the last movie we saw. It was fun!

My last run was super painful! Ha, it’s when I figured out I had a stress fracture in my foot. I was training for St George too, but I’m about 99% sure that is not going to happen . Oh well, there’ll be another race!


Those TJs hash browns are awesome!! I’m returning to running after not being able to run my whole pregnancy (heart rate issues – would spike over 180 within first 30 sec so dr advised me to take it easy) and I feel Like it’s soooo hard starting over again! Nice reminder that everyone has tough runs even if my distance is super short again. I need to Take your advice And reset all my run apps so I hit New milestones and get motivated again.


I am at Oiselle BigBird Camp and had bagels for breakfast, then blueberry pancakes with strawberries and bananas on top and a side of bacon for brunch, then thin slices potatoes and a side of back for second brunch.

I watched tusk which is too weird I wouldn’t recommend it.

My 10 mile long run this morning was amazing and cool (weather) and empowering!!! Lauren Fleshman didn’t pass me until mile NINE! She may have been running 14 instead of 10 so had to go to the 7 mile turnaround while I turned around at 5, but whatever! It still felt awesome!!!!


Well I ate 20 miles for breakfast! Lol. And then I had an acai bowl and some iced coffee. Oh do I count the prerun bagel? I usually don’t… that’s fuel, not breakfast. Ha.
We saw Mission Impossible a few weeks ago and loved it! This week we went to see The Meg and it was very entertaining, albeit a bit far fetched ?
Hmmm my run this morning: Cloudy, cool, and uplifting. My last 3 long runs were so awful, that I am super, super thankful that this one felt great!
Btw THANK YOU for the recommendation of the nanohydr8! I typically have a little coffee before I start, but I think it dehydrates me and also makes my bowels go crazy. I didn’t have any coffee this morning and instead I drank the nanohydr8 right before my run and it seriously made such a huge difference! Game changer ?
Have a great Sunday!


This mornings LONG RUN sucked for me. I had intended on running 14-15 miles BUT I was not prepared for the conditions. It was crazy humid and HOT. I ended up calling it quits at 12.25 miles. I am proud of myself for pushing to that point BECAUSE honestly I had considered giving up after the first mile. Yes, I am being hard on myself BUT I guess I’m only human and have to “give-up” sometimes so I know I can go back and try again another time!

Three words to describe my last run: slogging, hot, and downright awful!


I need to up my Sunday breakfast game – just overnight oats for me! I took my little boy to the cinema today and we saw the Incredibles 2 (again – time number three for him as my parents took him the day after we had!). Btw I always think of you when we go to the cinema as since he saw a pic of Brooke with a blanket we always have to take his :) I might have to start taking one for me too ? My last long run was yesterday and was 17km with the last twenty minutes at half marathon pace. I would describe it as sloggy, tiring, but appreciated – as I’m still coming back from a cartilage injury and I’m always so happy when I can put another tick on my plan without having hurt myself! I do think it’s amazing though that during the first part you can feel as though upping the pace is impossible. But when your watch ticks round you just do it. And then you get to feel proud :) Love it that Andrew and Skye paced you on the bike!


In case you find it useful I have found a free app for runners, it is called GPS TOTAL RUN (for Android) and has everything: Statistics, Times, Saves and loads routes, records routes, has maps, etc.
I recommend that you at least try it.
It is an app awarded in an app contest University.


Sunday breakfasts are always simple to get to church service on time-this morning it was Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
My last run was new, beautiful, and energizing. My co-coaches and I brought our teams to a bridge that goes over the Mississippi River into Arkansas. I’ve walked part of it a few times but never ran the whole thing. It was a fun change of scenery that I’m excited to do again soon!


Sunday’s run three words: Better.than.yesterday (I had a 20miler Saturday that felt great at first then blah the last 6, like really, really blah). Sunday was fantastic and in in the woods and much better.

Last movie in a Theater was Uncle Drew with my 13 year old son. before that was Mama Mia 2 (take tissues!) oh, i did watch three movies on the airplane recently: Book Club, Tully, Birdie (I think that was the title. It was an international flight, I barely remember the movies I watch)

Breakfast-toast with an egg and avocado. So perfect after a long run
Have a GREAT week!!!


if anything, you should be even more proud than usual! you hit your distance AND pace, despite it being harder! thats amazing!

also, is there anything cuter than you running after your husband and baby in the lil trailer!? jeeeeez goals!!

We also drove past an olive garden the other day and i was like OMG OLIVE GARDEN!! hahaha I guess i haven’t seen one in a long time!


Totally random here – but I have an 8 month old and we tried her in the bike trailer for the first time this morning. I was a little nervous she’s still too small and then read the warning label that said not suitable for under 12 months… she was happy as a clam in it though. We were gunna put it away for the next few months but you guys give me hope! Do you have a specific one for babies?

P.s. Love following along with Skye’s updates! Our girls are just days apart


Talk to your pediatrician. It really depends on how your baby is at holding their head upright. Many babies are able to safely ride in a bike trailer at 9 months, but it’s better to be safe in this instance! You can also check out trailers that have suspension on them as they’ll have less bump and wiggle.


Awesome job on pushing through that tough run! I bet having your crew right there with you helped big time. I’m looking forward to my long run this weekend with my little man :) What type of carrier do you guys have for the bike? I have been meaning to get one so I can start biking again but haven’t heard too many things about the bike hook-up carriers.


I love that sauce at Olive Garden that u dip your breadsticks in. The Gluten free pasta with pesto is amazing!!

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