Sentence Per Picture + My Friday FAVORITES!!!

8 miles @ an 8:22 pace with no soreness from my track workout the previous day which I was not expecting.

Brooke leaves today to be with her dad so we tried to fit in a solid family day while we had everyone together (ps my Birkenstocks have entered my life again to keep my running feet happy ((arch support)).

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Skye was beyond impressed with the bird show.

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We visited a new park (for Utah people—> Cory Wride Memorial Park) and it was incredible.

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We packed some sandwiches and ate lunch there.

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Skye even joined in on the splash pad fun.

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The ice cream man made an appearance too.

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Our kitchen needed some food and we needed some samples so we made a trip to Costco.

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We finished off with our ‘date night’ for the week ha… Skye was asleep, the kids were playing downstairs and we ate a really fancy dinner (in my pajamas because my dress was soaking in the spray and wash at the moment because spilling something all over myself is a daily occurrence).

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Do not get too jealous of the salsa bar that we enjoyed with our meal.

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I’ve got some favorite things for you this week (with a few affiliate links included):

*I am SO excited for my half marathon next Saturday (7/28)!  This will be my 4th year in a row doing this race and my goal is to have a 50 year streak with the Timp Half.  It’s an amazing course and so incredibly organized.  If you want to run it then sign up today (prices go up tomorrow).  You can use the code HRG20 to get 20% off!

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Flashback to my first year running it!

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*I bought a new planner!  I LOVED my Erin Condren planner this last year so when I needed a new one again, I went for the same one (except for the 18 month version instead of the 12 month version).  I also didn’t get it personalized like I did my first one so it was cheaper this way.  I cannot keep track of things with my phone planner so this one is a lifesaver.  I love it too much.

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*Roolee does it again!  This dress, this dress, this top and this top are my favorite and will be perfect for the rest of the summer and this fall!  I wore all four things this week!

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*I mentioned the Hair, Skin and Nails Gummies a while ago but I thought I would update you—> they are still a favorite and I have definitely noticed that my hair has been growing faster because of them!

*I do not know how I have gone so many years without this sports bra in my life.  I started wearing the Brooks UpHold Crossback and I cannot believe how great it is.  NOTHING MOVES.  I don’t chafe.  The coverage is perfect.  It is something else.  How I lived without it, I do not know.

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*The other day I was watching Kristen Bell’s IG stories (I love following her) and she mentioned her Clarisonic.  I totally forgot that I had one so I found mine and I fell in love with it all over again.  I am not claiming to have great skin (I do not:) but when I started using mine again, I fell in love with how great my skin felt afterwards.

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*Ruth B.  I could listen to her all day and according to Andrew, I do.


*I listneed to this short podcast on mindfulness during my run yesterday and I loved it… such a fun thing to practice while running!

*Costco now carries the best popsicles on the planet.

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*Allie Kieffer announced she will be running NYC again this year!  Maybe we should all fly out to go spectate?!

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*Another Costco love, the individual packs of guac.  Dip some peppers in it and it’s the perfect snack.

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Who is watching the Tour de France this year?  

-I’ve been watching the highlights and it makes me want to get back into spin class again:)

Do you use a paper planner?  Which one do you use?

What sports bra have you been loving lately?

Have any Friday night plans?

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Definitely paper here. Can’t wait for the phone to load!
And I’m loyal to Lulu because the store near me has the nicest people there, really down-to-earth and honest — so Stash N Run for long runs and Energy for everything else. I hate getting out of a sweaty one in the heat though!
Allie and Shalane are both doing a thing where they coach a group of their fans through NYCM training. I have a coach I love (hi, Mary!) but I do wonder what it would be like to be part of this. Like, would they be really involved or would you just get a mass email once in a while with workouts in it?
Also, I love the videos of Allie running, her leg turnover is so quick it’s unreal. Plus she really shows her work and workouts. She is quick for a reason!
NYC is going to be so fun, I can’t wait.


I totally agree about Allie’s leg turnover, I am always so amazed by her! I wonder what their group coaching would be like too… that could be so fun! Glad you have found such an amazing Lulu next to you with great people and sports bras! I hope your Friday is an amazing one and I am so excited for you to run NYC!


Skye and Brooke look so much alike sometimes!! Those precious smiles!

