What Not To Do (BY ANDREW)……

Good morning!  In case you missed out last week, the top 3 most viewed posts were:

*Hungry Runner Brother —>  Talking about his first 1/2 marathon and the fact he has lost over 125lbs!  PS I kind of owe my job to him because he is the one that sent me a book about blogging and gave me pep talks every day (he is a talker:) about turning this website into something and I set him up with his wife so we’ve helped each other out over the years;)

*Challenge to CHANGE & I’m in Trouble.

*Skye’s 5 Month Update!


Andrew is taking over the blog today!  When Andrew asked what I wanted for Mother’s Day, I answered… to do absolutely nothing productive (aka most Sundays in my life;).  Since I usually write my posts the night before they go up, Andrew decided to take over that part of my day too and I got in bed with a book at 8 pm.  He is the best and he made me feel pretty cool all day long.  Get excited, because Andrew is quite hilarious (<— I promise I didn’t write this…. xoxo Andrew):

Hey everyone!!!!!!!  Was that enough exclamation points Janae?? mmhhem..  So I’m taking over and I hope you all don’t mind.  I thought it would be nice for Janae to have the day completely and totalarianismly off, so that puts me in the driver’s seat of the post today.  I think it’s good that she proofreads and checks my content before it posts, probably in everyone’s best interest, because I can be a loose cannon and need to have some sort of filter on.  Let me first chat a little bit about our day then I’ll hit my topic for today’s post.  It’s a good one, at least I hope so.  You might learn something or better yet… your significant other might learn WHAT NOT TO DO.

First off,  Brooke has been waking up at the crack of dawn lately.  I don’t know if it is because it’s a full-moon or something in our milk, but it’s been like a 6:30 am thing every morning for the last three days.  Now that might be normal for some of you with or without kids and to some of you super humans that might be considered sleeping in… Just pretend that’s early :)  Brookie was stoked to give Janae her Mother’s Day presents and it was so cute!!  This was only the beginning of the crafts… there were about 10 more that she spent hours on.

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Then we had the breakfast of champions.  Donuts and a little bit a of fruit.

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Notice there are two??  I’m starting to think that Brooke thought it was Mother’s and Brooke’s day.  She enjoyed all the spoils of the today…  just scroll a couple pictures down and its VERY apparent.

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Mandatory pre-church selfie (Just missing out on little Knoxo).  We figured out that if we want any kind of selfie it has to be before church because… literally anything can happen during those three hours.  A few months ago I literally ripped my pants in the parking lot and it wasn’t in a good spot…. but that’s another story for another day.

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This happened… Don’t worry, Janae took away the baby before cautiously taking a picture of me sleeping in church.  Saturday night was rough… I think I got 4ish maybe hours of sleep.

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I just love my girls….  I think if our next baby is a girl, God is trying to tell/teach me something.  Aren’t they the best???  #Imarriedup….wayup

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If that wasn’t enough to convince you…. this might

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Well, like I said earlier, I wanted to give Janae pretty much anything.  She doesn’t like to stay still or be “lazy”.  But yesterday it clicked and she told me that she was going to nap for a “little bit”…. 3 HOURS later I found ALL FOUR girls snoozing, but I only took pictures of two of them.  1st… If I would of taken a picture of Janae sleeping and posted it on the internet… I might not live and second if I tried to take a picture of Skye and woke her up…  I’d be in trouble so here are the other two:

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ALSO… like i said earlier… she partied hard!!

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Brookie then woke up and helped me to start cooking dinner and desserts.   We have been doing a thing a couple times a week called “Cooking Class,” where we have the kids help us make some kind of meal and then they eat it.  It has been awesome and really fun!!!  I think we only dropped two eggs on the floor but nothing some lysol wipes, paper towels and a couple wardrobe changes won’t fix right?

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So this happened… and it was only round 1 for me.  Chicken taco salad, complete with some killer black beans and everything else…  I. LOVE. MEXICAN. FOOD.

