Runner’s Logic + Embrace the Sweat + Kentucky Pictures/Adventures

I ran in humidity yesterday and those of you that do this often, you really are my heroes.  When I asked on my IG for tips on running in humidity, Amelia recommended to ‘embrace the sweat.’  I loved that tip and I’ll be thinking of that all summer long.

On Sunday night my brother told me the way that he wanted me to go for my run.  He told me I had to go that direction to get a feel for real Kentucky running which meant I was going to be climbing some crazy hills and I was going to see a lot of green gorgeousness the entire way.  I went really early to avoid too much heat (thanks for all of your advice on IG for running in heat/humidity) and if I wasn’t going up during the six miles then I was going down.   I saw a ton of deer and felt awful for the first 3 miles but then felt amazing for the last 3 miles… it was weird, right at the turn around place I started feeling really good.  Six hundred feet up in the six miles @ 8:28 average pace!

I told my coach that we were traveling a lot this week and I wasn’t sure when I would be able to get out so she gave me one speed workout and four other runs to get done during the week whenever I want.  Marathon training starts soon!  PS why do hills never look nearly as steep as they really are in pictures?

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I got back to my brother’s house (14 kids and 6 adults are all staying there) and then Andrew left for his run.  Once he got back I went to my sister-in-law’s Burn Bootcamp.  We were planning to do this on Saturday but did it yesterday instead since we didn’t get there in time.  It was hard but so fun.  If you have a Burn Bootcamp in your area you have to try it!  You know you are in trouble in just the first few minutes when the teacher of the bootcamp says, ‘our warm-up is other people’s work out.’  It was a glute focused workout which was just what this runner needed.

PS my brothers went on a run too and my Kentucky brother says that you are supposed to round up when it comes to running… so they did 4.63 miles and he says that is 5 miles;)  He says exaggerating is fine but cutting yourself short is not okay.  You ran, you deserve to round up.

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We all got ready really quick and then we were off to Louisville.

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We went to the Louisville Slugger Museum.

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The way Andrew looks at Hank Aaron’s bat… Love at first sight.

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The museum was awesome.  You go through the Louisville Slugger factory where the bats are made.  It was really interesting to see how everything was made.  I especially loved it because the factory had the best smell ever… fresh wood.  You weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the factory part but you could in the museum.

Skye’s cheeks in this picture are my favorite.

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This was our kid’s favorite part of the museum.

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They even give you mini bats at the end of the tour!

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Then we went to one of Andrew’s requests for lunch—>  Skyline!

Andrew served a mission in Cincinnati for our church and lived there for two years.  He ate at Skyline all of the time during this time and he was craving a meal from there.

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They are famous for their hotdogs or spaghetti or fries topped with chili and cheese.

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Not really my favorite ha but I made up for it with dessert afterwards.

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Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen.  Last time I came to Kentucky we went here and I was so happy that we were able to go again.  I ordered two things because I couldn’t decide.  The chocolate meringue pie.

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And the upside down cupcake.  I LOVE yellow cake with chocolate frosting and this ratio fo cake to frosting was perfect.  I’m going to dream about this below item for a while.

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The kids all went with the ice cream.

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We went back to their house and spent the rest of the night there.  Skye is obsessed with their swing.

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And we had a floss off and my nephew definitely won.

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PS this is my sister-in-law’s pre-workout that she uses before workouts..  Who uses pre-workout?

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Do you use pre-workout ever?  How often?  What kind do you use?

We are off to St. Louis today… Who has been there?  Any food recommendations?

Do you ever go to bootcamp type classes?  Do you like them?

What is your run today?

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Lulu’s Local Eatery is a vegan/vegetarian place in St. Louis that is delicious! Even my carnivore husband loves it there. But the kiddos would probalt love Fitz’s – their ice cream floats are ginormous!


I’ve never used pre-workout, but I am thinking of trying it out soon; I’ve had to switch to morning running and workouts since the heat/humidity arrived on the east coast, and I feel like I have so much less pep in my step in the morning vs. in the afternoon (after a day’s worth of fueling).
I just started doing some bootcamp style classes and I LOVE them!! we have a Barry’s Bootcamp near me and it’s pricy but it gets me lifting weights and doing sprints…two things I often don’t push myself to do on my own:) So I try to make it in there sometimes.
I logged 3 miles this morning before work; I would have loved to do 4-5 miles, but we’re at LITERALLY 95% HUMIDITY here and I needed to take it a bit easy.


