ANNIVERSARY (2 YEARS) + Celebrating + 11 + Training Log

These last two years have sure gone by fast… maybe that is because in these last two years we’ve been blending a family, Skye was born, remodeling a house, lots of school (for Andrew) and all sorts of randomness.  Best two years ever!!!!

Sure grateful for this guy and beyond happy he is mine.

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The Maid of Honor and Best Man at our wedding.

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Let’s chat about our Saturday really quick!

77 degrees.

I could not get myself out of bed Saturday morning so I paid for it with warmer weather than I’m used to because I left later.  At least I got to see a rainbow!

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My coach told me to go out for 90 minutes of easy running filled with hills so I drove over to a place that I could get in a few hills easily.  PS if you are wondering, the Levitates work wonderfully on hills.

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I cheated and went 67 seconds longer than the run was scheduled for but I just really wanted to hit 11 miles ha.

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Here is what the hills looked like.  I did not feel great during this run.  At all.  I’m amazed I didn’t turn around at .35 miles.  But I felt really good after the run so I’ll take it. Adding this to my training bank account and I’ll remember that I didn’t quit when I wanted to during my next race.

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PS I listened to this and it was the first time I have listened to a podcast with Jordan Hasay and it was awesome—>  HERE!  I love Lindsey’s podcast.

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Made it back right before the girls woke up (everyone is still recovering from the 4th).  I attempted to stretch but that didn’t last long.

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We drove up to my in-law’s house and hung out there for a bit before Andrew and I left to celebrate our anniversary.

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Andrew’s brother and sis-in-law are here too so we got to spend time with them!

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And then we left Brooke and Skye with my sis-in-law that lives in the area.

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It was the first time that both Andrew and I were away from Skye for the night!

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Valter’s Osteria for dinner.  Go here if you are ever in Salt Lake City!  I could not believe how amazing everything tasted.

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I had the lasagna and I’ll be dreaming about it until I get the chance to come here again.  Oh and their bread.

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Lots of walking, lots of talking about the last two years and lots of planning for our future.

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Monday:  8 miles @ 8:29 average with some good hills.

Tuesday: 6 miles @ 8:30.

Wednesday:  7.86 miles @ 7:42 average!  Speed workout—>  1.5 mile w/u Repeat 3 times (i.e. 600m, 400m, 300m, 200m x 3): 600m @ interval w/400m recovery jog, 400m @ repetition pace w/300m, recovery jog, 300m @ repetition pace w/200m recovery jog, 200m @ repetition pace w/400m recovery jog, 1 mile c/d.  My paces for the 600m= 6:20, 6:19, 6:14.  My paces for the 400m= 5:59, 5:48, 5:36.  My paces for the 300m= 5:55, 5:48, 5:46.  My paces for the 200m= 5:43, 5:37, 5:38

Thursday: 45 minutes easy.  5.12 miles @ 8:48 average pace.

Friday:  6 miles @ 8:47 average pace.

Saturday:  11 miles easy of running and my coach asked me to find a super hilly route for this workout… and I did.  8:17 average pace.

Sunday:  Off!

43.98 miles for the week!


What is the elevation where you live?

-Around 4,500′

How often do your runs include hills?

What do you have going on today?

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Happy Anniversary! Chattanooga’s elevation is 676 feet, Ha! I have one or two hills that are on the route I run each day, and if I want to there are some MAJOR short steep hills in the neighborhoods across the river that I can run……….I haven’t yet, I guess I need to. Today is work then relaxing dinner with my husband! Have a great day!


I hope that your work day was great and that you enjoy a perfect dinner tonight with your husband!


Happy Anniversary!! You both look so happy. The first time I left my daughter for the night, I literally called my mother every hour haha…maybe it gets easier after the first! Lol. Do you mind sharing your dress that you wore? Have a great Sunday!


Hahaha yes!!! It’s so hard to leave little ones but it was so good for us! I bought it at about 3 years ago! They don’t have it anymore but they have so many awesome dresses!


Happy Anniversary! Elevation in Ottawa is barely 270’! Utah would be a big challenge! But we do have crazy humidity in the summer. Pool party and bbq with the in-laws today. Should be lots of fun and good food. Have a great day!


Your humidity would kill me. Oh that sounds like the perfect day! Thank you Mel!


Happy Anniversary Janae and Andrew! Skye is wearing the exact same sleeper my daughter Charlotte (she’s 10 months) is currently wearing! You must like target as much as I do :). Enjoy the rest of your day!


Hahah yes… target lover for life! I love the name Charlotte! Thank you Erica!


Happy Anniversary!!

Elevation in St Albans, England is 98’ haha! But oh my word are there hills. There is only one route I can run that doesn’t have hills, an old train line turned into a trail. Today I ran what is probably the route with the most hills for my long run and it was tough! I am determined to get much better at hills though.


I want to come run with you… I would die on those hills though haha. You are STRONG! Have a beautiful rest of your weekend Sarah!


We’re at sea level, or maybe a couple hundred feet above… But we have great hills where we live, so I get lots of hill runs! It still doesn’t make running hills any easier, ha!
Hopefully the temps today aren’t so crazy hot, because it should be a pool day today.
Enjoy your Sunday ?


I hope you had an awesome pool day! I want to come run hills with you! Have an awesome rest of your weekend Wendy!