I’m all about a paper planner. I lose track of things on my phone, and it’s easier for me to cross things off and write them down, too. I usually get mine from Target. I used to get the Lilly Pulitzer ones, but they are kind of pricey. As usual, Target always comes through!

I have a flag football game and then will probably do some laundry tonight. Big Friday night plans over here—ha! But my cousin and her family are in town this weekend, so I get to see her tomorrow, which makes me really happy!! Hope y’all have a wonderful weekend, Janae!


I totally agree.. they do! Target has so many cute ones too! ENJOY the game and laundry… and especially all of the family time! Thanks so much Natalie!


Hi Janae, could I ask you what size you got the Brooks UpHold in? I normally get a 36D for their Juno ones, but traditional sizing (S-M-L) is trickier as I have a small ribcage and bigger chest (so M is often too tight and L is too loose). From your experience, would you go a size up or down from your normal one? Thanks for your help :)


Hey Sarah! That is an awesome question! I am around a 34c right now and I’m wearing the medium and that feels great for me. I would personally go up a size. Let me know if you do and what you think. Also, this is crazy because one of my very best friends lives in Switzerland right now and her name is Sarah too:)


Perfect advice, thanks!!!!!!!


Paper planner all the way. I’ve just discovered bullet journaling. I’ll be setting one up this weekend. So excited. Weird right? I get excited about stuff like that. Lol


Oh that is awesome Barbara… those types of things make me very excited too. I get it. Have a wonderful time this weekend!


Never shopped Roolee before, but definitely going to give it a whirl — I need some new clothes for fall!


They have so many amazing things!! Their fall stuff is my favorite too! Have a great weekend Laura:)


I love birds, too, so I understand Skye’s reaction perfectly!
My favorite sports bra is the Champion absolute comfort… is perfect support for the smaller chested folks like me, and it has a t back/racer back look to it. I just got 4 new ones on sale for $10 each!!


YES… we need to come out and visit you and you can show us everything! TEN DOLLARS EACH–> SCORE!! Have a beautiful weekend Loribeth!


Yes to the tour! I love cycling and teaching spin class! Bucket list dream… to bike a leg of the tour someday with my hubby!
Also, thanks for encouraging me to try the levitate shoe. I went on a short run( crazy short because the skies opened up and it down poured.) this morning. They are absolutely amazing. And even though I consider myself a cyclist and a want a be runner, I could appreciate this shoe! I love all three styles of my brooks and look forward to putting many miles on them. Thank you for the suggestion!


I want to come to your spin classes! Oh how amazing would that be.. I love it! I can’t tell you how happy this makes me that you love the Levitate! I just got a new pair yesterday and they make me so happy! Keep me updated on everything! Thanks Trish!


Do you get a sore back after speed work too? I have a previous injury but I swear sometimes my back will be sore after some high intensity running.

I have to keep a handwritten planner because my phone one just doesn’t work. I do use Google Calendar to schedule workouts and some reminders of where I need to be but I have to write down certain things lol.

I am intrigued with that bra because I’ve been looking for a good running bra! Checking it out!


Virjinia! So I don’t usually get a sore back with speed work but I do have a few friends that do! Let me know if you try the bra, it is amazing! Have a great day girl!


I have always loved school shopping and since I saw that target has all thier school stuff out I was tempted to buy a planner along with everything else. It’s a weird obsession. Anyway, I always have good intentions of being super organized with planners and what not but I only do good for about a week and then I forget about it ha! Maybe someday.

We are out! We are doing some camping this weekend and we are all super excited. “Please bless it doesn’t rain on us the whole time” :)


How in the world are we already coming up on SCHOOL SHOPPING?! Summer is going by way too fast. Enjoy your camping this weekend and I hope the rain stays away!


You must try mixing a jar of the cowboy caviar with one block of cream cheese. It makes the best dip!


Wow. Kelly. I have a feeling we are going to owe you big time for this. THANK YOU!!!


I second the cowboy cavier and cream cheese! Its a family fave. We also fry breakfast sausage and mix will some salsa and block of cream cheese. Never have leftovers.


Now I am drooling. I cannot wait to try this! THANK YOU!!!


Two things:

1. Hate to nag -again-, but please: Be careful of these supplement things. Even in the amazon page for the product, it reads, “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.” It’s not clear if the medication does as advertised, and there’s no telling what’s even in it, as dietary supplements are totally unregulated. Could be a pill with flour in it for all anyone knows.