Ohio girl over here! And I’ve never really been a big Skyline fan myself, although people are very loyal to that place!

I agree, hills never look as impressive in pictures! I’ve pretty much stopped taking pictures of them because it doesn’t look like anything when I go to show someone later, ha!

And early is definitely my best tip for humidity! When marathon training in the summer, my goal would be to start half an hour before sunrise. It was light enough for me to see and then just kept getting brighter! If you feel comfortable temperature wise at the beginning of your run, you’ll be way too hot! Also, if you can someone plan to meet up with a friend or something, have them bring ice cubes…ice cubes in a hat feel awesome on hot, humid days!


That baseball museum looks awesome! And I never knew that Kentucky was so hilly!! But I totally agree with you that hills always look worse in person than in pictures. My sister and I once ran up this ridiculously steep/painful hill at a canyon, and I took a picture of it afterward, and the pic made me feel wimpy—ha!

I have a tempo run today that I’m actually really excited about (I honestly love tempo runs)!! Hope y’all have a great time in St. Louis!!


I live near St. Louis. I think you would love the City Museum. It isn’t really much of a museum; it is a wonderlanf to explore. There are tunnels and slides and caves and lots of neat architecture. I also think you would all love Grant’s Farm.


I second the City Museum, so much fun! We also have a really great (and free) zoo here. If the kids have their swimsuits you can check out City Garden, lots of cool sculptures among a big splash pad. We have a ton of good restaurants here. Places the kids would probably like include Sugarfire BBQ, Pi Pizza, Ted Drewes Ice Cream (a St. Louis institution), Mission Taco & Blues City Deli. Have fun!


My “tip” for running in the heat and humidity is to listen to a podcast about an ultrarunner AND/OR watch some coverage of the Western States 100 miler. I run super early in the morning so I’m not really impacted when I run. BUT, every day I go for a walk at lunch time. In the summer it can be sooo hot. After listening to the ultrarunners and what they go through and train through and after watching some Western States footage, my attitude during my walks completely changed. I told myself – you can be out here for an hour, you will not die, if all those ultrarunners are running through 100 degrees for HOURS! Also – the day/night before, fill a water bottle halfway with water – put in freezer – and then fill the rest with water and bring on the walk/run. The coolness of the bottle in your hand might help cool you down (it helps me and then I can pour some of the nice cool water on me too :) ).

Sounds like a fun trip!


After your airport debacle, you guys definitely deserved those desserts!!!!! Yum!

I like muscle/strength classes, but I don’t like bootcamp classes. lol My body could probably use them, and I did go to them a couple of years ago, but they’re just not my thing. Give me running, strength, or yoga :)

My run today was an early one! Now that it’s the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL, getting up at 5 am to run isn’t so bad. The mornings have been nice and cool, too. I love morning running so much more than after-school running. I’m not really getting to work on my tan with the early runs though. ha ha I just had 3 miles and strides today. Easy peasy :)

Hope you’re enjoying your time with your family!!!!! Looks like you guys are making the most of your time together. I love that you guys are always taking your kiddos to cool museums that are fun but also great learning experiences!


I second the City Museum. Such an incredible place. And the zoo is phenomenal and free.


I grew up in Indianapolis, just 2 hours north of Louisville! I love visiting there… I am also a horse girl (we live in Iowa on a horse farm now), so Kentucky was heaven to me!!! The horse tracks and breeding farms in Louisville and Lexington are my favorite. Have a great trip!!


That upside down cupcake looks perfect. I want one! I want to eat a cupcake instead of go for a run in 80 degrees and big humidity!
I used to live 2 hours west of St. Louis, and i would go there often. There’s an amazing pizza place called Pi (like the Greek symbol pi…), and their pizzas are amazing–really thin crusts, so you won’t feel bogged down with tons of bread. I think that your kids, though, would really like having lunch at Fitz’s Root Beer in Delmar Loop. Delmar Loop has the look of “college town” downtown–fun restaurants, cafes, and indie shops that are typical of a college student environment. There’s a local coffee shop with multiple locations NOT to be missed for the coffee lovers in your group–Kaldi’s Coffee. It has a location in Columbia MO (where I lived) but originated in STL. And their coffee roasting has won big-time awards over the years! I don’t drink coffee (I’m allergic), but I would go to the one in CoMo for their scones all the time. They’re amazing!
There’s a lot to love in STL. Enjoy!!!