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She starts eating the taco from the top… Does anyone else do that??  I mean the bottom is where the good stuff is… so maybe leave that for last??  Please tell me there are some people out that that do this?  Now if you do that with pizza… I don’t think we can be friends….:)

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Dessert was Everything Cookies and Crumb Lemon Bars.  Pictures don’t do it justice but IT WAS GOOD!

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Lastly on a serious note, yes… believe it or not I can be serious and actually “adult”, HRG Mom was able to talk to her oldest grandson who is on a mission in Texas for the LDS church.  That was a big deal!!  Those who aren’t familiar in our church the men and women (those who are single around 19/20 years old) can go on mission for two years or eighteen months.  While on those missions they call home only twice a year, Christmas and Mother’s Day.  They get emails, letters and packages whenever but they only call home twice a year.  I went on a mission as well, that is how I am fluent in Spanish, I went to Cincinnati, Ohio for two years.   It’s an amazing experience and I remember when I called home those 2 times a year…. It meant a lot to me.  HRG’s grandson had permission to call his Grandma too which was an awesome experience for the both of them!

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Alright… so that was pretty much our Sunday.  Nothing too epic like fighting lions or riding zebras, but to spice things up a bit I wanted to share with you some things that I have learned over the last few years of being married to Janae.  Yesterday being Mother’s Day, I hope everyone remembered…  I thought in honor of all motherhood I would share somethings NOT to do in regards to being married/together/or even just being part of a family.  Well here we go, just so you know these are not in any specific order:

1- I’m a sucker for any kind of good deal…  A big reason why I have a Costco addiction.  I think I just started earning my solo Costco run privileges back.  DONT ASK… too soon for me to talk about hahaha…  Anyways back to it.  One night Janae was CRAVING some ice cream called Halo Top.  It was supposed to be this AMAZING stuff that you can eat the whole pint by yourself and not feel bad.  Before Janae left somewhere she was talking about how good it sounded so I said, “I’ll go get some right now (being the good husband I am – don’t worry I said this in my head, not out loud… at least I hope so)”  Well I go to the store and they had this killer deal… I don’t remember what it was but it was TOO good to pass up.  It was like buy 5 and get one free or something.  WELLLLL…. I got a little carried away and didn’t realize how bad it was until I was in line at the check stand.  It was a busy Saturday night and there were like 4 people in line behind me so there was no turning back.  I just saw the price keep climbing and climbing and I was sweating up a storm.  A grand total of 60+ dollars of ice cream.  The lady checking me out was trying SO hard not to laugh and man I was so embarrassed… until l got home and Janae realized that all the bags I had was ice cream.  Needless to say, anyone new we meet I swear she starts of with that story…  #I’m a WINNER.  haha  DONT SPEND 60 DOLLARS ON ICE CREAM.  This was painful to write… sorry for the novel.

2- These aren’t all going to be that long… hopefully.  Something I have learned being married to Janae is DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CELL PHONE ANYWHERE!!!  I was driving to Home Depot one day and forgot my cell phone and to be honest it was quite nice being technology free for a bit.  Janae was out running some errands and I went to the store and took my time….  Well I got home and finally got to my phone, I had only been gone an hour or so, I had like 20+ text messages and I wish I still had them so I could show you.  She had convinced herself that I somehow was kidnapped by the Russian Mafia and I was laying on the side of the highway injured… or something to that extent.  It sure is funny how much her imagination can take her places haha!  But here is the truth #DOUBLE STANDARD…. Janae always has her phone on silent so she ALWAYS misses my calls.  One of these days I hope the mafia doesn’t find me….