Happy anniversary!!!! i love reading about your cozy, lovely celebrations!!!
And I’m happy you didn’t give up on that run. That made me smile and, actually, tear up a little bit (no…I’m not the one who shed some tears…YOU’RE the one who shed some tears…). My Peachtree run last week felt really hard for me for way too many reasons, and I love reading that I’m not the only one who wants to totally give up so early into a run…but somehow who doesn’t. And finds something to feel really good about afterwards. YAY RUNNING!
(by the way I signed up for my next 10K–in January, in one of my favorite parts of FLorida, and I am making it a long weekend for me and my husband so we can actually have a bit of a getaway instead of working so many jobs and not having enough fun time together…)

And sitting here, dang it, I want some of that bowl of ice cream you had after dinner! ;)


STEPHANIE!! You rocked Peachtree even when you wanted to quit. Amazing. I am so excited for your next 10k! I can’t wait to hear about your training and your fun getaway! You need the ice cream asap!


My long run happened on the treadmill yesterday and it sucked haha. My body hates long treadmill runs and for some reason my feet always cramp up once I hit double digits on there. I can do it outside just fine though.

Hills are a daily thing for me because 90% of my runs include getting up on the hill haha


I need to come run hills by you! I’m so sorry your treadmill run was so hard! You are amazing for doing it though!


Happy anniversary!
I’m at 5500 feet in boulder. Every run I’ve had since getting back from sea level For 10 days has been a struggle. I forgot how long it takes to warm up In altitude


5500… WOW! Oh I bet it is hurting coming back! You are so high. I hope your 10 days were spent at a beach relaxing? Have a fabulous Sunday!


Love that rug! Where did you get it?


Here is the link and have an amazing day Lisa!


Thanks for responding; I think the link is missing though. :) Happy belated anniversary!


Wow!!! My bad hahaha!!! Here it is!


Thank you; I appreciate it!


Happy anniversary! It’s it crazy to think how much life has changed in just 2 short years?


Seriously!!! I hope your Sunday is an awesome one Fiona!


Ha, I’m in a valley so we are basically at sea level. But I do try and run hills at least once a week. Today is 13 medium paced miles, church, nap, and family dinner.

Happy Anniversary!!


Thank you so much Marissa! Sounds like the perfect day and way to go on 13!!!


Happy anniversary!!! Much love & happiness to you always.


Thank you Cheryl! I hope your weekend has been amazing!


Happy Anniversary!!

I live near Disneyland… so I’m guessing I’m pretty close to living at sea level! I can find hills though!

I ran a long run yesterday, so I will be going to Dog Beach and hanging out in the ocean!


I want to leave near Disney:) Enjoy the rest of your day… that sounds perfect!


You should run a race at sea level and you’d probably be even faster! I didn’t know your elevation was so high. It if it’s all you know then you’re used to it. That would be hard for me. I had to look mine up and it’s abkut 1600 feet where I live in TN.
Does Skye take a bottle good now when you’re away?


Hey Mary!! That is exactly what my coach is wanting me to do too! She LOVES the bottle now. I’m sharing all about it in a baby post tomorrow!


Happy anniversary!! I feel like 2 years just flew by! That’s so exciting and I think you guys are such a wonderful couple. We are WAY overdue for a lunch date. Let’s make it happen! ❤


GIRL!!! I love hearing from you! I sure miss you and YES please!


Happy anniversary! It’s amazing how much has happened in the past two years! You guys are truly blessed. I have so enjoyed seeing you so happy and watching your family grow. Wishing you many more years of bliss!


Thank you so much Caroline. This means a lot to us:) I hope you have the best week this week!


Time FLIES. You and Andrew sure had a lot going on in the past few years, and it was so much fun to watch all the progress. Wishing you two a happy anniversary and many more to come!


Thank you so much Anna!!! I hope you have a wonderful week:)


congratulations JANAE AND ANDREW!!! It has been such a treat seeing your family grow and your relationship evolve. I feel like I can learn so much from you guys and the regular things you do to take care of your relationship and family. From family nights to regular budgeting to date nights, you guys put in the work and deserve all the love.


Hillary, your comment just made me so happy. Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I hope you have an amazing week and keep in touch!


Dear Janae and Andrew! Happy anniversary!
Thank you for sharing your life, you’ve become Friends!
Alles Liebe!


Congratulations on 2 years! My husband and I just celebrated two years married as well on June 25th. Your wedding pics are so beautiful!


happy anniversary! the wedding photos look amazing. and looks like it was a great date, talking about the future and such over such a nice dinner! awesome –

and nice rainbow! i also got up later to run instead of the 5 am that i was planning – it was totally way hotter even tho it said it wouldn’t be. learned my lesson. i could have been running in 55-65F weather! instead it was 65-75F

we live at sea level, but we’ll often go upstate to the catskills (where i did my long run this weekend).

they almost always involve hills (about 100-600 elevation gain? this weekend was 700 ft of elevation gain) unless i’m doing a workout to see how i’m progressing over time – then i’ll try to go to a mostly flat area.

on Sunday i had a long run! i listened to the jordan hasay podcast as well this weekend! i also listened to the richroll podcast you posted last week – thanks again for sharing!

omg i missed your workout last wk – it looks so so so hard, nice that you conquered it!


Haha, elevation 102′.



I think I drove by that same rainbow, headed south on I15 into Provo at 6:30am Saturday. It was pretty awesome but would have been better if I was running instead of trapped in the car!


Congratulations you two!! I can’t believe it’s been two years!!! Soo happy for you

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