St. Louis humidity is the worst! Try out a Barre3 workout while you are in St. Louis. The studio owner is awesome and you will get a great workout in without humidity!!


Indoor workouts I totally my type of thing when it comes to hot, humid weather, the other day, while I was felt like I was breathing in my own exhale! Gross! Also, to find yourself showering a lot more often in the summer?


I hope you’re going to the City Museum while you’re in St. Louis, it’s AMAZING!!!!


NO offense to your relation, but be VERY VERY careful about “supplement” pre-workout stuff like you photographed. These dietary supplements are NOT FDA-approved or regulated. A few major companies like Walmart will only stock ones that meet their regulatory standards, but that’s all you’ve got. In fact to be honest it might be good to tell her you know that those substances aren’t FDA regulated and can just be whatever.

There have been several cases of people testing positive for drugs via USADA anti-filing testing, and it came down to one of these supplements the athlete was taking. Done.

Q: What do you do in situations like the above, where you’re at a restaurant with stuff that’s super heavy and you don’t like? I noticed even when you guys go out for pizza you tend to have a salad in front of you. I see you have dessert photographed, but I don’t know. Just wondering, as I’ve been in the situation myself several times.


Both of these lists were everything I was going to mention and more! The best cupcakes ever are in St Louis and the gooey butter cake. Oh my gosh so freaking good. The zoo is fantastic. City museum is seriously the coolest. Six Flags is always so much fun (especially the water park inside). A baseball game is something you guys would love (obviously). So much good shopping too! I hope you guys have the best time!


I am in love with Burn!!! Been going there for a year and a half, it’s been amazing! The trainer at my Burn is awesome and I’ve made some truly amazing friendships with the ladies there! I have never had such amazing and supportive ladies in my life before. If you have a Burn near you, I highly recommend them! Life changing – honestly! It seriously helped my running – I went from barely making 3 miles without wanting to die to running my first half marathon last year with the help of my trainer.

I have been using pre-workout since a few months after joining Burn to help me push through the really tough workouts. I’ve used Optimum Nutrition’s Pre-Workout the most, if I take it on an empty stomach it makes me very tingly/itchy so I make sure to eat some yogurt or something before taking it. I’ve also tried Unico Nutrition’s pre-workout and was not a big fan. I’m going to try Beyond Raw’s pre-workout when my can of ON is gone. One of my Burn ladies uses that and she loves it.


The city museum!!!!!!!! Don’t miss that place. I wish we could do a family reunion there one day. An adults playground


Next time you are in Louisville you HAVE to try Graeter’s ice cream!!! Hands down the best ice cream on the planet. It started in Ohio too, so maybe Andrew would have heard of it or tried it before? Have fun in St. Louis!


My family loves St Louis! I second the City Museum the Zoo and if you like BBQ I HIGHLY recommend Pappy’s (there will be a line but it goes quickly)! On Delmar (The Loop) there is Mission Taco, Pi Pizza and another yummy BBQ Salt and Smoke. There is also a really cool candy store on Delmar that my kiddos (and us adults) love!


We went to Pappy’s and it was incredible!!!! Thank you Sarah!


I have never been, but Crown Candy sounds like an amazing place to eat. The BLT is huge (at least that is what the pictures show)!!! Your kids would love the City Museum!


VO2 Max run today- 4x 2:30 HARD, 5 min jog recovery. 15 min wu/cd. There will be humidity. Congrats on surviving hills + humidity!

We only ever seem to go to St. Louis to watch the Cubs/Cardnals games. No specific recs for food (as most of what I consume there is ballpark food), but if you get a chance to walk around Wash U, it is really pretty around there. Have fun!