3- This goes along with #2… DO NOT FORGET TO TELL HER I MADE IT TO THE HOSPITAL SAFELY  For my rotations I have to drive quite a bit and I leave REALLY early.  Sometimes I get there and it’s SUPER busy and I forget to check in and tell her that I made it safely.  I remember one day I was on the Labor and Delivery Rotation and I got to the floor right when my patient was having an emergency C-section and I didn’t text her until two hours into my shift.  I think she had planned my funeral and was already trying to determine if I went to heaven or that other hot place hahaha…

4- So you all remember how Janae and I met and got married within two months.  Yeah I think we broke the internet and got EVERYONE talking about that.  Well we have some important dates to remember.  DON’T FORGET THE SPECIAL DATES AND INFORMATION  I am pretty thoughtful and I of course remember when our anniversary and when we were sealed in the temple (a special ceremony in our church)  But man I was in trouble when I didn’t remember the date of our very first date, what i was wearing, the first thing I said, what phase of the moon was and what % humidity it was outside.  Next year I’m prepared… I’ll write it all in my planner :)

5- DO NOT EVEN JOKE ABOUT FORGETTING THE KIDS.  IT. IS. NOT. FUNNY.  Sorry… not sharing that story.  At least I hope it wasn’t that bad of one… And NO I have not forgotten our kids anywhere.  You all need to ready Chip and Joanna Gaines’ book.  He actually did that a few times haha!!

6- This one is self-explanatory.  DO NOT TOUCH HER WITH YOUR COLD FEET ANYWHERE  The reaction is not worth the teasing….  It only took me twice to learn that one.

7- When your wife is your running coach…. DO NOT RUN EXTRA MILES  It is just in your best interest to listen and do what is told.

8- DON’T SEND QUESTIONABLE TEXTS TO THE FAMILY GROUP MESSAGE…  So by questionable I mean funny/sarcastic FYI.  I am kind of clown and sometimes people don’t know that and take me toooo serious.  Lets just say… I didn’t make the new group… one of Janae’s brothers did…

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9- DON’T GO MOUNTAIN BIKING ONE MORE TIME DOWN THE LIFT IN A QUESTIONABLE AREA WHEN YOUR WIFE IS WAITING AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MOUNTAIN HUNGRY AND YOU HAVE THE MONEY.  This one happened only a few weeks into our marriage…. Not only did I get lost in the resort, it took me over an hour to get back, when it should of taken me 10 minutes.  That was a bad day haha. (Janae here for a second, it was at least three hours;).

10- I can’t take credit for this one and oh boy I didn’t make this rookie mistake.  You think after seven kids and 17+ years of marriage this wouldn’t happen hahah.  DO NOT POST A SELFIE OF YOURSELF ON A BEAUTIFUL BEACH IN MEXICO FOR AN OVERNIGHT STAY (HE IS A PILOT – WORKING) WHILE YOUR WIFE IS WITH THE 7 KIDS AT HOME FOR MOTHER’S DAY.  This is his literal message he sent to the family, “Happy Mother’s Day… I decided that a great way to honor you all would be an overnight in Cabo San Lucas at an all-inclusive hotel on the beach.”  Sorry brother… I couldn’t help myself and not share!!!


Whoa… I got carried away… I still have like 10 more good ones,  I’ll have to write about those another time!!  All kidding aside, I sure love my life with Janae and my family.  We are always teasing and having fun.  I hope you can catch and feel the sarcasm in the above list.  I hope it makes your Monday a little better… Mondays… they literally are the worst day of the week.  Thanks for reading and I’ll catch up with you all later!!!

What things have you experienced that you wished you or your significant other hadn’t done?

What was the highlight of your weekend?

Any question for me (Andrew)?

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Hahaha! These are hilarious! I love that family group text one! I don’t have a significant other, but when my sister and her husband were driving me to the airport yesterday, she was driving, and he was “navigating” (but mostly paying attention to an app that was not a map on his phone), and she almost made an exit to the wrong terminal at the airport. Then she started fussing at him that he should have driven, and he said that he offered to (which he actually had), but she said he didn’t. So maybe just agree with your wife, and make sure she’s going the right way??! Haha!

The highlight of my weekend was definitely hanging out with my brother’s family (my two nieces ARE MY WORLD!!!!) and my sister for a bit in Texas before coming home to Cali. I miss them so much, so it was a blast!!