Bill Nye has a (largely political) Netflix show, but in it on one of the episodes he compares old school, known, tested treatments versus these (no offense) new-fangled and perhaps good but not scientifically supported -yet- over-the-counter works

2. On Allie Kieffer– she’s joining the NYCM in a very special way. Check it out. It’s absolutely amazing– I’m glad this is where our registration fees are going!!

” “This year, I get to announce [my marathon bid] early because I’m doing a program that will give back to the youth in New York City,” Kieffer explained.

The program in question is called Run for the Future, a free, seven-week program created by New York Road Runners that challenges young women to give running a try during the summer before entering their senior year in high school and culminates in a 5K at the end of the season. Everyone who finishes the program, the 5K and agrees to attend three or more Run for the Future “alumni” events in the year that follows receives a scholarship. “They get life skills, healthy habits, and at the end of the summer program, as long as they’ve gone to the classes, they get a $2,000 scholarship to college,” Kieffer said. ”

3. Tour de France <33 Did you know women are fighting for a Women's Tour ? I'm embarrassed to say I hadn't even thought about it…but really, there should be one. What!


Run for the Future–> WOW. I absolutely think that this is amazing. I want to read more about it:) I didn’t know that women are fighting for a Women’s Tour, SO COOL!! Can’t wait to read both of these articles, thank you! And thanks for the heads up!


I have to use a paper planner.. there is just something about physically crossing things out that makes me so happy. My husband thinks I’m crazy that I don’t just do it on my phone. I ordered a couple new sports bras from the Nordstrom Anniversary sale and can’t wait to get them!!! My husband and I are getting dinner with my dad and brother tonight so that will be fun. I’m pretty exhausted from this week so I am looking forward to an early bedtime. :) Hope you all have a great weekend!!! xoxo


I love the little quac packs! They have hummus ones too! I just freeze them and defrost one when I need one. Stick it in a cup of hot water and soon it’s perfect!


You know I LOVED seeing your new Erin Condren! It’s the only way I can even attempt to keep my life running…..I must put pen to paper;)


Thanks for the info on the Brooks bra, I’ve been on the hunt and am going to have to try that one! And yes to following the Tour. I feel like I ride extra speedy when the Tour is on, similar to how I tend to have faster runs after watching Boston or NYCM :) So inspiring!


Yes on the Tour de France. Les watches every kilometer of every stage. Cyclists are some of the toughest athletes. American cyclist Lawson Craddock crashed on the first stage and fractured his scapula. He pledged $100 for each stage he completed to repair the Alkek Velodrome in Texas, which was destroyed by Hurricane Harvey. Others have jumped on board and he has now raised over $113,000! ( He’s in last place, but he keeps riding. I love stories like that!


Great Costco finds! Costco is the best!! HA my husband and I go there for an actual enjoyable outing we don’t even consider it an errand.


I keep passing those popsicles at Costco and want to get them, but fear they will have the same fate as the chocolate covered raspberries.

Crazy enough I am also eating that guacamole as I type this comment. I don’t know if that is funny that we are buying the same things, or if just goes to show that I am always eating??

Aahhhhh. I love Tiffany!! She works out at Jill’s gym too. She is the bestest.


Friday night plans – packing for my sprint triathlon on Sunday. Soooo many parts and pieces to put together! Of course it doesn’t help that I live about 2 hours away from the race, so maybe I over pack just in case…

Favorite sports bra – still looking! I typically wear Under Armor because they work well under my racing kit; but, I am not in love with any of them! Maybe after tri season this year I will start the search for a new favorite.

Love watching the Tour and I will be thinking of all of the cyclists as I make my way up the side of a Colorado mountain on Sunday and wondering what the heck I am doing! Hopefully I will be able to manage to put together some kind of run after over 1500′ of elevation gain on the bike!

Safe travels to Brooke!


I am obsessing over the Tour de France like alwaysssss. I went last year to the first three stages.
Lawson Craddock is really making waves as an American rider.
Phinney diary is the best.
Peter Sagan is amazing and hilarious to watch.
Alpe d’Huez Was insane and I can’t believe that Geraint Thomas won that stage.

I’ll stop now. Le Sigh. Love it.

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