Love all these recommendations for STL. Makes me want to visit and try all the yummy food! The Louisville Slugger Museum looks fun too.
I need to try that upside down cupcake! What a great idea.
So glad ya’ll are having fun with the family. Sorry about the humidity. I don’t even think about it anymore…it’s just part of living in the South :)


Get down, HRG!! Love the dance pic. Did Mer go to KY? I know, she’s not in THE photo.

For my mileage, I go with even miles unless it’s a timed workout. And then I do not round up. However, I’m not a Pilot **shock** measuring altitudes, oxygen and other critical items with high levels of precision the majority of my days. So, it’s probably nice for KY brother to relax and enjoy his exercise this way! A little less precision there won’t hurt anyone.

Pre-Fueling: I looked up your favorites/ gear and got CytoMax a while ago. It worked but I didn’t understand the ingredients as much as I wanted to. It bugged. So, I switched to fueling through my caffiene- and mostly sugar-free diet. Wait, it’s not caffiene-free. It’s low caff with oolong and matcha green only. My temple prefers these two to sugar and other heavy caff items.

Pre-fueling with something “extra” might be ok for a short-term period, but IMO not a long-term period. If it becomes long-term, tuning in is needed IMO.

The switch involved a lot more than I expected in terms of my time management. I also learned some advanced nutrition. I put some details in the nutrition post the other week. Result: fueled with a happier body/ temple. Tuning in takes practice and it matters. Loved ones will thank you.


I’m so glad your Kentucky visit is going so well! I went to Missouri once but I was 9 and don’t remember much about that specific place. We were doing the church history tour so it was all jumbled together for me.


Make sure you go to City Museum, Bailey’s Range for burgers and shakes, and any convenience store for St. Louis’s famous ooey gooey butter cake. :)


Have fun in St. Louis! Are you going to the City Museum? Your kiddos would love it. The zoo is pretty great too and free. Food wise it kind of depends on what neighborhood you are in. Rooster is usually pretty tasty and near downtown. If you are over by the zoo I recommend going to the Delmar St neighborhood. Salt & Smoke was soooo good last time we were there. There is also Mission Taco there too. We are planning a weekend trip to St. Louis soon. My daughter saw a picture of the Castle at the City Museum and now she asks daily when we are going.


If you have time, go to the St. Louis zoo! It’s great! Also “The Hill” is the Italian area of St. Louis if I am remembering correctly, and you can’t go wrong with the food there!
I enjoy bootcamp classes – I go to one called “Afterburner” and there’s usually a mix of styles – HIIT, weights, intervals, etc.
I ran 3 miles this morning – I had planned to run 4 or maybe 5 but I hit snooze a couple of times instead, so I only had time for 3. Sometimes sleep is just more important/valuable!


THat Museum looks awesome and my baseball loving kids would enjoy it. Maybe our summer trip? Totally procrastinating booking a vacation lol
Those dessert pics also look pretty tempting.

I do Z4 boot camp at my gym similar to Burn. It’s so hard, but I need to force myself to do something other than run everyday. I don’t use a pre workout supplement. I tried a few and besides coffee in the morning my tummy hates all other liquids. :(


My goodness – I think Skye is getting more and more cute by the day! XXOO


I haven’t been to St. Louis but I have a friend that used to live there!

No run today – instead an extra rest day as my calves are still angry with me from my weekend adventures – a trail marathon Sat followed by another 4 hours on the trails Sunday haha. I am busy eating instead and the dessert in your photos look amazing. Makes me want to go get dessert even though it’s only 9:30 am here!

Looks like a great trip and good for you for getting your runs in the humidity! Have a great day :)


I feel like I should be using pre workout or something pre workout but all I use is a little coffee pre am run. I’ll have to look into it!

I LOVE Burn!!! I do the promotions they offer because I feel that it’s pretty pricey to actually have a membership but I love the way those workouts have complemented my running. I feel so much stronger and definitely running faster!


We are doing a driving trip from here in Texas to Cooperstown, NY and we are going through Louisville and plan to go to that museum as well. I am looking forward to it!!! 37 days till vacay!!