Andrew- you are the sweetest! The #imarriedup made me a little teary eyed, you two are so good for each other and it’s truly inspiring.
Janae- Happy Mother’s Day! You are all things wonderful, I hope you enjoyed your day :)


A lesson my other half learned, it took him twice, never ever wake me up from a nap after a long run, race or hard workout. I wake up pretty cheerful in the morning, but that does not carry over to naps after hard running efforts. It is much better for everyone involved that my alarm take the brunt of it if we have to be somewhere. LOL.

I had an amazing weekend with my Mom. She is and always has been my biggest fan, so I love that there is an official holiday to celebrate her.


That is a good lesson learned!!! Thanks for commenting!! Have a great day!


So sweet! Love that hashtag #marriedup


“But man I was in trouble when I didn’t remember the date of our very first date…what phase of the moon was and what % humidity it was outside.” – HILARIOUS!!!! You are awesome. So happy yall have each other!


I left my phone one time when I went to take pictures (I used to be a photographer) after one hour my husband had called every single person in my family because I’d forgotten my phone and I wasn’t home yet. Haha. So now I pray that it doesn’t happen again any time I accidentally leave my phone anywhere. I had like 8 messages from my mom when I got home.


You two are seriously #couplegoals! I love it! What an entertaining post, and Janae, I hope you had a great day of relaxation!


HILARIOUS! One of the funny things I remember from having a newborn…

I typically got up in the middle of the night with our baby (he was probably 4-6 weeks old?) because my husband worked long days. It was a HARD night that night… At 7 AM, I finally got him settled down after a feeding and he went fast to sleep. Thus, I was going to go back to sleep too on the couch beside the rock and play. Husband skips into the kitchen and put up his aluminum cup to the ice dispenser and presses the button to get ice… Have you ever seen the exorcist movies? Where her head spins around 360 degrees? Ya, that was me on the couch when I looked up at him standing in the kitchen. If looks could KILL, we would have been having a funeral that day! We laugh about it now… I will always remember that.

His lesson learned, when mama and baby are sleeping = stealth mode


This is HILARIOUS!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing! Stealth mode is vital!


lololol @ skips into the kitchen. Glad you can laugh about this now :)


Loved this post and love your sense of humor. I actually laughed out loud a couple times. You also are the sweetest husband.

Highlight of my weekend was going to visit our family out of town


I am so glad you got to see your family this weekend. Thanks Lisa, I think he is pretty funny and sweet too! Have a beautiful day Lisa!


Ha! Hilarious! Your BIL Bluth’s Banana Stand shirt is awesome!

And my question for you is what part of the hospital rotation areas has been your favorite so far?


I ABSOLUTELY loved Labor and Delivery with the babies and moms, but sometimes it can be hard for them to have a male nurse. So I would say my favorite so far was the basic Medical Surgical Floor and Labor and Delivery. I have an upcoming rotation to the NICU and later this year I have ER and ICU, I’m looking forward to those!


What a lovely post Andrew! I would really like to know how you made the chicken tacos. They look awesome!!


Yes me too! Looked amazing


I didn’t make the chicken for the tacos, my brother in law did. Although I know that he boiled the chicken then cooked it more with onions, taco seasoning and a few other spices. Sorry I don’t know more!!


Awe. C’mon Andrew! If it was Janae, she would get the recipe for us!??


Love your posts Andrew!!!


Oh #2 and #3….I too freak out when my fiance doesn’t tell me he’s made it safely to work or his hockey games. My mind instantly thinks that the worst has happened, and I start to panic. It really is the worst feeling, so you can’t get mad at Janae for that one. :)


I’m not alone! Yes, I don’t know how to stop my brain from going to the worst possible reason for him not answering. If you find out how to change, let me know Samantha. Have a beautiful day!


Does church ever bring you to tears? :) My parents would be so mad if I dropped eggs on the floor, nevermind TWO of them! Good thing running keeps your endorphin levels up and makes you a coolio, forgiving mom.

Speaking of mexican food, I used to work for Chiptole! I wrote about what your chipotle meal says about you here:




So fun Andrew, thanks. Can we convince Janae to do more guest posts? Obvs we love her but it’s really fun to hear from the people in her life! ?