Looks like a great trip!! Make sure you check the mini-bats in your luggage, TSA will take them if you leave them in your carry on! Learned the hard way :)


Hi janae & co!!! I still have my mini bat from the Louisville slugger museum!! My mom and I are huge baseball fans and we toured there on (one of many) baseball road trips. We also hit St. Louis but it was so long ago, I cannot remember the food at all. Sorry!

Great job for getting it in in the humidity. Once I get used to it, I actually love the sweatiness. And yes, early mornings are best. It is typically MORE humid, but the overcast skies keep the heat lower than at night.

I take a boxing class that has boot camp elements. In between rounds of punching the bag, we do burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups, plank jacks, squat jumps, box jumps, rope climbs. You never know what’s coming! It’s so amazing. If you ever visit NJ….you have to come try it.

Enjoy the rest of your adventure!


Yellow cake + chocolate frosting is by far the best combo out there :)


Girl, you look COMMITTED in that flossing pic! Way to get serious about your dance moves!!

My daughter’s favorite thing during her first 6 or so months was an old baby swing that belonged to her cousins that are now teenagers. It was a basic old back-and-forth swing, but it was the only place she would nap for quite some time! We had all the fancy new apparatus, but it was that trusty old swing that won her baby heart.


I started running this winter in the northeast so I had to do all my running indoors because of the freezing weather. Now I’m down south for the summer and I have no idea how to adjust to the heat and humidity to run outside! I might have to just suck it up and get started.


I have never used a pre workout. I hear about ones that make your face tingly and that does not appeal to me. I hate feeling jittery. I used to take zipfizz every once and a while and that was too much. I would sweat before my workout even started. Ha!

That lunch sounds like something Ross would enjoy. It also sounds like a meal that I would skip and eat snack out of my bag instead. lol.

Boot camp classes are my favorite!

Pictures really never do give hills justice, but the hill in that picture DOES look big so I can only imagine how big it was in real life.


The louisville slugger museum looks awesome! i was in St. Louis for work last fall, and did a tour of Busch Stadium, where the Cardinals play – it was well worth it!


My friends swear by pre-workout shakes. I don’t know. Fresh fruit smoothie seems to work just fine for me. No need to fix it if it isn’t broken!


I use Garden of Life Sport pre-workout and I love it! It tastes great and definitely gives me the energy kick I need for my early 5am workouts!


I grew up in STL and both my husband and I’s family still lives there! You MUST stop by Ted Drews frozen custard! Get Toasted raviolis and STL style pizza at Imo’s. Poet butter cake is good too, but I don’t have a specific place for it. You have to also stop at the Zoo, it’s free and it’s amazing, while there you can explore Forest Park. The Science Center is also amazing and great for kids (free too!). Also, since you are there, the Arch is iconic to the STL skyline. My husband has never been, so when we go back in August with our newborn, I’ll be taking them both up there! Also a Cardinals game is always the best if you can make it to one! Have an amazing trip!!


Hi Jane! Looks like a great time in Kentucky!
I use Arbonne’s phytosport line, prepare and endure. It tastes good and is light on the gut…botanical based, gluten free, no GMOs and vegan certified.

I don’t do any boot camp classes although would love to. I do love my TRX classes, always kicks my but and is such a great full body workout.

5 miles early this am around my hilly neighborhood. ?


Lexington girl here! Hey!! Welcome to our beautiful state :) So I’m from the north (Wi), and remember when I moved here 8 years ago, the humidity about killed me. I trained for my first two half marathons in that crud. UGH- and my FIRST HALF marathon, the Derby Half in Louisville, they said was the “Hottest start time in the history of the race.” Oh great. Haha- I’m just glad I crossed the finish line that race! When we went to the bus at 6am the humidity was already so thick you could cut it with a knife. My friend and I just looked at each other (Both our first halfs!) and said “Oh this is going to be fun… “ ;) Also about that preworkout- currently looking for one! I workout 6 days a week and some days I just need a boost. The one you posted has artificial food days and sugar though :( Looking for more natural options… which seems very tough in this area! Enjoy KY!


They sell frozen Skyline chili at Publix here! My husband is from Ohio and loves it! You should surprise Andrew if you can find it – it’s in the frozen foods section and so easy! I just serve over spaghetti with shredded cheese on top.

Zipfizz from Costco is great before a work out or as an afternoon pick me up!

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