I am fully convinced… now to just talk my family into doing more of them:) I think my brother in Kentucky is working on one that should be really interesting… he has been through A LOT. Have a wonderful day Abbey!


I am laughing so hard right now! Great job Andrew! A+++ on Mother’s Day. Thanks for making us laugh :)
I can relate to #2 and #3, but H is the one that imagines the worst case scenario. I don’t worry about him too much. I know when he says he will be home in 30 minutes, it will probably be two hours…unless I tell him dinner is ready haha


This was hilarious! And so sweet of you to give Janae anything she wanted for Mother’s Day!
It annoys me like crazy when my husband makes plans without talking to me about it first! Then I feel like we have to do it because he already committed…
Highlight of my weekend was celebrating Mother’s Day!


Hahaha! I totally get having a sarcastic husband! He was raised with brothers and they “smack talk” all the time and my side of the family never did. It took a while but now they all get his humor. Actually it’s one reason I married him, can’t take yourself too seriously;)
I honestly don’t know how Janae does her schedule every day without a nap. When I had babies I was SO sleep deprived getting to one place outside of home was a huge task.


Andrew, #6 is the key to a happy marriage. Please teach this one to my husband!

Thanks for a great post! =)


This was great! Thanks for writing Andrew.

Question for you? Food, meal, or restaurant you eat when Janae is not eating with you because she does not like it.


Hmmm.. good question. I absolutely LOVE In N Out, Janae isn’t a fan but she eats it. So I go there without her sometimes. Janae and I are pretty similar in food, one place that I like that she CANT do is Indian Food. I haven’t had it in a long time but thats the only she won’t eat right now.


Your husband is awesome for taking care of you ALL DAY yesterday! You deserve it!!!

And that dessert–can I come over right now and eat your leftovers? I promise to make you some Greek food in exchange (and maybe teach your kiddos in a “cooking lesson” how to make it so they too can make you dinner–not only Andrew)!!! ;)


Those were all hilarious, thanks for sharing!


The one time my fiancé turned off his phone overnight to sleep I was driving early in the morning and on my way to pick him up for a wedding. An hour into my trip I got stranded with a flat tire. I mean I of course called my insurance and later found out my roadside couldn’t help me because of the turnpike I was on, I had to get their assistance but that’s another story. Meanwhile, my fiancé woke up to like 20 missed calls from me and I had finally made it to a tire place. It annoyed me that by the time he called me, I was already supposed to be at the house to pick him up and he was still in bed. However, I think he learned to keep his phone on. But like you, double standard, my phone is always on silent. I’m glad my new Garmin vibrates when I get a call as that’s handy.


Oh man…. I can only imagine how much trouble he was in. hahah Thanks for sharing!


I like hearing about your training too because you are about the same as far as pace goes with me compared to Janae, she’s super fast. So keep sharing those workouts and your goals and races you’re doing.


Sounds good!!! This is my last weeks training plan. Janae does my training week by week, which is super nice.
Monday: 4 miles easy and then 4 x 30 seconds fast w/60 second walking recoveries.
Tuesday: 3 mile easy
Wednesday: 1 w/u, 5 x 3 minutes @ 7:40 pace w/90 second standing recovery, 1 c/d
Thursday: 3 miles easy.
Friday: off
Saturday: 7-8 mile long run. 8:30-9:10 pace
Sunday: off
I’m just trying to break my PR of the Half which is around 1:44 and then I want to really train and get a baseline for a marathon this year. Nothing too specific yet.


:) LOL i enjoyed this post

Question for Andrew: After that post, it really has me wondering: who loves CostCo more? Andrew or Janae?


This is a direct text from Janae today to me, “Target to me is Costco to you” Target=Janae and Costco=Andrew


whoa! no way. but now you say it, i can see that.


My siblings used to tease about forgetting each other at the gas station and one would hide along the bottom of their feet. My brother actually got left once and my mom didn’t believe my sisters until they started to cry! Haha!

Good luck with your upcoming races! My husband and I are running St. George too!


Loved it Andrew! So fun to get a glimpse into your relationship. I agree- you did marry way up! =) Glad you had a great mother’s day Janae!!


You are hilarious! You both compliment each other – a match made in heaven! Never, never loose that positive outlook on life.


I will never forget the time I was pregant with our first…about 6 months along and my car at the time tended to burn oil …a lot…so I found myself carrying extra oil in my car just in case. However, hubby took it upon himself to “check” the level of the oil before driving 3 hours home over the weekend. No biggie….we made it.

The next morning I drove to work…35 miles which meant a 50 minute commute one way. I was half way to work and my car died on the highway. (After an hour of heartache) the mechanic told me he was shocked to find the cap of the oil container still sitting on top of the engine….it hadn’t fallen off and yes, HUBBY had forgotten to put it back on from the day before. Oil spewed everywhere and almost blew up the engine …but lucky him ….we were all safe.


This is GREAT!! I love that Janae shared you with everyone!! Ok so about spending $60 in ice cream, my hubs was in NYC with a girl he use to date and her family was also with them and they went into the M&M store, yes its like 5 floors of allllll M&M stuff. He is very modern and thought it would be cool to buy some black and some silver M&M’s. He did not realized how much he bought and it was way over $100 when the cashier rang him up and he was too embarrassed to them he did not want them so he bought them and filled his candy dish at home but NO ONE was allowed to ever eat them!!!!!!!
I love when he tells me that story and although I did not know him at the time I still always share it!!!!


Andrew’s post made me laugh so hard that I read it to my husband. 60+ dollars on ice cream ? I had tears running down my face!


#9 resonates in this house. Never, decide to go for a 100 kilometre mountain bike ride without telling your wife. She will be expecting you to be out for a couple of hours, and then start imagining you lying in a ditch somewhere, all alone, with many broken bones. Maybe give your wife a heads up beforehand that you will be gone a bit longer than normal.


Hi Janae and Andrew,

My husband and I had the same kind of problem in that the minute he arrives at work, he is faced with a million decisions that have to be made immediately and often he was unable to text me that he arrived safely. We solved this issue by using an app on our phone called, Glympse (glympse for auto). You start it when you leave the driveway and it shows the progress along your route. If you stop for gas, it shows your general location, etc. When you arrive at work, you can see the location and the speed of the car, zero in this case, so you’ll know he has arrived. It’s a fun app but more importantly, it has solved a problem.

Have a great day you two!


Ah, I love your sense of humor! My husband and I are the same…it’s like a game now to see who can make the other laugh more. His laugh is the best. I feel like your whole list can ring true for most couples. The phone thing is totally me, though, especially since he has an Apple phone now, you can’t miss a text on that! I do the same scenarios in my head..doesn’t help that I read the news so much. LOL. The highlight of my weekend was meeting up with my in-laws to celebrate Mother’s day and then having one of our own on Sunday. My husband surprised me by taking a drawing I did and having it printed, life size, on canvas, so that was really nice. Have a great day Andrew and Janae! And BTW, Andrew, thank you so much for what you do as a nurse. You guys are the absolute best! My son was in the hospital in April and the staff, doctors, and nurses were all so kind.


Great post? ANDREW!!!!! I do have a question for you. I know the nursing program is exhausting to put it mildly. Yet somehow you seem full of energy. Runs, hikes, playing with kiddos, etc. Please share your secret!!


Nm the ? After Andrew’s name. I am zzz lol


I have a solution to problems 2 and 3! On your iPhone, you can both go into Find Friends and share your locations with each other. That way, if you forget to text and she starts imagining your death, she can check the app and see that you actually are alive and inside the hospital or whatever your destination. She could also set a little alert that says “tell me when Andrew arrives at the hospital” and that way when she wakes up she’ll have a little notification on her lock screen that says “Andrew arrived at the hospital at 7:00 am” and that’s all! I used this for similar reasons of my SO driving late at night and forgetting to text that he’d arrived, then I’d wake up at 3 am and worry but he was asleep… blah blah. haha!

Love hearing from you! Happy Mothers Day Janae!!

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